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山羊莱姆病血清抗体的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1993年3-5月,对甘肃省迭部林区不同样点二类生境下活动的山羊机采血清270份,用ELISA检测莱姆病血清抗体情况,其中森林草原山羊血清113份,检出阳性血清13份,阳性率为11.505;灌丛草原山羊血清157份,检出阳性血清15份,阳性率为9.55%。总阳性率为10.37%(28/270)。  相似文献   

牦牛莱姆病血清流行病学的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

1999年采集云南地区156份犬血清进行间接免疫荧光法(IFA)检测莱姆病血清抗体,在156份血清标本中检出≥1:64的阳性标本54份,阳性率为34.62%。调查首次发现云南地区存在犬莱姆病。  相似文献   

利用丝状霉形体山羊亚种标准株PG3制备抗原,经纯化后作为包被抗原建立了间接ELISA方法,用于检测丝状霉形体山羊亚种血清抗体。经方阵滴定确定最佳抗原包被浓度为1.09μg/mL,血清样品最佳稀释度为1∶64,兔抗羊IgG辣根过氧化物酶结合物的最佳稀释度为1∶40 000,抗原抗体最佳结合时间为1 h。判定标准为样品D490 nm值与标准阴性血清D490 nm值之比(P/N)≥3为阳性,≤2.5为阴性,介于二者之间的为可疑。重复性和稳定性试验证明,建立的间接ELISA的稳定性和重复性良好,与间接血凝试验相比,其敏感性较高。  相似文献   

为了解湖南省羊弓形虫病流行情况,2017年采用间接血凝试验(IHA),对邵阳、常德、湘潭、岳阳、株洲、郴州、张家界、娄底等8个地区进行山羊弓形虫血清学调查。结果显示:共采集的5 600份羊血清中,检出弓形虫血清抗体阳性468份,样品阳性率为8.36%,其中2017年上半年阳性率为8.75%,下半年为7.96%,无明显季节性差异(P 0.05);在抽检的216个场户中,检出阳性场户102个,场群阳性率为47.22%,其中散养户的场阳性率与样品阳性率(分别为64.61%、12.04%)高于规模场(分别为39.73%、7.14%),差异显著(P 0.05);1岁以上成年羊(10.77%)和1~6月龄(9.28%)幼年羊的样品阳性率明显高于7~12月龄的青年羊(5.93%),差异极显著(P 0.01);8个地区的样品阳性率有差异,其中邵阳市最高(10.00%),常德市最低(6.42%)。调查结果表明,弓形虫感染在湖南省羊群中较为普遍,各地区羊群中均存在不同程度的感染,因此湖南省应注意加强弓形虫监测与防控,尤其是散养和1岁以上成年羊群,以确保公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

日本乙型脑炎(Japanese encephalitis B,JE)又称流行性乙型脑炎、乙型脑炎或乙脑,是由乙脑病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)引起的一种蚊媒传播的自然疫源性人兽共患病毒性传染病,是我国医学乙类法定传染病,二类动物疫病,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)规定的必须报告的动物疫病[1]。在自然条件下,JEV可以感染人和多种动物,  相似文献   

为了解心丝虫、莱姆病、犬埃里希氏体病在东莞市犬中的流行状况,对东莞市210份犬血清进行了心丝虫抗原、莱姆病抗体、犬埃里希抗体检测试验,试验结果:在检测的210份犬血清中,心丝虫抗原阳性0份、莱姆病抗体阳性0份,犬埃里希抗体阳性12份,犬埃里希抗体阳性率为5.71%。  相似文献   

