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We investigated the associations of hind limb claw lesions with claw measures and reproductive performance of sows on a commercial breeding farm. We used a five‐point scale (score of 0–4) for each hind limb claw region to generate a claw lesion score (CLS). Of 110 sows, 1.8% had no hind claw lesions, and the remaining 98.2% had at least one. The proportions of sows with a CLS of 2 and 3 were 49.1% and 3.6%, respectively. The junction region had the highest frequency of a CLS of ≥ 2 (P < 0.05). The mean toe length was 45.0 ± 0.4 to 46.4 ± 0.4 mm. Sows with the highest CLS of ≥ 2 in the lateral claw had longer sole dimensions than did sows with the highest CLS of ≤ 1 (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in claw width or height between sows with the highest CLS of ≥ 2 and ≤ 1. There was also no difference in reproductive performance between sows with the highest CLS of ≥ 2 and ≤ 1. In conclusion, most sows had hind claw lesions. The association between CLS and claw measures indicates that the sole length can be used as an indicator of claw lesions.  相似文献   

Observations made with a scanning electron microscope of the claw horn and underlying soft tissues of young pigs fed a normal diet supplemented with 1 mg d-biotin/kg of feed were compared with observations on a similar group receiving no additional biotin. Supplementary biotin affected the structure of the coronary epidermis; there was an increase in the density of the horn tubules in the stratum medium, the horny squames in the stratum medium were more tightly packed and the tubules were more clearly defined in the pigs receiving biotin. The width of the band of intertubular horn adjacent to the laminae was greater in the claws of control pigs.  相似文献   

Sixteen test gilts were fed an egg white-fortified practical diet and four control gilts an egg white-free diet over a two-parity period in order to monitor changes in the serum biotin levels as induced biotin deficiency progressed. Gilts were individually housed in metal crates with slatted floors. Serum biotin (ng/L) of test animals declined from 1490 (initially) to 610 (month 3), remained stable (months 4-8) and thereafter approached 400, 135 and 30 after months 9, 13 and 15, respectively. Early clinical symptoms, i.e. lesions (on the feet, legs and skin), hoof cracks, hair loss and dry skin, were first observed after six months and became progressively more pronounced with time. After nine months, the induced symptoms resembled those characteristic of biotin deficiency. In contrast, serum biotin remained high in the control animals which did not develop symptoms. The data are interpreted to mean that serum biotin might be used as a sensitive index of biotin deficiency development in sows. On the basis of these observations, a system is proposed for evaluation of the sow's biotin status. Adequate biotin may be indicated by serum biotin level (ng/L) > 700; marginal, > 600 < 700; inadequate, > 400 < 600; and deficient, < 400. Alternatively, several concurrent clinical symptoms (i.e. alopecia, hoof cracks and lesions on the feet, legs and skin) may aid in the diagnosis of inadequate biotin status of sow herds reared under field conditions.  相似文献   

Sixteen sows with induced biotin deficiency were divided into groups of four and fed an egg-white-free barley-wheat based diet without added biotin (control) or supplemented with one of three levels of synthetic d-biotin (100, 200 or 400 micrograms kg-1) for two parities in order to determine the optimal level required to reverse symptoms of the deficiency and to evaluate the relationship among dietary biotin levels, stage of recovery and serum biotin concentrations. Biotin supplementation significantly reduced (P less than 0.05) the incidence of lesions (on the foot pads, above the dew claws and on the skin) and also dry skin, but had no effect (P greater than 0.05) on hoof cracks, hair score or hair density. Time after supplementation had significant effects on reversal of most biotin deficiency symptoms. Interactions between biotin supplementation and time after supplementation suggested that these symptoms were reversed more quickly when higher levels of biotin were fed. Serum biotin concentrations of biotin-supplemented sows were increased with time and exceeded 600 ng litre-1 after 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 months following biotin supplementation of the basal diet with 400, 200 and 100 micrograms kg-1. In contrast, serum biotin concentrations of the control sows remained low and peaked at 411 ng litre-1 after 2.5 months. The data suggested that supplementation of a barley-wheat diet to provide 147 to 217 micrograms available biotin kg-1 might be adequate to restore healthy feet, legs and skin and concurrently maintain high serum biotin concentrations.  相似文献   

