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鸡最常见的肿瘤病为马立克氏病 (MD)、禽白血病 (AL)和网状内皮增生症 (RE) ,它们可引起在临床上相似的组织器官肿瘤病变以及免疫抑制状态 ,而且常常混合感染 ,是目前严重危害我国养鸡业的一类重要疾病。建立一种能够快速鉴别诊断三种肿瘤病的方法 ,尤显必要。PCR作为一种体外扩增技术 ,已广泛应用于禽病的诊断。发展多重PCR诊断技术对于临床禽病的鉴别提供方便、可靠的诊断具有重要的实用价值。在广西九·五科技攻关项目、广西“十百千人才”工程基金项目和教育部科技重点研究项目的资助下 ,历经 3年先后分别对PCR技术应用…  相似文献   

鸡肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断试剂盒的研制及其应用   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
建立了快速鉴别诊断鸡肿瘤病的PCR技术,研制鸡肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断试剂盒,应用该试剂盒在两年多时间里,对来源于广西养殖鸡业发达地区的139个鸡群共505只病,死鸡的1570份肿瘤及可疑肿瘤组织病料进行了检测,马立克氏病,网状内皮增生症和禽白血病的阳性率分别为74.065,11.49%和6.73%,肿瘤病的混合发生率为16.83%。结果表明,应用PCR技术建立的鸡肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断试剂盒具有操作简便快捷,结果准确保靠,保存方便等特点,不仅适用于临床肿瘤病的鉴别诊断,而且对开展肿瘤的流行病学调查及兽医检疫具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鸡三种肿瘤病在广西的流行病学研究   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
对采自广西20个鸡场106群鸡的360只病、死鸡共1126份组织样品进行检测,结果马立克氏病的群阳性率为84.91%,个性阳性率为73.33%,网状组织增生症的群阳性率为25.47%,个体阳性率为13.61%,禽白血病的群阳性率为16.98%,个体阳性率8.89%,肿瘤病二重及三重感染率为21.92%,在有肿瘤病变和无肿瘤病变的病例中,马立克氏病的阳性率分别为77.85%和47.17%,其中60日龄以上鸡的阳性检出率显著高于60日龄以下的鸡(P<0.05),对马立克氏病和网状组织增生症而言,腺胃是最理想的检测组织。  相似文献   

鸡三种肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断的研究初报   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论文报告了利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术对马立克氏病(MD),淋巴白血病(LL)和网状内皮增生症(RE)三种鸡常见肿瘤病进行快速鉴别诊断的研究。初步确定了快速鉴别诊断的基本方法及PCR的反应条件,而且对从南宁、玉林、桂林等20个鸡场收集的肿瘤/可疑肿瘤组织共189份进行检测。结果MD的阳性率为79.09%,RE的为19.09%、LL的为7.27%,MD+RE、MD+LL二重阳性率以及三重阳性率分别为17.27%、7.27%和2.72%。本研究建立的肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断方法是敏感、特异和快速的。此外,还首次证实RE和LL在广西的存在与流行。  相似文献   

鸡肿瘤病的鉴别诊断与我国鸡群中肿瘤病发生的现状(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔治中 《中国家禽》2004,26(10):53-54
近二年来,在我国一些地区一些鸡场中,肿瘤病的发病率和死亡率又明显上升。与过去不同的是,病理学专家们在对近来肿瘤的性质和病因的判断上的分歧很大。在对我国近2-3年中肿瘤病例的组织切片观察后,有些专家认为,这些肿瘤病例中大多数仍然是马立克氏病病毒(MDV)引起的肿  相似文献   

鸡肿瘤病的鉴别诊断与我国鸡群中肿瘤病发生的现状(二)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔治中 《中国家禽》2004,26(12):34-35
(接第10期) 3我国鸡群中肿瘤病发生的现状 近几年来,在我国各地,一些已经CVI988免疫过的肉种鸡和蛋鸡场不断抱怨MD肿瘤带来的死亡明显增加,少数达到10%.通常,在这些鸡群中,肿瘤发生较晚,从18~24周龄才开始.  相似文献   

<正>(一)诊断要点1.鸡马立克氏病。病鸡和带毒鸡的羽毛囊上皮内存在大量完整的病毒,随皮肤代谢脱落后污染环境,成为主要的传染源。神经型马立克发生较多,病鸡表现为一侧腿瘫,呈现典型的"劈叉"  相似文献   

