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榄仁是热带及亚热带地区的一种常见药用植物,目前关于榄仁内生真菌的研究较少。从榄仁体内分离出一株内生真菌JLR6,利用对峙生长法测试JLR6对香蕉炭疽菌及芒果炭疽菌的拮抗活性,通过ITS序列分析对其进行初步鉴定,并利用Plackett-Burman设计结合响应面的方法对菌株JLR6的发酵条件进行了优化。 结果表明:菌株JLR6对香蕉炭疽菌及芒果炭疽菌有明显的拮抗活性,皿内抑制率分别为45.50%和57.90%,通过ITS序列分析,初步将JLR6鉴定为Diaporthe sp.;优化后菌株JLR6的最适发酵条件为细菌学蛋白胨10 g/L、葡萄糖20 g/L、酵母粉17.82 g/L、装液量87.59 mL、接种量9.06 %,于180 r/min、28℃条件下培养7 d,生物量达到4.79 g/L。  相似文献   

The phenotypic diversity of 274 Ethiopian durum wheat accessions was analyzed, taking their geographic origins into account. The aim was to assess the extent and patterns of agronomically important phenotypic variation across districts of origin and altitude classes for major qualitative traits using diversity index and multivariate methods. Eight qualitative and three quantitative traits were scored for 2740 plants and analyzed for diversity. The Shannon–Weaver diversity(H′) index was used to estimate phenotypic diversity. The estimated H′ ranged from monomorphic for glume hairiness to highly polymorphic for other traits. The highest(0.86) H′ was obtained for seed degree of shriveling, possibly indicating the differential responses of the genotypes to water deficit during later growth stages. With respect to district of origin, the highest(0.72) and lowest(0.44) H′ values were obtained for the Bale and SNNP districts, respectively. With respect to altitude, the highest(0.76) and lowest(0.62) H′ values were recorded for altitudes 1600–2000and 3000 m above sea levels, respectively. Principal components analysis explained substantial variation contributed by district of origin and altitude range. Genotypes were clustered into three groups by districts of origin and altitude class, with relatively strong bootstrap values of 57 and 62 for the former and latter, respectively. It could be concluded that Ethiopian durum wheat landraces are very diverse both within and among districts of origin and altitude classes. This wealth of genetic diversity should be exploited for wheat improvement of yield and for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, particularly terminal drought.  相似文献   

The seeds of lesser-known species —Cucumeropsis mannii, Lagenaria sicceraria varities 1 and 2 andTelfairia occidentalis, ofCucurbitaceae family were studied. The protein content ofC. mannii was 36.1% and the varieties 1 and 2 ofL. sicceraria had 32.1% and 33.3% respectively.Telfairia occidentalis had protein content of 33.2%. The fat contents ofC. mannii, L. Sicceraria var. 1 and 2 andT. occidentalis were 44.4%, 44.6%, 46.9% and 42.3% respectively. The crude fibre content for each of the two varieties ofL. sicceraria was 3.6% andT. occidentalis had 5.5%.Cucumeropsis mannii had the lowest (2.4%) fibre content. The carbohydrate contents forL. Sicceraria var. 2,C. mannii, andT. occidentalis were 12.6%, 13.2% and 14.4% respectively.Lagenaria sicceraria var. 1 had the highest value of carbohydrate (15.8%). The species were relatively rich in potassium and magnesium with range of values of 0.56% to 0.68% and 434 ppm to 444 ppm respectively.Cucumeropsis mannii andLagenaria sicceraria var. 2 had relatively high contents of calcium (117 ppm) and iron (109 ppm) respectively. The kernels of these species exhibited lipase activity.Telfairia occidentalis showed the highest degree of lipase activity.  相似文献   

西南地区玉米地方种质的表型特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚启伦  方平  陈发波 《玉米科学》2013,21(2):36-41,46
采用田间试验, 分析评价来自西南地区50个玉米地方品种的表型特征。西南地区玉米地方品种在各农艺、经济性状上存在极显著差异, 经济性状的变异程度较农艺性状的变异程度高;多数玉米地方品种植株和穗位较高, 平均株高和穗位高分别高达2.64 m和1.38 m。根据主成分分析结果, 从供试材料中选出10个表现较优的地方品种。表型性状的聚类结果不能反映玉米地方品种的地理来源。西南地区玉米地方品种蕴藏丰富的优良种质, 有必要加强这一种质的保护与利用。  相似文献   

