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车尔臣河是塔里木盆地东南部最大的一条河流,主要依靠雪冰融水和地下水补给。上游山区由于有库木库里盆地和吐拉盆地对径流的调节,水量各季节变化比较平稳,特别是春季占全年径流量的29%,是新疆春季径流所占比例最大的河流之一,春灌基本不缺水。农业灌溉和生态用水各占水资源总量的一半。绿洲虽不断扩大,但中游地下水位仍较高,植被未发生明显退化,同时还向台特玛湖输送一定水量。因此,对车尔臣河水资源利用应保持原生态状况,不宜人工修建大型水利工程。由于车尔臣河出山口有巨大的洪积冲积扇,渗漏量占出山口径流量约30%,是一个比较理想的天然地下水库,所以今后经济发展用水应以开发地下水为主。 相似文献
大气降水是新疆一切水资源的根本来源,空中水资源是大气降水的物质基础,大气降水在当地形成地表水资源。水资源短缺是制约新疆经济社会高质量发展和生态安全保障的最关键自然因素。本文分析新疆空中水资源和地表水资源的变化特征,对新疆水资源系统规划和高效利用具有重要的科学意义。结果显示:1961—2022年新疆年降水资源量为2717.12×108m3,水汽输入量为21115×108m3,水汽净收支量为347.5×108m3,水汽降水效率为12.5%;2001—2021年新疆平均水资源总量为912.3×108m3,其中地表水资源量为864.1×108m3,产水系数为0.32。从变化趋势来看,1961—2022年新疆年降水量明显增加,新疆上空水汽总输入量和总输出量微弱减少,水汽净收支量微弱增加,水汽降水效率明显增加;2001—2021年新疆地表水资源处于丰水阶段,但产水系数有微弱的波动减小趋势。新疆水资源问题依然突出,在不同水资源精细化特征、不同相态水体转化关系等方面研究不足,未来需要加强研究以... 相似文献
以色列的水资源管理、高效利用与农业发展 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
国土狭小 ,自然条件恶劣 ,水资源匮乏 ,土地盐碱的以色列 ,通过新措施和现代化技术的运用 ,拥有了高度发达的农业 ,它不仅为本国人民提供了足够的粮食 ,而且农产品出口年超过 1 0亿美元。尤其在水资源管理与利用方面令世界瞩目。从 1 948年建国后 ,进行大规模水利建设 ,使用喷灌、滴灌和科学的灌溉管理系统 ,改良了盐碱地 ,把不毛之地变成一片生机勃勃的绿洲。使全国的耕地面积由 1 6 .5× 1 0 4hm2 增加到 44× 1 0 4hm2 ,有效灌溉面积由 3×1 0 4hm2 扩大到 2 5 .5× 1 0 4hm2 ,农业生产增长 1 6倍 ,养育人口由建国初期的 5 0万增… 相似文献
新疆降水丰、旱特点及水资源的稳定度 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过205个气象、水文站的25年资料计算,得到新疆年平均降水总量为2425亿立方米,仅占全国降水总量的4%,而面积则占1/6,北疆面积约45万平方公里,年平均降水总量为1150亿立方米,南疆面积约120万平方公里,年平均降水总量1275亿立方米。新疆丰年降水总量为2569亿立方米,枯年降水总量为2340亿立方米。新疆山区年平均降水总量2048亿立方米,占全疆降水总量的84%,平原年平均降水总量为381亿立方米,占全疆降水总量的16%。新疆山区降水变差系数明显小于平原地区,尤其是天山山区其值为0.1—0.2,这与我国南方雨水充沛地区相当。 相似文献
针对新疆奇台县水资源短缺及其生态影响的实际问题,运用人地关系的理论与历史地理学的研究方法,关注事件的过程研究,通过重建研究区人口数量和耕地面积的增长变化,探究一个较长时段内人类利用水资源的变化过程及其对环境影响的阶段性特点。研究表明:在过去300年的时间内,奇台县的水资源利用分为三个特征性阶段:开发利用山水河时期(17... 相似文献
新疆耕地变化及驱动力分析 总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20
利用1949~2003年的统计和普查数据,分析探讨了新疆54年来耕地数量变化趋势、变化速度、区域差异及驱动因素。结果表明:新疆耕地数量经历了迅速上升→波动→下降→回升的变化历程;耕地变化区域差异显著;人口增长、经济发展和农业科技进步是影响新疆耕地动态变化的三类主要动因,政策因素是影响耕地变化的间接驱动力;通过模型计算,人类行为对耕地变化的影响尤其显著。并对研究结果应用GIS进行了空间表达。研究内容和分析结论对新疆农业可持续发展具有重要意义。 相似文献
根据新疆城市化的特点,利用系统动力学理论,构建了水资源对城市化约束的系统仿真模型,设定高、中、低三种速度的城市化方案。由计算机仿真和分析得出,新疆不宜采取低速度或高速度的城市化方案,适合采取中速度的城市化方案。最后讨论了模型存在的不足和需要进一步完善的地方,并提出新疆各地区的水资源量差异较大,今后要进一步研究各地区水资源对城市化进程的约束。 相似文献
塔里木河上游水资源利用效率分析 总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19
塔里木河三条源流灌区引用地表水量已接近 70 % ,而有效利用率不足 0 .4,主要是渠系防渗率只有 10 %~ 2 0 % ,渠系利用系数 0 .39~ 0 .40。灌区从河道引水共计 140 .85× 10 8m3 ,到达农田的水量只有 5 5 .47× 10 8m3 。而且渠系、水库和农田渗漏还引起了灌区地下水位上升和土壤盐渍化。要提高源流灌区的水资源利用效率 ,必须实行地表水和地下水的联合利用 ,并修建山区水库逐步取代平原水库 ,减少引水的无效蒸发和渗漏损失 ,方可保证水资源的可持续利用和向塔里木河干流输送 45× 10 8m3 的地表水 相似文献
塔里木河流域水资源变化的周期性分析及预测 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
利用塔里木河源流区10个水文站1957-2003年的径流量资料,通过时间序列周期方差分析外推法计算了塔里木河上游三源流出山口径流量的水文周期,根据组间差异与组内差异最大的原则,得出塔里木河三源流的水文周期为17a;利用周期叠加趋势模型对塔里木河三源流出山口总径流量的变化趋势进行了预测,预报模型为:X(τ)=200.98443995+0.51320681τ+dt+τ。从预测模型的预测结果看,从2006年起将出现一个源流来水量大幅减少的时段,如果不采取积极的对策和解决措施,塔里木河干流的生态问题将更加严峻。 相似文献
