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<正>未来几年,除草剂中品种最多、研究最深刻、销售市场仅次于氨基酸类除草剂(草甘膦等)的磺酰脲类除草剂将以每年2%以上的增长率发展。应该重点关注和解决磺酰脲类除草剂的药害、混配(不同作用机理)以及合成中的"三废"等问题、这是在12月11日上海召开的2009中国磺酰脲类  相似文献   

<正>通常情况下,使用除草剂产生药害的原因有:误用或错用、施药设备受到污染、雾滴挥发与漂移、土壤残留对后茬作物影响、混用不当、除草剂降解产生有毒物质,异常不良环境等等。以最常用的使用范围最广的磺酰脲类除草剂为例,其对杂草有较高活性,可用于农田、林地及非耕地等防除杂草。但此类除草剂属于长残留性除草剂,使用后在土壤残留时间较长,即使有微量残留也易造成后茬敏感作物药害。磺酰脲类长残留性除草剂品种如氯磺隆、甲磺隆、胺苯磺隆、氯嘧磺隆、单嘧磺隆  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂药害规律的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用作物主根长法测定了常用两种磺酰脲类除草剂对玉米(Zea mays L.)农大1236和豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)中碗6号的相对毒力,玉米试验结果表明,以IC50值比较,氯磺隆、胺苯磺隆对玉米的毒力较高,容易造成药害。豌豆试验结果表明,豌豆对氯磺隆和胺苯磺隆比玉米更敏感。离体玉米和豌豆ALS酶的研究表明,豌豆的ALS对两种磺酰脲类除草剂较玉米更敏感,氯磺隆对两种作物的ALS抑制作用也较胺苯磺隆强。  相似文献   

为了解决水稻田除草剂残留对土壤和后茬敏感作物药害等问题,为污染土壤微生物修复提供理论依据,文章综述了微生物降解除草剂的途径和影响因素、分析了施用二氯喹啉酸、苯噻草胺、磺酰脲类以及二硝基苯胺类除草剂的药害、总结了降解微生物的研究进展和目前研究存在的问题,最后提出了关于微生物修复污染的土壤目前需要解决的问题并对未来微生物修复除草剂污染的土壤研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

李恒岭 《种子世界》2014,(10):50-51
<正>玉米育种田传统除草剂产品的应用受天气、土质、地表情况、使用技术及用量等因素影响较大,药效经常表现不稳定。而且长时间使用,田间出现了一些抗性杂草,同时也导致用药量增加。一些极易产生漂移的药剂,使用不当会对周围对除草剂敏感的作物及蔬菜等经济作物产生药害。随着化学防除技术在农业生产中的广泛推广,苗后化学除草已广泛应用于玉米生长的各个时期,用药简单,操作灵活,而且对玉米育种田安全。1苗后除草剂的选择1.1选择性除草剂使用较为普遍的有磺酰脲类除草剂和三酮类除草  相似文献   

绿黄隆(chlorsulfuron)是由美国杜邦公司于1980年开发的磺酰脲类超高效除草剂。该除草剂比绿麦隆、异丙隆等取代脲类除草剂具有用药量低、杀草力强、杀草谱广和对小麦较安全等特点,是目前麦田除草较理想的药剂。但它降解较慢,在田间有一定残留,若使用不当,对后茬作物会产生二次药害。为探究其残留对后茬水稻的安全性及防止残留药害的途径,我们对其进行了为期2年,(1988~1990年)的试验。  相似文献   

正目前稻田使用的除草剂品种仍以磺酰脲类、酰胺类及合成激素类除草剂为主。由于1986~2011年期间磺酰脲类、酰胺类及合成激素类同类作用机理的选择性除草剂的迅速推广和连年使用,在这些除草剂的选择作用和压力下,2000年后,一些对诸类药剂本来就不敏感的耐药性杂草及由于基因突变产生的抗药性杂草种群开始迅速上升蔓延  相似文献   

<正>由于玉米田苗前酰胺类除草剂和苗后磺酰脲类、三酮类及均三氮苯类除草剂多年大量单一使用,杂草的抗药性和残留问题日益突出。目前玉米田苗后茎叶处理多以烟嘧磺隆、硝磺草酮及其与莠去津等其他药剂的复配剂居多,药剂品种相对单一。烟嘧磺隆对一年生禾本科杂草除草活性高于阔叶杂草活性,对田旋花、刺儿菜、马齿苋、苣荬菜等防效差。莠去津长期使用或过量使用易对后茬作物小麦、十字花科蔬菜等造  相似文献   

