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Cryptosporidia were found in the respiratory tract of turkeys in eight flocks on five different farms over a 4-month period. Turkeys ranged in age from 2 1/2 weeks to 11 weeks of age. All had respiratory signs. Diagnoses were made by examining wet smears and confirmed by histopathological examinations.  相似文献   

Diarrhea associated with intestinal Cryptosporidiosis in turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turkey poults were suffering from diarrhea on a farm in which several previous grow-outs of turkeys had experienced a clinically identical problem. Upon necropsy, significant gross lesions were restricted to the gastrointestinal tract. Segments of small intestine were pale and distended with cloudy mucoid material and a few gas bubbles. The ceca contained fluid and gas. Fresh organ portions were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and submitted for histological processing and examination (light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy). Small (2-4 micron) basophilic bodies identified as Cryptosporidium sp. were present in enterocytes of the middle and lower small intestine. The villi were moderately atrophic, the crypts were hypertrophic, and the lamina propria was infiltrated by large numbers of lymphocytes, heterophils, and fewer macrophages and plasma cells. Numerous intraepithelial leukocytes and exocytosing inflammatory cells also were present.  相似文献   

A Candida tropicalis epidemic is described that affected the respiratory tract of turkeys receiving antibiotics in their food and drinking water. When the antibiotics were stopped and Io-vine given, the disease was cured.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the disease occurred in a large multiple-age farm with about 50,000 meat turkeys, where groups of 6-8000 one-day-old birds were stalled up every 14 days. All the turkey poults housed were affected mostly in the 1.-3. week of the life. The respiratory disease spread rapidly within the flocks and were characterised clinically by inclination of huddle, ruffled feathers, anorexia, stunted growth, swelling of the infraorbital sinus and nasal discharge. The clinical apparent disease lasted 3 to 4 weeks on the average in the affected flocks and were associated with a mortality from 7-20 percent. The main pathoanatomical lesions were catarrhal-fibrinopurulent rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchopneumonia and air sacculitis as well as atrophy of the thymus. Fibrinous adhesive peri- and epicarditis, perihepatitis, miliary necrotic foci in the liver and diarrhea have been found less frequently. The results of cultural and serological examinations of moribund and dead turkey poults of 6 different flocks indicate that Bordetella avium and Chlamydia psittaci are the primary inciting agents of the respiratory disease. However, the following severe course of the disease were mainly caused by concurrent infections with Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens. In some cases coccidiosis with lesions in ceca were additionally diagnosed. Campylobacter jejuni could be always isolated culturally from the liquid cecal content of diseased birds.  相似文献   

In fattening turkeys 2.5 weeks of age a respiratory disease associated with coughing, nasal discharge and swelling of the infraorbital sinus was seen. Pathological findings in diseased turkeys were sinusitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and aerosacculitis. Virological investigations of trachea, kidney and intestine in SPF-chicken embryos resulted in the isolation of a virus, that could be identified as a paramyxovirus type 3 due to chemical-physical, biological, morphological and immunological properties. The pathogenicity of the isolate 324/86 to turkeys was shown in a test with three weeks old turkey poults. This is the first isolation and identification of a paramyxovirus-3 of turkeys in Germany.  相似文献   

Sinusitis in turkeys associated with respiratory cryptosporidiosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An outbreak of sinusitis due to cryptosporidial infection is described in 7-week-old turkeys. Infection of 3-week-old turkeys subsequently placed in the same environment is documented.  相似文献   

