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[目的]综合评估不同结荚习性大豆(Glycine max)品种(系)的综合生产力表现,为大豆育种工作提供参考。[方法]用灰色关联度分析法对4个有限结荚习性大豆品种(铁99009-7、辽200045-2、铁00052-1、铁00027-5)和4个亚有限结荚习性大豆品种(铁97118-2、阜05-148、辽02品-4-3-1、铁丰33号)的主要农艺性状、光合速率、叶绿素含量和品质进行分析。[结果]等权关联度大小顺序依次为铁99009-7>铁00052-1>铁00027-5>阜05-148>辽02品-4-3-1>铁丰33号>辽000045-2>铁97118-2;加权关联度大小顺序依次为铁99009-7>铁00027-5>铁00052-1>辽000045-2>阜05-148>辽02品-4-3-1>铁丰33号>铁97118-2。所以有限结荚大豆品种铁99009-7综合表现最好,有限结荚大豆品种铁00052-1和铁00027-5次之,亚有限品种铁97118-2表现最差,其他品种居中。[结论]有限结荚习性品种综合表现优于亚有限结荚习性品种。  相似文献   

不同大豆品种开花结荚习性比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
宋书宏  董钻 《中国农业科学》2002,35(11):1420-1423
 选用不同结荚习性大豆品种 ,经 2年定株观测 ,发现有限结荚习性的大豆品种主茎由始花部位依次向上、向下开 ,分枝均由基部依次向顶部开 ;亚有限结荚习性品种主茎开花 ,自下而上 ,分枝由基部依次向顶部开。无限结荚习性品种主茎开花自下而上。有限型品种主茎坐荚多集中在主茎上部 ;亚有限型在中上部 ,无限型在中部。  相似文献   

 采用DTOPSIS法对8个不同结荚习性大豆品种进行综合评估的结果,在光照充足,雨量分布较均匀的地区,亚有限结荚习性品种可能比无限结荚习性品种更能发挥品种自身生产潜力。认为,不同环境条件要求不同的结荚习性大豆品种与之相适应。  相似文献   

应用灰色系统理论中灰色关联度分析方法对山东省育成的9个有限结荚习性大豆新品种的主要农艺性状与单株产量进行了关联度分析。结果表明:有限结荚习性的大豆品种单株产量与主要农艺性状的关联度从大到小的排列顺序依次为:主茎节数、百粒重、单株荚数、株高、单株粒数、底荚高、分枝数。明确了夏大豆主要农艺性状对单株产量的影响关系,为选育高产夏大豆品种提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

结荚习性是大豆的一种重要的形态、生态和育种习性,不同结荚习性的大豆在生育规律方面有较大的差异。我们对不同结荚习性大豆的生育规律进行综述,并对不同结荚习性大豆的育种方向进行了初步探讨,旨在为不同结荚习性大豆的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

大豆结荚习性是一个非常重要的性状。在区划布局大豆品种、实施栽培技术时,在确定育种目标、选配杂交亲本及选择杂种后代时,都要考虑大豆的结荚习性。王金陵(1966)和Bernard(1972)将大豆划分为有限结荚习性、亚有限结荚习性和无限结荚习性三种类型,...  相似文献   

大豆结荚习性和产量潜力关系的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同条件下的产量比较试验和超高产潜力试验,对大豆的结荚习性和产量之间的关系进行探讨。研究结果表明,在辽宁的生态环境中,在高肥足水的栽培条件下大豆亚有限结荚习性品种比有限结荚习性品种更容易发挥其产量潜力。  相似文献   

不同结荚习性大豆主要农艺性状与单株产量的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究以3种荚习性大豆品种为试材,研究其主要农艺性状与单株产量的关系。采用逐步多元回归和通径分析结果表明,有限性大豆单株产量主要决决定于分枝荚数,主茎荚数,株高和荚高;亚有限性大豆决定于主茎荚数,主茎节数和株高;无限性大豆则主要依靠主茎荚数。  相似文献   

研究了不同播种期对大豆[Glycine max (Linn.)Merr.]生长发育进程的影响.结果表明,大豆生育期随着播种期的延迟而缩短,大豆播种期早迟与生育期长短呈显著正相关;不同播种期对大豆的株高、主茎出叶数、叶面积指数都有很大的影响,随着播种期的延迟,株高、主茎出叶数、叶面积指数最大值均呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

