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A simple, one-step, alternative pathway (AP) hemolytic assay for bovine C3 has been developed. Methylamine was used to prepare a bovine serum reagent, R3, functionally depleted of C3. The addition of purified bovine C3 to the R3 reconstituted, in a dose-dependent manner, the hemolytic activity for unsensitized heterologous erythrocytes. The assay was used to determine relative levels of C3 in different bovine serum samples. Human C3 and bovine C3 were interchangeable in the assay. Reconstitution of bovine and human R3 reagents with homologous or heterologous C3, in the presence of different species of erythrocytes, provided evidence that cell surface regulation of the homologous hemolytic AP may not be limited to the assembly and activity of the C3 convertase. The AP assay was more sensitive and less complex to perform than a standard classical pathway assay for bovine C3.  相似文献   

The technique described is a modification of a qualitative hemolytic radial diffusion technique. The test involves the use of sensitized sheep erythrocytes that have been incorporated into agarose. Tube dilutions were made of chicken serum and samples of each dilution were placed into wells cut in the agarose. The test is quantitative for hemolytic complement in that the highest dilution showing visible hemolysis of sensitized erythrocytes in agarose is determined to be the endpoint for that serum sample. The test as compared with the standard tube assay was determined to be less sensitive by approximately one dilution. The advantages of speed, simplicity, and cost more than offset the decrease in sensitivity of the test.  相似文献   

A new hemolytic assay for bovine complement is presented. Using this assay we found a significant reduction in bovine serum complement activity during the acute phase of anaplasmosis, and an increase in the sensitivity of the red blood cells (RBC) to bovine complement lysis in vitro. The new hemolytic test is performed with bovine RBC, rabbit anti-bovine RBC serum and bovine serum complement. An isotonic sucrose Tris-buffered saline solution of ionic strength 0.094 and pH 7.2 was found to be adequate for this test. The titres obtained with this new assay, which uses autologous RBC, are comparable with those obtained using the guinea pig RBC assay. The finding of a reduction in bovine serum complement during anaplasmosis may be suggestive of a mechanism responsible for the pathology of this disease.  相似文献   

A 51Cr release microhemolytic complement assay is described to detect hemolytic complement activity in bovine milk. 51Cr-labeled guinea-pig erythrocytes (GPRBC), which have been sensitized with a subagglutinating amount of rabbit anti-GPRBC, are placed in microtiter plates. Pooled bovine sera as source of complement to achieve about 50% of 51Cr release were added to each well prior to the addition of the samples on the test. Determination of CH100 titer was obtained by difference of counting between heated and unheated diluted whey samples from a standard linear regression. Comparative hemolytic values throughout lactation were established for the first time and confirmed the improved sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a new 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay for measurement of sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) concentrations in equine synovial fluid (SF) by use of membrane technology and to compare the assay's ability to measure sGAG concentrations with that of 2 other established DMMB assays. SAMPLE POPULATION: 25 samples of SF collected from affected joints of 14 horses and 13 samples of SF collected from nonaffected (control) joints of 4 horses. PROCEDURE: A solid-phase DMMB assay was developed to measure sGAG concentrations in SE Results for the assay were then compared with results obtained by use of the direct spectrophotometric method (ie, Famdale method) and microplate DMMB assay. RESULTS: The solid-phase assay and direct spectrophotometric assay measured the same sGAG concentrations in identical equine SF, but those concentrations differed significantly from results obtained by use of the microplate DMMB assay. All other aspects of the solid-phase DMMB assay were comparable to both the direct spectrophotometric and microplate DMMB assays. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The new solid-phase assay can be used interchangeably with the direct spectrophotometric method to measure sGAG concentrations in equine SF samples, but it cannot be interchanged with the microplate DMMB assay. Results can be rapidly obtained with the solid-phase assay. Also, the solid-phase assay can detect nanogram quantities of sGAGs in SF, circumvent the problem of premature precipitation of sGAG-dye complexes, and provide quantitative or qualitative results. The solid-phase assay may replace other DMMB assays for measuring sGAG concentrations in SF obtained from horses.  相似文献   

Equine inflammatory disease is accompanied by a neutrophil activation resulting in the release of granulocytic enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO). To measure MPO in horse plasma as marker of neutrophil activation, the authors purified equine neutrophil MPO and developed a specific enzyme immunoassay using 2 specific polyclonal antibodies obtained from rabbit (primary antibody) and guinea pig (secondary antibody). The sandwich complex "primary antibody-MPO-secondary antibody" was detected using a goat anti-guinea pig immunoglobulin antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) showed good precision and accuracy, with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation below 10% for MPO concentrations ranging from 0.78 to 50 ng/ml. A stable plasma MPO value, unaffected by time elapsed between blood collection and centrifugation, was obtained with plasma from EDTA anticoagulated blood. The mean MPO value measured in 38 healthy horses was 181.80 +/- 64.74 ng/ml. In 20 horses suffering from obstruction of the large or small intestine, MPO concentrations measured at the time of arrival at the intensive care unit were significantly higher than mean normal value, ranging from 477.88 to 2,748.13 ng/ml. Work is in progress to apply this MPO ELISA technique to other biological fluids and other equine diseases.  相似文献   