Local immunity of the respiratory mucosal system in chickens and turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review article presents fundamental mechanisms of the local mucosal immunity in selected regions of the respiratory tract in healthy birds and in some pathological conditions. The respiratory system, whose mucosa come into direct contact with microorganisms contaminating inhaled air, has some associated structures, such as Harderian gland (HG), conjunctive-associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) and paranasal glands (PG), whose participation in local mechanisms of the mucosal immunity has been corroborated by numerous scientific studies. The nasal mucosa, with structured clusters of lymphoid tissue (NALT - nasal-associated lymphoid tissue) is the first to come into contact with microorganisms which contaminate inhaled air. Lymphoid nodules, made up of B cells with frequently developed germinal centres (GC), surrounded by a coat of CD4+ cells, are the major NALT structures in chickens, whereas CD8+ cells are situated in the epithelium and in the lamina propria of the nasal cavity mucosa. Studies into respiratory system infections (e.g. Mycoplasma gallisepticum) have shown the reactivity of the tracheal mucosa to infection, despite a lack of essential lymphoid tissue. Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) takes part in bronchial immune processes and its structure, topography and ability to perform defensive function in birds is largely age-dependent. Mature BALT is covered by a delicate layer of epithelial cells, called follicle-associated epithelium (FAE). Germinal centres (GC), surrounded by CD4+ cells are developed in most mature BALT nodules, while CD8+ lymphocytes are dispersed among lymphoid nodules and in the epithelium, and they are rarely present in GC. Macrophages make up the first line of defence mechanisms through which the host rapidly responds to microorganisms and their products in the respiratory mucosal system. Another very important element are polymorphonuclear cells, with heterophils being the most important of them. Phagocytic cells obtained from lung lavages in birds are referred to as FARM (free avian respiratory macrophages). Their number in chickens and turkeys is estimated to be 20 times lower than that in mice and rats, which indicates a deficit in the first-line of defence in the birds' respiratory system. There are numerous B cells and antibody secreting cells (ASC) present throughout the respiratory system in birds. Their role comes down to perform antigen-specific protection by producing antibodies (IgM, IgY or IgA class) as a result of contact with pathogenic factors.  相似文献   

The author discusses the parasites that infect the nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, and lung parenchyma of dogs and cats. The clinical signs, diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment, and control of infection are also considered.  相似文献   

Information has been presented to assist veterinary practitioners in obtaining and interpreting cytology specimens from the respiratory tract. The various cytologic techniques are rapid, economical, and relatively noninvasive. Cytologic examination of the respiratory tract may provide a definitive diagnosis or information for improved case management until more complex diagnostic procedures are performed.  相似文献   

Related to its potential vulnerability the respiratory tract has a very complex and effective defence apparatus. The interaction between these defence mechanisms and certain characteristics of aetiological agents results in a pattern in which initial infections by these agents tend to occur at specific sites in the tract. Infections in which the primary portal of entry is in the upper respiratory tract include Bordetella bronchiseptica and Haemophilus spp in pigs; Pasteurella spp in cattle, sheep, pigs; Mycoplasma spp in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry; equine herpesvirus 1 in horses; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in cattle; parainfluenza 3 in cattle and sheep; infectious laryngo-tracheitis and infectious bronchitis in poultry; feline viral rhinotracheitis and calicivirus in cats; Aujeszky's disease virus and swine influenza in pigs; and equine influenza in horses. Infections in which the primary portal of entry is in the lower respiratory tract include Aspergillus fumigatus in poultry and mammals, respiratory syncytial virus in cattle, distemper virus in dogs and adenovirus in cattle and dogs. A fuller understanding of the interactions between an agent and the host at the point of entry would make it much easier to develop effective vaccines and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Seventy-six percent of 49 blood samples from Saskatchewan cattle had serum antibodies against bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Experimental infection of one week and seven month old calves with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (Iowa strain) caused transient fever, mucopurulent nasal discharge and coughing but no macroscopic or microscopic lesions attributable to bovine respiratory syncytial virus.  相似文献   

The effect of avian influenza virus (AIV) infection on the ability of turkeys to eliminate Pasteurella multocida from the respiratory tract was evaluated. Four-week-old turkeys were experimentally infected with an apathogenic AIV subtype (H5N2) by the oculonasal route and subsequently superinfected with P multocida (Urbach strain) by the intranasal route three days after infection with AIV. Quantitative clearance of P multocida from the trachea and lung was determined using a pour plate technique on samples collected at intervals after infection. Samples from turkeys which had been infected with AIV were found to yield more P multocida than those from turkeys which had not been infected with AIV. The numbers of P multocida increased in infected birds to a greater extent than in birds which had not been infected with the virus. The present study suggests that AIV infection may contribute to the increased numbers and a decreased clearance of P multocida in turkeys.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the surgical treatment of selected diseases of the upper airway of the racehorse. Although most of these conditions occur commonly and are easily diagnosed, their surgical management is often less straight-forward and may be surprisingly controversial. The authors' intent is to provide an overview of these problems and give some information regarding current treatment options.  相似文献   

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