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A drug-induced lipidosis of the central nervous system of chickens is reported. Membranous cytoplastic neuronal inclusions similar to those seen in Tay-sach's disease in man and in spontaneous or drug-induced disease in swine were seen by electron microscopy. Fat was demonstrated in frozen sections.  相似文献   

This study describes the distribution of vimentin, desmin, smooth muscle actin (SMA) and laminin in the oviduct of the laying domestic fowl. Vimentin immunostaining was localised in the luminal epithelium of the infundibulum, magnum, magnum–isthmus junction and isthmus. The luminal epithelium of the shell gland regions displayed weak vimentin immunostaining. Vimentin immunostaining was demonstrated in the glandular grooves of the tubular infundibular region. In contrast, gland cells in the magnum, isthmus and shell gland regions were vimentin immunonegative. Fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells in the lamina propria of the oviductal regions studied exhibited vimentin immunostaining. Strong desmin and SMA immunostaining were present in the smooth muscle cells of the tunica muscularis and vascular tunica media. In this study, basement membranes underlying the luminal and glandular epithelia were immunopositive for laminin. In addition, basement membranes associated with smooth muscle cells exhibited laminin immunostaining. The results of the study indicate that the immunolocalisation of desmin, SMA and laminin in the oviduct of the domestic fowl is similar to that in the mammalian uterus. The immunolocalisation of vimentin in the domestic fowl varies depending on the oviductal region.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term (14 months) unilateral vasoligation on the tests and their excurrent ducts of the domestic fowl were studied histologically and ultrastructurally. Severe testicular degeneration and epididymal atrophy were observed in the ipsilateral organs while the contralateral control organs were normal. Massive macrophage activity was observed in the epididymal regions and to a lesser extent in some severely degenerated seminiferous tubules. Several granulomata occurred in the epididymal regions and the ducti deferentes, and most were resorbed or were undergoing resorption at the time of examination.  相似文献   

Intraneural perineurioma is an extremely rare condition characterized by perineurial cell proliferation within peripheral nerve (PN) sheaths. In the veterinary field, this entity has been reported only in a dog. We examined multiple enlargements of PNs in 11 chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) (9 Japanese bantams and 2 specific pathogen-free White Leghorn), which were inoculated with an avian leukosis virus (ALV) causing so-called fowl glioma. All chickens clinically exhibited progressive leg paralysis. Lumbosacral plexus, brachial plexus, and/or spinal ganglion were commonly affected, and these nerves contained a diffuse proliferation of spindle cells arranged concentrically in characteristic onion bulb-like structures surrounded by residual axons and myelin sheaths. The spindle cells were immunohistochemically negative for S-100alpha/beta protein. Electron microscopy revealed that these cells were characterized by short bipolar cytoplasmic processes, occasional cytoplasmic pinocytotic vesicles, and discontinuous basal laminae. These features are consistent with those of intraneural perineurioma. Furthermore, the specific sequence of the ALV was detected in the PN lesions of 8/11 (73%) birds by polymerase chain reaction. These results indicate that the multiple intraneural perineuriomas of chicken may be associated with the ALV-A causing fowl glioma.  相似文献   

The baroreceptor control of heart rate was examined in nonanesthetized, nonrestrained, White Leghorn chickens (n = 10) by measuring the heart period response to modest increases in systolic blood pressure induced by IV boluses of phenylephrine (0.04 micrograms/g). In each animal, a sciatic artery and a femoral vein were chronically instrumented for the measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, together with venous access. Sustained and consistent cardiac slowing was seen in all chickens in response to small increases in systolic pressure. The mean slope of the regression equation between heart period and systolic pressure was 13.9 +/- 0.8 s X 10(-4)/mm of Hg. This sensitivity was reduced to 2.1 +/- 1.5 s X 10(-4)/mm of Hg by anesthetizing the chickens with isoflurane (inspired concentrations of 1%).  相似文献   

1. The effectiveness of the appetite suppressants fenflur‐amine, furanone and crotonolactone were evaluated in a series of experiments with adult male layers and growing broilers of both sexes fed on diets with concentrations of up to 1000 mg/kg.

2. Fenfluramine produced a curvilinear decrease in food intake and body weight in adult layers and growing broilers.

3. Inconsistent responses to furanone and crotonolactone were obtained with adult layers and broilers in cages, but a similar decrease in food intake and body weight for both drugs was recorded in male broilers raised in floor pens.

4. The responses to subcutaneous injection of 20 mg/kg of each drug on food intake over 24 h were comparable to those for dietary inclusion. Fenfluramine, however, produced a greater response in male compared with female broilers and induced signs of hyper‐thermia in broilers and layers.

5. Subcutaneous injection of 50 mg crotonolactone/kg was associated with decreases in the food intakes of 4 strains and there was evidence of different responses between lines.

