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A new entomopathogenic species of the genus Tolypocladium, T. terricola is described from a soil sample from Finalnd. From other known Tolypocladium species, T. terricola differs in morphology, production of secondary metabolites and possession of relatively strong mosquitocidal activity. The fungus is characterized by broad oval conidia (2.5 x 2 microns) with one pointed end which are produced in grape-like clusters, and are not firmly adherent. When treated with T. terricola, mosquito larvae show typical features of intoxication characterized by the concentration of larvae in the centre of cup, hanging by their siphons on the surface.  相似文献   

A new genus of the family Capillariidae, Tridentocapillaria gen. n., has been established. A type species is Tridentocapillaria tridens (Dujardin, 1845) comb. n. Other species of this genus are T. eurycerca (Oschmarin et Parukhin, 1963) comb. n., T. parusi (Wakelin, Schmidt et Kuntz, 1970) comb. n., and T. javanensis (Wakelin, Schmidt et Kuntz, 1971) comb. n. The new genus is characterized by the presence of a trilobed pseudobursa formed by three processes, and a vulvar appendage is always present in females. The genus includes species parasitic in the intestine of birds of the orders Passeriformes and Piciformes.  相似文献   

A new genus, Ornithocapillaria gen. n., belonging to the family Capillariidae and subfamily Baruscapillariinae is described and its diagnosis is given. The type species of the genus is Ornithocapillaria ovopunctata (Linstow, 1873) comb. n., other species are O. cylindrica (Eberth, 1863) comb. n., O. quiscali (Read, 1949) comb. n., and O. picorum (Rudolphi, 1819) comb. n. The new genus is characterized by a relatively large membranous pseudobursa, shape of processes supporting pseudobursa, and presence of a vulval appendage in female. It includes only species parasitic in the intestine of birds of the orders Passeriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes, and Piciformes.  相似文献   

The genus Anguillicola is reviewed on the basis of the examination of some type specimens and other material. Two new species are described: A. novaezelandiae sp. n. from Anguilla australis (type host) from New Zealand and A. anguilla from Italy (conspecific nematodes were originally reported from Italy as A. australiensis) and A. papernai sp. n. from Anguilla mossambica from South Africa. At present the genus Anguillicola comprises the following five valid species: A. globiceps Yamaguti, 1935, A. australiensis Johnston et Mawson, 1940, A. crassus Kuwahara, Niimi et Itagaki, 1974, A. novaezelandiae sp. n., and A. papernai sp. n. Two Anguillicola species, A. crassus and A. novaezelandiae, were apparently introduced in Europe from other continents a few years ago. The genus Anguillicola is divided into two subgenera: Anguillicola (type species A. (A.) globiceps) and Anguillicoloides subgen. n. (type species A. (A.) crassus). All Anguillicola species are briefly described and illustrated. The paper is supplemented by a key to the identification of Anguillicola species.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Trichoderma aggressivum, a mycopathogen causing green mould disease, is a major problem in Agaricus bisporus cultivation due to crop loss, and resistance to...  相似文献   

Two new species of dracunculoid nematodes, G. carcharhini sp. n. and G. simile sp. n., representing a new genus Granulinema gen. n. (Dracunculoidea: Micropleuridae) are described from the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, from Louisiana (Lake Borgne), USA; the site of their localization in the host is unknown (probably abdominal cavity). The nematodes of both species were found in tissue juice and only males, juvenile females and body fragments of more advanced but nongravid females were obtained. Granulinema gen. n. differs from Micropleura, the only other genus in the family Micropleuridae, mainly by the presence of marked, dark excretory corpuscles in lateral excretory canals, pointed tail in females, greater number (6) of postanal pairs of caudal papillae in males, and by the presence of conspicuous transverse cuticular ornamentations on the body surface of mature females. The two new species can be easily distinguished from each other by the length of their spicules (0.78-0.90 mm in G. carcharhini sp. n. and 0.20-0.36 mm in G. simile sp. n.); moreover, there are two pairs of preanal papillae in the male of G. carcharhini sp. n., while there are three pairs in G. simile sp. n.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Capillostrongyloides ancistri sp. n., is described from the intestine of aquarium-reared catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus Kner in Czechoslovakia. This fish is of South American origin and, therefore, C. ancistri sp. n. has probably been brought into aquaria in Europe from there. The parasite is characterized mainly by the structure of the male caudal end (presence of two large postanal papillae and the cuticular bursa supported by two caudal lobes), the length of a spicule (0.258-0.297 mm), the presence of a non-spiny spicular sheath, shape of the female end, structure of the stichosome (23-30 stichocytes present), and the size of the eggs. The species appears to be highly pathogenic to aquarium-reared Ancistrus dolichopterus, causing death of these fish.  相似文献   

拟短体线虫属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 甘薯拟短体线虫新种(Pratylenchoides batatae n. sp.)根据采自河北省卢龙县前双庙的甘薯根部及根际土壤中的一个拟短体线虫种群进行描述和作图。新种的主要鉴别特征是:唇区有5个唇环,侧区4条侧线并有网格纹,尾呈圆柱形、有24~26个体环,尾端圆、具粗纵纹。食道腺末端覆盖于肠背面,2个亚腹食道腺核均在背食道腺核之后,一个亚腹食道腺核位于食道-肠瓣门前的腹面、另一个位于食道-肠瓣门稍后。近似种为齿尾拟短体线虫(P. crenicauda),该种与新种的主要区别是:唇区3~4个唇环,侧区有6条侧线、无网纹,亚腹食道腺核一个在背食道腺核前、另一个在背食道腺核后。新种为两性种。模式标本保存于福建农林大学植物保护学院植物线虫学实验室。  相似文献   

