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随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,越来越多的风景园林工程出现在人们的日常生活当中。对于风景园林来说,施工质量控制对于日后使用过程中的安全性、功能性、美观性以及便捷性都具有至关重要的影响。因此,相关管理人员需要对风景园林施工质量控制措施进行深入探讨与研究,找到提升施工质量管理水平的有效办法,为风景园林的整体施工质量提供坚实有力的保障。  相似文献   

韩春晖 《花卉》2019,(6):66-67
随着人民生活水平的不断提高,郊区不断城市化,人们对美的追求也越来越高,环境的日益恶化,园林风景除了满足人们视觉感官外,对环境的美化,净化空气都会起到非常重要的作用。但是在实际的园林施工过程中,总会出现这样会那样的问题,造成施工结果不尽人意,和理想相差太远。因此,我们必须要正确面对这些问题,深入了解并认识问题所在,想好问题对策,不断加强整改,最终达到理想效果。  相似文献   

【治疗高血压】高血压和心脑血管疾病患者体内往往"钠"多而"钾"少,而香蕉中含有丰富的钾离子。钾离子有抑制钠离子收缩血管和损坏心血管的作用。吃香蕉可维持体内的钠钾平衡和酸碱平衡,使神经肌肉保持正常、心肌收缩协调,所以每日吃3~5根香蕉,对高血压  相似文献   

正"姐姐,你修剪的这些枝条可不可以送我一些,我想试试扦插!听说月季很好插活的。"一个甜美的声音在我家花园栅栏外温柔地问着。我抬眼一看,一个有着一头乌黑微卷的长发,扑闪着一双深邃的大眼睛的姑娘抱着一只萌萌的泰迪亭亭玉立在我家花园外和我说话。我至今都记得去年秋天修剪花木时看到小丽时的惊艳。爱花人都喜欢美好的事物,看到一个美貌的姑娘和我要月季的枝条,我知道这是一个爱花的人,忍不住和她攀谈起来。"姐姐,我也喜欢花,我住你家西边,喏,就是  相似文献   

五台县阳自公社郭家寨大队李子院地,有一株古老的大枣树,这株大枣树生长在桃脑山脚下的梯田地埂上,海拔870公尺,地埂下是一条水渠,但渠内不经常流水,只在灌溉时才有水,土壤为粘壤土,土  相似文献   

大兴安岭的粗腿羊肚菌的生态环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们在加格达奇造纸厂院内发现200余株粗腿羊肚菌 Morchella crassipes(Vent.)pers。现将其生态环境简报如下。(一)气候特点:大兴安岭粗腿羊肚菌发生在五月下旬至六月上旬的低温季节转高温阶段,是大兴安岭野生真菌中出菇最早的低温型食用菌。此时昼夜温差较大,最低自然气温在6℃左右,中午短时间的极端最高气温在24℃左右,自然气温6—15℃、地温8—12℃时、均能发生子实体。当日平  相似文献   

马如东 《花卉》2015,(13):117-118
通常干旱地区的自然环境都非常复杂和严酷,不仅自然气候非常干旱,降雨不多,存在严重的水分蒸发以及热量散失状况,同时土壤肥力也非常有限,很贫瘠,所以给当地林业发展带来了非常严峻的考验,并且对造林技术的要求也非常高。相关专家以及学者通过分析干旱地区采取的造林技术,得出了挖大坑、严格管护、种植壮苗、勤补植、夏浇水以及秋覆土的造林技术。本文主要对干旱区域里面所采用的有效造林技术进行探讨,提出笔者的思考和建议,仅供参考。  相似文献   

对同一居群寒兰的叶(上表皮细胞形状、气孔等)、花(萼片和花瓣的形态、大小、颜色等)及其花粉进行了观察.结果表明,寒兰的花和花粉存在丰富的变异,为培育出更多的优良品种提供了基础.  相似文献   