Effects of management and herd characteristics on claw disorders and claw measurements were studied. Data were collected on Friesian heifers in 81 herds with freestalls. Disorders were sole lesions (pododermatitis) and infections (dermatitis interdigitalis).The least squares means for herd effects from genetic analyses were analysed for effects of management factors: level of concentrates, days required to reach maximum level of concentrates after calving, ration components, herd production average and formalin footbath. Herd characteristics involved with claws were also studied: housing before and after calving and pasturing.Correlations among disorders and measurements at the herd level were low. Disorders were only affected by the barn floor type after calving. An increase in concentrates and the use of a formalin footbath were associated with longer claws. Cows housed on a combination of a slatted and a flat floor after calving (nearly all outside feeding systems) had shorter claws. Deeper heels were found in herds feeding a high amount of concentrates and in herds with high production averages.Managemental and environmental factors have to be studied in detail under field conditions before their effects can be clarified.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between different leg weakness symptoms and osteochondrosis/osteoarthrosis and claw disorders in sows together with the influence of age on these findings. One hundred and seventeen sows in one herd were followed from 6 months of age until culling and judged for leg weakness once in every gestation using a scale from 1 (normal) to 4 (severe changes). At slaughter changes in joints, growth plates and claws were scored on a scale from 1 (normal) to 5 (very severe changes). Osteoarthrotic changes were strongly associated with osteochondral changes in humeral and femoral condyles. The clinical signs of osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis were found to be: buck-kneed forelegs, turn out of fore and hind legs, upright pasterns on hind legs, stiff locomotion, lameness and tendency to slip. The clinical signs of claw lesions were found to be: buck-kneed forelegs, upright pasterns, steep hock joints, turn out of hind legs, standing under position on hind legs, stiff movements, swaying hindquarters, goose-stepping hind legs, tendency to slip and lameness. Overgrown claws were strongly associated with leg weakness indicating the need for claw trimming in sow populations.  相似文献   

A cooperative experiment to evaluate biotin addition to sow diets was conducted at three research stations using 303 litters. Primiparous and multiparous sows (overall average parity 2.8) were fed a 14% CP corn-soybean meal diet (140 micrograms/kg biotin), with or without supplemental biotin (330 micrograms added biotin per kg feed), throughout gestation and lactation. As many sows as possible were fed their respective diets through three successive parities. During gestation, sows were given from 1.82 to 2.27 kg of feed per day, depending on environmental conditions; during lactation sows had ad libitum access to feed. Supplemental biotin had no effect (P greater than .35) on sow weights at breeding, at d 109 of gestation, at farrowing or at weaning. No differences were found in litter size at birth (P greater than .18), but at d 21 of lactation, sows fed the diet containing supplemental biotin had larger litters than sows fed the unsupplemented diet (9.4 vs 8.7 pigs, respectively; P = .01). Pig weights at birth and d 21 of lactation were not affected (P greater than .20) by dietary treatment. Biotin supplementation did not affect (P greater than .28) the length of the interval from weaning to estrus. No evidence was found that feet cracks or bruises were reduced by biotin supplementation. The results indicate that biotin supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet during gestation and lactation increased the number of pigs at d 21 of lactation, but it did not decrease the incidence of foot lesions.  相似文献   

