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An outbreak of disease associated to a border disease virus was described in the Southern chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) in Spain in 2002. Sera and/or spleen samples from 57 mouflon, 15 red deer, 21 roe deer, 3 fallow deer, 55 sheep, 32 cattle, and 68 goats sharing the chamois habitat were studied. An antibody ELISA test yielded an inconclusive result in 2 mouflon and positive results in 5 goat sera. Comparative virus neutralization tests were performed on the 2 inconclusive mouflons, 3 of the 5 seropositive goats, 55 sheep and 32 cattle, using 6 pestivirus strains. Positive results were obtained in 1 mouflon, 2 goats, 69% of sheep and 78% of cattle. Virological investigations performed with an antigen ELISA test yielded negative results in 21 goats and 39 mouflons, the result in 1 mouflon being inconclusive. PCR performed on 12 goats and the inconclusive mouflon gave negative results. These results suggested that it is unlikely that chamois BDV is infecting wild and domestic ruminants.  相似文献   

Recreational hunting of indigenous wild artiodactyls has been one of the most lucrative and rapidly growing industries in Western Spain over the last five years. In the absence of careful ecological management, one consequence of the commercial exploitation of this natural resource has been the appearance of outbreaks of infectious disease; most notably bovine tuberculosis. From the outset of the study in 1997, we have observed a steady increase in prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in both species reaching 1.74 (+/-0.17) in deer in 2002 and 2.32 (+/-0.24) in wild boar. The latter species seems to be most severely affected with pulmonary lesions appearing more chronic than those observed in deer. In this study, we describe the epidemiology of M. bovis in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) and Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) in Extremadura (W. Spain); a region where there are large areas of natural habitat for these species.  相似文献   

The main objective of the study was to determine the possible influence of host species on the maintenance of ticks in the field by determining the relative contribution of game animals compared to domestic animals. The study was carried out on a game ranch 32 km south-east of Nairobi. Tick counts were carried out on 30 Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) aged 1 to 3 years and 20 red Maasai sheep (Ovis aries) aged 6 months to 1 year grazing with game animals in a common area for a period of 2 years and these counts were compared with those on eland and Thomson's gazelle. Half-body counts were carried out on the cattle and sheep once every week. To avoid excessive stress, the animals were dipped in amitraz whenever the half body counts exceeded 50 fully engorged female ticks of any species. Tick counts on two wild animal species (eland (Taurotragus oryx) and Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii)) were carried out during the weekly culling of the herbivores. The results revealed that there was no significant difference in the number ticks per square metre between the wild ungulates and the domestic animals.  相似文献   

Fish meal is a good source of protein feed that can be used to get a high production yield even though it has a comparatively higher price. Plant protein has been found to substitute for fish meal without any adverse effect on production as well as helping to reduce feed cost. Moreover, it is not necessary for a level more than 5% fish meal in the diet of laying ducks. One type of plant protein is soybean meal, considered one of the most valuable sources of vegetable protein and whose amino acid composition is comparable to that of milk protein. In a soybean meal, the first limiting amino acid is methionine. Soybean meal can substitute for fish meal in laying ducks' diet but supplementation of methionine and lysine is recommended. Since sesame meal is rich in methionine and agrinine, 50% of soybean meal can be replaced by sesame meal without adverse effects. Leucaena leaf meal is also a valuable source of protein (26%) and carotenoids but it also has a toxic amino acid (mimosine). However, soaking leucaena leaf meal in water can remove the toxic amino acid and can be used, together with added methionine and lysine, as 10% of the diet for laying ducks.  相似文献   

In 7 horses, 4 anastomoses were done in the small intestine in each, using the combinations of synthetic absorbable monofilament and multifilament suture materials with continuous- and interrupted-suture patterns in the serosubmucosal layer of a 2-layer inverting-suture technique. Horses were evaluated 30 days after the operation for adhesion formation, lumen diameter, evidence of chronic obstruction, and suture tract inflammation at the anastomosis. Postoperative obstruction occurred in 5 of the 7 horses, and 6 horses survived. One horse was euthanatized on postoperative day 6 after 48 hours of ileus and obstruction; necropsy revealed a partial intussusception involving the anastomosis done with continuous multifilament-suture material. Two other horses that became obstructed between postoperative days 3 and 5 had protracted ileus and gastric reflux up to 48 hours' duration, but survived. Horses that had obstruction after the 6th postoperative day recovered within 4 hours of onset. The continuous inverting-suture pattern in the serosubmucosal layer resulted in significantly (P less than 0.05) fewer adhesions than did the interrupted pattern, and suture material had no effect on adhesion formation. There was no significant difference in the percentage of reduction of lumen diameter between the variations of the 2-layer technique, and there was no evidence of chronic obstruction related to any of the anastomoses. Suture tract inflammation was moderate in the anastomoses, using continuous-multifilament suture, with neutrophils being the predominant cell type. The anastomoses with continuous-monofilament suture had mild inflammation with focal accumulations of neutrophils. Minimal inflammation was associated with both types of suture in the interrupted pattern.  相似文献   