The countries of Central Asia are collectively known as the five "-stans": Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. In recent times, the Central Asian region has been affected by the shrinkage of the Aral Sea, widespread desertification, soil salinization, biodiversity loss, frequent sand storms, and many other ecological disasters. This paper is a review article based upon the collection, identification and collation of previous studies of environmental changes and regional developments in Central Asia in the past 30 years. Most recent studies have reached a consensus that the temperature rise in Central Asia is occurring faster than the global average. This warming trend will not only result in a higher evaporation in the basin oases, but also to a significant retreat of glaciers in the mountainous areas. Water is the key to sustainable development in the arid and semi-arid regions in Central Asia. The uneven distribution, over consumption, and pollution of water resources in Central Asia have caused severe water supply problems, which have been affecting regional harmony and development for the past 30 years. The widespread and significant land use changes in the 1990 s could be used to improve our understanding of natural variability and human interaction in the region. There has been a positive trend of trans-border cooperation among the Central Asian countries in recent years. International attention has grown and research projects have been initiated to provide water and ecosystem protection in Central Asia. However, the agreements that have been reached might not be able to deliver practical action in time to prevent severe ecological disasters. Water management should be based on hydrographic borders and ministries should be able to make timely decisions without political intervention. Fully integrated management of water resources, land use and industrial development is essential in Central Asia. The ecological crisis should provide sufficient motivation to reach a consensus on unified water management throughout the region. 相似文献
运用河西走廊3大内陆河流(疏勒河、黑河和石羊河)1955~2006年河流流量、冰川、地质水文和气象实测资料,系统分析了区域内水资源的分布规律及其循环转化关系等.结果表明,河西走廊水资源主要以冰雪水资源、地表水资源与地下水资源的形式存在,分布于3大相对独立的流域水系中;南部祁连山区发育大小河流共计57条,多年平均出山径流... 相似文献
旱作农业区化学节水专家系统的研制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
旱作农业区化学节水专家系统是利用人工智能技术,对主要化学节水制剂在农林生产上取得的研究成果和知识经验进行技术集成而建立的智能化应用系统,该系统在结构上由知识库、推理机、数据库和人机界面等部分组成。该系统根据作物种类、生长发育时期及土壤因素来确定化学节水剂的种类,并推荐相应的使用技术,从而为西部旱作农业区节水农业的实施提供新的技术途径。 相似文献
