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This study was designed to determine if oyster spat fouling upon adult oysters, Crassostrea virginica, cultured in coastal Georgia could be controlled by stocking density, bag mesh size, substrate type, and tidal level (intertidally or subtidally). Oyster gowth and survival was also monitored for each treatment. Sediment type had no effect on the number of spat per oyster either in intertidal or subtidal areas. Greater growth occurred in subtidal bags placed on sandmud and sandclay substrates. Intertidal mud and sandhnud bottom treatments showed the least growth. Survival of oysters grown intertidally (64%) was better the those cultured subtidally (27%). Mesh size of the oyster growing bags -had no effect upon oysler fouling or growth (shell length) and survival of the oysters they contained. Stocking density did affect oyster fouling, with lower fouling per oyster in higher density treatments. Density had no effect on oyster growth (shell length) or survival at the levels tested. Heavy fouling occurred on all oysters in the mesh and stocking density experiments while they were suspended off-bottom, but an I l -fold decrease in fouling occurred after bags were placed on the sublidal river bottom.  相似文献   

Growth and mortality of sibling triploid and diploid Sydney rock oysters, grown at two tidal heights, three stocking densities and three different sites on the Camden Haven River estuary, were compared. Triploids grew faster than diploids. The majority of the growth rate difference occurred after the oysters reached 2 years of age. By 3.2 years, triploids were 49% heavier than diploids. Oysters grown intertidally were larger than those grown subtidally. Oysters stocked at the lightest density of 2 L per basket grew to a significantly larger size than baskets stocked at 3 or 4 L. Growth rates were significantly different at the three sites. Growth was reduced the further the oysters were from the mouth of the estuary. There was no significant difference in mortality between ploidy level, but there were differences between tidal heights, stocking densities and sites. Intertidal oysters suffered higher mortality than subtidal. Oysters stocked at the highest density had a significantly higher mortality than the lowest density; neither of these was significantly different from the medium density. The site closest to the mouth of the estuary had significantly lower mortality than the middle and upper estuary sites.  相似文献   

The production of unattached hatchery-reared oyster seed has encouraged the initiation of oyster cultivation in new areas throughout the British Isles, and has led to innovations in methods of handling and growing-on oysters. Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland is an area with no traditional oyster fishery, and the introduction of the fast growing pacific oyster has led to consideration of the most feasible method of cultivating this species. Although raft culture to market size has known advantages, it is normally associated with oysters attached to cultch. However, off-bottom culture by growing unattached oysters intertidally in trays held off the sea-bed is an alternative, which provides higher survival, better growth, higher stocking densities and complete cropping compared with traditional sea-bed culture. Considering these advantages, tray cultivation may be economically justifiable, especially in an area without an existing oyster fishery.  相似文献   

为了解牡蛎在潮间带的生态特性及资源分布情况,调查了浙江三门健跳港上游湾区牡蛎潮间带分带格局,并检验附苗器类型和地点对牡蛎资源补充的影响。结果显示:潮间带定量调查共记录到3种牡蛎,即熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)、近江牡蛎(C.ariakensis)和香港牡蛎(C.hongkongensis),首次在浙江海域记录到香港牡蛎的自然分布。熊本牡蛎在调查的5个潮区(1.4 m、2.2 m、3.0 m、3.8m、4.6 m)均有分布,其平均密度沿增加的高程梯度呈现上升趋势,其中4.6 m潮区熊本牡蛎密度显著高于1.4 m和2.2 m潮区(P<0.05)。近江牡蛎和香港牡蛎仅分布于最底层的1.4 m和2.2 m潮区。牡蛎资源补充实验结果表明,该湾区具有很高的熊本牡蛎资源补充量,采苗地点(P<0.05)和附苗器类型(P<0.05)均显著影响牡蛎苗的密度和壳高,总体上水泥片的附苗效果要好于塑胶轮胎,上游S1点附苗效果优于下游S2点,推荐上游S1点作为熊本牡蛎附苗场。  相似文献   