Species of barberry (Berberis vulgaris L. var. asperma) is cultivated in arid and semi arid areas of Iran (South Khorasan province). It is widely used as a food additive. Fruits of this species are seedless, while wild type barberries produce seeds in the same area. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of seedlessness in seedless barberry by pollen viability test, field pollination experiments and microscopic observation of pollen tube growth in pistil and ovule development. For comparison, we also examined ovule development in wild type barberry (B. crataegina DC). In seedless barberry pollen germination was about 54%. Seedless barberry produced 20% seeded fruits when pollinated with pollen of wild type barberry. There was a sharp decrease in fruit set in emasculated unpollinated flowers of seedless barberry. In seedless barberry, a large number of pollen grains (about 370) were observed on stigma of each flower at 12 h after balloon stage (ABS). Most of them germinated and penetrated intracellular area of stigma surface, but no pollen tube reached ovary. In seedless barberry, many ovules did not have any embryo sac or had a very small incomplete embryo sac. In addition, unfused polar nuclei were clearly recognized in some cases at 14 days after full bloom (AFB). However, in wild type, double fertilization was accompanied by disappearance of polar nuclei. In seeded barberry, the cellularized endosperm became apparent at seven days AFB. At 21 days AFB, all ovules of seedless barberry were degenerated, while at the same time in wild type, one or two ovules of each flower were normal and were developing into complete seeds. Results showed that self-incompatibility has a main role in seedlessness of seedless barberry. However, the high frequency of abnormal ovules and single fertilization can be considered as two other reasons of seedlessness. Due to our results, fruits of seedless barberry were set by stimulative parthenocarpy.  相似文献   

为系统探明椪柑无核发生的机制,以无核椪柑新品种丽椪2号和普通有核椪柑为试材,对雌雄配子体的育性和亲和性进行了观察。结果表明,丽椪2号花粉发芽率、花粉染色活力和花粉粒数量等与有核对照存在显著性差异,属于低育型花粉。丽椪2号花粉母细胞在减数分裂期染色体行为发生了异常,出现较高频率的染色体链及少部分的染色体环和落后染色体。授以高育性的雪柑花粉后,丽椪2号仍能形成无核果。切片观察发现,丽椪2号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。因此,胚囊高度败育是丽椪2号产生无核的主要原因。  相似文献   

 观察和分析南丰蜜橘[Citrus reticulata Blanco var. kinokuni(Tanaka)H. H. Hu]的花粉育性、成熟胚囊结构以及胚胎发育情况,探讨其产生无核现象的原因。结果表明:南丰蜜橘的花粉具有一定的生活力和萌发率,属于中育性花粉;南丰蜜橘胚囊发育正常;授粉4周后大部分合子胚发育停滞并且出现败育迹象;饱满种子在授粉8周后胚发育到心形胚阶段时,部分种子的胚乳开始瓦解,到授粉16周后退化形成瘪籽和痕迹,另一部分发育成正常种子和充满胚乳的饱满种子;到成熟期时,小果系、早熟系南丰蜜橘种子全部退化,大果系南丰蜜橘种子大部退化,形成无核果实。胚胎早期败育是南丰蜜橘无核的主要原因。  相似文献   

 ‘巨峰’葡萄开花前2 周用氨基乙氧基乙烯甘氨酸( 2-aminoethxyvinlglycine, AVG)100 mg!L-1处理可以明显增加有核果粒率和种子数。人工授粉24 h 后, 子房中的花粉管伸长快于对照, 花粉管生长状况也优于对照。这是由于AVG 处理降低了雌蕊中阻碍花粉管伸长物质的活性, 同时可以改善胚囊发育, 提高正常胚囊率和增加子房中的胚珠数和心皮数, 这可能为促进受精和增加受精机会创造了条件。  相似文献   

磨盘柿与甜柿杂交低结籽率的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李壮  扈惠灵  曹永庆  任杰  冷平 《园艺学报》2008,35(5):637-642
 通过对西村早生、禅寺丸和花御所3种甜柿自交及与磨盘柿杂交的花粉管荧光观察,磨盘柿胚囊发育的石蜡切片观察,研究了磨盘柿受精率低的原因。结果如下:①磨盘柿与3种甜柿杂交,发育种子比例(发育种子数/胚珠数)明显低于甜柿自交,且父本花粉不同,磨盘柿的结子率有较大差异;②磨盘柿柱头上附着花粉量少,发芽率低,花柱中花粉管数量少,到达基部的条数少。甜柿柱头附着的花粉量大、发芽率高,花柱中花粉管数量大,大部分可以到达子房;③磨盘柿中存在多种异常胚囊,直接或间接的影响受精的顺利进行。较低的受精比率以及大量异常胚囊的存在是导致磨盘柿结籽率低的原因。  相似文献   

GA_3诱导枇杷无核的组织解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明GA3处理枇杷导致无核的原因,以枇杷品种大五星为材料,采用石蜡切片法和花粉发芽试验等方法分别对花前经GA3处理枇杷花穗后的枇杷胚胎发育过程进行了研究。结果表明,1)枇杷的胚珠为倒生胚珠,双珠被,核型胚乳;2)花前用GA3处理枇杷导致无核的原因主要在于胚乳败育或者珠心退化导致胚退化,由于胚乳败育使胚发育所需要的营养不足,引起合子胚分裂异常,最终胚解体退化。但珠被在初期能够发育,所以形成败育种子(秕子)。  相似文献   

