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During 1980 and 1981 potato cultivars and breeding selections, including cultivated species and their hybrid derivatives, were evaluated for resistance to the green peach aphid (GPA),Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and to potato leafroll virus (PLRV). Criteria used were the number of aphids which colonized the clones in free choice field experiments and the number of plants derived from these experiments which showed symptoms of PLRV infection. Generally, greater resistance to GPA was found inSolarium tuberosum gp.andigena selections and hybrids than in gp.tuberosum cultivars. There were approximately fourfold differences in season-mean GPA levels among the clones tested each year. Forty-two families, representing a cross-section of the USDA breeding populations at the University of Idaho Research and Extension Center, Aberdeen, showed a similar range in colonization levels. Resistance to GPA colonization appeared to be more prevalent in gp.andigena, gp.phureja, and gp.stenotonum derivatives. There was a weak positive correlation (r2 = .34, P = .01) between foliar total glycoalkaloids and season-mean GPA colonization levels for six clones representing the range of observed resistance to GPA. Resistance to GPA colonization was apparently not directly related to resistance to PLRV infection. Katahdin, for example, was relatively susceptible to GPA colonization but very resistant to PLRV infection whereas selection A69657-4 (gp.andigena) was among the most resistant to GPA colonization but among the more susceptible to PLRV infection. Breeding for resistance to GPA colonization therefore may not be as promising for PLRV control as developing PLRV resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Glasshouse screening tests with the aphid, Sitobion avenae, demonstrated resistance or extreme susceptibility in a minority of winter wheat cultivars. Assessments of some, but not all, resistant cultivars were apparently affected by the conditions of the test, and field observations confirmed some, but not all, of the glasshouse results. Rapier and Galahad were the most resistant of the cultivars currently available to British wheat growers. F4 lines of spring wheat from crosses of wheat stocks resistant to S. avenae were screened by two methods and on average were resistant. Crosses differed in the amount of variability available for further selection, and wide-ranging segregation among the lines indicated that resistance genes differed among the parent stocks.  相似文献   

Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov is an aphid pest that hampers the global production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Infestation of wheat by D. noxia reduces crop yield and sometimes leads to the death of susceptible cultivars. To date resistant cultivars have been used to control infestations. However, the development of resistance-breaking aphid biotypes is complicating this management strategy. This study aimed to ascertain the effect that 25 mM potassium phosphate (K3PO4) treatment has on inducing resistance in wheat against D. noxia. The effects of potassium phosphate on induced resistance against D. noxia were determined using gene regulation and enzymatic levels of lipoxygenase (EC 1.13.11) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC The results indicated that the treatment of both susceptible (Scheepers) and resistant (Tugela DN) wheat cultivars with potassium phosphate induces genes differentially. A phenotypic study showed delayed development and less severity of symptoms with decreased numbers of aphids feeding on plants treated with potassium phosphate in comparison with untreated plants for both resistant and susceptible cultivars. The results from the gene expression and enzyme activity studies indicated that both of the induced systemic resistance-linked genes were similarly regulated after potassium phosphate treatment. The data strongly support treatment of wheat with potassium phosphate to induce tolerance against D. noxia.  相似文献   

Mixtures of imidacloprid and tebuconazole, were evaluated for three consecutive growing seasons, to determine the effects on plant stand, aphid control and wheat grain yield. At rates of 1.05/0.04 and 0.7/0.04 g a.i of pesticide, respectively, per kg of seeds, plant stand per unit area increased compared with their respective untreated control. Both rates of imidacloprid efficiently controlled the maize aphid (Melanaphis maidis) and suppressed the green bug (Schizaphis graminum) for 6–8 weeks after sowing. There were substantial differences among the different treatments in the number of grains/ear and the 1000-grain weight. These differences were reflected in 90% and 30% average increase in the total grain yield of the wheat crop raised from seeds treated with the mixture relative to the corresponding untreated control and a standard mixture of lindane plus thiram, respectively. This strategy of using imidacloprid as seed dressing allowed easy application, gave adequate reliable control of aphids and less hazardous to the environment.  相似文献   