赵学新 《杂粮作物》2007,27(4):315-316
中国在2006年11月3日至5日举行了中非合作论谈北京峰会,有48个非洲国家参加了会议。在本次会议上,中国提出了支缓非洲,走进非洲的发展战略。本人于2003年12月至2006年12月参加了“南南合作”项目,现对尼日利亚农业作以简单介绍,希望对有意到尼日利亚开发农业,投资农业的人们有所借鉴。1尼日利亚概况尼日利亚位于西非东南部,整个国土介于北纬4~14°,面积92.38万km2。南濒大西洋几内亚湾,地势北高南低,河流众多。尼日利亚有人口1.33亿,是非洲大陆唯一人口超过1亿的国家。尼拥有得天独厚的丰富的农业生产资源和巨大的农副产品消费市场,近年来尼…  相似文献   

为有效评价和利用广西斑茅种质资源,扩增甘蔗遗传基础。对183份广西斑茅种质资源主要表型性状及遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明:广西斑茅种质资源表型遗传多样性比较低,13个描述型性状的遗传多样性指数在0.0000~1.2349之间,平均为0.3070,以毛群较高,生长带形状较低,空心、气根、根点排列和脱叶性4个性状无多态性表现;不同地区的斑茅资源遗传多样性指数在0.2851~0.5072之间,且以钦州的多样性最大,其次是桂林和崇左,以来宾的多样性最小。5个数值型性状的变异系数在13.54%~29.11%之间,平均为19.59%,以叶宽比较大,叶长较小;10个地区的斑茅资源变异系数在16.48%~21.92%之间,以桂林最大,百色最小。通过聚类分析,183份资源可以分为10个类群,各类群遗传分化不明显,与地理来源无密切联系。本研究揭示了广西不同地区斑茅的表型特异性和遗传多样性,为斑茅资源的采集、保育和杂交利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The pilei (caps) and the stipes (stalks) of the button and early open-cap (cup) stages ofLentinus subnudus, Psathyrella atroumbonata andTermitomyces striatus were assayed separately for their proximate and mineral composition. The differences observed in the contents of some of the proximate components seem to be related to species and mushroom parts.P. atroumbonata was richest in crude and true protein,L. subnudus was richer in crude fiber, ash and carbohydrates. Mineral contents appeared to be dependent on type and parts of the mushrooms analysed. The three mushrooms were good sources of magnesium, zinc and iron.L. subnudus contained between 14.83 and 20.00 ppm of iron,P. atroumbonata contained between 20.01 and 22.09 ppm andT. striatus contained between 17.13 and 22.93 ppm of iron. The pilei ofP. atroumbonata andT. striatus are very good sources of zinc. Zinc contents for the pilei ofP. atroumbonata were 63.81 and 64.94 ppm respectively. Zinc contents forT. striatus were 90.45 and 92.49 ppm respectively.  相似文献   

为了对不同来源地茶树种质资源进行鉴定评价和遗传多样性分析,以来自福建、广东、台湾的72份茶树种质作为研究对象,对其27项表型性状进行观测与分析。结果表明:72份茶树种质资源遗传变异性丰富,平均遗传多样性指数(H′)为1.30,其中数量性状(1.82)大于质量性状(0.94),以梗粗的最大(2.15);数量性状的平均变异系数(CV)为17.86%,以百芽重的最大(29.21%),其次是发芽密度(23.46%)。相关性分析发现多个数量性状间的关系复杂,有22对性状的相关性达极显著水平(P˂0.01),8对达显著水平(P˂0.05);聚类分析结果显示,72份茶树种质在遗传距离为16时被划分为4个类群,各类群间的主要性状差异显著或极显著,且形态特征和进化类型各异;主成分分析表明,前10个主成分的特征值大于1,代表了27项表型性状76.04%的信息;根据主成分综合得分大小,筛选出综合得分前5的茶树种质可在茶叶新产品开发、茶树育种等方面加以利用。  相似文献   

大豆种质表型性状鉴定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以来自不同生态区的151份大豆种质资源为材料,对农艺、产量、品质等14个数量性状进行了2年的精准鉴定,并对其进行了方差分析、相关分析及主成分分析。结果表明:参试品种的表型性状两年变异系数分别为6.50%~52.03%和6.71%~50.90%,变异较大。不同品种间,除每荚粒数差异不显著外,其它各性状都达到了极显著水平;产量除与有效分枝数、蛋白含量相关性不显著外,与其它性状均呈显著相关关系;产量性状因子、生长发育因子、粒重脂肪因子和株型蛋白因子4个主成分累积贡献率达到78.088%,基本可以反映大豆植株的生长发育、产量及品质状况。  相似文献   