小型四倍体西瓜低稔性胚胎发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小型西瓜自交系049(2X)和049(4X)为材料,对二、四倍体花粉萌发、花粉管生长及受精后的胚胎发育进行观察分析。分析结果表明,二倍体西瓜花粉萌发率较高,达96.3%,花粉管生长整齐一致,生长速度快,授粉后9 h进入子房;四倍体花粉粒形态异常的较多,花粉萌发率较低,仅为63.7%,花粉管生长易扭曲、折叠、盘绕,生长速度慢,授粉后12 h才进入子房。在胚胎发育过程中,小型二倍体西瓜胚胎发育速度快,胚体退化现象少;四倍体西瓜胚胎发育速度慢,从原胚到鱼雷胚期间容易出现因胚乳游离核或胚乳细胞解体而导致胚败育。可见四倍体西瓜正常花粉减少、花粉管生长异常及胚体退化是造成四倍体低稔性的重要原因。  相似文献   

The structure of ovules that failed to form seeds after compatible pollination in double-flowered zinnias (Zinnia violacea Cav.) was investigated by observing histological sections, and comparing the normal and abnormal development of the seeds. In an embryo sac of zinnia at anthesis, a large nucleus of fused polar nuclei was clearly recognized. Success in double fertilization was determined by the disappearance of this nucleus. In normally developing seeds, the cellular endosperm became vague at 5–6 days after pollination (DAP) and the developing embryos occupied the entire portion of the seeds up to 10 DAP. A number of ovules failed in fertilization for the lack of an embryo sac. In most of the aborted seeds, the embryo sacs degenerated, whereas the aborted embryos were still alive in a small number of aborted seeds. A small percentage of the aborted seeds exhibited an aborted embryo and an unfertilized fused nucleus of two polar nuclei or ‘single fertilization’. The three major problems suggested for the failure in seed formation in pollinated florets of zinnia included failure in fertilization, ovules lacking embryo sacs, and abortion of developing seeds.  相似文献   

Cross-pollination was performed with soft-X-irradiated hyuga-natsu pollens (1000 Gy) for ‘Tosa-Buntan’ pummelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck). This resulted in the transformation of large and complete seeds into small and empty ones (practically seedless). Although fruit set, fruit retention, total soluble solids content (TSS) and titratable acidity of the juice were not affected, decrement in the fruit size was observed. Two weeks after the pollination, endosperm cell division with free nuclei began in both the non-irradiated and irradiated pollen treatment conditions. Seven weeks after pollination, endosperm division with the cell wall occurred in the non-irradiated pollen treatment conditions; however, the endosperm development ceased in most ovules that underwent the irradiated pollen treatment, and the ovules remained in their free nuclear stage. The delayed degeneration of the ovules, following successful fertilization and commencement of endosperm cell division, allow these seedless fruits to be categorized as pseudo-parthenocarpic.  相似文献   

A summer application of nitrogen was used to induce the production of “ strong ” flowers for comparison with the " normal ” flowers produced on trees of Worcester Pearmain given only a spring application of nitrogen.

The flowers were given various pollination treatments to provide material for an assessment of flower quality. These included the following : auto and alio self-pollination and cross-pollination with diploid apple or pear at anthesis, cross-pollinations and self-pollinations at additional daily intervals subsequent to anthesis.

The stigmas of strong flowers remained receptive for a longer period than those of normal flowers.

After cross-pollination with a diploid apple, fertilization took place in 6-7 days. After self-pollination a typical incompatibility reaction was apparent. Pear pollen tubes showed an intermediate response.

Egg sacs in strong flowers continued to enlarge after those of corresponding normal flowers had ceased to grow. The fertilized ovules and embryo sacs of strong flowers showed a more rapid acceleration in growth rate than those of normal flowers.

Cell division in unfertilized ovules also continued for a longer period in strong flowers and appeared to be correlated with the behaviour of the egg sac.

Ovule longevity provided the most striking difference between the two flower types. The ovules of strong flowers remained capable of fertilization for almost twice as long as those of normal flowers.

Abnormalities of several types were seen in ovules. The most common was the production of secondary egg sacs, a feature of strong flowers which had been self-pollinated. Three types of secondary sac, micropylar, lateral and chalazal are described and illustrated.

The effects of rate of pollen tube growth, ovule longevity and the period of stigma receptivity in limiting the effective pollination period, are discussed. It is suggested that some variations in fruit set may be due to differences in flower quality. The use of summer or early autumn nitrogen is advocated as a method of improving blossom quality in certain varieties.  相似文献   

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