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A blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test has been developed to distinguish pseudorabies virus (PRV)-infected pigs from those immunized with a glycoprotein g92(gIII) deletion mutant, PRV(dlg92dltk). The blocking ELISA utilizes 96-well microtiter test plates coated with a cloned PRV g92(gIII) antigen, a mouse monoclonal antibody against gIII antigen (moMCAgIII): horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) conjugate, and undiluted test sera. Analyses can be completed in less than 3 hours with results printed out by an automated plate reader. Analyses on over 300 pig sera from PRV-free farms, on sera from other species, and on control sera containing antibodies to microorganisms other than PRV showed that the ratio of the optical density at 405 nm for the test sample to the optical density at 405 nm for the negative control (S/N value) was greater than 0.7 for all sera. No false positives were identified. Likewise, the S/N values were greater than 0.7 for over 400 sera obtained from pigs vaccinated twice with more than 1,000 times the standard PRV (dlg92dltk) dose or 1-4 times with the standard dose (2 x 10(5) TCID50/pig). Following challenge exposure to virulent PRV, the S/N values of the vaccinates were 0.1, showing that g92(gIII) antibodies in the sera of experimentally challenged pigs strongly blocked the binding of the moMCAgIII:HRPO conjugate to the antigen-coated wells. Sera of 233 pigs from PRV-infected herds with virus neutralization (VN) titers of 1:4 or greater were tested. All except 2 of these sera had S/N values less than 0.7 and more than 175 had S/N values less than 0.1. Sixteen sera from fetal pigs with VN titers of 1:4 or greater had S/N values of 0.24 or less, but 2 sera with VN titers of 1:4 when tested 5 years prior to the PRV g92(gIII) blocking ELISA test gave false negative S/N values. Twenty-four of 29 pig sera from PRV-infected herds with VN titers less than 1:4 were positive for g92(gIII) antibodies, illustrating the sensitivity of the PRV g92(gIII) blocking ELISA test. Analyses on 7 sera with VN titers of 1:4-1:64 showed that titers obtained with the PRV g92(gIII) blocking ELISA test were from 2- to 16-fold greater than the VN titers. The accuracy and sensitivity of the PRV g92(gIII) blocking ELISA test was further demonstrated by analyses of 40 unknown sera supplied in the National Veterinary Services Laboratories 1988 PRV check test kit.  相似文献   

The identities of chlamydial strains, which can infect a given host, are important to know for disease prognosis, disease control, and epidemiology. The microimmunofluorescence test (MIFT) was used with a panel of 14 serovar-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to serotype 150 chlamydial isolates from domestic and wild birds. The isolates were obtained from birds submitted to diagnostic laboratories or during investigation of outbreaks. The 150 US isolates included 96 from the order Psittaciformes, 14 isolates from the order Columbiformes, 2 from the order Passeriformes, 16 from the order Galliformes, 12 from the order Struthioniformes, and 3 from the order Falconiformes. A total of 93, or 97%, of the Psittaciformes isolates were of serovar A; 11, or 79%, of the Columbiformes isolates were of serovar B; 64% of the Galliformes isolates were of serovar D, and all the Struthioniformes isolates were of serovar E. The 3 Falconiformes isolates did not react with any of the MAbs to the avian and mammalian isolates and are presumed to represent a new strain. The results show that specific chlamydial strains are usually associated with certain types of birds and that some serovars may be unusually virulent for certain species of birds. The MIFT using serovar-specific MAbs provides a rapid method to serotype new isolates, making it a useful system for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli in the rectal flora of 168 healthy dogs and 93 cats in the Brisbane area was investigated. Rectal swabs were plated on MacConkey agar with and without antibiotics, and 690 isolates confirmed as faecal E. coli were tested for resistance to tetracycline, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, ampicillin, neomycin, furazolidone and sulphanilamide. Resistant isolates were obtained from 101 (60%) of the dogs and 24 (26%) of the cats sampled. A high percentage of the isolates was resistant to tetracycline, streptomycin, ampicillin and sulphanilamide. Multiple resistance to 3 or more of the drugs was exhibited by the majority of isolates and a total of 31 different multiple resistance patterns was demonstrated. Of the 50 strains tested for transfer of resistance, 30 (60%) transferred some or all of their resistance determinants to an E. coli K12F - recipient.  相似文献   