Styrofoam-floated oyster rafts were used to study the feasibility of raft culture in typical American east coast estuaries. Rafts were placed in Delaware Bay and several tidal tributaries in the state of Delaware. Four types of cultch were tested for resistance to the environment and utilization by setting spat. Hatchery-spawned oysters were reared on rafts and their growth and mortality were monitored. A special raft with moveable trays was designed to study the effectiveness of air drying in controlling fouling.Rafts withstood the environmental conditions in small tidal rivers but were severely damaged by waves in Delaware Bay. Although spat set was too low for commercial purposes in the rivers, sets approaching commercial density were obtained in the bay by putting bundles of strings on the oyster beds during setting. Oysters grown on rafts reached market size in approximately 2 years in two of the rivers: slower growth was noted in the other rivers. It was shown that fouling could be controlled effectively by air drying for 4 h each week.An economic analysis of raft culture for this area was conducted at the conclusion of the study, which showed that relatively high prices would be necessary to maintain a raft-based industry at this time.  相似文献   

The summer mortality patterns was studied in 1996 on the Ronce-les-Bains oyster bank (175 ha), located on the southern part of the Bay Marennes-Oléron (Atlantic coastline). Studies on growth, sexual maturation, survival rates and environmental variables were compared at fifteen experimental sites (on- and off-bottom culture). After 7 months, cumulative mortality reached 8–19 and 23–33 % for off-bottom and on-bottom culture, respectively, which is significantly higher for the latter case. A seasonal mortality trend was noted, with a significant increase related to air temperature greater than 20 °C and with a significant pre-spawning glycogen catabolism. Based on soft tissue flesh growth results from both types of culture, several empirical models were developed to assess overall yield from a spatial point of view. A N-NW positive trend was noted for the soft tissue flesh, suggesting a decrease in food availability towards the southern part of the bay. Yields (total weight) ranged from 85 to 2 % for off-bottom cultures with 25 and 50 % emersion times, respectively. For on-bottom culture, several sites have shown a negative yield down to −10 % in the southern oyster bank sites. The highest yields were noted in areas located on the E-NE part of the Ronce oyster bank.  相似文献   

Pontoons made from plastic pipe were tested as an alternative to racks for deepwater culture of the Sydney rock oyster. The growth and mortality of oysters permanently suspended in water on trays beneath floating pontoons were compared with oysters on trays in an intertidal zone. For both culled spat (30–31 g whole oyster weight) and seconds oysters (37–39 g) beneath pontoons the growth rate, measured by weight increases, was three times that of oysters on intertidal racks over a 5-month period. Mortality (from unknown causes) was higher beneath the pontoons. The mean mortality of spat oysters was 40% compared with 24% on the intertidal trays, and for seconds oysters was 51% compared with 34%.  相似文献   

1. Foveaux Strait, a narrow seaway that is exposed to heavy wave action and strong tidal currents, has been the subject of an oyster fishery for over 130 years. Before the oyster fishery commenced the seafloor was extensively covered by epifaunal reefs that were tidally‐oriented, linear aggregations of patch reefs. 2. Patch reefs are formed by the bryozoan Cinctipora elegans cemented by encrusting bryozoa, ascidians, sponges, and polychaetes. The molluscan epifauna is dominated by the oyster, Tiostrea chilensis and bysally attached bivalves. Mortality of oysters is probably lower and recruitment and growth may be higher within the reef habitat. 3. Fishers found commercial densities of oysters occurred only on epifaunal reefs. Fishers exploited local groups of reefs. These groups form the patchily distributed oyster beds characteristic of this fishery. 4. Dredging for oysters progressively modified reefs until oysters were the only epifauna remaining. Dredges caught oysters more efficiently after the catch bag no longer became saturated with other epifauna. This heightened efficiency allowed fishers to rapidly reduce oyster density to commercial extinction. Oyster density has not rebuilt on oyster beds abandoned by fishers. 5. The rate of modification of epifaunal reefs was slower during the early years of the fishery but has accelerated, especially over the last 37 years. Frequency of disturbance increased as the numbers of vessels fishing grew and fishers developed speedier dredging methods. Intensity of disturbance also increased as heavier dredges were introduced and allowed focused fishing of reefs. 6. Oysters became reduced to low densities in the eastern and central areas that fishers then abandoned. The commercially exploited area subsequently expanded to the limits of Foveaux Strait. 7. With accelerated modification of oyster habitat, disease mortality has become more important. 8. Attempting to rebuild the fishery by oyster enhancement may be more successful conjoined with habitat restoration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large quantities of wild mangrove oysters Crassostrea tulipa exist in the intertidal zone of the rivers and estuaries of Sierra Leone. Typically, the wild mangrove oysters are small due to crowding and stress induced by the high ambient temperatures and lack of food at low tide when the oysters are out of water. The wild oysters measure on the average 2.5 cm and weigh 1.5 g for a 2-year growing period.Preliminary studies have been made since 1974 to identify viable culture techniques that will increase the yield (growth rate and size) of mangrove oysters. Suspended culture (rack and raft) was found to be most promising with rafts producing an average 7-cm and 7-g oyster in 7 months. Biological work summarized includes plankton, fouling and bacteriological studies. Some cost-benefit studies are also included.  相似文献   

