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CANNELL  M. G. R. 《Forestry》1980,53(1):1-21
Recent ideas on ‘silage’ and ‘fuel’forestry call for more information on the total harvestablewoody dry matter produced by hardwoods grown at very close spacingsin fertile soils and coppiced every few years. Yields of oven-driedstems and branches (S and B) are presented here for Populustrichocarpa Torr. and Gray, clone ‘Fritzi Pauley’.Plantings in Bedfordshire at 21 600 trees ha–1 had a meanannual increment (M.A.I.SB) of 5.2 t ha–1 y–1 overfive years, and plantings in the Cambridgeshire fens at 1480trees ha–1 produced 4.8 t ha–1 y–1 over sixyears. Fan-shaped spacing experiments, established in Midlothianby inserting cuttings through black polythene into nursery soilwith added fertilizers, gave 4.6 t ha–1 y–1 at theend of the first year and about 7 t ha–1 y–1 oneyear after coppicing, but only with over 250 000 stems ha–1producing closed canopies with leaf area indices of about 4.Similar spacing experiments planted without fertilizer on farmlandin Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Argyll and Midlothian gave averageM.A.I.SB values of 6.5–7.0 t ha–1 y–1 afterthree years with over 25 000 trees ha–1 and similar valuesafter five years with over 10 000 trees ha–1. Peak currentannual increments (C.A.I.SB) averaged 10–12 t ha–1y–1. The maximum M.A.I.SB, attained in Gloucestershire,was 10.0 t ha–1 y–1 at age 5 with over 20 000 treesha–1, with maximum C.A.I.SB values of about 14 t ha–1y–1 at age 4; M.A.I.SB values of about 11.5 t ha–1y–1 were anticipated at this site by age 6–8. Equivalentstem volumes are given. As expected, trees subjected to competitionaccumulated greater proportions of their woody biomass in stemsrather than branches. Biomass yields of fully-stocked young hardwood stands are independentof planting density. In Britain, M.A.I.SB values of 6–8t ha–1 y–1 can be obtained over 1 or 25 years byplanting 250 000 or 2000 trees ha–1, using vigorous Populusspp, Salix spp or Nothofagus procera on good sites. Advantages and problems of ‘silage’ forestry arediscussed, and it is considered that hardwood fuel coppicescould not meet more than about 2% of national energy needs. The reciprocals of individual tree weights were linearly relatedto planting density.  相似文献   

Johansson  Tord 《Forestry》2005,78(3):249-262
The objective was to determine stem volume models for grey andcommon alders and, based on the models, stand volume for naturallyregenerated grey and common alder stands was summarized. Basicdensity for grey and common alders and mean annual growth forstands was estimated. Net volume accretion data were collectedfrom 24 stands of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and31 stands of common alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner) inSweden. The stands ranged in latitude from 58 to 64° N andfrom 56 to 62° N for grey and common alder, respectively.The mean age of grey and common alder stands was 41 years and48 years, respectively, the mean stand density 1726 stems ha–1and 1078 stems ha–1, and the mean diameter at breast height(over bark) was 20 cm and 21 cm. Stem volume equations weredeveloped for grey and common alders. The adopted model forgrey alder was based on diameter at breast height and height.For common alder, crown height was added to diameter and height.Mean standing volume (over bark) for grey and common alder standswas 428 and 374 m3 ha–1. Mean annual growth for grey andcommon alder stands was 12.0 m3 and 8.4 m3 a–1 ha–1,respectively. Basic density (under bark), for grey and commonalder stems was 359 and 427 kg m–3, respectively. Thebasic density (under bark) for the lowest twigs in the crownand in the lateral part of the crown was 415 and 421 kg m–3for grey alder and 423 and 423 kg m–3 for common alder.  相似文献   