The sensitivity and vulnerability of water resources to climate change is difficult to assess. In this study, we used a conceptual hydrologic model to investigate the sensitivity of streamflow to climate change. We also proposed a framework to evaluate the vulnerability of water resources in arid regions. We applied this framework to a case study of the Shiyang River Basin in Northwest China. Results showed that the precipitation and streamflow in Shiyang River Basin exhibited no significant trends of change from 1956 to 2010. In the past five decades, however, the temperature increased significantly by 0.37°C per decade. According to the sensitivity assessment, a 10% increase in precipitation and a 1°C increase in temperature altered mean annual streamflow by averages of 14.6% and –0.5%, respectively, from 1988 to 2005. In the 2000s, the calculated vulnerability of water resources in Shiyang River Basin was more than 0.95, indicating severe vulnerability. The increase in the amount of precipitation and the implementation of water-saving measures can reduce the vulnerability of water resources in the future; if precipitation increases by 10% per decade and the use of irrigation water decreases by 15% in the 2030s, the evaluated value of water resources vulnerability will be reduced to 0.79. However, the region remains highly vulnerable. The proposed framework for vulnerability assessment can be applied to the arid regions in Northwest China, and the results of our efforts can identify adaptation strategies and improve the management of water resources in such regions. 相似文献
农业水土资源是人类赖以生存的物质基础。为合理利用和开发西北旱区农业水土资源,利用经典统计学和地统计学方法研究了其水资源指数和耕地资源指数的空间变异特征。结果表明:西北旱区水资源指数和耕地资源指数均具有中等变异性特征,其半方差最优拟合模型分别是高斯模型和指数模型,且均呈现空间不均衡分布,分别具有较强和中等空间相关性,其空间变异主要受结构性因子的影响。研究结果不仅可为西北旱区农业水土资源的配置、高效利用和优化提供依据,也为在较大研究范围内开展空间因子变异特征研究提供了方法参考。 相似文献
分析了中国北方地区宏观地貌的基本特征、地质构造背景和地貌发育的主要影响因素,以期形成对北方干旱半干旱地区的自然地理条件、生态环境特征及农业发展基础条件的深刻认识,为生态环境的保护和区域农业规划提供参考。 相似文献
干旱沙区春小麦水肥优化管理试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在春小麦大田种植裂区分布正交试验中,通过调控农田耕作层土壤水分,矿质营养元素氮、磷、钾和有机肥的施用量及施配方式,确定适合于干旱沙漠环境的最佳农田水肥管理模式。结果表明,干旱沙区淤灌沙壤土春小麦农田的最佳水肥施配方案是:春小麦全生育期灌水量为5397m^3/hm^2,底肥施用无机肥总量(N P2O5 K2O)为272kg/hm^2,配施比例为N:P2O5:K2O-99:173:0(kg/hm^2),有机肥14993kg/hm^2(其中,有机质;K2O-4708kg/hm^2;35kg/hm^2),2次追施氮肥70kg/hm^2。在试验条件下获得最高籽粒产量为3250kg/hm^2,收获指数达到40%,作物水分利用效率为1.5g/kg,单位水收获量为0.6kg/m^3。 相似文献
QuanLin MA Fang CHENG YouJun LIU FangLin Wang DeKuai ZHANG HuJia JIN Gansu Key Laboratory of Desertification Combating & Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem Gansu Desert Control Research Institute Lanzhou China 《干旱区科学》2011,3(4):268-277