A clinical field trial was performed on a herd of Hereford beef cows in central Saskatchewan. The herd had a history of being severely affected with vertical fissures. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of supplemental dietary biotin on the prevalence of vertical fissures in beef cows. In June 1994 and June 1995, 1- and 2-year-old heifers were randomly allocated into 2 treatment groups, each composed of 79 animals. One group received a 10 mg/head/day biotin-supplemented free-choice mineral supplement, while the other groups received an identical free-choice mineral without the biotin supplementation. The claws from these animals were evaluated in June 1994, October 1994, June 1995, October 1995, and June 1996 for the presence of vertical fissures. Supplemental dietary biotin significantly increased serum levels of biotin and significantly increased claw hardness in supplemented cows. Both groups of heifers started the trial without vertical fissures. After 18 months, 15% of the cows fed supplemental dietary biotin had vertical fissures compared with 33% in the nonsupplemented group. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.01).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the differences in sow metacarpal properties through various parities and to compare the incidence of locomotory problems between stalled and loose-housed sows. Metacarpals (n = 110) of sows from six farms were collected at slaughter and stored at -20°C. Bones from one forelimb of sows in stalls (n = 36) and loose-housed (n = 20) were collected and their articular surfaces examined for Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD), these sows were also scored for lameness pre-slaughter. Metacarpals were CT scanned for cross sectional area and moment of inertia. Cylindrical sections from the diaphysis were used for mechanical testing and calculating bone strength indices. The results show there was little change in bone mineral status throughout the range of parities examined and overall metacarpal integrity was not compromised by multiple production cycles. There were no differences detected in the incidence of lameness or joint pathology between housing systems.  相似文献   

A 3-yr study was conducted to evaluate the effects of biotin on sow longevity, reproductive performance and piglet performance to weaning utilizing 161 sows and 414 litters. Sows and gilts were fed a basal corn-soybean meal diet (without any antibiotic or chemotherapeutic compounds) during gestation and lactation containing either 0 or .55 ppm added biotin. The basal diet contained .17 ppm total dietary biotin based on microbiological assay. Results indicated sow culling rates and weight gains, number of live pigs at birth, pig weights at birth and weaning, and the interval from weaning to rebreeding were similar for both treatment groups. However, sows fed the diet with added biotin weaned more (P less than .05) pigs/litter overall and at gestation-lactation period 1 than did sows fed the basal diet without added biotin, although biotin did not increase (P greater than .10) the number of pigs weaned at gestation-lactation periods 2 through 5. The incidence of dermatitis, hair loss and soundness of feet and legs did not appear to be affected by adding biotin to the diet. Thus, the addition of .55 ppm biotin to a corn-soybean meal diet fed during gestation and lactation did not improve any of the criteria measured except number of pigs weaned overall.  相似文献   

The dose-response and time-response relationships between injected oxytocin and intramammary pressure were investigated in normal lactating sows. In less than 39 s after 20, 40, or 80 U of oxytocin was given (IM injection), there was a rapid initial increase in intramammary pressure (15 to 27 mm of Hg) which lasted 22 to 32 s. After this initial response, there were secondary oscillations in pressure which lasted approximately 40 minutes (20 U) and up to 60 minutes (40 or 80 U). Changes in intramammary pressure during each oscillation varied between 1 and 5 mm of Hg. Mean values for frequency and amplitude of oscillations and total work (area under the trace) were measured. Compared with response obtained after 20 U of oxytocin was given, responses obtained at the 40-U or 80-U dose level had an increased frequency (150.0% and 249.0%, respectively) and total work (36.6% and 104.4%, respectively), but not amplitude. Thus, there may be some clinical advantage in milk let-down effect when sows are given the larger doses of oxytocin (40 or 80 U). These results indicate that newborn pigs should be allowed to nurse at the same time in which oxytocin is injected.  相似文献   

1. Growth and skeletal responses to different dietary concentrations of riboflavin and biotin were compared in turkey poults from hatch to 21 d of age. The birds were fed on a turkey starter diet with different concentrations of supplementary riboflavin (0, 20 and 40 mg/kg) and biotin (0, 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg) in a factorial design.

2. Poults fed on diets with no supplementary riboflavin had poor gait scores, decreased times to sit and higher rates of culling compared to poults fed on the control diet (20 mg biotin and 0.3 mg riboflavin/kg diet). Histologically, riboflavin deficiency was associated with a peripheral neuropathy similar to that described previously in chicks and, unexpectedly, in growth plate abnormalities.

3. Tibiae of poults fed on the control diet were larger, more dense, stronger and stiffer than the diets with no supplementary riboflavin.

