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苏方磊  张建航  杨昆 《现代园艺》2023,(11):194-196
BIM技术作为工程数字化的核心技术,对工程行业的规划、设计、施工及运营全生命周期管理过程都具有深远影响,尤其在三维可视化、智能建造、碰撞检查等方面应用优势明显。当前,EPC项目管理也对BIM正向设计、优化设计、设计与施工融合等方面提出了较高要求,本研究结合湿地公园EPC项目管理实践经验,总结BIM技术在湿地公园项目中的应用要点,相关结论可为工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

人工湿地是一种常见的水生态修复工艺,本工法在去污、自动布水、防渗和群落营建等方面进行强化,形成人工生态湿地营建与植物群落建植施工工法。详细介绍了该工法的适用范围、特点、工艺原理、工艺流程及操作要点,并进行了效益分析,以期为相关工程及人员提供参考。  相似文献   

王盾  李亚斌 《现代园艺》2013,(19):68-68
万亩果园作为广州最大最完整的湿地,其假山工程技术措施和质量控制措施对假山工程的成功营造起着重要作用。本文主要从布置原则、假山各部分施工、质量监督管理等方面浅析广州万亩果园假山工程建设的施工技术和质量控制措施。  相似文献   

傅敏 《现代园艺》2019,(10):195-196
为建设更好的城市湿地公园景观,应管控好施工各个环节,保证园林景观工程能够满足建设质量要求。以某城市湿地公园项目为例,对园林景观绿化施工中出现的问题及解决措施进行分析。  相似文献   

郭旋 《现代园艺》2021,(4):155-156
近年来,湿地公园生态建设受到了人们和政府的高度重视,湿地公园建设是城市建设的一部分。湿地公园在城市公共绿色建设中有重要作用,不仅可改善城市生态环境,还能为人们构建更好的休闲场所。以我国湿地公园具备的作用及类型作为研究对象,在明确城市修复理念基础上,探究了我国当前湿地公园施工技术存在的问题及对策。基于此,简要分析了湿地公园及城市修复理念,从2个方面分析了湿地公园施工技术性问题,从4个方面给出了城市修复理念下的湿地公园施工技术策略,以供相关人士交流参考。  相似文献   

以海珠湿地二期为例,综述了城市居住区园林绿化工程成本控制的相关内容,从材料管理、现场施工管理及其后期养护管理提出控制园林绿化工程成本的具体措施。  相似文献   

唐伟洲 《现代园艺》2022,(20):166-168
现阶段,湿地与海洋和森林并称为全球三大生态系统,在保持水源、蓄洪防旱、净化水质、维护生物多样性和调节气候方面具有重要作用,生态调节功能十分突出。以上述内容为基础,探究湿地保护与湿地生态恢复技术,分析湿地保护技术与湿地生态恢复技术要点,并结合公司海珠湿地的修复工程实例,总结相关经验,提出针对性意见,以期为同领域工作者提供合理参考作用。  相似文献   

厚层基材生态植被工程技术是一门新兴的学科技术,目前已被广泛应用于公路、铁路等工程的环保建设中。为此,结合黄衢南高速A6标段的施工实践,介绍该种方法的护坡原理和施工要点等。  相似文献   

广东广州海珠国家湿地公园是我国特大城市中心区最大的国家湿地公园,也是广州市重视的一项重大工程,在湿地的保护与管理方面,将湿地合理规划利用对促进经济社会协调稳定发展具有重大作用。本文首先对我国目前的湿地公园现状进行简要介绍,然后介绍海珠湿地的基本状况,以海珠湿地为例探讨湿地今后的保护与恢复工作。  相似文献   

基于我国湿地公园的功能、类型及城市恢复的概念,研究我国湿地公园建设技术存在的问题及对策。以龙津湖公园项目为例,总结了土壤优化和淤泥施工的创新技术和相关管理经验。  相似文献   

俞卓 《中国园艺文摘》2010,26(10):102-105
以西南科技大学老区的校园景观更新为例,从使用功能、文化功能、生态功能的角度为出发点,充分挖掘大学老校区的潜力,遵循历史与发展设计的思路,寻求一种在日趋多元化的价值观与社会意识形态下的校园空间的设计理念,为校园空间的长期发展提供可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

以构建良好的护岸景观为出发点,对护岸的特点、类型、规模进行简述,分析比较不同护岸的特点,归纳总结护岸的设计原则和意义,为研究与实际施工提供参考。从景观设计的角度,探究城市护岸景观形式,形成功能多元化、景观优美化、生态多样化的可持续发展的城市护岸景观。  相似文献   