The relative nutritive value of 11 wheat varieties was assessed with the fungusAspergillus flavus. The samples were administered at 3 mg nitrogen level and the mycelial weight, obtained after 72 hours of shaking, was taken as an index of fungal biomass. The fungus graded the samples in the same order as has been done by rat. The biomass was found to be significantly and positively correlated with net protein utilization (NPU) and biological value (BV) determined by rat feeding trials.
Zusammenfassung Der relative Nährwert von 11 Weizenarten wurde mit dem PilzAspergillus flavus abgeschätzt. Die Proben wurden mit einem Stickstoffgehalt von 3 mg angesetzt. Das Mycelgewicht nach 72 stündigem Schütteln diente als Index der Pilzbiomasse. Der Pilz sortierte die Arten in der gleichen Reihenfolge wie die Ratten. Es wurde gefunden, daß die Biomasse signifikant und positiv korreliert ist mit der netto Proteinverwertung (NPU) und dem biologischen Wert (BV), der durch Rattenfütterungsversuche erhalten wurde.

Résumé Le valeur nutritif relatif de 11 sortes du blé a été examiné par les champignonsAspergillus flavus. Les chantillons ont été mis à l'expériment avec 3 mg du nitrogène. Le poids mycelial, obtenu après 72 heures d'agitation, a été pris comme l'index de la biomasse des champignons. Ces champignons ont gradué les échantillons au même ordre comme on l'a atteint avec les rats. Cette masse biologique a été positivement conforme à 1 utilisation de proteins propre (NPU) et à la valeur biologique (BV), déterminée par les essais d'engraissement avec les rats.

Summary True seedlings from crosses designed to produce progenies having high levels of field resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) were scored in lots of 25 in a glasshouse. The results agreed with assessments subsequently obtained from plants grown from tubers from the same progenies when screened as individual whole plants in the glasshouse. The resistance of seedlings of both resistant and susceptible progenies was assessed by inoculating them 3–8 weeks after sowing. All were highly susceptible when inoculated at 3 weeks but resistance increased from 3 to 6 weeks and differed little between 6 and 8 weeks. The seedling test appears to provide a valid screen for resistance at an early stage in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

Resistance to Sitobion avenae (F.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was assessed in glasshouse tests of 20 winter wheat varieties that were of major importance or are currently recommended for British agriculture. The varieties Kador, Bounty, Rapier, Virtue, Bouquet and Maris Ranger were relatively resistant and the varieties Maris Huntsman, Armada, Joss Cambier, Bersée and Hybrid 46 were the most susceptible. The significance of these findings for growers, for integrated control of cereal aphids and for plant breeding is considered.  相似文献   

The cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) is one of the most important sucking insect pests attacking certain legumes in Egypt particularly faba bean, cowpea and pea. In this study we monitored the resistance level of three field populations of A. craccivora to seven insecticides belonging to three different chemical classes (organophosphates, carbamates and neonicotinoids). The three populations were collected from three governorates in Egypt namely Dakahlia, Qalyobia and Beni Suef. Diagnostic concentrations (LC90 values for susceptible strain) for each insecticide were established using a leaf dipping technique. Resistance monitoring showed that the field population from Dakahlia was highly resistant to all the tested insecticides. In a similar manner, the population from Qalyobia was also resistant to all insecticides except for fenitrothion to which only moderate resistance was observed. The field population from Beni Suef exhibited a lower level of resistance to all the seven tested insecticides.Biochemical assay showed that esterase activity in these three field populations was generally higher as the enzyme activity ratio ranged from 4.3 to 7.8 fold more than that for the susceptible strain. The activity of the other measured detoxifying enzymes (glutathione -S- transferase and mixed function oxidases) was moderate in the populations from Qalyobia and Dakahlia. Nevertheless, the enzyme activity in A. craccivora collected from Beni Suef was variable and differed slightly from the activity measured in the susceptible strain. Monitoring insecticide resistance among the three aphid populations was a proactive approach to detect any shift in insecticide efficiency. The possible occurrence of resistance in the cowpea aphid to the tested insecticides may be due to the higher activity of carboxylesterases. Further studies on the resistance mechanism to these insecticides are needed to provide insights in how to manage and delay the onset of the resistance and thus prolong the performance of insecticides against A. craccivora.  相似文献   

Summary Cellular membrane thermostability of leaf tissue, measured by both leaching and direct conductivity, was used as an index for evaluating potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaf tolerance to high temperature. Experiments with eight genotypes showed that maximum differences between cultivars in response to temperature occurred at 52.5°C. The wide variability among the genotypes suggested that this index could be used to screen potato foliage for tolerance to heat. The results agreed well with visual scoring after exposing potted plants to 52.5°C. CPRI Publication No 854.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven tuber-bearingSolanum progenies including species and interspecific hybrid derivatives were evaluated for resistance to green peach aphid (GPA),Myzus persicae (Sulzer), using an excised leaflet test. The progenies segregated for resistance and most contained some highly resistant clones. Resistance appeared to be partially dominant and genotype-environment interaction was low. Heritability estimates of 50–60 percent were obtained from both diploid and tetraploid populations.  相似文献   

