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Dates of initiation of reproductive development and of ear emergence were determined for four cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) representing a range in maturity from early to late in a single trial in 1977. The influence of climatic factors upon the reproductive development was investigated and it was found that, while day-length largely influenced the dates of initiation, subsequent growth and development towards ear emergence was influenced mainly by temperature. The data indicated that cultivars may have similar requirements in terms of accumulated temperature between the physiological growth stage of initiation and the agronomically significant growth stage of ear emergence. The possibility of achieving greater accuracy in forecasting ear emergence dates by relating meteorological data to the physiological development of the individual cultivars is suggested.  相似文献   

苎麻雄性不育系生理生化特点初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于雌雄性器官发育期取盆栽植株顶部展开叶往下数第7叶,比较分析苎麻( Boehme ria nivea(L.)Gaud.)雄性不育系及其近等基因可育系的蛋白质、氨基酸、可溶性总糖及全钾含量等的差异.同可育系比较,苎麻雄性不育系的叶片粗蛋白质、氨基酸含量减少,但游离脯氨酸含量增加.在不育系叶片水解氨基酸中,以天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、胱氨酸、缬氨酸、苯丙氨酸和精氨酸减少尤明显.这些物质代谢的变化,可能是导致苎麻雄性不育的原因.叶片可溶性糖及全钾含量与苎麻雄性不育似无明确关系.  相似文献   

于雌雄性器官发育期取盆栽植株顶部展开叶往下数第 7叶 ,比较分析苎麻( Boehmeria nivea( L.) Gaud.)雄性不育系及其近等基因可育系的蛋白质、氨基酸、可溶性总糖及全钾含量等的差异。同可育系比较 ,苎麻雄性不育系的叶片粗蛋白质、氨基酸含量减少 ,但游离脯氨酸含量增加。在不育系叶片水解氨基酸中 ,以天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、胱氨酸、缬氨酸、苯丙氨酸和精氨酸减少尤明显。这些物质代谢的变化 ,可能是导致苎麻雄性不育的原因。叶片可溶性糖及全钾含量与苎麻雄性不育似无明确关系。  相似文献   



Fe toxicity occurs in lowland rice production due to excess ferrous iron (Fe2+) formation in reduced soils. To contribute to the breeding for tolerance to Fe toxicity in rice, we determined quantitative trait loci (QTL) by screening two different bi-parental mapping populations under iron pulse stresses (1,000 mg L−1 = 17.9 mM Fe2+ for 5 days) in hydroponic solution, followed by experiments with selected lines to determine whether QTLs were associated with iron exclusion (i.e. root based mechanisms), or iron inclusion (i.e. shoot-based mechanisms).


In an IR29/Pokkali F8 recombinant inbred population, 7 QTLs were detected for leaf bronzing score on chromosome 1, 2, 4, 7 and 12, respectively, individually explaining 9.2-18.7% of the phenotypic variation. Two tolerant recombinant inbred lines carrying putative QTLs were selected for further experiments. Based on Fe uptake into the shoot, the dominant tolerance mechanism of the tolerant line FL510 was determined to be exclusion with its root architecture being conducive to air transport and thus the ability to oxidize Fe2+ in rhizosphere. In line FL483, the iron tolerance was related mainly to shoot-based mechanisms (tolerant inclusion mechanism). In a Nipponbare/Kasalath/Nipponbare backcross inbred population, 3 QTLs were mapped on chromosomes 1, 3 and 8, respectively. These QTLs explained 11.6-18.6% of the total phenotypic variation. The effect of QTLs on chromosome 1 and 3 were confirmed by using chromosome segment substitution lines (SL), carrying Kasalath introgressions in the genetic background on Nipponbare. The Fe uptake in shoots of substitution lines suggests that the effect of the QTL on chromosome 1 was associated with shoot tolerance while the QTL on chromosome 3 was associated with iron exclusion.


