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甲砜霉素在感染多杀性巴氏杆菌鸡体内的药物动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
30只健康杂交肉鸡随机分成3组,每组10只,雌雄各半,分别进行健康鸡静脉注射、健康和巴氏杆菌感染鸡口服给药的药动学研究。静注和口服的给药剂量按体质量分别为15mg/kg和30mg/kg。以反相HPLC测定血浆中甲砜霉素的质量浓度,药物浓度-时间数据用3P97药动学程序软件处理。健康鸡单剂量静注给药后,血药浓度-时间数据符合无吸收二室开放模型,其主要动力学参数分别为:V(c)为(0.58±0.09)L/kg,t1/2α(0.11±0.03)h,t1/2β(0.95±0.18)h,AUC为(11.99±0.90)mg/(L.h),CL(s)为(1.26±0.10)L/(kg.h)。健康鸡和巴氏杆菌感染鸡单剂量口服给药血药浓度-时间数据均符合一级吸收一室开放模型。健康鸡口服给药的主要动力学参数分别为:Lagtime(0.04±0.02)h,t1/2ka(0.16±0.08)h,t1/2ke(1.64±0.22)h,T(peak)(0.57±0.18)h,C(max)(6.34±0.56)mg/L,AUC为(19.02±1.48)mg/(L.h),F为79.32%。巴氏杆菌感染鸡口服给药的主要动力学参数分别为:Lagtime(0.07±0.02)h,t1/2ka(0.54±0.26)h,t1/2ke(1.74±0.27)h,T(peak)(1.31±0.39)h,C(max)(5.28±0.73)mg/L,AUC为(21.75±1.03)mg/(L.h),F90.70%。与健康鸡相比,甲砜霉素在感染鸡的t1/2(ka)、T(peak)和Lag-time显著延长(P0.05或P0.01),且比健康鸡具有更高的生物利用度。但甲砜霉素在巴氏杆菌感染鸡体内的消除速度未受影响。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Pasteurella multocida to killing by serum and the ability of protective vaccines to stimulate this mechanism of immunity in mice were investigated. P. multocida type of bovine origin was used to prepare a vaccine incorporating heat killed organisms and for homologous infection of mice. Bactericidal capacity and ELISA antibody titres were determined for individual mouse sera. Protection was clearly associated with bactericidal antibodies raised by vaccination. The bactericidal assay may be useful as a rapid, simple screening test of vaccinated mice for functional protective antibody levels.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the sensitivity and specificity of six serological enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) based on serovar‐independent antigens of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) and investigate cross‐reactivity in disease‐free pigs challenged with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida. Design Five experimental pig trials using direct challenge with App serovars 1, 7 or 15 or direct challenge with M. hyopneumoniae and/or various dose rates of P. multocida. Procedure A 39‐kDa outer membrane protein antigen and five recombinant antigens from the apxIVA gene of App were evaluated. The latter were derived from the ApxIVA N‐terminus (ApxIVA‐N, ApxIVA‐NP, ApxIVA‐NPS) or C‐terminus (ApxIVA‐C, ApxIVA‐CP). Pigs were sampled after challenge and clinical and necropsy findings evaluated. Results The 39‐kDa ELISA had high sensitivity but lacked specificity, with significantly increased cross‐reactivity following P. multocida challenge. ELISAs based on ApxIVA N‐terminus antigens were significantly more sensitive than C‐terminus antigens for the detection of App‐induced disease. Although ApxIVA‐N and ApxIVA‐NP ELISAs had increased reactivity following P. multocida challenge, they retained high specificity for App‐induced disease (90–93%). Affinity purified ApxIVA‐NP antigen had marginally better specificity than ApxIVA‐N, without reduced sensitivity. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae did not affect serological cross‐reactivity. In disease‐free pigs, the specificity of the ApxIVA‐NPS ELISA may be adversely affected by nasal carriage of apparently low‐virulence App strains. Conclusions ApxIVA‐N‐based ELISAs can be used for evaluating App status in commercial herds, but some appear limited by high carriage rates of low‐virulence App. The 39‐kDa antigen is only of merit in exclusion of App disease by negative serology.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida and Ascaridia galli are observed with high prevalences in free range chickens in Denmark, but the impact is unknown. A study was carried out to examine the interaction between A. galli and P. multocida in chickens and the impact on production.Five groups, each with 20 18-week-old Lohmann Brown chickens were infected. Group 1 was orally infected with 1000+/-50 embryonated A. galli eggs. Group 2 received 10(4) cfu P. multocida intratracheally. Group 3 was infected with A. galli and subsequently with P. multocida. Group 4 was infected with P. multocida followed by A. galli. Group 5 was the control. The study ran for 11 weeks where clinical manifestations, weight gain and egg production were recorded. Excretion of P. multocida was determined on individual basis and blood smears were made for differential counts. At the end of the study pathological lesions and the number of adult worms, larvae and eggs in the faeces were recorded.The birds were more severely affected when infected with both pathogens compared to single infections with A. galli or P. multocida, respectively. A lower weight gain and egg production was observed with dual infections. A. galli infection followed by a secondary P. multocida infection resulted in more birds with pathological lesions and continued P. multocida excretion.In conclusion a negative interaction between A. galli and P. multocida was observed and it is postulated that free range chickens are at higher risk of being subjected to outbreaks of fowl cholera when they are infected with A. galli.  相似文献   