4. Increasing supplementary biotin in poults fed on diets with no supplementary riboflavin was associated with a decrease in tibia weight, density, strength and stiffness.

5. The results demonstrated that riboflavin deficiency in fast-growing turkey poults was associated with growth retardation, growth plate disturbance and peripheral nerve dysfunction leading to an inability to walk.  相似文献   

日粮纤维对母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通常 ,为保证最佳的经济性状和健康水平 ,对繁殖母猪要限制饲养以保持其体况在整个繁殖周期中相对恒定 (Dourmad等 ,1 994、1 996)。而限饲所提供的饲料水平仅占随意采食量的 0 40~ 0 60(Pettigrew和Blackshaw ,1 989;Brouns等 ,1 995 ) ,显然不能满足其采食需要 ,从而导致群饲时的攻击性和争食现象 (Appleby和Lawrence ,1 987;Terlouw等 ,1 991 ;Edwards,1 992 ;Terlouw和Lawrence ,1 993;Spooler,1 995 )。妊娠期限饲会降低仔猪初生重和成活率 ,母猪分娩和断奶时体脂沉积过少还会延迟断奶后的发情 ,并降低受孕率 ,导致母猪繁殖性…  相似文献   

In a collaborative study with small-animal veterinary surgeons, dogs with fur and skin conditions were treated with biotin (approximately 5 mg biotin/10 kg body weight/day) for 3 to 5 weeks. In total 119 cases could be treated which were reported to show symptoms such as dull coat, brittle hair, loss of hair, scaly skin, pruritus or dermatitis. Cases requiring other treatments with e.g. glucocorticoids, were excluded from the study. In 60% of the cases all symptoms were reported to be cured after the biotin treatment and in a further 31% an improvement was noted; in only 9% no effect was recorded. All breeds responded but to a variable extent: e.g. in Poodles the response was lower (no response in 6 out of 11 cases) than in Alsatians where all improved and 14 out of 29 were completely cured. The results confirm the favourable effect of biotin for treatment of fur and skin conditions in dogs.  相似文献   

A 2-year experiment on the effect of claw trimming on hoof health was performed in 77 Swedish dairy herds (3444 dairy cattle) selected on herd size, breed composition and membership in the official milk-recording scheme. In the autumn, cows within each herd were blocked according to breed, parity and stage of lactation and allocated to two treatments: autumn trimming (AT) or no autumn trimming (NAT). Outcome variables were claw measurements and prevalence of hoof lesions and lameness (measured at spring trimming) and the need for hoof treatments between scheduled trimmings. At spring trimming, NAT cows had longer and shallower claws than AT cows. The average net growth of the toe wall was greater for AT than for NAT cattle, with a marked variation between housing systems. Most hoof lesions present at AT had disappeared at the subsequent spring trimming. Controlled for clustering by herd-within-year and for the effects of individual-and herd-level covariates, AT cattle at spring trimmings had significantly lower odds of lameness (OR=0.66) and of haemorrhages of the sole or white-line (OR=0.86), sole ulcer (OR=0.59) and white-line fissure or double sole (OR=0.71)-but not of moderate-to-severe heel-horn erosion or dermatitis (OR=0.96). Acute hoof treatments between claw trimmings were more common in the NAT group (OR=2.02).  相似文献   

半胱胺对泌乳母猪生产性能影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
此文研究泌乳母猪饲粮中添加半胱胺对其采食量及生产性能的影响。采用单因子试验设计,按照半胱胺添加水平设0mg/kg组(对照组)、125mg/kg组和150mg/kg组3个处理,选择胎次(3~5胎)和体重相近、距离预产期7d之内的经产大白母猪12头,随机分到3个处理中,每个处理4个重复,每个重复1头。试验期21d。结果显示,半胱胺能有效提高母猪泌乳期的总采食量,减少泌乳期体重损失,促进哺乳仔猪生长。此试验条件下,半胱胺最佳添加水平是125mg/kg,超过此剂量,半胱胺的效果反而随添加剂量增加呈降低趋势。  相似文献   

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