安徽省大豆根瘤菌表型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从安徽不同地区采集大豆根瘤,经分离纯化共获得32个未知菌株,对它们的营养利用、抗生素敏感性和耐逆性等112个生理生化指标进行了表型鉴定.结果表明:不同地理来源甚至同一地理来源的菌株在碳和氮源利用、抗生素抗性和耐逆性等方面存在着较大的差异.在所有的表型性状中有57项性状在不同菌株间存在差异.其中93.8%的菌株能在含3....  相似文献   

Recent developments in marine drug discovery from three South African marine invertebrates, the tube worm Cephalodiscus gilchristi, the ascidian Lissoclinum sp. and the sponge Topsentia pachastrelloides, are presented. Recent reports of the bioactivity and synthesis of the anti-cancer secondary metabolites cephalostatin and mandelalides (from C. gilchristi and Lissoclinum sp., respectively) and various analogues are presented. The threat of drug-resistant pathogens, e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is assuming greater global significance, and medicinal chemistry strategies to exploit the potent MRSA PK inhibition, first revealed by two marine secondary metabolites, cis-3,4-dihydrohamacanthin B and bromodeoxytopsentin from T. pachastrelloides, are compared.  相似文献   

Rosa rugosa Thunb., one of the most important cut flower crops in China, is mainly planted in the southern regions of this country. Lasiodiplodia species include pathogens of a wide variety of plant and cover a wide geographic distribution. Recently, canker disease caused by species of Lasiodiplodia was observed on R. rugosa branches in GuangDong Province in South China. Based on sequence comparisons for the ITS rDNA and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (TEF-1α) gene region, and combined morphological characteristics, the Lasiodiplodia isolates from diseased R. rugosa branches were identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubl. Pathogenicity tests showed that L. theobromae was virulent to R. rugosa. To our knowledge, this is the first report of L. theobromae infecting Rosa in China.  相似文献   

我国不是花生起源地,花生种质资源比较贫乏,中国南方花生生态区以前更是缺少高抗和优质花生遗传资源.过去的20年间,广东省农科院作物研究所从国际半干旱作物研究所引进了1500份花生种质资源,并对其特征特性分别进行鉴定研究,高抗和优质资源是鉴定筛选的最主要目标.通过田间种植、人工接种试验和品质分析,共鉴定筛选出了高抗锈病资源226份、高抗青枯病资源49份,其中10份表现双抗(锈病和青枯病),55份种质含油率超过54%、28份种质蛋白质含量超过30%.部分优异的种质资源或其杂交后代已经作为育种亲本在南方花生生态区内花生育种机构中利用,并选育了粤油223、汕油71、汕油523、粤油200、梧油4号、泉花10号、粤油79等一批优良品种.  相似文献   

陈丽  孙建昌 《中国稻米》2022,28(6):74-82
为更好选择和利用优势亲本,提高水稻新品种选育效率,以来自福建、东北地区和宁夏的60份水稻种质为材料,通过变异系数、遗传多样性指数、聚类分析、主成分分析、逐步回归分析等方法对水稻18个主要表型性状的多样性进行评价。结果表明,18个表型性状的变异系数在1.10%~63.40%之间,其中黄粒米的变异系数最大(63.40%),整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度、不完善粒等稻米外观品质变异系数次之,均在34.00%以上,出糙率和生育期的变异系数较小,分别是1.10%和2.94%;18个性状的表型多样性指数为1.74~2.10,其中生育期的多样性指数最低,小区产量的多样性指数最高;按照来源对60份稻种资源表型多样性指数进行分析,各地区稻种资源的表型多样性指数变异较大,其中福建的变异幅度最大(1.06~2.10)、东北次之(1.50~2.09)、宁夏变异范围最小(1.51~2.01)。参试水稻资源在遗传距离为1.03时分4类,明确了各类资源的特征特性;基于主成分分析的综合D值,对种质资源进行排序,筛选的综合得分最高的前10名种质;同时利用主成分分析的D值与逐步回归分析,构建了水稻资源评价方程,该方程的构建为...  相似文献   