Tolerance of certain genotypes were classified into shoot- and root- based mechanisms. Comparing our findings with previously reported QTLs for iron toxicity tolerance, we identified co-localization for some QTLs in both pluse and chronic stresses, especially on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Seed tubers were treated by incubation of cut surfaces in solutions of 0.5%, 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TZ) for 30 or 90 min. Reaction rate, measured as change in surface reflectance (R/hr) and distance of transport in vascular tissue (mm/hr), were significantly correlated with tuber aging due to time (1, 2, 3 years) or temperature treatments and with sprout number per tuber. TZ results were significantly correlated with yield of U.S. no. 1 tubers in field tests. It was proposed that TZ be used in seed tuber testing and as a cytochemical probe in physiological studies.  相似文献   

Rice grain yield is determined by three major"visible"morphological traits:grain weight, grain number per panicle, and effective tiller number, which are affect...  相似文献   

Summary The effect of two planting dates upon the physiological age of seed tubers, measured by their incubation period, and their yielding potential was studied during a three-year period with two medium-early and one medium-late cultivar. Although seed tubers of the December planting were physiologically significantly younger than those obtained from the November planting in two of the three seasons studied, no reliable effect upon tuber yield was found. Reasons for this lack of relation are discussed. The accumulated day-degrees above 17°C (daily mean temperature) during the bulking period of the seed crop modified the incubation period of the tubers clearly.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss zweier Pflanztermine auf das physiologische Alter von Pflanzkartoffeln und ihr Ertragspotential wurde w?hrend einer Dreijahresperiode an zwei mittelfrühen Sorten, Spunta und Kennebec, und einer mittelsp?ten Sorte, Bonaerense la Ballenera MAA, in warmer gem?ssigter Klimazone in Argentinien geprüft. Saatbest?nde aus November- und Dezemberpflanzungen von 1979, 1980 und 1981 wurden im November 1980, 1981 und 1982 in vergleichenden Ertragsversuchen gepflanzt. Das physiologische Alter der Knollen wurde bei der Pflanzung durch die Inkubationsperiode (Claver, 1973, 1975) gemessen. Abb. 1 zeigt die meteorologischen Daten der vier Vegetationsperioden. Es ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede im physiologischen Alter zwischen den Sorten und den Pflanzterminen (Tab. 1). Bei Lagerung der Saatkartoffeln in Mieten im Feld beschleunigte sich das physiologische Alter (Tab. lc). Die Gesamtknollenertr?ge schwankten zwischen den Sorten in 1980/81 und 1982/83 (Tab. 2a und 2c), es ergaben sich jedoch keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Pflanzgut der beiden Pflanztermine, obwohl sich zwischen beiden Pflanzterminen Unterschiede im physiologischen Alter ergaben. Der Gesamtknollenertrag war 1982/83 am h?chsten (Tab. 2c), obwohl die Pflanzknollen physiologisch die ?ltesten waren. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass eine hohe prozentuale Infektionsrate mit PLRV und PVY der Pflanzknollen von Spunta und Kennebec aus der Dezemberflanzung den Einfluss des physiologischen Alters auf den Ertrag derart überdeckte, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede mehr gefunden werden konnten (Abb. 2). Weil die Unterschiede im physiologischen Alter innerhalb einer Sorte jedoch klein waren, waren andere ertragsbestimmende Faktoren offensichtlich wichtiger als die Unterschiede im Alter. Die akkumulierten Tagesgrade über einer t?glichen Temperatur von 17°C w?hrend der Periode des Knollenansatzes hatten eine klare ?nderung der Inkubationsperiode zur Folge.

Résumé L'effet de deux dates de plantation sur l'age physiologique de tubercules de semence et sur leur rendement potentiel a été étudié durant une période de trois années avec deux variétés demi-hatives, Spunta et Kennebec, et une demi-tardive, Bonaerense la Ballenera MAA, cultivées dans un climat chaud d'Argentine. Les plants récoltés en novembre et décembre des années 1979, 1980 et 1981 ont été plantés en novembre 1980, 1981 et 1982 selon des essais comparables de rendement. L'age physiologique des tubercules était évalué à la plantation par la période d'incubation (Claver, 1973, 1975). Les relevés météorologiques pour les quatres saisons sont donnés dans la fig. 1. On observait des différences significatives dans l'age physiologique entre les variétés et les dates de plantation (tabl. 1). Quand les tubercules de semence étaient conservés en silo au champ, l'age physiologique était avancé (tabl. lc). Le rendement total en tubercules était différent entre variétés pour 1980/81 et 1982/83 (tabl. 2a et 2c) mais il n'y avait pas de différences significatives entre les plants des deux dates de plantation bien qu'il y ait des différences significatives dans leur age physiologique. Le rendement total en tubercules était plus élevé en 1982/83 (tabl. 2c) malgré des tubercules de semence physiologiquement plus vieux. Il est peu probable que le taux important d'infection par les virus de l'enroulement et Y des semences de Spunta et Kennebec observé de l'age physiologique des plants sur les rendements, ceux-ci ne présentant aucune différence significative (fig. 2). De plus, parce que les différences d'age physiologique des semences au sein d'une variété sont-faibles, d'autres facteurs déterminants que le rendement doivent avoir été plus importants que la différence d'age. Le cumul jour-degrés au-dessus de la température journalière de 17°C durant la période de tubérisation des tubercules de semence modifie sensiblement la durée d'incubation des plants (fig. 3).

甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育三交种优势潜力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育三交种和相应单交种进行了对比,结果表明:三交种的总体平均产量略低于单交种,但两者差异不显著,产量最高的组合是单交种09×412,居第二位的是三交种09A×10B×355.与相应的两个单交种相比较,25%的三交种比其两个单交种具有较明显的优势,33.3%的三交种杂种优势介于两个单交种之间,其余41.7%的三交种优势低于两个单交种.12个三交种的各性状株间变异系数平均值除单株角果数和角粒数较明显高于单交种的平均值外,其它性状株间变异系数平均值相当.三交种的整齐性略差于相应的两个单交种,而抗倒性和抗菌核病能力强于相应的两个单交种或介于两个单交种之间.  相似文献   

烘烤中烟叶生理生化变化及其影响因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烘烤是烟叶生产中关键的一环,在提高烟叶质量和效益中扮演着重要的角色。烘烤过程中烟叶从鲜叶到烤干、烤黄和烤香的烤后烟叶发生了一系列的生理生化反应。综述了2004~2009年烘烤中烟叶生理生化变化及其影响因子的研究进展,对今后的研究和应用趋势进行了简要展望,以促进国内对烟草烘烤环节的研究。  相似文献   

The aims of this study was to investigate the impact of aluminum nitrate administered in drinking water during 90 days (sub-chronic toxicity), on body weight gain, motor activity, brain aluminum accumulation and especially in recognition memory of wistar rats. Two groups of young female wistar rats were used. Treated rats received (80 mg L(-1)) of aluminum nitrate diluted in drinking water, while control rats received a drinking water only, for 3 months. An evolution of body weight, a motor activity, object recognition memory (NOR) and brain aluminum concentration has been evaluated. The body weight was taken weekly, whereas the memory abilities and the motor activity are measured once every fortnight alternatively, by submitting rats to the open field test and to the novel object recognizing memory test. The results have showed a significant decrease in rats' body weight (p < 0.05). Though, no significance was registered for motor activity. Nevertheless, a high significance is showed for recognition memory compared to control rats (p < 0.01), especially at the end of testing period, even the difference between control and aluminium treated rats in brain aluminum levels was not significant.  相似文献   

The physiological response to cutting in Italian ryegrass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of decline in net photosynthesis and transpiration after cutting was followed in a batch of Lolium multiflorum leaves at light saturation in an assimilation chamber where air temperature, leaf temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and water vapour concentration were controlled. After leaf excision the rates of photosynthesis and transpiration increased or remained the same for 1–2 min and then decreased sharply following a curve with two breaks of slope at 15 min and 30 min. To investigate stomatal behaviour, fragments of leaf tissue were removed, fixed by freezing in liquid nitrogen, then examined by scanning electron microscopy. The stomata were optically closed by 15 min after excision. The practical implications for field drying of Italian ryegrass are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 观察人参水煎液对小鼠灌胃给药后急性毒性反应,评价其安全性,为中医临床应用提供参考依据.方法:以人参水煎液最大浓度、最大体积对小鼠进行一次灌胃给药,观察7d内小鼠的毒性反应以及死亡情况.结果 人参水煎液2g/ml,0.4ml/10g进行灌胃给药,与成人日用人参量3~9g相比,相当于成人临床用量的266.67~800倍,却未见药物引起的毒性反应和死亡情况.结论 人参水煎液具有较好的安全性.  相似文献   