A functional assay for equine plasminogen was established, using urokinase as the activator, a synthetic chromogenic substrate, a computer-assisted centrifugal analyzer, and acidified/neutralized plasma. One documented effect of plasma acidification appears to be inactivation of alpha-2-antiplasmin. Intra- and interassay precision testing yielded coefficients of variation of 4.1% (n = 10) and 5.6% (n = 26), respectively. Plasminogen was stable in equine plasma stored up to 1 week at 4 C and up to 5 months at -70 C. Plasminogen in nonacidified equine plasma was not activated by urokinase, streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator, or tissue plasminogen activator plus soluble fibrin. Streptokinase also failed to activate plasminogen in acidified/neutralized equine plasma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether 3 variations of the 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay yield comparable results when measuring sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) concentrations in equine synovial fluid (SF). SAMPLE POPULATION: 25 samples of SF collected from affected joints of 13 horses and 13 samples of SF collected from nonaffected (control) joints of 4 horses. PROCEDURE: Sulfated glycosaminoglycan concentrations were measured by the direct spectrophotometric (ie, Farndale), microplate, and indirect DMMB assays in samples of SF collected from normal and affected joints and in samples digested with nucleases, papain, and hyaluronidase. RESULTS: All 3 assays reacted similarly to standard solutions of sGAGs and digestion of SF samples with nucleases, papain, and hyaluronidase. Nucleic acids were not important interfering substances, and papain and hyaluronidase could not be used interchangeably to digest SE All 3 assays proved to have satisfactory precision (SD < 10%), but each DMMB assay resulted in significantly different measures of sGAG in equine SF. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Samples of SF should be digested with papain or hyaluronidase prior to measurement via DMMB assay. Researchers currently are unable to compare clinical information when variations of the DMMB assay are used, because each DMMB assay yields substantially different sGAG concentrations in SF. Of the 3 assays examined here, we recommend use of the direct spectrophotometric DMMB assay.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive method for the detection and quantitation of specific antibodies against equine rhinovirus antigen has been developed. The method uses the technique of complement mediated haemolysis in an agarose gel, is highly reproducible and as sensitive as the complement fixation or the single radial immunodiffusion test. The method is simple to perform and has the advantage that large numbers of horse sera can be tested in a short period of time.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was elaborated for the detection of specific antibody to equine infectious anemia (EIA) antigen. Sera from horses experimentally infected with EIA virus were assayed by ELISA, complement fixation (CF) and immunodiffusion (ID) tests for antibody to EIA antigen. The ELISA technique was found to be much more sensitive than CF and ID tests. In addition, EIA specific antibody could be detected by ELISA at an earlier stage of infection than by CF or ID techniques. The applicability of the technique to diagnosis of EIA is discussed.  相似文献   

ESK cells, a stable cell line derived from a swine embryo kidney, were found to be a good medium for plaque formation of the Prague and Miami strains of equine influenza virus. Factors influencing the plaque formation were investigated and a plaque assay for these viruses was worked out. The method is not only simple enough for routine use, but also is as sensitive as the egg inoculation method. The method was readily adapted for a neutralization test.  相似文献   

Determining circulating equine insulin concentrations is becoming increasingly important in equine clinical practice and research. Most available assays are optimized for human medicine, but there is strong equine cross-reactivity because of the highly conserved nature of insulin. To identify an accurate and reliable assay for equine insulin, 6 commercial immunoassays were evaluated for precision, accuracy, and specificity. Only 1 assay initially reached the requisite standard: Mercodia Equine Insulin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma matrix interferences were identified when the provided assay buffer was used with the Siemens Count-a-Coat Insulin radioimmunoassay (RIA) but not when charcoal-stripped equine plasma was used as the diluent. This modified RIA and the Mercodia Equine Insulin ELISA were evaluated further by directly examining accuracy by comparing their results for 18 equine plasma samples with values obtained using liquid chromatography and high-resolution/high-accuracy mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Compared with LC-MS measurements, the modified Siemens Insulin RIA rendered a moderate Lin's concordance coefficient (ρc) of 0.41, whereas the Mercodia Equine Insulin ELISA rendered a very poor ρc of 0.06. This suggests that the Siemens Insulin RIA is appropriate to use for routine evaluations when LC-MS is not available.  相似文献   