采有特异高产株型大豆沈豆4号进行了3年的研究,探讨了沈豆4号在不同年份,不同播种期条件下的生育规律,结果表明,浓豆4号的株高增长,单株生物产量积累和籽粒鼓粒过程均可以用Logistic曲线方程来描述。不同播期对沈豆4号植株形态和生育进程有很大影响。在5月10日前后播种最适宜,此时植株生物产量积累轨迹更合乎高速积累出现早,积累速度不偏高的高产积累轨迹,沈豆4号开花后期和植株上部形成的籽粒其灌浆速率最大。  相似文献   

[目的]大豆是短日喜温植物,对光温(日长、温度)条件敏感.大豆对光温反应的敏感性是大豆重要的驯化性状和适应性性状.在自然条件下,地理位置和/或播种季节是决定野生和栽培大豆分化的重要生态因素,这两个因素均是通过日长和温度等环境因素来调控大豆的生长发育.因而研究和比较野生和栽培大豆生长发育阶段光温综合反应特性的地理和季节分...  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and yield. Improving phosphorus use efficiency of crops could potentially reduce the application of chemical fertilizer and alleviate environmental damage. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is sensitive to phosphorus (P) in the whole life history. Soybean cultivars with different P efficiencies were used to study P uptake and dry matter accumulation under different P levels. Under low P conditions, the P contents of leaf in high P efficiency cultivars were greater than those in low P efficiency cultivars at the branching stage. The P accumulation in stems of high P efficiency cultivars and in leaves of low P efficiency cultivars increased with increasing P concentration at the branching stage. At the late podding stage, the P accumulation of seeds in high and low P efficiency cultivars were 22.5 and 26.0%, respectively; and at the mature stage were 69.8 and 74.2%, respectively. In average, the P accumulation in whole plants and each organ was improved by 24.4% in high P efficiency cultivars compared to low P efficiency cultivars. The biomass between high and low P efficiency cultivars were the same under extended P condition, while a significant difference was observed at late pod filling stage. At the pod setting stage, the biomass of high P efficiency cultivars were significant greater (17.4%) than those of low P efficiency cultivars under high P condition. Meanwhile, under optimum growth conditions, there was little difference ofbiomass between the two types of cultivars, however, the P agronomic efficiency and P harvest index were significant higher in high P efficiency cultivars than those in low P efficiency cultivars.  相似文献   

【目的】在大田环境下建立快速有效的大豆菌核病田间接种鉴定方法,为大豆抗菌核病育种服务。【方法】采用收集不同地区和寄主来源的菌核病分离物,经PDA培养基再生培养,再接种麦粒形成麦粒接种体,利用微创结合锡箔纸捆绑麦粒接种体的方法建立大豆菌核病田间接种鉴定方法。【结果】不同大豆种质间的病情指数和病斑长度存在显著差异,不同分离物间的病情指数和病斑长度也存在显著差异,而重复间的病情指数和病斑长度差异不显著,病斑长度与病情指数呈极显著正相关(r=0.8301,P0.0001)。【结论】该大豆菌核病田间接种鉴定方法能够有效地对大豆菌核病分离物的致病性和大豆植株抗性进行鉴定和筛选,可用于大豆抗菌核病育种。  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in agronomic and physiological traits associated with yield genetic gain is important for soybean production and future breeding strategy. The objective of this study was to compare the older and modern cultivars to learn whether the yield improvements depend on preplant fertilizer or the plant productivity improvement, A set of older cultivars, with their modern counterparts derived from breeding programs in Liaoning and Ohio were evaluated for their agronomic and physiological traits under different fertilizer levels from 2004 to 2006. There was no improvement of response to N and P preplant fertilizer for genotypes. After more than 70 yr breeding, soybean breeders made some improvements in agronomic and physiological traits that contribute to yield increase. When compared to older cultivar, modern Liaoning and Ohio cultivars were shorter and more resistance to lodging, had greater leaf density, higher harvest index, more leaf area per plant, and greater photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance at the beginning of seed development. Ohio cultivars were more resistant to lodging as if selected for easy harvest by combine, even under high N and P preplant fertilizer level, which resulted in Ohio cultivars with higher and stable yield productivity.  相似文献   