福建乌龙茶的饮用对单纯性肥胖者的生理作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将单纯性肥胖者60名中国人分为两组,一组让其摄取乌龙袋泡茶(1.6g/袋,每天2袋)。另一组让其摄取矿泉水。饮用8周后,间息4周.然后8周再用同样方法摄取。最后检测其效果。结果显示:乌龙茶摄取组的体重、BMI、腰围、臀围、体内脂肪率诸值均减少。血液的生化检测值,如总胆固醇、血糖值、胰岛素及同型半胱氨酸等也显著减少,而脂联素显著增加。因此,乌龙茶的饮用,对单纯性肥胖者的减肥有一定的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the comfort of PET clothing treated by UV. The physiological responses of the human body were investigated. Mean skin temperature and physiological signals such as Electroencephalogram (EEG), and heart rate (Electrocardiogram, (ECG)) were examined for 20 minutes during stable wearing conditions. Mean skin temperature was measured every two seconds using Ramanathan’s method. Physiological responses were measured using Biopac MP100 series and analyzed using the software, Acqknowledge 3.5.2. Psychological effects were analyzed every five minutes. Comfort of untreated PET clothing decreased with the passage of time. Compared with PET clothing untreated, treated for 30 minutes, and treated for 90 minutes, the analysis of EEG showed that PET clothing treated for 90 minutes was the most comfortable after 20 minutes. In addition, the interval of the heart rate shown on the ECG was the highest in PET clothing treated for 90 minutes. Skin temperature was the lowest in PET treated for 90 minutes. We thus conclude that suitable UV irradiation would improve comfort.  相似文献   

铁胁迫对花生某些生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过水培试验研究不同铁处理对花生某些生理特性的影响。结果表明,缺铁胁迫下花生根际pH值降低,新叶过氧化氢酶活性和叶绿素含量下降,铁敏感品种降低幅度远大于抗缺铁品种;抗缺铁品种的根系Fe^3 还原力高于铁敏感品种。花生根系Fe^3 还原力和新叶叶绿素含量可作为筛选抗缺铁花生品种的生理生化指标。  相似文献   

Summary The influence of storage temperature (pre-storage, 3 °C, 7 °C, and 9 °C) and controlled atmospheric (CA) conditions (7 °C, 2% O2, 10% CO2) were evaluated relative to the physiology and mechanical failure properties of potato tubers (Solarium tuberosum L. cv. Shepody). Mechanical properties of the tuber tissue differed by storage treatment although the physical properties could be generally explained by the measured relative turgor of the tissue. Models typically ascribe lower tissue toughness to greater tissue turgor. In this study, prior to storage tubers exhibited characteristics of greater tissue toughness (20.3 MPa) in conjunction with high relative tissue turgor (as measured by shock wave speed, 115 m/s). It appears that tubers prior to storage have quantitatively stronger tissue compared to tubers after storage regardless of hydration level. CA storage altered tissue mechanical properties as well as carbohydrate content and had physiochemical characteristics of tubers stored at 3 °C;. Idaho Agricultural Experiments Stations paper no.00710, Moscow, ID, USA.  相似文献   

Four potato varieties were subjected to water stress under controlled conditions. Leaf relative water content, leaf diffusive resistance, and photosynthesis were measured on stressed and unstressed plants during a stress period and during the recovery period following stress relief. Subsequent to the stress, plants were grown to maturity with optimal water supply. Mature plants were harvested and tuber yield and haulm production measured. Stressed plants of all varieties exhibited an increase in leaf diffusive resistance and a decrease in relative water content, transpiration, and photosynthesis as soil moisture decreased. Significant varietal differences in leaf diffusive resistance of stressed plants are apparent and offer promise for development of a screening technique for varietal sensitivity to drought based on stomatal response to water deficits.  相似文献   

锰浸种对大豆种子萌发和幼苗生理特性的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以2个大豆(Glycine max Merrill.)品种浙春2号、浙春3号为材料,设置不同的锰水平浸种,研究锰浸种对大豆种子萌发和幼苗生长期中各种生理特征的影响。结果表明:锰浸种对大豆的萌发率影响不大;但适量锰(0.001-1mg/kg)浸种可使大豆幼苗叶片的脯氨酸(Pro)含量降低,呼吸速率增强,可溶性糖的含量、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)的活性升高,有利于大豆幼苗生长。  相似文献   

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