THOMAS  P. H. 《Forestry》1967,40(2):139-164
This paper describes some recent experimental and theoreticalwork on the growth and spread of fire in the open and discussessome examples of field data in terms of the theoretical calculationspresented. The lengths of flames from laboratory fires have been relatedto the size and rate of burning of the fuel by formulae derivedfrom a simplified dimensional analysis. The effects of a windblowing across a long fuel bed on the length and orientationof flames are also described. The scaling laws for flame heightsuggest that in the horizontal spread of fire, heat transferfrom the flames above the fuel bed is important primarily withshallow fuel beds. It is suggested that the main effect of a wind on crib firesis aerodynamic. The wind deflects the advancing fire front fromthe vertical, but perpendicular to this deflected front therate of spread of fire, at least for cribs, is roughly the sameas in still air. However, a theory of spread allowing for heattransfer through the fuel bed and radiation from the flamespredicts that there can be a stable ‘fast‘ spreadas well as a ‘slow’ spread. In ‘fast’spread the flames are thick and control the spread. In ‘slow’ spread radiant heat transfer from theburning zone is usually responsible for the spread. The flamesare thin and of low emissivity. The most important factors determiningthe rate of ‘slow’ spread R are pb the bulk densityof the fuel bed and ø the deflection from the verticalof the front of burning fuel which varies with wind speed. Rpb cos ø is approximately constant over a wide rangeof conditions with an order of magnitude of 5–10 mg cm–2s–1.  相似文献   

The upward trend of intensive management in Southern pine forests is expected to continue, both in area and intensity level. Much of the Mississippi Lower Coastal Plain (LCP) is managed intensively using some combination of mechanical site preparation, chemical site preparation, and herbaceous weed control (HWC). We studied pine growth response and competition control on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations 3–5 years following establishment using five combinations of chemical site preparation, mechanical site preparation, and HWC. Treatments were designated a priori as 1 (least intensive) through 5 (most intensive) largely on the basis of anticipated impact on the vegetation community. We measured pine height and diameter at breast height (dbh); woody stem density; hardwood basal area (BA); coverage of herbaceous plants, understory woody plants, and pine trees; and estimated differences in pine response using age-shift calculations at age 5. Pine height and dbh were correlated with treatment intensity; treatment 5 maintained an average advantage of 1.4-m height and 2.5-cm dbh over treatment 2, the least responsive treatment. Woody stem density varied widely and was not affected by treatment; understory woody coverage was also unaffected by treatment. Coverage of herbaceous plants was reduced in treatments receiving broadcast HWC, and in treatment 2, where slower establishment of pines may have acted as a release for competing woody plants. Age-shift gains relative to treatment 2 ranged from 0.4–1.0 years. Based on year 5 measurements of hardwood BA, it is likely that treatments 1 and 2 will fall further behind treatments 3–5 as the stands mature. Greatest control of competing vegetation and maximum growth of pines was achieved with the most intensive treatment.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplars: present status and potential in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TABBUSH  P.; BEATON  A. 《Forestry》1998,71(4):355-364
Past and potential future use of hybrid poplars for wood productionin Britain is considered, and preliminary results of trialswith new clones imported from Belgium in 1985 are given. A seriesof nine field experiments established in 1991, to a common protocol,was analysed using stepwise multiple regression. The superiorvigour of ‘Beaupré’ compared with ‘Ghoy’,‘Robusta’ and ‘Trichobel’ was clearin almost every case. For ‘Beaupré’ (Populustrichocarpa x P. deltoides) altitude emerged as the variableexplaining most variation in tree height after six growing seasons,height declining with increasing altitude. The four best siteswere characterized by low elevation and low rainfall. At the two older sites planted in 1987, at Ampthill and Bedgebury,the ‘interamerican’ hybrids (P. trichocarpa x P.deltoides) were the most vigorous, and the clones ‘Unal’and ‘Raspalje’, which were thought to be too rustsusceptible to release for commercial use in 1990, achievedsimilar stem sizes to those of ‘Beaupré’and ‘Bolelare’. The General Yield Class (based ona reference spacing of 8 x 8 m) calculated for ‘Beaupré’was 8 at Ampthill and 24 at Bedgebury. Future prospects for poplar planting are considered in relationto possible reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

Literature References. Wright and Will. Against Scott, R. O.,and Ure, A. M. (1957): Delete ‘Spectrophotometry’and substitute ‘Photometry’. Delete, N.Z.J. Sci.Tech. B. XXXVIII. 699–706 and substitute ‘To appearin The Analyst’.  相似文献   