Chickens were inoculated with serotype 3 Pasteurella multocida cells or purified lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and their serologic responses to LPS and heat-stable antigens of 16 serotypes were compared. Chickens inoculated with cells or LPS had antibodies against LPS as determined by indirect hemagglutination tests; titers were highest 2-4 weeks after the initial inoculation. Sera from chickens inoculated with cells reacted with unheated and heated cell antigen in a tube-agglutination test. Sera from chickens inoculated with LPS reacted only with heated cell antigen in the tube-agglutination test. Nonspecific reactions with heat-stable antigens of other serotypes occurred in the gel-diffusion-precipitin test with sera from chickens inoculated with cells but not with sera from chickens inoculated with LPS. Antisera prepared against LPS could be used for serotyping field isolates of P. multocida.  相似文献   

Six hundred fifty-five male and female turkeys representing four genetic lines were challenged in 10 experiments over a 3-year period with a field isolate of Pasteurella multocida. Poults were challenged at 45 days of age with 1 ml of an inoculum containing 1.2 x 10(7) bacteria per ml. The lines of turkeys included two randombred control lines (RBC1 and RBC2), a subline (E) of RBC1 selected for increased egg production, and a subline (F) of RBC2 selected for increased 16-week body weight. The number of days from exposure to severe clinical signs or death for Line F (5.8 days) differed significantly from that of Line E (8.2 days), Line RBC1 (8.0 days), and Line RBC2 (8.2 days). There were no significant differences due to sex of poult for number of days from exposure to severe clinical signs or death. Overall mortality observed was 51.2%. Mortality was highest for Line F (72.1%) and differed significantly from that of the other lines. Mortality among male poults did not differ significantly from mortality among female poults.  相似文献   

The cell-free antigen (CFA) obtained from the culture supernatant of Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) and the toxin (PMT) purified from CFA were inactivated and mixed with oil adjuvant to prepare a trial vaccine. Both of the mice immunized with CFA and PMT toxoid vaccine were noticeably protected against intratracheal challenge with toxigenic strains of P. multocida. Nevertheless, the protective indices of the mice immunized with CFA vaccine indicate that it is more protective and clears away the bacteria more promptly than in the mice immunized with PMT vaccine. The results suggested that CFA would possibly be good as an effective antigen to toxigenic strains of P. multocida infection.  相似文献   

Chickens were protected against fowl cholera by ribosomal vaccines prepared from noncapsulated Pasteurella multocida. Passive hemagglutination (PHA) titers to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the degree of protection conferred by ribosomal vaccines were diminished or abolished when ribosomes were chromatographed on an immunoadsorbent column. Addition of subimmunogenic amounts of serotype 1 (homologous) LPS to highly purified ribosomes resulted in vaccines that protected against challenge exposure and produced PHA titers to homologous LPS. Addition of serotype 5 LPS to highly purified ribosomes did not protect chickens against challenge exposure with serotype 1 P multocida, but produced PHA titers to serotype 5 LPS. Combinations of serotype 1 ribosomal RNA and serotype 1 (homologous) LPS did not protect chickens or produce PHA titers to LPS. Purified ribosomes from Brucella abortus, Aspergillus fumigatus, and chicken liver were combined with LPS from P multocida and were evaluated as vaccines. Brucella abortus and A fumigatus ribosomes combined with LPS protected chickens as well as did bacterin made from whole cells of P multocida. Chicken liver ribosomes combined with LPS did not provide protection. To determine whether a protein carrier would substitute for ribosomes, methylated bovine albumin (MBA) was combined with LPS and evaluated as a vaccine. A serologic response to LPS was induced by MBA-LPS vaccine, but the vaccine offered no better protection than when LPS was used alone as vaccine. Ribosome-LPS vaccines produced serologic responses to LPS that were at least 5-fold greater than those produced by MBA-LPS vaccine.  相似文献   