6. It was concluded that none of the drugs used were likely to be suitable for the control of food intake in broiler breeder flocks.  相似文献   

Four young broiler chickens affected by multiple melanotic tumors are described. Grossly, there were multiple tumors composed of melanocytes within the skin, skeletal muscle, and multiple visceral organs. Tumors ranged from flattened macules to masses that extensively replaced viscera. Microscopically, melanocytes were often well pigmented, and while there was moderate nuclear anisokaryosis, mitotic rates were low. Immunohistochemical staining of some melanomas with antibodies to S100 proteins, Melan-A, vimentin, or neuron-specific enolase after bleaching of tumor cells with potassium permanganate revealed lack of immunostaining of tumor cells with antibodies to S100, strong positive staining of tumor cells for neuron-specific enolase, moderate staining with antibodies to vimentin, and faint staining for Melan-A. Only neuron-specific enolase staining was evident in unbleached tumor cells. Attempts to identify exogenous avian leukosis viruses in these tumors were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old, male Japanese native fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) was presented with an inability to feed and torticollis. At a necropsy, there were cylindrical enlargements and yellow discoloration of multiple peripheral nerves, including nerves of the lumbosacral plexus, brachial plexus, and spinal ganglia. On histologic examination, these lesions consisted of diffuse proliferations of spindle cells with characteristic onion bulb-like structures around residual axons. The spindle cells were immunohistochemically positive for glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and negative for S-100 alpha/beta proteins. On the basis of microscopic, histologic, and immunohistochemical findings, the tumors were diagnosed as multiple perineuriomas.  相似文献   

1. Development of brain temperature regulation was studied in the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) from hatching to 21 d of age. 2. Body and brain temperature at hatching were relatively low compared with adult levels. However, both were effectively regulated at ambient temperatures of 30 and 35 degrees C, with only a minor difference between the 2 temperatures. 3. Body and brain temperature increased as a power function of age at significantly different rates, approaching adult levels at around 10 d of age and resulting in a linear increase in body-to-brain temperature difference with age. 4. The results indicated the existence of different patterns of post-hatching development of brain temperature regulation in relation to the degree of precocity of a species.  相似文献   

The effects of an orally administered Cassia occidentalis extract were studied in chickens. A 25 mM sodium bicarbonate solution effectively extracted the toxic principle. Toxic activity was reduced, but not eliminated, when the heated extract (90 C, 40 minutes) was administered. The toxic principle was in the pellet after centrifuging the extract at 38,000 X g. Daily administration of the extract produced weight loss and muscular weakness. Microscopic examination revealed skeletal and cardiac muscle degeneration and hepatocyte vacuolation. Electron microscopic examination revealed mitochondrial disruption. Respiratory studies on liver mitochondria isolated from treated chickens demonstrated lower phosphorylation ratios, lower respiratory control ratios, and lower rates of oxygen use.  相似文献   

The angle formed between the femoral neck and shaft is referred to as the collodiaphyseal angle. In man, the angle decreases during growth and is frequently different in the right and left limbs. This study examines the collodiaphyseal angle in another biped, the growing fowl. Three groups (A, B and C) of growing fowls were examined. The weight difference between birds would alter the forces applied to the growing proximal femur and at the end of the experimental period the birds in group B weighted three times those in group A. Nevertheless, in all three groups the collodiaphyseal angle decreased from 120 degrees to 108 degrees over the growth period. Where there was a difference in collodiaphyseal angle between right and left limbs the angle was more frequently greater in the right. Bodyweight apparently had little effect on the development of collodiaphyseal angle in the fowl, possibly due to the trocharteric/antitrocharteric articulation reducing the stresses applied to the femoral neck.  相似文献   

Hens involved in a Newcastle disease study were euthanased at regular intervals according to a designed protocol. Of these, 7.14 % (n = 42) of the 82-week-old specific pathogen-free breeder hens were found to have well-delineated firm white to yellowish nodules of varying sizes in the abdominal cavity. Histologically, the nodules were identified as an adenocarcinoma originating in the uterus. Transcoelomic spread was evidenced by the presence of similar neoplastic cells embedded in the serosa and outer longitudinal muscle layer of the intestines as well as the liver.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii are biologically and morphologically similar coccidians with canids as definitive hosts for N. caninum and felids for T. gondii. Feral chickens have been used as indicators of soil contamination with T. gondii oocysts because they feed from ground. In the present study we studied seroprevalence of N. caninum in free range chickens from different countries in America as an indicator of soil contamination due to N. caninum oocysts. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in sera of 524 (39.5%) of 1324 chickens using indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT, titer 1:25 or higher). Seropositive chickens from different countries were: 18.5% of 97 from Mexico, 7.2% of 97 from USA, 39.5% of 144 from Costa Rica, 71.5% of 102 from Grenada, 44% of 50 from Guatemala, 83.6% of 98 from Nicaragua, 58.1% of 55 from Argentina, 34.3% of 358 from Brazil, 62.3% of 85 from Chile, 11.2% of 62 from Colombia, 38.7% of 80 from Guyana, 18% of 50 from Peru and 21.7% of 46 from Venezuela. The results indicate widespread exposure of chickens to N. caninum.  相似文献   

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