鸡常见的病毒引起的肿瘤病主要有三种,第一种是马立克氏病(MD),主要侵害外周神经,并在不同程度上侵害其他组织和内脏器官的淋巴组织增生性疾病,病原为疱疹病毒。第二种是由若干相关的RNA反转录病毒引起的一组白血病/肉瘤(AL).它是另一种淋巴组织增生性疾病,主要侵害法氏囊和内脏器官。第三种同网状内皮组织增生(RE)性病毒群有关,在这群抗原上  相似文献   

在鸡群常见的肿瘤性疾病中有马立克氏病(Marek’s disease,MD),淋巴细胞白血病(Lymphocyte Leukosis,LL)和网状内皮细胞增殖症(Reticuloendotheliosis,RE)。由于这3种肿瘤病在临床症状及病理变化上很相似,仅靠肉眼观察和光学显微镜下观察很难将这3种病准确快速地鉴别开来,特别是诊断者临床诊断经验不够丰富时常常给疾病的诊断及防治工作带来困难。  相似文献   

鸡传染性鼻炎PCR快速诊断试剂盒的保存期试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鸡传染性鼻炎 (IC)是由副鸡嗜血杆菌(Hpg)引起的一种呼吸道传染病。鸡一旦感染本病 ,蛋鸡产蛋率下降 ,肉鸡因水肿而肉质降低 ,淘汰率增加 ,给养鸡业带来较大的经济损失 [1 ] 。该病的传统诊断方法为细菌分离鉴定 ,要求有经验的实验人员使用新鲜病料、复杂的培养基和几天时间才能作出诊断。 1 996年 ,陈小玲等首次成功地建立了 Hpg的 PCR诊断方法 [2 ] ,可直接检测 Hpg感染鸡临床样品 ,并证明该方法敏感性高、特异性强、快速简便 ,特别适用于一些有条件的基层单位应用[3,4,5] 。为了推广应用这一方法 ,并将其研制成 IC快速诊断试剂盒 ,我…  相似文献   

Feline noroviruses (FNoVs) are potential clinical pathogens in cats. To perform an epidemiological study of FNoV infection, it is necessary to develop a simple and effective method for virus detection. We investigated whether a commercial human NoV quantitative RT-PCR kit for the detection of human NoVs used in medical practice can be applied for FNoV detection. This kit was capable of detecting the FNoV gene regardless of the genogroup (GIV and GVI) in experimental and field samples. Based on the above findings, it is possible to detect FNoVs using human NoV tests. The relationship between FNoV infection and gastroenteritis in cats may be clarified by applying these methods to an epidemiological survey of FNoVs.  相似文献   

野生鸟类禽流感病毒感染情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解野生鸟类禽流感病毒(AIV)的携带感染情况,2006年~2010年,本研究在湖南省主要候鸟迁徙地收集115只野鸟组织或拭子样品、75份野鸟的新鲜粪便样品和72份血清样品。组织或拭子样品采用RT-PCR方法检测和鸡胚接种病毒分离鉴定,血清样品分别进行H5(含Re-5和Re-4)、H6、H7、H9、H10和H11抗体检测。结果表明,从斑鸠和绿头鸭组织中分别分离到H5N1亚型和H3N2亚型AIV;72份血清中有17份抗体为阳性,其中H5(Re-5)亚型5份、H5(Re-4)亚型1份、H6亚型1份、H7亚型2份和H9亚型8份,阳性率分别为6.94%、1.39%、1.39%、2.78%和11.11%。H10和H11亚型未检测到抗体阳性。  相似文献   

应用PCR/RFLP技术对广西禽白血病病毒的检测与分型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对2000~2003年间从广西的南宁、玉林、桂林、钦州、柳州、梧州等地采集的有肿瘤/可疑肿瘤的250份鸡病例进行肿瘤病的检测.结果发现,外源性禽白血病阳性的有32份,阳性率为12.8%.其中,同时为马立克氏病阳性的有30份,两者共感染率高达93.75%(30/32);根据禽白血病病毒囊膜糖蛋白gp85基因的限制性片段长度多态性分析,对其中20份外源性禽白血病病毒进行分型鉴定,结果证实全部属于A亚群.  相似文献   

对上海地区2个规模化商品蛋鸡场疑似禽白血病病例进行了组织病理学观察和ELISA检测,发现发病鸡群中血管瘤占50%,纤维肉瘤占37.5%,髓细胞瘤占12.59/5,J亚群禽白血病的血清抗体阳性率分别达25%和15%。血管瘤主要见于脚部和翅膀,组织病理学观察表明为海绵状血管瘤,纤维肉瘤主要见于肌肉组织内,对弥漫性肝、脾肿大的病例观察表明肿瘤组织为髓细胞瘤。证实该鸡群感染了J亚群禽白血病病毒,并表现为以髓细胞瘤、血管瘤和纤维肉瘤为主的多种肿瘤性传染病。  相似文献   