Abstract Litter-dwelling thrips are an important component of soil macroinvertebrates in tropical and subtropical regions. However, little is known about assemblage composition, seasonal abundance and vertical distribution of litter-dwelling thrips. A survey of forest litter-dwelling thrips and other soil macroinvertebrates was conducted in an urban forest remnant at Guangzhou, China during 2004-2005 and 2008-2009. A total of 835 Tullgren samples were collected during the study. Thysanoptera constituted 6.5% of total litter-dwelling macroinvertebrate individuals extracted, representing three families, 19 genera, and 25 species. Psalidothrips ascitus Ananthakrishnan (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) and Hyidiothrips guangdongensis Wang, Tong and Zhang represented 78.5% of all individuals of litter-dwelling thrips during the survey. Numbers of species and density of leaf-litter thrips fluctuated between different months. Density of litter thrips increased from March until October, reaching a maximum of 41.1 individuals/m2 followed by a decrease. In January and February only a few larval thrips were present. Species diversity gradually increased from July (four species) to December (10 species), and then declined rapidly. The vertical distribution showed that the leaf-litter thrips species richness and abundance decreased significantly with soil depth; they were found only in the litter layer and upper soil layer (0-5 cm in depth) and were entirely absent in deeper soil layers. The results suggest that litter-dwelling thrips are a common group of litter invertebrates with high species diversity in subtropical regions. These urban forest remnants should be given special consideration in forest conservation planning, because of their significance as refugia for the litter invertebrate assemblages, especially for leaf-litter thrips.  相似文献   

The nutrient composition of eight multimixesformulated for use as complementary foods fromprocessed soybeans, cowpeas, maize, sorghum, yams,cocoyams, plantains and sweet potatoes were examined. The foods were processed by sprouting, cooking andfermentation. The samples were separately dried andmilled to fine flours. A ratio of 65% cereal, 30%legume and 5% starchy staple (65:30:5) calculated ona protein basis was used to formulate the multimixes. The blends were chemically analyzed using standardprocedures. The mixtures containing soybeans hadhigher protein, lipid, energy, crude fiber and calciumlevels but lower carbohydrate content than thosemixtures without soybean. The protein and energylevels of the multimixes were higher than those ofsome commercial infant foods (Cerelac, Farex andNestrum) in Nigeria but were comparable to that of`soy-ogi'. The multimixes contained fair quantitiesof calcium and phosphorus and an adequate amount ofsome of the essential amino acids. Methionine was themost limiting amino acid in all the mixtures. Blending cowpeas with maize produced a higher proteinscore than blending cowpeas or soybeans with sorghum. The cowpea/maize/sweet potato mixture had the highestprotein score.  相似文献   

以色列野生二棱大麦农艺性状差异及相关性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
严俊  程剑平 《麦类作物学报》2007,27(6):969-973999
为给野生大麦的遗传和基因资源的研究提供依据,对起源于以色列不同地区6个群体的16个生态型野生二棱大麦的物候性状进行了研究.结果表明,不同生态型间的物候性状差异明显.从个体水平上分析,其最大值均出现在湿生生态型中,除旗叶面积外,其最小值则出现在旱生生态型中;从群体水平上分析,除每穗粒数外,湿生型平均值皆高于旱生型平均值.曼-怀氏等级和检验显示,湿生型和旱生型之间的这些物候性状差异达到显著水平.斯皮尔曼秩相关性检验则表明,9个物候与性状间,除三叶期与粒重、穗粒重无相关性外,其余物候性状间均呈显著的相关性,其中生长期与旗叶面积、株高、穗长、芒长等呈显著正相关,与每穗粒数则呈显著负相关;芒长与旗叶面积、株高,稳长与株高存在显著正相关,而每穗粒数则与芒长和旗叶面积分别呈显著负相关,芒长与穗长亦呈显著正相关.分析表明,以色列不同地区野生大麦物候性状差异是其生境主导下生存选择的结果,其丰富的表现型多样性,可用于遗传与育种研究.  相似文献   

为探讨起源地生态地理因素对野生燕麦物候期和农艺性状的影响,对种植于成都金堂试验地的源自以色列不同地区7个野生燕麦群体70个基因型的19个物候和农艺性状进行了测定,并用单因素方差(One-Way ANOVA)、相关性网络(Correlation-based network analysis,CNA)、斯皮尔曼秩相关(Spearmanp’s Rho Correlation)等方法进行数据分析。结果表明,不同群体和基因型间的物候期和农艺性状差异明显。其中,全生育期最短的群体是Sede Boqer,来自该群体的SB14-07的生育期仅170.0d;最大单株生物产量出现在Caesarea群体中,达268.1g;而千粒重最大的是来自Tabigha群体的Tg-09,为28.8g。起源地水分、温度、地理等因素对野生燕麦的物候及农艺性状起不同程度的关键性影响。以上结果说明,野生燕麦物候及农艺性状差异的实质是其长期与环境相互作用,在自然选择压力下进化形成的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

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