Dixon  F.L.; Clay  D.V.; Willoughby  I. 《Forestry》2005,78(4):353-364
The selective herbicide clopyralid is often used to controlcompeting Cirsium arvense in newly planted woodlands. When appliedas an overall spray at different dates in the spring (at 0.2kg acid equivalent (a.e.) ha–1) to 10 tree species (Fraxinusexcelsior, Prunus avium, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus,Populus x canadensis cv. ‘Ghoy’, Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus nigra ssp. laricio, Larix kaempferi, Picea abies and Piceasitchensis) it did not reduce survival, and had little effecton growth. However, some species showed distortion of the youngestsprayed leaves or needles for several weeks after treatment,particularly F. excelsior, L. kaempferi and P. x canadensis.Sequential applications of clopyralid (first at 0.1 kg a.e.ha–1 followed by 0.2 kg a.e. ha–1 after 3 weeks),which are often required to control C. arvense, did not leadto increased leaf damage or growth reduction. Mixtures of clopyralidwith selective graminicides (cycloxydim at 0.45 kg active ingredient(a.i.) ha–1; fluazifop-p-butyl at 0.38 kg a.i. ha–1and propaquizafop at 0.15 kg a.i. ha–1) did not causesignificant adverse effects on survival or growth of any species.If herbicides are required to control mixed stands of susceptibleproblem weeds such as C. arvense and grasses which are overtoppingyoung trees, these herbicide mixtures, applied as overall sprays,are less likely to cause damage to trees than attempts to usedirected applications of broad-spectrum foliar-acting herbicides.  相似文献   

The Development of Stain in Wounded Sitka Spruce Stems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GREGORY  S. C. 《Forestry》1986,59(2):199-208
In order to investigate the severity of staining in woundedSitka spruce stems, the vertical extent of two categories ofstain (based on colour and termed ‘light’ and ‘heavy’)was measured in stems at two sites in south Scotland. Data wereobtained from 98 wounds most of which were between 8 and 14years old and most of which had been caused by Red deer. Theupward extent of stain and its rate of upward spread were positivelycorrelated with wound surface area and length. Most stain wasof the light type which, although it was associated with nearlyall wounds, usually constituted an insignificant defect anddid not commonly extend for more than 1 m ahve wounds. Heavystain occurred above less than half of all wounds studied butwas common above wounds exceeding 300 cm2 surface area. Forall wounds, the mean value for the upward extent of heavy stainwas 16.1 cm with a mean rate of spread of 1.9 cm y–1.However, for wounds exceeding 300 cm2 surface area, the valueswere 51.7 cm and 5.5 cm y–1. These results suggest that,although there is an important effect of wound size on the typeand extent of stain, wounds of the type studied are unlikelyto lead to severe stain and decay in Sitka spruce over a periodof 8–14 years. The results are discussed in relation toother studies on wound staining in conifers.  相似文献   

At two English forest nurseries, transplants of five coniferspecies—Picea sitchensis, Picea abies, Tsuga heterophylla,Abies grandis, and Pinus contorta—were grown with fertilizersupplying N, P, K, and Mg in amounts intended to be adequatefor producing healthy green trees with nutrient concentrationsin the ‘sufficiency range’ as determined by earlierexperiments. ‘Luxury uptake’ of nitrogen was obtainedwith top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ applied in thenursery during early September, when top growth had nearly ceased.Tests of the effect of this extra N on forest establishmentwere repeated in four successive years under a wide range ofsoil and climatic conditions, keeping the trees in a cold storeduring each winter and planting them on forest sites in England,Scotland, or Wales during the following spring. Except for Grandfir, nitrogen advanced bud-break of all species during the firstsummer after planting and had no deleterious influence on survival.It tended to increase growth of Sitka spruce during the seasonafter planting, but in later years the differences became smallin relation to tree size. The effects on other species weresmall, except for one considerable decrease in the growth responseof Grand fir at a single site. Frost damage of Sitka spruce of Washington origin was severeon a Welsh and a Scottish site where this frost-sensitive provenancewould not normally be grown. At the Welsh, but not the Scottishsite, the nitrogen treatment increased the damage. In the few experiments (confined to Picea sitchensis) whichtested late-season potassium in the nursery, K concentrationswere increased from deficiency to barely sufficiency level;growth in the forest was increased in two of the four experiments.The extra K had no effect on frost damage.  相似文献   