通过2019年室内和野外附着实验,检验了牡蛎壳(新壳和旧壳)和生物膜(有生物膜和无生物膜)对牡蛎附着量的影响。室内附着实验表明,在生物膜处理下新壳上牡蛎附着量显著高于旧壳(P<0.05);而在无生物膜对照组中,新、旧壳上牡蛎附着量无显著差异(P>0.05)。野外附着实验发现,生物膜显著提升了旧壳上牡蛎附着量,但对新壳上牡蛎附着量无显著影响。通过2020年野外附着实验,检验了牡蛎壳(新壳和旧壳)和潮区(滩面以上0.6 m和1.1 m)对牡蛎和藤壶附着量的影响。牡蛎附着量在每个潮区中,15 d、45 d和70 d时新壳均显著高于旧壳(P<0.05)。藤壶附着量仅在0.6 m潮区中、15 d时新壳显著高于旧壳,而45 d和70 d时,各潮区中新、旧壳上藤壶附着量均无显著差异(P>0.05)。研究发现,总体来看新壳的附苗效果好于旧壳,这种差异涵盖了整个牡蛎繁殖、附着及补充的高峰期。因此,牡蛎礁修复中应优先选取新壳作为底物。  相似文献   

为研究养殖皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)外壳附着牡蛎的防除方法,对比了疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)、润泽角口螺(Ceratostoma rorifluum)和甲虫螺(Cantharus cecillei)对鲍外壳表面牡蛎的防除效果。以桑沟湾筏式养殖鲍为研究对象,自7月中旬开始,每隔15 d左右分别投放3种螺到鲍养殖笼中,共投放6次,以始终未投放螺的养殖笼为对照组。结果显示,实验结束时甲虫螺组中鲍壳上平均存活牡蛎数目为(0.04±0.04)个/只,疣荔枝螺组和润泽角口螺组疣荔枝螺组分别为(2.49±0.91)个/只和(2.21±1.05)个/只,对照组为(3.33±0.46)个/只。投放3种螺组中鲍壳上存活牡蛎数均显著显著低于对照组(P<0.05),甲虫螺也显著低于其他2种螺(P<0.05)。投螺时间也会影响螺防除牡蛎污损的效果,投放时间过晚会导致螺捕食牡蛎后有明显的壳残留,牡蛎的壳高达到0.5 cm左右再投放螺即可保证防除效果。另外甲虫螺组鲍壳上死亡牡蛎残留壳长度为(0.73±0.27) cm,显著低于疣荔枝螺组...  相似文献   

This study investigated the existing species of Crassostrea in the natural environment, farming systems and artificial spat collectors at a protected estuarine area in Brazil, through PCR‐RFLP of mitochondrial 16S rRNA. Among 450 samples collected in the natural environment, 303 were C. brasiliana and 147 C. rhizophorae. Oysters present in the rocky subtidal zone were C. brasiliana. However, both species occurred on mangrove roots in the intertidal zone. Farm‐raised samples included only C. brasiliana. It was observed that attached specimens in commercial collectors had a banding pattern distinct from C. brasiliana and C. rhizophorae, indicating the presence of a third species in the estuary. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that these specimens are clustered with the oysters from Pacific and Indian Oceans, and genetically close to the oysters of Beihai, China (0.3% genetic distance). Oysters obtained from the seed capture showed 17.8% distance of in relation to C. brasiliana, 17.6% for C. rhizophorae and 10.3% for C. gigas, demonstrating high genetic divergence from these species. The occurrence of an exotic species in the Cananéia estuary may have strong ecological and economic implications which require new guidelines for farming, conservation and sustainable fisheries management for the native oyster species.  相似文献   