广西山羊布鲁氏菌病血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的羊布鲁氏菌病主要流行于东北、西北及内蒙古牧区。近年来,广西大力发展山羊养殖,各地引种频繁,在引种中疏忽了对该病的检疫,造成了一定的隐患。为摸清疫情,消除隐患,从2003年8月到2005年10月对全区山羊传统主产区和新养殖区的11市28县(区)进行山羊布鲁氏菌病血清学调查,结果报告如下。1材料和方法1.1血清现场采血,分离血清后,冷冻保存待检。1.2抗原及标准阳性血清试管凝集抗原购自中国流行病学研究所,批号2004-03,有效期2006.03。阴性血清自备,批号2003-1,有效期2008.06。1.3方法具体操作按《动物布鲁氏菌病诊断技术》(GB/T18646—2002)的规定进行。血清先做虎红平板凝集试验筛选,阳性和可疑样品再做试管凝集试验进一步确认,判断标准为:血清稀释1∶50出现“ ”以上凝集,判为阳性。2结果检测南宁、崇左、北海、梧州、贺州、桂林、河池、防城港、来宾、百色和柳州11市的28县(区)共1469份血清,检测结果如表1。3小结检测区内11个市28个县(区)共1469份血清,结果阳性18份,阳性率为1.23%。检出的18份阳性血清均来自柳州市的一个养羊点,经现场重新采血,试管凝集试验确...  相似文献   

A survey of the lungs from 4284 goats killed at a slaughterhouse in the North Island of New Zealand during the winter of 1990 revealed only ten cases of non-parasitic bronchopneumonia. However, 41% of the lungs had lesions consistent with infection by Muellerius capillaris, 33% with Dictyocaulus filaria, and 8% with both species. The prevalence of parasitic lesions increased with age. The carcasses of goats with mild to severe Dictyocaulus filaria lesions were from 0.81 to 1.52 kg lighter than those without the lesions (p<0.001). The carcasses of goats with more than ten nodular (Muellerius capillaris) lesions were 0.75 kg lighter than those without the lesions (p<0.001). Twelve sets of lungs had lesions of chronic bronchiectasis. Nematode larvae were seen in the bronchial lumina of three of them. The microscopic appearance varied from a moderate dilatation of occluded bronchi which retained an intact epithelium, to large foreign-body granulomas where the remaining bronchial outlines were barely discernible. Multiple, very discrete, fibrous pleural plaques were found on the caudal lobes in two cases. Plaques of this morphology have not been described previously in the veterinary literature. Pleural adhesions were found in 350 cases (8.2%). The relatively higher frequency of pleurisy versus non-parasitic pneumonia suggests that pneumonia in goats in the North Island of New Zealand completely resolves in most cases.  相似文献   



Assess the refractive states of donkeys and goats.


Forty-two donkeys and 28 goats were enrolled. The mean ± SD ages were 7.68 ± 7.33 years for donkeys and 4.26 ± 2.33 years for goats. Seven donkeys and one goat were <6 months old. Retinoscopy was performed in alert animals, following cycloplegia in goats but not in donkeys. Normality was determined using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The two primary meridians and two eyes were compared using Pearson's correlation and paired Student's t–tests. The association between refractive states and age was examined using one-way ANOVA in donkeys and a paired Student's t-test in goats. One-sample t-tests were conducted to assess if the refractive error distributions were significantly different from “0”.


The mean ± SD spherical equivalent (SE) refractive errors of the right and left donkey eyes were −0.80 ± 1.03 D and −0.35 ± 0.95 D, respectively. The majority (86%) of the donkeys had an astigmatic refraction and eight (19%) had anisometropia. The mean SE refractive errors of the right and left goat eyes were −0.15 ± 1.1 D and −0.18 ± 1.2 D, respectively. The majority (54%) of the goat eyes had an astigmatic refraction and five (18%) had anisometropia. The right and left eye SE refractive errors were positively correlated in both species (both p = .9). Age was not correlated with refractive error in both donkeys (p = .09) and goats (p = .6).