Relationship between foliage temperature and water stress in potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field studies were conducted in southern Idaho to evaluate the possibility of using thermal infrared measurements of potato foliage to detect soil water deficits. Concurrent measurements of foliage-air temperature differences (Tf-Ta), leaf water potential (gyleaf) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were obtained from differentially-irrigated Russet Burbank and Kennebec potatoes during the 1982 and 1983 growing seasons. Foliageair temperature differences for well-watered potatoes were linearly related to VPD. Differences in Tf-Ta values between stressed and well-watered potatoes were relatively small in the early morning when evaporative demand was low. However, severe soil water deficits caused afternoon Tf-Ta values to rise as much as 8.0 C above non-stressed levels under conditions of high VPD. Foliage-air temperature differences and VPD data were used to construct a plant water stress index (PWSI) which reflected the rise in Tf-Ta above non-stressed levels at a given VPD. The PWSI was linearly related to depressions in gyleaf caused by moderate to severe soil water deficits. However, the PWSI did not increase significantly above non-stressed values unless the soil matric potential gysoil fell below -70 kPa (centibars). Since potatoes are normally irrigated before gysoil falls below ?60 kPa, it appears that foliage temperature measurements cannot be used to effectively schedule irrigation for this crop.  相似文献   

小麦ARz抗纹枯病的QTL定位研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
纹枯病在我国已成为影响小麦高产、稳产的主要病害之一。为了确定小麦纹枯病抗性基因的位点和数量,本文以单粒传(SSD)方法构建了ARx和扬麦158杂交的F6代重组自交系(RIL)的遗传群体共137个单株,分别在2002和2003年用牙签法和沟带接菌法进行了3次纹枯病抗性鉴定。初步研究结果表明.小麦纹枯病抗性是由主效基因和微效多基因共同控制的。在2D、3A、3B、3D、7D等5条染色体上分析了42个SSR引物.共49个位点.结合回归分析找到10个SSR分子标记。综合本项目组先前分析的48个SSR标记住点.分别对2、3、7同源群使用Map Manager QTXbl7建立了14条连锁区段,并用区间作图法检测到与小麦纹枯病抗病相关的6个QTLs,位于2D、3D、3B和7D上.单个位点可分别解释表型变异方差的9.0%、7.0%、7.0%、9.0%、14.0%和8.0%。初步认为在7D上有一个抗小麦纹枯病的主效QTL。  相似文献   

The plant growth regulator, daminozide, was applied to the foliage of Ranger Russet, Shepody and Nooksack potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) plants at 0, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 g product·liter?1 to determine its effectiveness in increasing eye number and reducing average tuber weight. Total tuber yields were not affected. Daminozide treatment increased tuber eye number of each cultivar and did not alter the distribution of eyes between the stem and bud ends. After 5 g daminozide·liter?1 treatment, average eye number of the stem end and bud ends of Nooksack increased up to 1.0 eye, by 27% for Shepody and by 31% for Ranger Russet. The largest increases in eye number occurred in Ranger Russet. However, increasing daminozide concentration caused increased tuber elongation in Ranger Russet. Average tuber weight decreased significantly in response to daminozide treatment only in Shepody. As a seed tuber production aid, daminozide can be used to increase eye number, and in some cultivars, to reduce average tuber weight.  相似文献   

Summary TenSolanum tuberosum genotypes differing in resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) in foliage and tubers were intercrossed to determine the inheritance of disease resistance in their progenies. Plots of 10–15 clones per progeny were established in each of 2 years and resistance assessed by field or laboratory tests. The parental genotypes were similarly tested each year. The parents differed in general combining ability (GCA) for both foliage blight (FB) and tuber blight (TB). The parental and GCA scores were significantly correlated for both aspects of the disease, but the correlations between foliage and tuber scores for parents and for GCAs were not significant. Three parental genotypes were highly resistant in both foliage and tubers, and the genotype with the highest GCA for resistance to both FB and TB (cv. stirling) is recommended as the best parent. There was no evidence of strong genetic correlation between both aspects of resistance, and it is suggested that both be selected for in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