Four South Carolina salt marsh impoundments and their associated tidal creeks were assessed for the culture of subtidal Crassostrea virginica. The impoundments were chosen primarily for their diversity and ranged from old large impoundments with appreciable tidal exchange and surrounded by extensive low marsh, to new small impoundments with little tidal exchange and surrounded by maritime forest. Floating and bottom hardware cloth trays (1.22 × 0.61 × 0.14 m) each holding 200 seed oysters (initial length, y = 43.8 mm) were placed at each location and sampled monthly for growth and survival. Coincidental monthly estimates of primary production (14C), phytoplankton concentrations and total organic carbon were performed. Ancillary data collected biweekly at all locations included standard hydrographic information (temperature, salinity, pH and turbidity) and nutrient determinations (nitrates, nitrites, orthophosphates and silicates).Results indicated that over a 6-month period (October–April) growth at all locations was significantly (α = 0.001) greater in ponds than in adjacent creeks and greater in floating than bottom trays. Growth means ranged from as little as 1.00 mm/month in the Wando River, to median values of approximately 2.25 mm/month in tidal creeks, to a relatively high growth rate of 3.11 mm/month in Blue Heron Pond (Kiawah Island). Survival was high in all areas ranging from 85.0% at Blue Heron Pond to 94.5% at Kiawah Creek. There was no significant difference in survival in comparisons among locations. A direct correlation of growth in oysters, primary production and phytoplankton biomass was established. This relationship was reiterated by indications of an inverse correlation between nutrient concentrations and growth.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is cultivated intertidally in Kinmen Island by both a traditional way of growing oysters on the surface of stone blocks, nicknamed “rock oysters”, and a recently introduced and more efficient way of hanging them in clusters on horizontal nylon lines, i.e. “hanging oysters”. We investigated the growth and mortality of both types of oysters from late July to early December 2003, and measured condition index (CI) and rates of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion for the hanging oyster. Growth of oyster shells stopped in early October for the hanging oysters and early December for the rock oysters. Mortality rates were higher for hanging oysters than rock oysters. Hanging oyster's O/N ratio and CI, determined by a home-made CI meter that measured the volume of oyster's inner shell cavity with high precision, decreased significantly in October. Hanging oysters were apparently in poor physiological condition during the winter Monsoon, which is characterized by cold and persistently strong wind. On Kinmen Island the monsoon season begins in late September and is accompanied by declining seawater temperature and high seston loads in oyster farms. Chlorophyll a concentrations and seston food quality decreased significantly in early October after the winter Monsoon began. The hanging oyster's poor acclimation to the local climate was probably caused by the import of its spat from southwest coast of Taiwan where it is warmer than Kinmen Island in fall and winter. We recommend that oyster growers collect spat locally or from areas of similar climate.  相似文献   

This work reports on the effects of intertidal planting heights upon the growth and survival of the northern quahog, Mereenaria mercenaria (L.) and the Atlantic sod clam, Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn), in the castal waters of Georgia. Quahogs (N = 100 per cage) at 19.5 mm in shell length were planted in replicate cages (N = 3) placed at the spring (SLW), mean (MLW), one (+1), two (+2), and three (+3) hours above mean low water mark. Surf clams (N = 200 per cage) at 41.5 mm in shell length were placed in replicate cages (N = 3) deployed, as above, in all sites except +3. Quahogs grown at the SLW mark after 15 months were significantly larger than clams planted at other tidal heights. Quahogs planted at the MLW mark were significantly greater in shell length than those planted at the +3, +2, and +1 marks. Clams at the upper three sites were not significantly different in size. An inverse relationship between clam growth and intertidal planting height was evident among surf clams. Surf clams grown at the SLW mark for six months were signplificmtly larger than those at the MLW mark which were larger than those grown at the +1 above MLW mark. No significant differences in quahog survival were detected between intertidal planting sites. There was no significant difference in surf clam survival between SLW (77.5%) and MLW (61%) marks, but there was significantly lower survival at the +1 mark (15%) and no survival at the +2 mark.  相似文献   