Both goats and donkeys are emmetropic.  相似文献   

Two goat breeds, Anglonubian and Saanen were obtained at an early age and reared coccidia-free until they were 1 month old. They were then infected with 200,000 sporulated oocysts comprising mainly Eimeria christenseni (49%), E. apsheronica (29%) and lesser proportions of E. arloingi, E. hirci, E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. alijevi. Following patency, the number of faecal oocysts per gram were determined for each animal and body weights taken weekly. An ELISA was developed to assay antibody titres in pre- and post-infection sera of each individual kid. Cleaned unsporulated oocysts were sonified and the resulting soluble antigen used. Anglonubians shed significantly more oocysts daily (P less than 0.01) and also suffered greater retardation in growth. Initially both breeds had very similar growth rates, however post-infection weekly body weight gain among the Anglonubians was on average 1100 g compared to 1300 g for the Saanens. Antibody titres post-infection increased significantly among the Saanens (P less than 0.01) and also all but one among the Anglonubians recorded an increase in antibody titres. Unsuckled kid serum was devoid of any antibody activity.  相似文献   

Summary A tick survey was done on sheep and goats in Siaya and Kakamega Districts, Kenya between October 1980 and October 1981. Most of the animals were found to carry one to 10 ticks with no significant difference between sheep and goats. The most abundant species wasR. appendiculatus followed byR. evertsi. There were more male than female ticks found on the animals. Thirty per cent of the farms visited practised the hand picking method of tick control while 14% regularly dipped their animals.
Resumen Se hizo reconocimiento de las garrapatas de ovejas y cabras, en los distritos de Siaya y Kakamega en Kenia, entre octubre 1980 y octubre 1981. La mayoria de animales se encontraron infestados con 1 hasta 10 garrapatas, sin diferencias significativas entre ovejas y cabras. La especie más abundante fueR. appendiculatus, seguida deR. evertsi. Hubo más garrapatas machos que hembras en los animales examinados. En el 30% de las granjas visitadas controlaban las garrapatas a mano, mientras que en el 14% tenian ba?os de inmersión.

Résumé Une enquête sur les tiques des moutons et des chèvres a été réalisée dans les districts de Siaya et de Kakamega au Kenya d'octobre 1980 à octobre 1981. La plupart des animaux étaient porteurs d'1 à 10 tiques sans différence significative entre les moutons et les chèvres. L'espèce la plus abondante étaitR. appendiculatus suivie deR. evertsi. On a trouvé plus de tiques male que de tiques femelles sur les animaux. 30 p. 100 des fermes visitées pratiquaient le détiquage manuel alors que 14 p. 100 utilisaient régulièrement les bains détiqueurs.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to detect antibody to border disease virus (BDV) in sheep serum. A monoclonal antibody bound to 96-well microplates was used to capture antigen from detergent-solubilised BDV-infected cells. Single dilutions of test sera were then added to wells containing bound BDV antigen and control wells containing uninfected cell lysates. Specific antibody to BDV was detected by an anti-ovine IgG antiserum conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and the results expressed as ELISA units with reference to a standard curve. Sequential sera from 16 experimentally infected sheep and single sera from 103 sheep involved in a field outbreak were tested in the ELISA and for neutralising antibody. There was good qualitative correlation between the two tests.  相似文献   

通过对嘉峪关鸡血清HI平均抗体滴度检测,平均在6.28±0.22~6.95±0.12之间,90.8%的样品HI抗体滴度〉2^4,其中规模化养鸡场约98%的样品HI抗体滴度〉2^4,嘉峪关地区近期不会有新城疫大的流行,为该地区养鸡行业的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

广西鸡传染性贫血流行病学的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用PCR检测技术 ,对采自广西五个主要养鸡地区 5 0多个鸡群 3 2 1羽病鸡的组织样品 ,进行了鸡传染性贫血病毒核酸的检测。结果检测的病例平均阳性率为 2 8 3 4%;三黄鸡的阳性检出率最高 ( 3 9 2 8%) ;各种日龄的鸡均可检出 ,其中最小的为 7日龄、最大的为 3 5 0日龄 ;对 5个免疫器官的检测结果显示 ,骨髓的检出率最高( 84 3 8%) ;CIAV阳性病例中与MDV、REV和ALV的混合感染率共计 48 40 %。  相似文献   

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