城市公园是城市公共开放空间的重要组成部分,植物景观是城市公园设计不可忽视的元素之一。以深圳市荔枝公园为例,通过实景图从公园入口空间、道路广场、开阔草坪空间、滨水绿化空间、建筑小品配景几个方面分析探讨公园的植物配置,以期对相关的城市公园植物景观设计有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A novel use of the lacunarity index to discern landscape function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discerning the function of a landscape involves comparing landscape use with spatial patterns. To do this requires both quantification of landscape use and landscape pattern and a means of comparing the two. An index of lacunarity has been used to quantify spatial pattern (specifically, habitat contagion). We demonstrate a new way of using the lacunarity index to quantify landscape function as well. We calculated lacunarity to describe landscape patchiness of experimental landscapes with respect to patterns of habitat and non-habitat areas (the previous use of lacunarity) as well as to describe patterns of patch use by animals in those landscapes, irrespective of habitat-patch patterns (a novel application of lacunarity). We demonstrate a disparity between landscape pattern and landscape use. This finding suggests that drawing generalizations of, and making predictions about, how animals respond to landscape spatial structure may not be straightforward.  相似文献   

A soft paradigm for landscape analysis is presented. This paradigm focuses on the analysis of function first, and then on structure. The objective is to determine which factors are operationally significant, how these factors bring about change, and how they define the spatial characteristics of landscapes.  相似文献   

铺地是景观组成的一个重要元素,除了达到建筑功能外,还要完成其文化功能,即所蕴涵文化涵义与其他景观元素一起构建园林主题。通过对古典园林铺地进行分析和论述,总结铺地景观的特征,并着重分析铺地景观生成的文化成因,探索铺地景观与文化之间的关系。  相似文献   

广场设计要结合场地条件、所处环境及本身特点,做出符合当地文化及场地文化的个性设计,才能避免“千场一面”现象。河南省女子监狱规矩广场设计的特点是:结合场地所在地的特殊性——监狱,利用“规矩”寓意的一直一曲为基础构图,创造既具有教育意义,同时简洁适用、功能多样的空间,很好地诠释了小广场设计的真谛。  相似文献   

Remotely-sensed satellite data from Landsat TM and MSS were processed digitally to make landscape classifications of three study areas of south east Wales. The classifications were constructed by classifying major variations in land cover mosaics within the areas, and using these data to group the 1 km × 1 km cells of the National Grid into landscape classes according to the combination of cover types found within them. The TWINSPAN algorithm, which is a polythetic, divisive classification method, was used as the basis of the study.The results showed that while satellite imagery could only be used to extract information about land cover, the close association betwen landscape, land cover and terrain meant that the major physical divisions in the study area could also be detected in the landscape classification. The landscape types recognised in the study were found to be consistent with those indicated in other independent data which relate to the areas. These data included the ITE Land Classes for Great Britain, and the Agricultural (June) Census statistics for England and Wales.The approach to landscape classification described allows landscape classifications to be made rapidly. These classifications can provide a sampling frameworks for landscape survey in areas where basic map data are lacking or resources for field survey are limited. The landscape classifications can also assist in making landscape evaluations since they allow different landscape types to be compared in respect of such properties such as their typicalness, rarity, naturalness and position on a geographical or ecological gradient.  相似文献   

马瑞 《中国食用菌》2020,(1):220-221
作为中华文化瑰宝的菌文化发掘逐渐成为景观规划设计的重要方向。通过以菌文化作为切入点,从中华菌概念及景观价值入手,着眼于不同角度对建立在菌文化基础上的景观设计进行重点分析,以促进菌文化景观设计发展。  相似文献   

Traditional measures of species diversity and spatially-explicit measures of landscape diversity (derived from Romme 1982) are used to compare biotic diversity in six landscapes across Georgia, USA; two each from the Appalachian Highlands, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain. Species richness and evenness of plots generally increased from the Coastal Plain to the Appalachian Highlands. Community richness, landscape contrast, and landscape heterogeneity increased from the Appalachian Highlands to the Coastal Plain, opposite the gradient of topographic complexity. Coastal Plain landscapes possessed greater contrast and heterogeneity than landscapes in the other two physiographic provinces. This high level of landscape diversity is interpreted as a response to two factors: the increased role of human activity in shaping landscape structure, and the increased range of soil moisture regimes encountered in the sand-rich substrates of the Coastal Plain (from permanently flooded hydric communities to well drained xeric uplands only a few meters higher in elevation).  相似文献   

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