The systemic insecticides, Dasanit®, carbofuran (Furadan®), phorate (Thimet®), aldicarb (Temik®) and disulfoton (Di-Syston®) were applied in the planting furrow at 2–3 lb actual/acre for potato tuberworm (Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)) control in Irish potato foliage. None of these compounds gave entirely satisfactory results. Dasanit was the best with slightly over 80% decrease in the number of mines and was followed closely by carbofuran; all treatments needed to be supplemented by foliage sprays for satisfactory tuberworm protection. Azinphosmethyl (Guthion®) gave consistently outstanding results as a foliage spray at 0.5 lb/acre with over 99% tuberworm reduction. Other foliar-applied insecticides giving at least 98% tuberworm control included: Monitor®, monocrotophos (Azodrin®), phosphamidon, Orthene®, Torak®, methomyl (Lannate®) and Dursban® (all at 0.5 lb/acre) and Phosvel® (1 lb/acre).  相似文献   

Adequate spray deposition on susceptible grapevine tissue is an essential requirement for effective chemical control of economically important diseases, such as grey mould, powdery mildew and downy mildew. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of some agricultural adjuvants to improve foliar spray deposition. Deposition quantity and quality was assessed by means of a spray assessment protocol using fluorometry, photomicrography and digital image analyses. The visual droplet rating technique developed by G Furness, Australia, was also included in initial assessments. Both assessment protocols showed that spray deposition quantity increased with increasing spray volume applications of 27 l ha−1 to 581 l ha−1 with a motorised backpack mistblower, but decreased at 698 l ha−1, possibly due to run-off. Addition of selected spray adjuvants at 526 l ha−1 volume demonstrated improved deposition quantity and quality. Agral 90 (ethoxylated alkylphenol), BB5 (acidifier), Nu-film-P (terpene oil), and Solitaire (silicone/plant oil) significantly improved deposition on upper and lower leaf surfaces compared with the fenhexamid-only and water sprayed control. Break-thru S240 (organosilicone) and Villa 51 (alkylpolyethylene glycol ether) did not improve deposition quantity, although remarkably better deposition quality was obtained. An adjuvant concentration effect (within the registered concentration range) was evident at spray volumes of 502 l ha−1, especially those retained on the upper leaf surfaces. Agral 90 and Nu-film-P effected significant improvement of spray deposition at the higher concentrations (18 ml and 50 ml hl−1, respectively), but not at the lower concentrations (6 ml and 20 ml hl−1, respectively). Solitaire improved deposition at the lower concentration tested (50 ml hl−1), whereas reduced deposition at the higher concentration (100 ml per hl−1) was attributed to excessive spray run-off. No significant improvement of spray deposition was observed for both concentrations tested with Villa 51 (50 and 100 ml hl−1). Spray mixtures with adjuvants Agral 90 and Solitaire yielded similar deposition values at 500 l ha−1 compared with the fenhexamid-only control at 720 l ha−1, but reduced deposition at the higher spray volume, possibly due to spray run-off. This study clearly demonstrated the potential of adjuvants to improve deposition quantity and quality, but highlights the necessity to match adjuvant concentrations and application volumes on the spray target to achieve maximum spray deposition.  相似文献   