Little is known about broadleaf establishment within the nativepinewoods of Scotland, yet such information is critical to currentrestoration initiatives. A 2-year field trial was set up toassess the growth and performance of seedlings of four broadleavedspecies within different developmental stages of Pinus sylvestris(Scots pine) woodland in the Scottish Highlands. The developmentalstages included stem initiation (establishment stage), stemexclusion (thicket/pole stage) and canopy break up (old-growthcanopy), providing sites of varying shade and resource availability.It was predicted that differences in establishment between siteswould occur due to species-specific differences in ‘tolerance’of shade, low-nutrient availability and poor soil drainage.Analysis of trial results showed high survival but growth rates(relative stem height and basal diameter growth) declined rapidlyin year two. In year two, Ilex aquifolium achieved the highestmean growth rates in the stem exclusion stands (average 15 percent light) where there was a lower percentage of Phytomyzailicis (holly leaf miner) infection and frost damage. Sorbusaucuparia exhibited generalist behaviour with similar growthand performance across all stand treatments. Betula pubescensmaintained similar growth rates across stand types but was moresusceptible to insect damage in deeper shade. Overall, Alnusglutinosa grew more successfully than the other species andachieved highest mean growth rates in canopy break up (average44 per cent light) and stand initiation (average 71 per centlight) stages. Broadleaf establishment within pinewood standsis challenging on account of acidic nutrient-poor soil regimes,and in places, poor drainage, aggressive understorey competitionand canopies that restrict light availability and insect herbivory.Forest restoration techniques, including matching species tosite, accelerating establishment and using framework species(individuals of high field performance that are able to restoresite productivity and nutrient cycles), are discussed.  相似文献   

Cain  Michael D. 《New Forests》1997,14(2):107-125
Four levels of vegetative competition were used to quantify the growth of loblolly and shortleaf pines (Pinus taeda L. and P. echinata Mill.) in naturally regenerated, even-aged stands on the Upper Coastal Plain of southeastern Arkansas, USA. Treatments included: (1) no competition control, (2) woody competition control, (3) herbaceous competition control, and (4) total control of nonpine vegetation. After pines became established from natural seeding, herbicides were used to control herbaceous plants for 4 consecutive years and woody plants for 5 consecutive years. Even though 89% of crop pines on untreated check plots were free-to-grow 11 years after establishment, crop pines on vegetation control plots were larger (P<0.001) in mean dbh, total height, and volume per tree. From age 5 through 11 years, crop pine diameter growth increased on woody control plots and decreased on herbaceous control plots because of hardwood competition in the latter treatment. At age 11, crop pine volume production averaged 207 m3/ha on total control plots, 158 m3/ha on herbaceous control plots, 130 m3/ha on woody control plots, and 102 m3/ha on untreated check plots.  相似文献   

GOSLING  PETER G. 《Forestry》1989,62(1):41-50
Freshly harvested Quercus robur acorns were spread out, twodeep, in trays, and dried/stored (at +2°C over the courseof 28 weeks) to either 45, 40, 35, 30 or 25 per cent moisturecontent (fresh weight basis). Drying/storage significantly reducedthe germination percentage (P< 0.01). The acorns at eachmoisture content were then either ‘soaked’ or ‘notsoaked’, before immediate germination; or returned tothe same cold store at +2°C, this time in loosely tied polythenebags. Soaking raised the acorns moisture content (M.C.), andalso brought about a significant increase in germination capacity(P<0.01). Regardless of the moisture content immediatelybefore soaking, "soaked" acorns in loosely tied polythene bagsstored better than ‘unsoaked’ acorns. All ‘bagged’acorns (whether ‘soaked’ or ‘unsoaked’)stored better than acorns dried/stored in open trays.  相似文献   

Chrimes  Dillon; Nilson  Kristina 《Forestry》2005,78(4):433-442
The study aimed specifically at investigating if canopy opennesswas a better predictor of the height growth of Norway spruce(Picea abies (L.) Karst.) advance regeneration than overstoreybasal area or overstorey standing volume. In 1990, a field experimentwith 3 x 2 factorial design and two replications (blocks) wasestablished in an uneven-aged Norway spruce forest. Plots hada net plot area of 30 x 30 m, each with a 10-m-wide treatedbuffer zone. Three overstorey density levels retained approximately15, 40 and 70 per cent of the pre-harvest overstorey standingvolume and were allotted to the plots. Two types of thinningthat harvested smaller trees or harvested larger trees wererandomly allocated to each pair of overstorey density plots.In mid-June 2000, canopy openness was estimated from hemisphericalphotographs taken at five marked points in the centre of eachof the plots at 0.9 m from ground to the top of the ‘fish-eye’camera lens. Regression results showed that canopy opennesswas a better predictor of height increments of spruce seedlings(0.1< height < 0.5 m), saplings (0.5 height < 2.0m), and small trees (height 2.0 m, diameter at 1.3 m height< 5 cm) than with overstorey basal area (m2 ha–1) oroverstorey standing volume (m3 ha–1). The height incrementof the spruce advance regeneration was not significantly correlatedto stand basal area or to standing volume. Overstorey basalarea in the net plots was significantly negative (P 0.05) withmean canopy openness estimates, and the r2 value was 0.40. Resultsindicated that basal area was not linearly related to canopyopenness as it increased, which might explain the lack of predictivepower of retained basal area on spruce regeneration height indense stands in boreal Sweden.  相似文献   