中国大豆资源异黄酮含量及其组分的遗传变异和演化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】中国拥有丰富的栽培大豆和野生大豆资源,研究不同生态区大豆种质异黄酮含量的遗传变异和演化特征为专用型品种的选育奠定基础。【方法】以来自中国各生态区的580份地方品种、106份育成品种、209份野生大豆组成的895份大豆种质为材料,88份国外品种为参照,采用快速高效液相色谱法测定12种大豆籽粒异黄酮,分析其遗传变异和演化特征。【结果】全国野生大豆、地方品种与育成品种大豆异黄酮总含量(TISF)及其组分均存在很大变异。TISF变幅分别为927.29—7932.94、259.38—7725.45和489.67—5968.90μg·g-1,平均分别为2994.51、3241.33和2704.83μg·g-1。从野生种到地方品种再到育成品种,长期人工育种使染料木苷类总含量(尤其是丙二酰基染料木苷)与黄豆苷类总含量(尤其是乙酰基黄豆苷和丙二酰基黄豆苷)增加,大豆苷类总含量(尤其是乙酰基大豆苷)却明显降低,从而导致育成品种平均TISF低于野生种。各生态区的野生和栽培种质的TISF及其组分均有大量变异。野生种TISF与种质来源地经、纬度无显著性相关,栽培种则由于各地人工进化的差异形成了与地理经、纬度均有极显著负相关(r=-0.264和-0.380)的特点。从983份材料中优选出ZYD3621(TISF7932.94μg·g-1)、N3188(TISF7725.45μg·g-1)、N20793(TGL5122.21μg·g-1)等一批高TISF与高组分特异种质可供异黄酮育种利用。【结论】中国从野生种到地方品种再到育成品种,异黄酮含量及其组分的演化特点为栽培大豆平均异黄酮总含量、染料木苷类与黄豆苷类总含量均高于野生种,大豆苷类总含量低于野生种。中国各生态区域内大豆异黄酮及其组分均有丰富变异,从中筛选出一批高含量、高组分种质可供异黄酮育种利用。  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is one of the most important nationwide soybean diseases in China. A total of 38 soil specimens or locations in the area was sampled and tested for SCN races during 2001-2003 for the inspection of race distribution in Huang-Huai Valleys. A map of race distribution was constructed according to the data from both the present study and the published reports cited. Three areas, namely, the area of southeast to Jinan in Shangdong Province; the area of northern Henan Province and its border region to south of Hebei Province; and the area of Luohe, Zhoukou of Henan Province and Fuyang of Anhui Province mainly infested with Race 1 were identified. Race 4 was predominant in Shanxi Province, Beijing and the adjacent area of Henan, Shandong, and Anhui provinces, and the delta of Huanghe River in Shandong Province. Race 2 was mainly found in Liaocheng, Dezhou of Shangdong Province and Shijiazhuang of Hebei Province, and Jiaozuo and Huojia of Henan Province. Race 7 was distributed in the west part of Jiaodong Peninsula of Shandong Province and Kaifeng, Huaxian, Wenxian of Henan Province. Race 5 was found and scattered in Hebei and Henan Province. Race 9 was found in Shangqiu of Henan Province, which was reported for the first time in China. It can be seen that Race 1 and Race 4 were the two predominant races in Huang-Huai Valleys, and that research should focus on developing resistant cultivars of these races. There might exist other races in an area with some predominant races. The race substitution in the past decade was not obviously found, therefore, the results should be meaningful to future breeding for resistance to SCN in Huang-Huai Valleys.  相似文献   

[目的]研究铝毒对大豆根系生长的影响,并探讨铝毒的缓解作用。[方法]以10d苗龄的大豆幼苗为材料,采用H0adand营养液培养试验,研究不同的pH值与不同的Al^3+浓度对大豆根系生长的影响及Ca^2+、Mg^2+对Al^3+的拮抗作用。[结果]当pH值为3.5时,Al^3+毒害作用最明显。pH值对离子吸收的影响主要是通过根表面,特别是细胞壁的电荷变化及其与Ca^2+、Mg^2+阳离子的竞争作用表现出来的。在pH值为3.5条件下,Al^3+浓度越高,毒害作用越大,当Al^3+浓度为0.5mmol/L时,Al^3+对大豆根系的毒害作用最严重。经方差分析,Ca^2+和Mg^2+可以缓解Al^3+对植物根系的毒害作用。[结论]可根据土壤性质,调理生理状态,科学施用各种肥料,便能减少铝对大豆根系的毒害作用。  相似文献   

引进16个中晚熟大豆(Glycine max)新品种在江汉平原进行了适应性试验。结果表明,中豆41比对照中黄13增产21.10%,产量最高,不倒伏,适应性最强;圣豆18和蒙01-42产量比对照高4.43%~5.76%,不倒伏,适应性较强;苏夏15-2和SK-998产量比对照高4.33%~13.08%,倒伏程度为中等,不推荐种植;其他10个大豆品种产量低于对照,均不宜在江汉平原种植。  相似文献   

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