This retrospective study assessed the diagnoses of emergency presentations and the survival to discharge of backyard chickens in five veterinary clinics within Australia. A total of 333 cases were reviewed from September 2019 to March 2022. October to December was the busiest period in both 2021 and 2020, with cases steadily increasing in the warmer months. Discharge following emergency presentation occurred in 57.4% of reviewed cases. Female chickens represented 92.7% of total cases, with an average age at presentation of 2.2 years (ranging from 1 day to 10 years). The most frequent diagnoses were of reproductive disease (n = 94/333), open diagnosis (n = 55/333), respiratory disease (n = 42/333), predator attack (n = 28/333), musculoskeletal disease (n = 22/333) and parasitism (n = 22/333).  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis acutely impacts the digestive and/or respiratory tract of the birds in many species of various orders. More importantly, it is also well known as a significant zoonotic disease, which can lead to diarrhea in humans and livestock. Regarding increasing demand for free-range products and increasing the number of free-range poultry farms, the present paper evaluated histopathological and molecular detection of Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium parvum in free-range and commercial broiler chickens in the north part of Iran. For this purpose, 100 fecal and tissue samples of the chickens in Guilan province were collected. After microscopic examination using Ziehl-Neelsen staining, molecular analyses of the fecal samples were processed by Nested-PCR targeting the 18S rRNA gene followed by sequencing of the amplicons and phylogenetic analyses. Eventually, the tissue samples were studied for histological lesions. Findings demonstrated the presence of Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium parvum in 6 % and 2 % of fecal samples, respectively. This is the first identification of C.parvum in avian hosts in Iran, and for the first time, C.baileyi and C.parvum are shown in native free-range chickens in Iran. All of the PCR positive birds with clinical symptoms showed gross lesions of respiratory infections. There was no significant difference between infection rate in free-range and commercial broiler chickens; however, the infection rate was significantly higher in chickens <25 days old. To conclude, we present here a notable Cryptosporidium infection rate in the free-range chicks in Iran, which notify the role of this host as a reservoir and should be more noted due to the economic and zoonotic importance.  相似文献   

Background Since 2005, H5N1 avian influenza (AI) has spread from South-East Asia to over 60 different countries, resulting in the direct death or slaughter of over 250,000,000 poultry. Migratory waterfowl have been implicated in this spread and in Australia there have been numerous isolations of low-pathogenicity AI virus from wild waterfowl and shorebirds. The Department of Human Services, Victoria maintains 10 sentinel free-range chicken flocks in the Riverland at locations that are populated by large numbers of waterfowl known to carry a range of strains of AI. Objective This study analysed historical samples collected in 1991–94 and 2003–06 from the library of serum samples for antibodies against AI to assess the potential for transfer of AI virus from wild waterfowl to free-range poultry. Results Of the 2000 serum samples analysed, 17 were positive for antibodies against AI and 87 were suspect, with a clustering of positive and suspect results in the years 1994, 2003 and 2004. There was also a clustering of positive samples at the site of the Barmah flock. Nine sequential sets of sera from individual chickens with at least one positive result were identified. Analysis of these sequential sets showed that infection was acquired on site but that the antibody response to AI infection was short-lived and was no longer detectable at 8 weeks after the positive finding. Conclusion The surveillance of sentinel chickens is a potential avenue for monitoring the circulation of AI viruses and could provide an early warning system for the commercial poultry industries.  相似文献   

为了了解安徽省合肥地区家禽禽流感免疫及带毒情况,2011年4—8月,在合肥地区家禽交易市场,采集不同来源、不同品种家禽的血清和同份棉拭子样品(咽喉、泄殖腔双份)603份(实测589份),分别进行高致病性禽流感免疫抗体和病原学检测,结果表明,全部样品平均免疫抗体合格率为70.80%。对监测结果进行分析发现,不同品种、不同养殖规模、不同月份的高致病性禽流感免疫抗体存在差异,其中,蛋鸡、种鸡高致病性禽流感免疫抗体合格率达80%以上,而肉鸡及水禽的免疫抗体水平则较差;饲养规模在1000羽以上的养禽场家禽高致病性禽流感平均免疫抗体合格率均达到70%以上,而饲养规模在1000羽以下的养禽场和农村散养家禽免疫抗体合格率分别为27.45%和32.84%,尚未达到农业部规定标准;在6月采集的样品,其平均免疫合格率偏低,其他月份差异不显著。病原学检测结果表明,全部检测样品高致病性禽流感病原检测结果均为阴性。  相似文献   

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