A complement fixation test, using round-bottomed microtitration plates and an 8 channel microdiluter, based on that used for brucellosis by Herr, Huchzermeyer, Te Brugge, Williamson, Roos & Schiele, 1985, has been developed for use on the sera of horses to detect antibodies to the contagious equine metritis organism. The results with 2 known positive sera tested 116 times in 27 separate tests were reproducible for the most part within a twofold range. They seldom exceeded these limits and never exceeded a fourfold range. The test itself is capable of being carried out within 90 min. The test was slightly more sensitive when sera were inactivated in a hot air oven for 50 min at 58 degrees C, as compared to inactivation at 62 degrees C in a water-bath for 50 min. There were no false negative or false positive reactions and no anticomplementary activity in the sera tested.  相似文献   

Sheep complement (C) is haemolytic for sheep erythrocytes sensitized with rabbit antibody (sheep E-rabbit A) provided serum is used as soon as possible after collection. If left at 4 °C to separate from the clot, serum C activity for sheep E-rabbit A is markedly reduced. Heparinized plasma retains its haemolytic titre for at least 24 h at 4 °C. Plasma from Mg2+-ethyleneglycoltetraacetic acid (EGTA) blood is non-haemolytic, but addition of Ca2+ partially restores the titre. A high concentration of rabbit A is necessary to sensitize sheep E.Sheep C is haemolytic for human erythrocytes sensitized with sheep antibody (human E-sheep A) in the presence of Mg2+-EGTA. This C activity is stable at 4 °C for 24 h in serum, Mg2+-EGTA plasma and heparinized plasma. Haemolytic activity of serum heated at 50 °C for 30 min was restored by a factor B containing CM-cellulose fraction of foetal lamb serum in the presence of Mg2+-EGTA for human E-sheep A but not sheep E-rabbit A.These findings show that sheep C haemolysis of sheep E-rabbit A requires a Ca2+-Mg2+-dependent pathway that is labile in vitro for 24 h at 4 °C.  相似文献   

Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) causes serious skin and soft-tissue infections of humans and animals. Multiple strains of MRSA have been characterized, and one in particular, designated as strain USA 500, causes infections predominantly of horses and the people who work with them. The purpose of this study was to optimize an assay which could subsequently be used to compare the relative avidity of different S. aureus strains for equine corneocytes. Corneocytes were collected from the perineal skin of 10 healthy horses onto adhesive discs. The discs were then incubated at 37°C with an S. aureus field strain at each of three concentrations [10(7), 10(8) and 10(9) colony forming units (CFU)/mL] and for each of three incubation periods (45, 90 and 180 min). After standardized rinsing and staining procedures, discs were examined at ×1,000 magnification and areas containing confluent corneocytes photographed. The percentage of surface area occupied by adherent bacteria was analysed using image processing and analysis software. Significant colour space image processing was required to distinguish bacteria from the ubiquitous melanin granules present within equine corneocytes. Objective and subjective methods were used to determine optimal conditions for specific adherence without introducing confounding factors. A bacterial concentration of 10(8) CFU/mL incubated with corneocytes for 45 min produced maximal bacterial adhesion with the least amount of interbacterial clumping. Future studies should utilize these conditions for optimal assay performance.  相似文献   

The ability of polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG) to inhibit the complement cascade was evaluated. The role of complement in inflammation and infection has been well documented. Inhibition of the complement cascade by PSGAG could explain why intra-articularly administered PSGAG diminish diarthrodial joint inflammation and potentiate septic arthritis in horses. Hemolytic complement testing was performed to evaluate the effect of PSGAG on the equine classical and alternate pathways of complement, using rabbit erythrocytes as the target cells. Concentration of PSGAG between 0.2 mg/ml and 0.6 mg/ml significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited equine complement in dose-related fashion. Further increase in complement inhibition was not observed at PSGAG concentration greater than 0.6 mg/ml. Difference was not apparent in the extent of inhibition of complement from each of the 4 horses tested. Polysulfated glycosaminoglycans appeared to inhibit the classical and alternate complement pathways equally, indicating possible effect on complement components common to both pathways. Heat inactivation of complement function completely inhibited (P less than 0.01) the hemolytic activity of the serum from all horses.  相似文献   

Seventeen horses were used to determine the variances associated with blood pressure cuff application (Sp2) and with other inherent errors (So2). Systolic pressure values had Sp2 = 3.9 mmHg and So2 = 5.6 mmHg, while diastolic pressure values had Sp2 = 1.1 mmHg and So2 = 4.4 mmHg. Thus, to be considered different, two blood pressure means (in mmHg), each derived from three readings, had to differ by at least 3.9 for systolic pressure and 3.4 for diastolic pressure when all readings were made without cuff displacement; 6.8 for systolic pressure and 4.6 for diastolic pressure when the cuff was reapplied between, but not during, measurement of each mean; and 5.0 for systolic pressure and 3.8 for diastolic pressure when the cuff was reapplied between all readings. It was concluded that uniform cuff application is readily achieved.  相似文献   

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