为研究复方中药对鸡新城疫、禽流感抗体效价的影响,选择120只试验鸡,随机分成4组,试验组Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ饲料中添加0.5%、1.0%、1.5%的复方中药,对照组不添加任何药物,分别于免疫后10、20、30 d测定HI抗体效价,并进行t检验.结果试验组Ⅱ、Ⅲ2种抗体效价与对照组差异显著(P<0.05或P<0.01);试验组Ⅱ与Ⅲ差异不显著;试验组Ⅰ与对照组差异不显著.表明复方中药对鸡新城疫、禽流感抗体效价的提高有明显的促进作用,经筛选,1.0%为适宜添加量.  相似文献   

A selective medium containing polymyxin B, crystal violet, thallous acetate, bacitracin and cycloheximide in 10% sheep blood dextrose starch agar, and a modified Pasteurella multocida-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay were developed for the respective isolation and detection of P. multocida from chicken alimentary tract. The selective medium and the PCR assay were highly sensitive, detecting 100 cfu from colon contents. These techniques were used to follow the localisation of an orally administered virulent P. multocida in chickens. Pasteurellae could be isolated from the crop of some birds up to 30 h, occasionally from other sites after 28 h. It was concluded that the crop was a likely site for colonisation and that infection was most likely to occur through the mucosa of the jejunum or ileum.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the health and performance of young dairy calves vaccinated with a commercial Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida vaccine. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. ANIMALS: 358 Holstein dairy calves between 14 and 20 days of age on 8 farms. PROCEDURE: Calves were randomly assigned to a control or vaccinated group. The vaccine used was a commercial modified-live M. haemolytica and P. multocida vaccine that was administered on days 0 and 14. Calf weight was measured on day 0 and monthly for 3 months. Farmers were asked to record any treatment given to the calves and the reason for treatment during the 4 months of the study. Blood was collected from all calves on days 0 and 28, and titers of antibodies to M. haemolytica were determined by means of direct bacterial agglutination. RESULTS: Mean daily gain was not significantly different between vaccinated and control calves. Vaccinated calves had a significantly greater increase in antibody titers (5.3-fold increase), compared with control calves (3.6-fold increase). There was no significant difference between vaccinated and control calves for any of the treatment outcomes (number and duration of treatments and age at first and last treatments). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the M. haemolytica and P. multocida vaccine, given twice 2 weeks apart, was effective in increasing titers of antibodies against M. haemolytica in young dairy calves but did not improve calf performance or health.  相似文献   

The avian strain P-1059 of Pasteurella multocida was grown on blood agar (BA), on dextrose-starch agar (DSA), or in Heddleston's hydrogen sulfide test broth. Cells were examined for the presence of pili using electron microscopy after staining with phosphotungstic acid, and they were examined for capsule after ruthenium red staining. Pili were found on the capsulated iridescent type, P-1059I, and on two non-capsulated variants, the blue, P-1059B, and the gray, P-1059G. Many cells grown on BA were heavily piliated. In contrast, fewer cells grown on DSA had pili, and piliation was only slight to moderate. The P-1059I, P-1059B, and P-1059G produced pellicles when grown on broth medium. Pili were found on the circumference of the cells grown on either agar or broth medium. Occasionally a pilus connecting two cells was seen on cells cultured in broth. Cultivation of the P-1059I on DSA containing the iron-chelating agent alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl produced a non-capsulated blue variant. The non-capsulated variant reverted to P-1059I when grown on BA but did not revert when grown on DSA.  相似文献   

采用通气培养法对多杀性巴氏杆菌内蒙系679—230株进行了增菌高峰试验。结果表明,细菌培养至8h时,活菌数最高。  相似文献   

Pneumonic pasteurellosis is a common respiratory infection in cattle that has major economic and welfare implications world-wide and the incidence in the UK due to Pasteurella multocida, currently the same as that associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, is increasing. Whereas much is known regarding the pathogenesis of M. haemolytica infections little information is available on the pathogenic process of pasteurellosis initiated by P. multocida. In the present work calf systemic and innate immune responses to intratracheal challenge with formalin-killed P. multocida biotype A:3 and to subsequent experimental lung infection with live P. multocida were investigated. Eight-week-old calves were challenged intratracheally on day 0 with either 109 colony forming units (cfu) of formalin-killed P. multocida biotype A:3 in 300 ml saline (n=10) or 300 ml saline alone (n=10), followed, at day 21, by challenge with 109 cfu live P. multocida. Pathophysiological and lung phagocyte responses were assessed by clinical monitoring, sequential lung lavage and blood sampling. Results for samples obtained before, during and after challenge showed clinical and acute phase protein responses to both bacterial culture and saline control treatments, although higher responses were associated with bacterial challenge. Phagocytosis of P. multocida during 1 h incubation periods with lavaged cells in vitro was unaffected by exposure in vivo to killed P. multocida and there was evidence that P. multocida was able to survive intracellularly during this assay. There was no indication that lung exposure to formalin-killed P. multocida conferred protection against subsequent homologous live challenge.  相似文献   

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