Managing birch woodlands for the production of quality timber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CAMERON  A. D. 《Forestry》1996,69(4):357-371
Interest in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch(Betula pubescens Ehrh.) has greatly increased in recent yearspartly as a result of pressures to restore and expand nativewoodlands but also due to renewed interest in birch as a treecapable of producing quality timber. Despite the many advantagesof birch as a commercial timber tree—ease of establishment,fast growth on good sites, high value timber and a short rotation,it has a poor reputation in Britain largely as a result of thepoor form of the existing, mainly unmanaged resource. The followingpoints need to be considered if stands of quality birch treesare to be produced in an economical timescale. (1) Sites: silverbirch needs good sites that are relatively well drained withlight mineral soils. Downy birch does well on moist to wet sites.(2) Regeneration: natural regeneration through a shelterwoodis the preferred system of regenerating birch as some overheadprotection is beneficial to germination success. About 20–40seed trees should be left per hectare. Good ground preparationand control of grazing are essential. The vast majority of seedlingsare recruited in the first year of the regeneration cycle thereforeplanting should be considered if the initial regeneration successis poor. Direct seeding is also a successful method of regeneration.Birch readily regenerates naturally into suitably prepared openareas next to existing birch woods but these should not be toobig, e.g. gaps or strips 20–60 m wide have been suggestedin the literature. (3) Maintenance: density of regenerationneeds to be reduced to about 2500–3000 stems ha–1by the time the trees are about 3–6 m tall. Birch seedlingsmust always be taller than the competing vegetation. (4) Thinning:thinning should begin when the mean height of the stand is about8–10 m. At this point at least half the number of treesshould be removed with the emphasis on retaining dominants andco-dominants of good form. The aim is to maintain about halfthe height of the tree as living crown to sustain a high rateof growth. Additional thinnings will be required at intervalsof 5 to 7 years and final thinning should leave around 300–500stems ha–1. (5) Rotation: a rotation of 40–50 yearsis possible on good sites and perhaps 50–55 years on lessfavourable sites.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term effects of group-selection harvestingwith seed tree retention on the diversity, abundance and establishmentof tree seedlings in a northern hardwood forest in the UpperPeninsula of Michigan (49 openings, 20 closed canopy referencesites). Three opening sizes were examined – opening radius0.5 x canopy height (267 ± 62 m2, n = 16), 0.75 x canopyheight (642 ± 85 m2, n = 17) and 1.0 x canopy height(1192 ± 155 m2, n = 16) (canopy height = 22 m). A singleyellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) seed tree was retainedin the centre of each opening. Tree seedling density was significantlyhigher in the largest group-selection opening than at the closedcanopy reference sites (P < 0.05), the main factor for thiswas the increased proportion of yellow birch, red maple (Acerrubrum L.) and other minor species. Nevertheless, yellow birchwas still a minor component of the developing gap cohort, comprising5.9 per cent of the seedlings and 1.1 per cent of the saplings.Within openings, microsite variables, such as per cent coversof bare soil and coarse woody debris, were the best predictorsof yellow birch occurrence and density. Our results suggestthat microsite limitations and competing vegetation may greatlyreduce the efficacy of openings for ensuring the maintenanceof mid-tolerants.  相似文献   

Forecasting timber production many years in advance has becomea problem of considerable importance in this country becauseof the need to co-ordinate the rapid increase in productionwith the establishment of new timber-using industries. Thispaper describes a change in emphasis in state forest WorkingPlan Inventory methods employed in the predominantly young,coniferous forests of Great Britain and is a development ofthe methods described in a previous paper (‘Problems ofYield Control and Inventory in British Forestry’—D.R. Johnston, 1960, Forestry, 33, 19–36). Total enumerationof the growing stock is no longer the main objective of forestinventory and the new approach is directed towards (a) assessmentof the productive potential of each subcompartment and (b) theintensive enumeration of sample or ‘index’ subcompartmentsinitially and at each re-enumeration as a check on growth predictionsand yield control.  相似文献   