Ewingana (Doreyana) baekelandae sp. n. (Acari: Myobiidae) is described on the basis of several adults and immatures collected on Tadarida (T.) teniotis from the province of Teruel, Spain. The species is a Palearctic representative of the evolutive line nanula Fain and digitata Fain. Differences within these species are observed in the female genito-anal area and in the shape and size of leg I, both in adults and in immatures.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Atractis vidali sp. n., is described from the intestine of cichlid fishes, Vieja intermedia (Günther) (type host) and Cichlasoma pearsei (Hubbs), from specimens collected in three localities in the Mexican states of Campeche (Santa Gertrudis Creek) and Chiapas (Cedros and Lacanjá Rivers). It differs from the only other atractid species reported in fishes of Mexico, Atractis bravoae, mainly in possessing two very unequal spicules. In contrast to the 10 species parasitising amphibians and reptiles in America, the new species has a longer body, spicules and a gubernaculum, and a different distribution of the caudal papillae. This is the second species of the genus Atractis recorded from freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

High infection rates of European holly ( Ilex aquifolium ) feeder roots by an unknown root-knot nematode were found in a holly forest at Arévalo de la Sierra (Soria province) in northern Spain. Holly trees infected by the root-knot nematode showed some decline and low growth. Infected feeder roots were distorted and showed numerous root galls of large (8–10 mm) to moderate (2–3 mm) size. Morphometry, esterase and malate dehydrogenase electrophoretic phenotypes and phylogenetic trees of sequences within the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) demonstrated that this nematode species differs clearly from other previously described root-knot nematodes. Studies of host-parasite relationships showed a typical susceptible reaction in naturally infected European holly plants, but did not reproduce on a number of cultivated plants, including tomato, grapevine, princess-tree and olive. The species is described here, illustrated and named as Meloidogyne silvestris n. sp. The new root-knot nematode can be morphologically distinguished from other Meloidogyne spp. by: (i) roundish perineal pattern, dorsal arch low, with fine, sinuous cuticle striae, lateral fields faintly visible; (ii) female excretory pore level with stylet knobs, or just anterior to them, EP/ST ratio about 0·8; (iii) second-stage juveniles with hemizonid located 1 to 2 annuli anterior to excretory pore and short, sub-digitate tail; and (iv) males with lateral fields composed of four incisures, with areolated outer bands. Phylogenetic trees derived from maximum parsimony analysis based on 18S, ITS1-5·8S-ITS2 and D2–D3 of 28S rDNA showed that M. silvestris n. sp. can be differentiated from all described root-knot nematode species, and it is clearly separated from other species with resemblance in morphology, such as M. ardenensis , M. dunensis and M. lusitanica .  相似文献   

A new species of philometrid nematode, Philometroides africanus sp. n., is described from female specimens found encapsulated in gill arches and inner surface of gill covers of the African pike, Hepsetus odoe (Bloch), an endemic freshwater fish in Africa, from the Okavango River and Delta in Botswana. This new nematode is characterised mainly by a markedly small and plump body of gravid females (body length 6-9 mm), a separate anterior oesophageal bulb, a conspicuously small oesophageal gland, presence of four pairs of very small submedian cephalic papillae, and absence of any caudal processes. The prevalence of P. africanus in African pike of the Okavango Delta was 29%, with the intensity 1-8 (mean 3) encapsulated nematodes per fish. The genus Margolisianum Blaylock et Overstreet, 1999 is considered a junior synonym of Philometroides Yamaguti, 1935 and, consequently, its type species is transferred to the latter as Philometroides bulbosus (Blaylock et Overstreet, 1999) comb. n.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Huffmanela schouteni sp. n., has been established on the basis of its egg morphology and biological characters (adult nematodes are unknown). The dark-shelled eggs of this histozoic parasite occur in masses in the abdominal cavity, serose covers of internal organs and in the liver of the flying fishes Hirundichthys affinis Günther (type host) and Cypselurus cyanopterus Cuvier et Valenciennes in Cura?ao. The eggs of H. schouteni sp. n. differ from those in other congeneric species mainly in the absence of small spines on the surface of the transparent envelope enclosing the egg proper, measurements (size of eggs 0.069-0.075 x 0.027-0.030 mm) and their localization in the host. A key to Huffmanela species based on egg morphology has been provided.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Rhabdochona minima sp.n., is described from the intestine of Noemacheilus inglisi (HORA) OF Nepal (River Ganges drainage system). Characteristics features of this species (only males were found) are the small size of body, size and type of spicules, shape of tail and arrangement of caudal papillae. On the basis of its morphology, R. minima sp.n. belongs to the subgenus Globochona sensu Moravec, 1975. The species Rhabdochona cavasius Rehana et Bilqees, 1973 is considered to be a synonym of R. mazedi Prassad et Sahay, 1965.  相似文献   

A new genus, Weketrema, is erected in the family Lecithasteridae for the species hitherto known as Lecithophyllum hawaiiense. Weketrema hawaiiense (Yamaguti, 1970) comb. n. is redescribed from Scolopsis bilineatus (Bloch) (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) from Lizard Island and Heron Island, Queensland, Plectorhinchus gibbosus (Lacepède) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) from Heron Island and Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson (Perciformes: Cheilodactylidae) and Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau) (Perciformes: Latridae) from Stanley, northern Tasmania. The new genus is distinguished from related members of the family Lecithasteridae by its complete lack of a sinus-sac. Although placed in the subfamily Lecithasterinae pro tem, its true subfamily position is not entirely clear. Comment is made on its unusual distribution, both in terms of zoogeography and hosts.  相似文献   

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