Isolation rates of feline herpesvirus (FHV) and feline calicivirus (FCV) from oropharyngeal swabs, taken from 6866 cats in 1980 to 1989 were studied retrospectively. FCV was isolated from 1364 (19.9 per cent) and FHV from 285 (4.2 per cent). The ratio of FCV:FHV isolations varied from 1.3:1 to 15:1 in individual years with an overall ratio of 4.8:1. Isolation of both viruses was fairly uniform for each year and there was no breed or sex disposition to either virus. Of 872 cats shedding FCV and 213 cats shedding FHV, of known age, 447 (51.3 per cent) with FCV and 140 (65.7 per cent) with FHV were under one year old, compared to only 35.3 per cent of the whole population sampled. For the years 1985 to 1989, more information was obtained about the cases. Of 4626 cats tested, 1180 (25.5 per cent) had acute upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) of which 348 (29.5 per cent) were shedding FCV and 162 (13.7 per cent) FHV. A further 597 had chronic URTD and of these, 102 (17.1 per cent) were shedding FCV and 18 (3 per cent) FHV. In 120 cases of suspected vaccine reaction/breakdown, FCV was isolated from 34 (28.3 per cent) and FHV from only two (1.7 per cent). FHV was not isolated from any of 412 cases presenting with chronic gingivitis/stomatitis alone; 181 (43.9 per cent) were shedding FCV and when cats with other signs in addition to chronic gingivitis were included, this proportion increased to 70.4 per cent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Leishmune vaccination covers a broader number of endemic areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) and therefore the development of new serological devices able to discriminate CVL from Leishmune vaccinees becomes an urgent need considering the post-vaccine seroconversion detected throughout conventional methodologies. Herein, we have described the establishment of a flow cytometry based methodology to detect anti-fixed L. (L.) chagasi promastigotes antibodies (FC-AFPA-IgG, FC-AFPA-IgG1 and FC-AFPA-IgG2) in sera samples from Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infected dogs and Leishmune vaccinees. The results of FC-AFPA were reported along the sera titration curve (1:128-1:524,288), as percentage-of-positive-fluorescent-parasite (PPFP). The use of PPFP=20% as a cut-off edge to segregate negative and positive results at sera dilution 1:2048 revealed outstanding performance indexes that elect FC-AFPA-IgG and IgG2 (both detected by polyclonal FITC-labeled second step reagent) applicable to the serological diagnosis of CVL, with 100% of specificity for both IgG and IgG2 and 97 and 93% of sensitivity, respectively. Moreover, FC-AFPA-IgG, applied at sera dilution 1:2048, also appeared as a useful tool to discriminate L. chagasi infected dogs from Leishmune vaccinees, with 76% of specificity. Outstanding likelihood indexes further support the performance of FC-AFPA-IgG for exclusion diagnosis of CVL in Leishmune vaccinees. Analysis of FC-AFPA-IgG at sera dilution 1:8192 revealed the most outstanding indexes, demonstrating that besides the ability of PPFP 相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic properties of ceftazidime, a third generation cephalosporin, were investigated in five cats after single intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration at a dose rate of 30 mg/kg. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of ceftazidime for some Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, n=11) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., n=10) strains isolated from clinical cases were determined. An efficacy predictor, measured as the time over which the active drug exceeds the bacteria minimum inhibitory concentration (T>MIC), was calculated. Serum ceftazidime disposition was best fitted by a bi-compartmental and a mono-compartmental open model with first-order elimination after IV and IM dosing, respectively. After IV administration, distribution was rapid (t(1/2(d)) 0.04+/-0.03 h), with an area under the ceftazidime serum concentration:time curve (AUC((0-infinity))) of 173.14+/-48.69 microg h/mL and a volume of distribution (V((d(ss)))) of 0.18+/-0.04 L/kg. Furthermore, elimination was rapid with a plasma clearance of 0.19+/-0.08 L/hkg and a t(1/2) of 0.77+/-0.06 h. Peak serum concentration (C(max)), T(max), AUC((0-infinity)) and bioavailability for the IM administration were 89.42+/-12.15 microg/mL, 0.48+/-0.49 h, 192.68+/-65.28 microg h/mL and 82.47+/-14.37%, respectively. Ceftazidime MIC for E. coli ranged from 0.0625 to 32 microg/mL and for Staphylococcus spp. from 1 to 64 microg/mL. T>MIC was in the range 35-52% (IV) and 48-72% (IM) of the recommended dosing interval (8-12h) for bacteria with a MIC(90)4 microg/mL.  相似文献   