Leptin is a protein hormone produced by adipose tissue that influences hypothalamic mechanisms regulating appetite and energy balance. In species tested thus far, including horses, concentrations of leptin increase as animal fat mass increases. The variables and mechanisms that influence the secretion of leptin are not well known, nor is it known in equine species how the secretion of leptin is influenced by acute alterations in energy balance, circadian patterns, and/or reproductive competence. Our objectives were to determine in horses: 1) whether plasma concentrations of leptin are secreted in a circadian and/or a pulsatile pattern; 2) whether a 48-h period of feed restriction would alter plasma concentrations of leptin, growth hormone, or insulin; and 3) whether ovariectomy and/or a melatonin implant would affect leptin. In Exp. 1, mares exposed to ambient photoperiod of visible light (11 h, 33 min to 11 h, 38 min), received treatments consisting of a 48-h feed restriction (RES) or 48 h of alfalfa hay fed ad libitum (FED). Mares were maintained in a dry lot before sampling and were tethered to a rail during sampling. Analyses revealed that leptin was not secreted in a pulsatile manner, and that mean leptin concentrations were greater (P < 0.001) in FED vs. RES mares (17.20 +/- 0.41 vs. 7.29 +/- 0.41 ng/mL). Plasma growth hormone was pulsatile, and mean concentrations were greater in RES than FED mares (2.15 +/- 0.31 vs. 1.08 +/- 0.31 ng/mL; P = 0.05). Circadian patterns of leptin secretion were observed, but only in FED mares (15.39 +/- 0.58 ng/mL for morning vs. 19.00 +/- 0.58 ng/mL for evening; P < 0.001). In Exp. 2, mares that were ovariectomized or intact received either a s.c. melatonin implant or a sham implant. Thereafter, blood was sampled at weekly intervals at 1000 and 1700. Concentrations of leptin in samples collected at 1700 were greater (P < 0.001) than in those collected at 1000 (28.24 +/- 1.7 vs. 22.07 +/- 1.7 ng/mL). Neither ovariectomy nor chronic treatment with melatonin affected plasma concentrations of leptin or the circadian pattern of secretion. These data provide evidence that plasma leptin concentrations in the equine are sensitive to acute changes in nutritional status and vary in a circadian pattern that is sensitive to fasting but not to melatonin treatment or ovariectomy.  相似文献   

选取体重为(78.68±2.95)g的28日龄豁眼鹅300只,采用3处理5重复单因子完全随机设计,研究3%的3种蛋白质饲料(血粉、膨化血粉和鱼粉)对雏鹅血清生化指标及激素的影响。结果显示:1)鱼粉组的ALT、TP、ALB和AST显著高于血粉组(P<0.05),与膨化血粉组差异不显著(P>0.05);膨化血粉组的ALT、TP和ALB与血粉组无显著差异(P>0.05),而AST显著高于血粉组(P<0.05);各试验组间的血清GLOB含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。2)鱼粉组的INS显著高于血粉组和膨化血粉组(P<0.05);鱼粉组的TSH和T3水平显著高于血粉组(P<0.05),但与膨化血粉组相比差异不显著(P>0.05);各试验组的血清GLU、GH、T4和IGF-I水平差异不显著(P>0.05)。研究结果表明,在雏鹅日粮中可用膨化血粉部分取代鱼粉,且其效果要明显优于普通血粉。  相似文献   

随着我国社会和经济的发展,畜牧业发展也迎来了新的机遇和挑战。在这个过程当中,高校则肩负着培养高素质畜牧专业人才的历史使命。本文从学生自身、课程建设、师资队伍等方面,分析了当前高校畜牧专业人才培养中存在的问题,并针对性的提出了解决对策,以期为探索畜牧专业本科生人才培养模式提供参考。  相似文献   

An online survey was conducted to establish horse owners' beliefs, attitudes and practices relating to the use of anthelmintic drugs. Out of a total of 574 respondents, 89 per cent described themselves as 'leisure riders', most of whom took part in a variety of activities including eventing, show jumping, dressage, hunter trials, hunting, driving, endurance and showing. Overall, respondents were generally aware and concerned about the issue of anthelmintic resistance. Less than 60 per cent of all respondents were comfortable with their existing anthelmintic programme, and 25 per cent would like to reduce the use of anthelmintics in their horses. Of all the respondents, 47 per cent used livery, and 49 per cent of those reported that the livery imposed a common anthelmintic programme for horses kept on the premises; 45 per cent of these respondents were not entirely happy with the livery yard's programme. Less than 50 per cent of all respondents included 'veterinary surgeon' among their sources of advice on worming.  相似文献   