Sandy soils in arid,rain-fed environments have low and limited water content,which is a principal factor limiting vegetation development,and a key constraint controlling the structure and functions of the ecological systems in arid areas.The spatial heterogeneity of soil water content is a major soil property,and a focus of soil science and hydrology.On the southern edge of the Tengger Desert,sample plots were selected from mobile sand dunes in desertified lands that had been enclosed for 5,15 and 25 years,respectively.This study explored the dynamic and spatial heterogeneity of soil water content in these different layers of soil that were also in the reversion process of desertification.The results showed that the soil water content of the mobile sand dunes was highest when in the initial stages of the reversion process of desertification,while the soil water content in the 0-20 cm,20-40 cm and 40-60 cm layers of soil was 1.769%,3.011%,and 2.967% respectively,presenting a restoring tendency after 25 years of enclosure.There were significant differences,as a whole,in the soil water content among different restoration stages and different soil layers,respectively.Changes in soil water content,in different soil layers,at different restoration stages,exhibited exponential or spherical patterns.The spatial distribution of soil water content exhibited a mosaic patch pattern with obvious spatial heterogeneity.The ratio of the heterogeneity of spatial autocorrelation to gross spatial heterogeneity was greater than 50%.The gross spatial heterogeneity of the 0-20 cm layer of soil improved gradually,while those of the 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm layers improved initially,then weakened in the reversion process of desertification.This study revealed that restoration with sand-binding vegetation reduced soil water content,and increased its spatial heterogeneity in arid areas.However,after 25 years of vegetation-soil system restoration,the soil water content started to increase and its spatial heterogeneity started to weaken.These results will further benefit the understanding of the ecological mechanism between soil water and sand-binding vegetation. 相似文献
新疆干旱特色农业产业发展及金融支持体系建设 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
全面分析了新疆地区干旱特色农业产业发展的现状、金融需求及其支持困境。分析得出,新疆特色农业产业发展金融需求难满足主要表现在:农村金融组织结构不合理,金融服务功能弱化,资金逆向外流严重,农业保险经营困难。认为改善信贷投入规模与结构,重塑竞争与合作的农村金融机构体系,构建资金回流机制、风险分散与补偿机制,优化金融生态环境是完善金融支撑体系、促进新疆特色农业产业可持续发展应着力解决的问题。 相似文献
新疆干旱区长绒棉水肥耦合产量效应研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探讨南疆棉花水肥耦合作用,试验实行3因素5水平311-B拟饱和最优回归设计,通过对灌水量(W)、施氮量(N)、施磷量(P)与棉花产量关系的分析,拟合出回归模型:Y=4685.48+78.95X1+61.66X2-14.58X3-84.51X12-101.94X22-120.75X32-79.56X1X2-38.73X1X3-14.61X2X3(Y为产量,X1为灌水量,X2为施氮量,X3为施磷量)。结果表明:在试验条件下各因素对产量影响的顺序为W(X1)N(X2)P(X3),说明在本试验条件下,灌水量的作用居于首位,其次是氮肥和磷肥;各因素交互作用效应顺序为WNWPNP;由方程拟合的组合方案是灌溉量(Z1)为5 765.24 m3/hm2,施氮量(Z2)为281.76 kg/hm2,施磷量(Z3)为104.73 kg/hm2时,棉花籽棉最高产量(Y)达到4 707.94 kg/hm2。 相似文献