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OBJECTIVES: To quantitate immunoglobulin-containing cells (IgA, IgG, and IgM) and CD3+ T cells in colonic biopsy specimens obtained from dogs with lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (LPC), and to compare lymphocyte and plasma cell populations in dogs with LPC with those in healthy dogs. ANIMALS: 10 healthy dogs and 11 dogs with LPC. PROCEDURE: Colonic mucosal specimens obtained from healthy dogs and dogs with LPC were stained specifically for IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-containing cells and CD3+ T cells by use of immunoperoxidase techniques. Morphometric analyses were done to quantitate lymphocytes and plasma cells in standardized areas of colonic mucosa. Data analyses allowed determination of mean cell numbers in each dog group, and comparison of mean numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells between dog groups. RESULTS: CD3+ T cells predominated in healthy dogs, whereas CD3+ T cells and IgA-containing cells were most numerous in dogs with LPC. In both dog groups, the IgG- and IgM-containing cells were considerably less numerous than the other 2 cell types. Comparison of cell populations between dog groups indicated that IgA- and IgG-containing cells and CD3+ T cells were significantly more numerous in the colonic mucosa of dogs with LPC. CONCLUSIONS: Dogs with LPC have significantly increased numbers of IgA- and IgG-containing cells and CD3+ T cells. These lymphocyte and plasma cell distributions indicate similarities to and differences from such distributions in human beings with inflammatory bowel disease. Results provide a basis for future correlation between histologic stage of disease activity and immunologic findings in dogs with LPC.  相似文献   

Colonic perforation after corticosteroid and surgical treatment of intervertebral disk disease in a dog Perforation of the distal segment of the descending colon, after corticosteroid and neurosurgical treatment for an intervertebral disk herniation, resulted in the death of a 3-year-old, male, Lhasa Apso. Initially, the dog was paraparetic in the hindlimbs, but became paraplegic after 4 days of conservative treatment. Corticosteroids were administered before referral and during decompressive hemilaminectomy. Six days after surgery, the dog had improved neurologically, but was depressed, anorectic, and vomiting. Abdominocentesis revealed septic peritonitis. The dog died shortly after a perforation in the descending colon was surgically corrected.  相似文献   

Objective: Five canine cases of gastrointestinal (GI) perforation and septic peritonitis associated with the routine use of meloxicam are reviewed. Series summary: Selective cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are being used more extensively and routinely for acute and chronic pain as well as for perioperative management of pain. These medications are safe and effective but can be associated with known GI and renal side effects. The patients in this case series had no significant concurrent illness, were not on any concurrent medication known to potentiate the ulcerogenic effects of NSAIDs, and in most cases did not display clinical signs that were apparent to the owners until the time of perforation. New or unique information provided: Despite the preferential selectivity for COX‐2, newer NSAIDs still carry the risk of GI performation. The incidence of GI perforation may be increased with inappropriate dosing regimens, with use of non‐veterinary products and in animals that are at high risk for toxicity. Early signs of toxicity may include alteration in appetite, and subtle signs of nausea during treatment. Warning owners to monitor their pet for vomiting, melena, and hematemesis may not be sufficient to avoid the potential disastrous consequences of GI ulceration.  相似文献   

The records of 23 dogs and cats diagnosed with spontaneous gastroduodenal perforation (GDP) were retrospectively reviewed. Survival was 63% in dogs and 14% in cats. Rottweilers <5 years of age were overrepresented. Clinical evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding was common in dogs but not in cats. Shock was an uncommon presenting condition in dogs and was not closely linked to outcome. In fact, progression of an ulcerating lesion to GDP was not associated with marked changes in symptoms exhibited by many patients in this study. Most GDPs were associated with histopathological evidence of subacute or chronic peritoneal reaction at the time of diagnosis. This suggests that diagnostic methods employed lacked sensitivity in identifying early perforating lesions, and that dramatic signs of acute abdomen following gastroduodenal perforation may not be as common as was previously thought.  相似文献   