Summary Breeders' selections are assessed for resistance to foliage blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) at the Scottish Crop Research Institute in both glasshouse and field tests. In attempts to improve the correlation between the two types of test a number of factors affecting the repeatability of the glasshouse test were examined. ‘Sturdy’ (well-spaced) plants were more resistant than ‘straggly’ (closely spaced) plants; plants inoculated 5, 6 or 7 weeks after planting were more resistant than those inoculated after 4 weeks; and plants grown during the spring were more resistant than those raised in the summer. Factors affecting the correlation between field and glasshouse tests are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Resistenz von Kartoffelklonen gegen Krautf?ule wird in einem Routinetest im Gew?chshaus geprüft. Zwei 5 Wochen alte Pflanzen werden mit einem komplexen Pathotyp vonPhytophthora infestans besprüht, 24 Stunden in einer geschlossenen Kammer bei 15–18°C inkubiert und dann in das Gew?chshaus bei 15°C zurückgebracht. Der Infektionsgrad wird 7 Tage nach der Inokulation mit Hilfe der von Malcolmson (1976) aufgestellten Boniturskala von 1–9 (Resistenz von 1–9 steigend) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse werden in einem Feldversuch best?tigt. Von jedem Klon werden 2×3 Knollen randomisiert in 50 m langen Reihen gepflanzt. Jede dritte Reihe besteht aus einer anf?lligen Sorte, zwischen die infizierte Pflanzen in T?pfen gestellt werden, um eine Infektionsquelle sicherzustellen. Die Resistenz wird ab Mitte August zwei oder dreimal mit Hilfe der Skala von Malcolmson (1976) bestimmt. über das ganze Feld sind Standardsorten (Tabelle 1) verteilt, als Vergleich für den Infektionsverlauf (Tabelle 4). Pflanzen, die im Gew?chshaus eng zusammengestellt aufwachsen, sind ‘sparrig’ und anf?lliger als weiter-gestellte, ‘buschige’ Pflanzen (Tabelle 2). Pflanzen, die w?hrend des Frühjahrs aufwuchsen, waren resistenter als solche, die w?hrend des Sommers aufwuchsen (Tabelle 3). Wurden sie 4 Wochen nach dem Pflanzen inokuliert waren sie anf?lliger als nach 5, 6 oder 7 Wochen. In jedem Fall waren die resistenteren Bonituren denen im Feld gefundenen n?her. Die Feldergebnisse von zwei aufeinander folgenden Jahren zeigten eine befriedigende Korrelation, zwischen den Ergebnissen für die Prüfung im Gew?chshaus in zwei aufeinander folgenden Jahren und besonders zwischen den ‘Feld’- und ‘Gew?chshaus’-Ergebnissen war sie jedoch geringer. Die Prüfung im Gew?chshaus kann zu einer Untersch?tzung der Resistenz der resistentesten Klone und der Anf?lligkeit der anf?lligsten Klone im Vergleich mit der Feldprüfung führen (Tabelle 4).

Résumé Des clones de pommes de terre ont été choisis afin d'étudier leur résistance au mildiou sur feuilles par un test de routine en serre. Deux plantes agées de 5 semaines sont pulvérisées avec un complexe dePhytophthora infestans, puis incubées pendant 24 heures dans une enceinte close à 15–18°C, avant d'être mises en serre à 15°C. La gravité de l'infection est mesurée 7 jours après l'inoculation à l'aide de l'échelle 1 à 9 de résistance croissante de Malcolmson (1976). Les résultats en serre sont complétés par une expérimentation de plein champ. Pour chaque clone, deux lots de 3 tubercules sont plantés en randomisation totale sur rangs de 50 m. Tous les trois rangs une variété sensible est plantée et des plantes infectées, en pot, y sont ajoutées afin d'assurer la source de contamination. La résistance est analysée en 2 ou 3 périodes à partir de la miao?t, avec l'échelle de Malcolmson (1976). Des lots de variétés de référence (tableau 1) sont disposés au hazard dans l'essai, dans le but de contr?ler la progression de l'infection (tableau 4). Dans la serre, les plantes plus rapprochées sont plus sensibles au test au moment de la levée que les plantes plus espacées (tableau 2). A la levée au printemps, les plantes sont plus résistantes qu'à la levée en été (tableau 3) et les plantes inoculées 4 semaines après plantation sont plus sensibles que celles infectées 5, 6 ou 7 semaines après. Dans chaque cas, les résistances les plus élevées sont proches des valeurs obtenues en plein champ. Sur deux années successives, les valeurs en plein champ donnent une corrélation satisfaisante, mais sur ces mêmes années, les valeurs ne sont pas autant correlées entre l'expérimentation au champ et le test en serre. Ce dernier semble sous-estimer la résistance des clones les plus résistants et la sensibilité des clones les plus sensibles, par rapport au test de plein champ (tableau 4).

Summary The relationship between resistance to late blight in foliage and tuber was examined on 50 clones of each of five progenies from crosses where one parent was resistant in both foliage and tuber and the other susceptible. Foliage resistance was assessed in a field trial and tuber resistance in a laboratory test on glasshouse-grown tubers. The genetical and environmental components of variance and the phenotypic and genetical correlations between foliage and tuber blight scores were determined for each progeny. Foliage and tuber resistance were correlated, indicating either that both are determined by the same genes or by different linked genes. The environmental component of variation was greater for tuber blight than foliage blight. We suggest that the most effective way of selecting for resistance to both aspects of the disease in a breeding programme is to select those resistant in the foliage and then screen them for tuber resistance.  相似文献   

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