Recombinant major outer membrane proteins (rMOMP) of Chlamydophila (Ch.) abortus, Ch. pecorum, and Chlamydia (C.) suis were used as antigens to distinguish chlamydial species-specific antibodies in (i) immune sera from six rabbits and three pigs raised against native purified elementary bodies, (ii) serum samples from 25 sows vaccinated with Ch. abortus, and (iii) 40 serum samples from four heifers experimentally infected with Ch. abortus. All post-exposition sera contained chlamydial antibodies as confirmed by strong ELISA seroreactivities against the chlamydial LPS. For the rMOMP ELISA mean IgG antibody levels were at least 5.8-fold higher with the particular rMOMP homologous to the chlamydial species used for immunisation or infection than with heterologous rMOMPs (P <0.001). Preferential rMOMP ELISA reactivities of sera were confirmed by Western blotting. The results suggest that the entire chlamydial rMOMP could provide a species-specific serodiagnostic antigen.  相似文献   

Rectal swabs from 120 domestic dogs and 15 domestic cats were examined for Aeromonas species using alkaline peptone water (pH 8.6) as the enrichment medium and blood agar containing 15 mg/l ampicillin as the plating medium. Aeromonads were isolated from 13 (10.8%) dogs and from 1 (6.7%) cat. Of the 14 aeromonads isolated in the present study only 9 were available for speciation and testing in the haemolysin assay. Of these 5 were A. sobria (including one from a cat), 2 were A. hydrophila and 2 were A. caviae. Six were positive in the haemolysin assay; 4 A. sobria (one from a cat) and 2 A. hydrophila. The presence of haemolysin producing-Aeromonas species in the faeces of domestic dogs and cats may pose a public health problem for humans who come into contact with such animals.  相似文献   

A blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test has been developed to distinguish pseudorabies virus (PRV) (Aujeszky's disease virus) -infected pigs from those immunized with a glycoprotein g92 (gIII) deletion mutant, PRV (dlg92dltk) [OMNIMARK-PRV]. This blocking ELISA test utilizes an anti-PRV gIII monoclonal antibody (mAbgIII)-horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) conjugate, TMB for color development and a cloned PRVg92 (gIII) antigen to coat wells of microtiter test plates. Undiluted sera are used to block the binding of the mAbgIII-HRPO conjugate to the antigen. The gIII blocking ELISA is specific and has a sensitivity comparable to screening ELISA and latex agglutination tests. PRV-negative sera and sera from pigs vaccinated once, twice, or four times with the gIII-negative vaccine all showed negative S/N values of greater than 0.70 (S/N defined as the optical density at 630 nm of test sera/optical density at 630 nm of negative control sera). Sera from PRV-infected herds, sera from pigs experimentally infected with virulent PRV, and sera from pigs vaccinated with modified-live or inactivated gIII+ vaccines were positive for gIII antibodies (S/N less than 0.7). Sera from pigs experimentally infected with 200 PFU virulent PRV seroconverted to gIII+ antibodies 7-10 days postinfection. Sera from pigs vaccinated with gpX- and gI- vaccines seroconverted to gIII+ antibodies 7-8 days after vaccination. The gIII antibodies persisted after gIII+ vaccinated for at least 376 days postvaccination. Sera from pigs protected by vaccination with PRV (dlg92dltk) and then challenge exposed to virulent PRV at 21 days postvaccination showed gIII+ antibodies by 14 days postchallenge. The specificity and sensitivity of the gIII blocking ELISA assay was further demonstrated on the United States Department of Agriculture-National Veterinary Services Laboratory (USDA-NVSL) sera from the 1988 PRV check set and the 1989 gIII PRV check set by comparing the gIII blocking ELISA assay with virus neutralization, screening/verification ELISA and latex agglutination assays.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis and E. granulosus infections in domestic dogs and cats from Germany and other European countries. Faecal samples of 21,588 dogs and 10,650 cats routinely submitted to a private veterinary laboratory between June 2004 and June 2005 were examined using the ZnSO(4)-NaCl flotation method. Taeniid eggs were detected in 54 (0.25%) and 37 (0.34%) of the canine and feline faecal samples, respectively. Taeniid eggs were separated and subjected to a DNA preparation and a modified two-step PCR for the detection of Echinococcus spp. based on mitochondrial 12S rRNA genes. PCR products from Echinococcus-negative but cestode-positive reactions were cloned and sequenced to determine the Taenia species. E. multilocularis DNA was specifically amplified in 43 (0.24%) and 25 (0.23%) of the samples from dogs and cats, respectively. E. granulosus DNA was not detected in any sample, while, E. multilocularis-positive samples were detected in dogs from Germany only, those of cats originated from Germany, Denmark and The Netherlands. The prevalence of E. multilocularis egg-positive canine samples was significantly higher in southern (0.35%) than in northern Germany (0.13%). In contrast, no significant regional difference was observed in cats from Germany. Taeniid eggs from Echinococcus-negative samples and from a few samples with macroscopically detected Taenia sp. proglottids were identified as eggs of T. crassiceps (n=8), T. martis, T. serialis, T. polyacantha, T. taeniaeformis and T. pisiformis in dogs (n=1 of each) and T. taeniaeformis (n=11) in cats. The spectrum of cestodes detected in domestic dogs and cats indicate the consumption of small rodents as infection source. The high proportion of E. multilocularis-positive samples, suggest domestic dogs and cats as a possible source of E. multilocularis infection for humans.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic properties of ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin, were investigated in five cats after single intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous administration at a dosage of 25 mg/kg. Ceftriaxone MICs for some gram-negative and positive strains isolated from clinical cases were determined. Efficacy predictor (t > MIC) was calculated. Serum ceftriaxone disposition was best fitted by a bicompartmental and a monocompartmental open models with first-order elimination after intravenous and intramuscular and subcutaneous dosing, respectively. After intravenous administration, distribution was fast (t1/2d 0.14 +/- 0.02 h) and moderate as reflected by the volume of distribution (V(d(ss))) of 0.57 +/- 0.22 L/kg. Furthermore, elimination was rapid with a plasma clearance of 0.37 +/- 0.13 L/h.kg and a t1/2 of 1.73 +/- 0.23 h. Peak serum concentration (Cmax), tmax and bioavailability for the intramuscular administration were 54.40 +/- 12.92 microg/mL, 0.33 +/- 0.07 h and 85.72 +/- 14.74%, respectively; and for the subcutaneous route the same parameters were 42.35 +/- 17.62 microg/mL, 1.27 +/- 0.95 h and 118.28 +/- 39.17%. Ceftriaxone MIC for gram-negative bacteria ranged from 0.0039 to >8 microg/mL and for gram-positive bacteria from 0.5 to 4 microg/mL. t > MIC was in the range 83.31-91.66% (10-12 h) of the recommended dosing interval (12 h) for Escherichia coli (MIC90 = 0.2 microg/mL).  相似文献   