In an attempt to obtain a model more closely resembling natural listeriosis, we studied the course of infection in mice inoculated by the intragastric route with Listeria monocytogenes. Corticosteroid-treated, and untreated mice both developed subclinical infection without mortality, but faecal shedding and peristence of bacteria in the liver and spleen of corticosteroid-treated mice were significantly more protracted than in untreated mice. Untreated mice cleared the bacteria from their livers and spleens by day 5 postinfection (PI), whereas treated mice did not clear the organisms until 8–9 days PI. In untreated mice faecal shedding lasted 5 days PI, whereas in treated mice the organisms were recovered at significantly higher levels until day 9 PI. The only intestinal lesions observed were mild pyogranulomatous changes in the dome area of some Peyer's patches in treated mice.  相似文献   

Spontaneous erythrocyte rosettes, antibody-complement rosettes and nonrosetting cells were enumerated for peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal adult, lymphomatous adult and immature cattle as well as for peripheral blood lymphocytes of adult cows both before and after injection of corticosteroids. Calf thymic lymphocytes were also examined for rosette formation. Results indicate significant reduction in peripheral blood lymphocyte-erythrocyte rosettes and nonrosetting cells in tumour-bearing cows with a simultaneous elevation in percent antibody-complement rosettes. Calf thymus had a significantly greater percent erythrocyte rosettes than did peripheral blood lymphocytes from the same individuals. Corticosteroid injection reduced peripheral blood lymphocytes without altering proportion of cells as erythrocyte rosettes, antibody-complement rosettes or nonrosetting cells.  相似文献   

Ganglioneuromas are complex tumors that arise in peripheral ganglia and are composed of well-differentiated neurons, nerve processes, Schwann cells, and enteric glial cells. The term ganglioneuromatosis (GN) denotes a regional or segmental proliferation of ganglioneuromatous tissue. This report describes an 8-year-old mixed breed horse with GN in a 25-cm segment of small colon. Grossly, the lesion consisted of numerous sessile to pedunculated nodules extending from the serosal surface. Histologic examination revealed the nodules to consist of fascicles of spindle-shaped cells consistent with Schwann cells, clusters of neurons, supporting enteric glial cells, and thick bands of perineurial collagen. Most of the nodules coincided with the location of the myenteric plexus and extended through the outer layer of the tunica muscularis to the serosal surface. Neuronal processes were demonstrated within the lesion with electron microscopy. With immunohistochemistry neurons were positive for neuron specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 and the Schwann cells and enteric glial cells were positive for S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The pathogenesis of GN is poorly understood. GN, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumors in the horse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with gastrointestinal tract perforation in dogs being treated with a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor (deracoxib). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 29 dogs. PROCEDURE: The Novartis Animal Health pharmacovigilance database was searched for records of dogs treated with deracoxib in which gastrointestinal tract perforation was documented. Results-16 of the 29 (55%) dogs had received deracoxib at a dosage higher than that approved by the FDA for the particular indication being treated, with 25 (86%) dogs having received deracoxib at a dosage > 2 mg/kg/d (0.9 mg/lb/d). Seventeen (59%) dogs had received at least 1 other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a corticosteroid in close temporal association (within 24 hours) with deracoxib administration (ie, immediately before or following). In all, 26 (90%) dogs had received deracoxib at a higher-than-approved dosage or had received at least 1 other NSAID or corticosteroid in close temporal association with deracoxib administration. Twenty dogs died or were euthanatized, and 9 survived. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs with gastrointestinal tract perforation and that had been treated with deracoxib, perforation was most likely attributable to a number of factors. Deracoxib should only be used at approved dosages. Cortico-steroids and other less selective NSAIDs should not be administered in close temporal association with selective COX-2 inhibitors, including deracoxib. Further study is required to define this problem.  相似文献   

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