Zhao  Min; Zhou  Guang-Sheng 《Forestry》2006,79(2):231-239
Forest inventory data (FID) include forest resources informationat large spatial scale and long temporal scale. They are importantdata sources for estimating forest net primary productivity(NPP) and carbon budget at landscape and regional scales. Inthis study, more than 100 datasets of biomass, volume, NPP andstand age for Chinese pine forests (Pinus tabulaeformis) fromthe literature were synthesized to develop regression equationsbetween biomass and volume, and between NPP and biomass as wellas stand age. Using these regression equations and the fourthFID surveyed by the Forestry Ministry China from 1989 to 1993,NPP values of Chinese pine forests were estimated. The meanNPP of Chinese pine forests was 4.35 Mg ha–1 yr–1.NPP varied widely among provinces, ranging from 1.5 (Neimenggu)to 13.73 Mg ha–1 yr–1 (Guizhou). Total NPP of Chinesepine was 10.87 Tg yr–1 (1 Tg = 1012 g). NPP values ofChinese pine forests were not distributed evenly across differentprovinces in China. This study may be useful not only for estimatingforest carbon of other forest types but also for evaluatingterrestrial carbon balance at regional and global levels.  相似文献   

DOBBS  C. G. 《Forestry》1953,26(2):97-110
The frequency of ‘lines’ of denser wood within theannual ring in larch (Larix decidua Mill.) was compared withmonthly records of rainfall and tables of droughts and rain-spellsin the Bristol region. Moderate correlations were found withJune rainfall (inverse), days in summer droughts, and a ratiogiving a measure of the maximum dry-wet contrast between successivemonths from May to August. This ‘contrast ratio’showed a high degree of parallel variation with ‘line’frequency. A study of individual years suggested that the formationof a pronounced ‘line’ is associated with the occurrenceof a spell of dry weather followed by a wet spell during thelater part of the summer. ‘Mid-lines’ were foundto be associated with a June drought breaking in July; late‘lines’ with a dry-wet contrast in July or August,but in some trees these may be suppressed by the stoppage ofgrowth. Vaguer ‘lines’ of lower frequency were associatedin certain years with wet spells not preceded by noticeabledrought. Individual ‘lines’ can thus be identifiedand roughly dated by some weather feature, so that their positionsheds some light on the length of the growing season. It issuggested that ‘lines’ of denser wood may be occasionedby the killing or inactivating of mycorrhizal rootlets eitherby drought or by waterlogging, followed by partial recoverywhen the weather changes. This would accord with the theorythat summer wood formation is normally associated with a developingwater-deficit in the wood.  相似文献   

The growth of seven Picea sitchensis x Picea glauca hybridswas compared with the growth of two P. sitchensis provenancesand Picea glauca var.albertiana at two sites in northern Scotland.The sites were at Aultmore (an exposed, dry site with a mineralsoil) and Shin (a frosty, wet site with deep peat). They wereof the type considered more suited to Pinus contorta than P.sitchensis. At age 10, in 1984, most of the hybrids, at both sites, wereabout 10 and 20 per cent taller than P. sitchensis of Masset(Q.C.I.) and Ketchikan (Alaska) provenance, respectively. P.glauca var. albertiana grew very poorly, especially at Aultmore. At Aultmore, the frost hardiness of three of the tallest hybrids,the two P. sitchensis provenances, and P. glauca var.albertiana,was tested at about 3-weekly intervals throughout 1982 and 1983.Detached shoots were subjected to artificial frosts in a programmablechamber. P. glauca var. albertiana was frost susceptible atbudburst, but at all other times it was relatively very frosthardy (eg. to10°C in mid-August). Also, the hybridswere consistently more hardy than P. sitchensis of even Ketchikan(Alaska) provenance from July onwards. However, the hybridswere less frost hardy than P. sitchensis of Masset (Q.C.I.)provenance in early spring (they dehardened a week earlier inMarch-April) and their buds were equally as frost susceptibleat the time of budburst. In 1983, trees of P. glauca var. albertianaburst their buds about a week sooner than P. sitchensis. It was concluded that P. sitchensis x P. glauca hybrids canperform better than P. sitchensis at sites considered ‘marginal’for P. sitchensis, and that their good performance may be partlyattributed to, or associated with, their greater summer andautumn frost hardiness. A programme of inter-specific hybridizationis being pursued.  相似文献   

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