In order to study the possibility of gaining commercial benefit from culturing an excess of one sex of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), comparative data on the growth rate and condition of male and female oysters are reported. Historically, measurement of sex‐specific growth rate in oysters has been overlooked or confounded by protandric sex. The recent conclusion that the sex ratio of Pacific oysters is predominantly under genetic rather than environmental control introduces the possibility of manipulating sex ratio for commercial gain if they exhibit asynchronous sex‐specific growth rates. Pacific oysters were cultured intertidally in Smoky Bay, south Australia. The observations, made over the 7‐month gametogenic cycle from August to February to ensure no sex reversal, were of growth rates of male and female oysters and ambient chlorophyll a concentrations. Mean shell growth of female oysters was significantly faster than that of males (4.5 ± 3.3 compared with 3.8 ± 3.2 μm day?1 mm?1 total length). Sex‐specific asymmetries in length and weight were generally significant and increased in magnitude during the 7‐month study period, suggesting potential commercial benefits from increasing the proportion of cultured female oysters. The fastest increase in the sex‐specific disparity in growth and condition came after the October chlorophyll a peak, suggesting that females utilize blooms more efficiently than males. Our results compare favourably with methods currently used to increase oyster growth (e.g. triploidy can provide growth gains of 13–51%).  相似文献   

Sydney rock oysters, normally intertidal, were submerged below rafts in vertical stacks of 15 oyster trays extending 2 m deep. Growth rates and mortality were not good or economically encouraging. The best growth was from small culled spat (43 whole oysters/kg) to large seconds (28/kg), an increase of 59% in 9 months. The minimum mortality was 52%. Fouling growths of barnacles, tunicates, sponges and hydroids were restricted by placing experimental trays on top of the raft for several days to dry out. Compared with controls, this resulted in increased oyster growth in experimental trays during the next 6 months. Oyster mortality and incidence of mudworm blisters (resulting from the polychaete Polydora websteri) were similar in both control and experimental trays during this period. For improved growth of trayed submerged oysters the optimum vertical distance between trays and the optimum density of oysters on trays need to be determined.  相似文献   

Oysters were collected along salinity gradients within four major oyster producing watersheds in Louisiana (Lake Calcasieu, Terrebonne Bay, Barataria Bay and Lake Borgne) and examined for parasites in relation to oyster condition and reproductive state. The percentage of Infection by Perkinsus marinus, Nematopsis prytherchi, N. ostrearum, Bucephalus cuculus , prokaryotic inclusion bodies, and ciliates was recorded for each site. Average pigment cell number, oyster condition, gonadal index, and the percentage of oysters with atrophic digestive diverticula were also determined.
In general, oysters experienced higher levels of parasitism in higher salinity waters. Perkinsus marinus Occurrence was correlated with salinity, an atrophied condition of the oysters, and Nematopsis spp. occurrence. Oysters in poor condition had higher concentrations of pigment cells, greater atrophy of the digestive diverticula, and increased parasitism by N. ostrearum .  相似文献   

The objective was to design and evaluate a suspension oyster tray unit to optimize conditions necessary for the successful commercial culture of Pacific oysters for the half-shell trade. Units were located at two sites in Trevenen Bay. One location was sheltered and calm; the other was a natural tidal raceway with intense current flow. The purpose was to test the ability of the design to provide uniform growth, retard fouling, be handled efficiently and be economically feasible to construct. Assessing performance was based on monitoring shell growth, condition index, fouling occurrence, materials handling and the capital costs of the system. Field experimentation began in June and terminated in October 1979. Suspension tray units performed similarly at both sites, exhibited little variation in shell growth in the series of five trays in an assembly, retarded fouling and proved economically feasible for commercial use.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this research project was to determine if land-based culture of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) is a feasible option using recirculating aquaculture systems with synthetically derived seawater. A twelve week growout study was conducted in a closed-loop recirculating system with zero discharge using synthetically derived seawater. Two species of marine microalgae (Chaetoceros spp. and Isochrysis spp.) were cultured as oyster feed. Oysters were batch fed daily and amounts of algae cells offered to oysters were monitored. Overall, oyster survival remained greater than 99% and growth was steady and averaged 1.3, 1.1, and 0.33 mm per week for length, width, and thickness, respectively. Mean weight increased an average of 0.39 g per week. The means to maintaining suitable water quality was nitrification and supplementation of calcium to maintain ambient levels representative of their natural environments. Data collected is also useful for those who wish to study oysters in controlled environments or for genetic and/or breeding programs.  相似文献   

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