The susceptibility of cats and dogs to Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV; genotype VII) was investigated by intramuscular (IM) inoculation of 10(3.7)-10(5) 50% tissue culture infective doses (TCID(50)) of virus followed by observation of experimental animals for up to 3 months post-inoculation (pi). Each experiment also included positive and negative controls, animals inoculated with a bat variant of rabies virus (Eptesicus I, genotype I), or a 10% suspension of uninfected mouse brain, respectively. Each of the ABLV-inoculated cats showed occasional abnormal clinical signs, but none died. Necropsies performed at 3 months pi revealed no lesions, and no viral antigen, in the central nervous system of any cat. ABLV could not be recovered from any cats. However, rabies virus-neutralizing antibodies were detected between 4 and 14 weeks pi in the sera of all three ABLV-inoculated cats. At 2-3 weeks pi, three of the five ABLV-inoculated dogs showed very mild abnormal clinical signs that persisted for 1-2 days, after which the dogs recovered. At 3 months pi, when all dogs were necropsied, neither lesions nor ABLV antigen were detected in, and virus was not isolated from, any dog. No ABLV RNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in clinical or necropsy samples from the three ABLV-affected dogs. However, all ABLV-inoculated dogs seroconverted by 2 weeks pi, and serum antibody titres were higher than those observed in cats. CSF, collected at 3 months pi, was positive for rabies virus-neutralizing antibody in two ABLV-inoculated dogs.  相似文献   

Hantaviruses are worldwide rodent-borne pathogens infecting humans and other animals mainly through inhalation of aerosols contaminated with rodent excreta. Few data are available on hantavirus serology and geographical distribution in dogs and cats. We therefore screened sera from pet dogs (N=410) and cats (N=124) in two regions of Belgium, using IgG ELISA and IFA. We analysed the effect of the owner's address as well as pet gender and age on hantavirus status. Hantavirus antibodies were found in both species with a significantly higher seroprevalence in cats than in dogs (16.9% vs. 4.9%, P=0.001). More dogs were infected in highly forested southern Belgium (harbouring more rodents) than in northern Belgium (10.5% vs. 3.0%, P=0.002). In the south, hantavirus sero-positive cats were found in more densely forested localities than sero-negatives ones were (P=0.033). These results are consistent with the ecological variations of hantavirus risks in humans.  相似文献   

Freshly collected blood and/or spleen homogenate from an experimentally infected Florida bobcat (Lynx rufus floridanus), which had died of feline cytauxzoonosis, was inoculated into domestic cats. All inoculated cats had clinical signs of feline cytauxzoonosis and died within 2 weeks after they were inoculated. Similar material collected from an eastern bobcat (Lynx rufus rufus) carrying an experimentally infected Cytauxzoon felis parasitemia was inoculated into domestic cats. All inoculated cats developed a parasitemia, but none developed clinical signs of disease and none died of the disease. Cats subinoculated with parasitemic cat blood also developed parasitemias and they too did not develop clinical signs of infection nor died. After carrying the blood phase of Cytauxzoon felis for various periods, the domestic cats were then challenge exposed with proven lethal Cytauxzoon inoculum of domestic cat origin. All cats died of cytauxzoonosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To use PCR assays to determine the prevalence of feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1), Chlamydophila felis, and Mycoplasma spp DNA in conjunctival cells collected from cats with and without conjunctivitis; to compare results of conventional and real-time fluorogenic PCR assays for amplification of FHV-1 DNA; and to determine whether copy numbers of FHV-1 DNA are correlated with conjunctivitis. ANIMALS: 55 cats with active conjunctivitis, 39 healthy cats that never had conjunctivitis, and 32 cats with a history of conjunctivitis that had been resolved for at least 3 months. PROCEDURES: Samples were obtained by rolling cotton-tipped applicators on the ventral conjunctiva of awake cats treated topically with proparacaine. The DNA was extracted from the swab specimens and assessed in PCR assays to detect DNA of FHV-1 (fluorogenic PCR assay and conventional PCR assay), Mycoplasma spp (conventional PCR assay), and C felis (conventional PCR assay). RESULTS: Overall prevalence rates of FHV-1, C felis, and Mycoplasma spp as assessed by the conventional PCR assays were 6.7%, 3.2%, and 9.6%, respectively. Percentage concordance between conventional PCR and fluorogenic PCR assays for FHV-1 was 92.5%. There were no significant differences among the 3 groups of cats for the mean copy number of FHV-1 divided by the copy number of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Mycoplasma spp were the most prevalent organism detected and was associated with conjunctivitis. This study could not confirm that there are increased copy numbers of FHV-1 DNA in cats with conjunctivitis, compared with the copy numbers for cats without conjunctivitis.  相似文献   

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