朱蕴杉  张庆  许鲁 《野生动物》2010,31(1):45-48
对饲养东北虎的野化训练,是东北虎日常饲养管理的重要环节,更是实现日后放虎归山的基础性工作之一。本文是在东北虎繁育中心为期1个月的调查研究基础上,研究了人工模拟条件下对饲养东北虎野化训练的现况,指出管理方式、饲喂模式等制度上原因对饲养东北虎野性和行为恢复的影响是东北虎野化训练存在的主要问题。同时为今后东北虎野化训练提出了改进设想。阐明人工模拟野生生境困难和食物链模拟困难是饲养东北虎野化训练难以展开的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文对家畜胚胎冷冻保存的原理、冷冻方法、冷冻保护液的成分、胚胎解冻方法与冷冻保护剂的脱除等研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

Research opportunities in the field of animal genetic resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal genetic resources are those animal species that are used, or may be used, for the production of food and agriculture, and the populations within each of them. The working unit of a database for farm animal genetic resources is the breed, a term taken in its widest possible sense to mean a population within the species, possessing a number of particular traits that permit the grouping of these animals under a common label and are associated to geographical areas and human groups. Research opportunities cover a wide range of thematic areas. The biggest gap in knowledge is animal breeding for local populations in harsh environments. There is also a lack of research in functional genetics and genomics of adaptation and disease resistance traits. By comparison, breed characterization, in particular molecular characterization, has been a more popular research subject. The same can be said for conservation, although some fundamental questions on genetic diversity and risk of its loss are still unanswered. Research is required to understand the socio-economic, infrastructural, technical and formal constraints that limit the operation of sustainable conservation programs in less developed countries. Information systems on animal genetic resources need input from research and data capture networks, in order to achieve a reasonable degree of completeness. Economic analysis and issues related to gene flow and access and benefit sharing should also profit from more research.  相似文献   

不同蛋白源对生长鹅营养物质代谢及血清生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究等比例的鱼粉、膨化血粉和普通血粉对生长鹅日粮营养物质表观代谢率及血清生化指标的影响,选择了300只28日龄、体重(1 142.68±50.64)g的豁眼鹅,随机分为3组,每组设5个重复,每个重复20只鹅,进行为期28 d的饲养试验。结果表明:各饲粮营养物质表观代谢率及血清生化指标的高低顺序为鱼粉组>膨化血粉组>血粉组,在鱼粉组和膨化血粉组间差异不显著(P>0.05);鱼粉组和膨化血粉的NDF、ADF、CP、E的表观代谢率,血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)活性、白蛋白(ALB)含量均显著高于血粉组(P<0.05);总蛋白(TP)含量,鱼粉组显著高于血粉组(P<0.05),而膨化血粉组和血粉组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。综合各项指标,本试验条件下,可用3.0%膨化血粉替代相同水平的鱼粉用于豁眼生长鹅的日粮中。  相似文献   

在全面禁止使用促生长类药物饲料添加剂的形势下,畜禽传染性疾病对我国畜牧生产造成潜在威胁,开发绿色饲料添加剂迫在眉睫,但当下抗生素替代产品往往因稳定性差而限制了其使用空间.药物递送系统可以将兽药及饲料添加剂包裹于载体内部,靶向缓释,具有靶向性、稳定性及高效性等多方面的优势,是解决粪便抗生素残留、添加剂稳定性差等问题的有效...  相似文献   

为了有效解决科尔沁沙地草原生态环境脆弱性与畜牧业经济掠夺性之间的矛盾,通过对120户实地调研样本数据分析,基于会计理论,分别对畜牧业经营成本、收入两方面进行了详细的归集与分配,研究得出:(1)牧户生产经营成本中支出较大的项目主要有饲草料费、燃料动力费以及固定资产折旧费;(2)该地区牧户畜牧业收入主要来源于销售犊牛和成年母牛收入,其次为销售羔羊和母羊收入;(3)尽管畜牧业收入较高,但仍有21.67%的牧户畜牧业经营收益为负。针对此研究结果,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Glaucoma is a serious complication of anterior uveitis that can result in significant ocular discomfort and loss of vision. As glaucoma is insidious and mostly asymptomatic until late in the course of disease, it is often undiagnosed. Equine recurrent uveitis is the most common underlying disorder: it is a disease of high prevalence, characterised by recurrent‐remitting episodes of ocular inflammation. Here, the inflammatory cells and mediators they release alter the normal anatomic structure of the anterior chamber and aqueous drainage pathways of the eye. These changes alter the homeostatic mechanisms of intraocular pressure control. Management of glaucoma secondary to uveitis can be challenging due to the difficulties of managing the underlying disorder and its effects on the eye. This article reviews the pathogenesis of uveitic glaucoma in the horse and medical and surgical management options.  相似文献   

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