专家指出:除草剂药害需引起重视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>在近日结束的2009中国磺酰脲类除草剂产业论坛上,河南农业科学院研究员张玉聚指出,20年前国内由于不能生产农药,作物发生病害时无药可用。如今,中国虽然已能够生产除草剂,却因使用不当致使越来越多的除草剂由于药害被"红牌"罚下,这一  相似文献   

<正>1.灭草松:由于玉米田苗前酰胺类除草剂和苗后烟嘧磺隆类除草剂多年大量单一使用,以前一些不常见的阔叶杂草与莎草发展越来越壮大,香附子、田旋花、刺儿菜、马齿苋、苣荬菜等恶性杂草不断涌现。灭草松、唑草酮等触杀性除草剂对磺酰脲类除草剂产生抗性的杂草具有很好的活性,同时在土壤中的半衰期仅为几小时,对下茬作物非常安全。此外,南方部分地区玉米套种大豆的比较多,常规的玉米田苗后除草剂都不能使用,而灭草松可以使用,这是由于禾本  相似文献   

中国除草剂的发展现状及其在高粱上的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
笔者从中国除草剂发展的现状出发,浅谈了除草剂产业面临的问题及未来发展趋势。在此基础上,综合分析了中国高粱田除草剂的应用、研究及使用现状,指出了中国高粱田除草剂在引进开发新除草剂品种的基础上,急需发展短残效品种和抗除草剂转基因作物,开发用于高粱田的除草剂混合制剂并提高使用技术,研制和应用与之相适应的环境友好型除草剂增效剂和安全剂等,改进除草剂剂型,提高高粱田除草的灵活性和选择性。  相似文献   

In Europe, regulations for release and placing-on-the-market of genetically modified (GM) crops require post-release monitoring of their impact on the environment. Monitoring potential adverse effects of GM crops includes direct effects as well as indirect effects, e.g. GM crop specific changes in land and pest management. Currently, there is a gap in the pre-release risk assessments conducted for regulatory approval of GM herbicide resistant (HR) crops. Since the relevant non-selective herbicides have been registered many years ago, in current dossiers requesting regulatory approval of GM HR crops, the environmental impacts of the corresponding non-selective herbicides are either entirely omitted or the applicant simply refers to the eco-toxicological safety assessments conducted for its original pesticide approval that do not address environmental issues arising in conjunction with the cultivation of GM HR crops. Since the ‘Farm-scale Evaluations’, it is clear that consequences for farmland biodiversity can be expected. The objective of this project was to identify relevant indicator species for the long-term impact of GM HR maize cultivation and the application of their corresponding non-selective herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate. In this article, we describe the outcome of a modified Event Tree Analysis, essentially a funnel-like procedure allowing to reduce the large number of potentially affected non-target species to those with greatest ecological relevance and highest risk to be adversely affected based on a number of ecological criteria. This procedure allowed us to identify a total of 21 weed-Lepidoptera associations that we proposed for post release monitoring of GM HR maize in Germany.  相似文献   

不同群落结构麦田杂草的化学防治及药剂敏感性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究除草剂在不同杂草群落结构麦田中的防治效果,探索杂草对不同药剂的敏感性,以期为麦田杂草的化学防控提供支持。通过田间小区试验的方法,测定了不同除草剂在冬小麦阔叶杂草田、禾草田、禾阔混生田的防治效果。结果表明:双氟磺草胺对阔叶杂草的效果最好,禾草发生较多的田块及禾阔混生田以甲基二磺隆、啶磺草胺、氟唑磺隆为好;播娘蒿、荠菜等对大部分防治阔叶杂草的药剂依然较为敏感,其中双氟磺草胺敏感性最高,并对恶性杂草猪殃殃有特效;大部分禾本科杂草对甲基二磺隆、啶磺草胺、氟唑磺隆敏感,但只有甲基二磺隆对恶性杂草节节麦有良好的防治效果。以阔叶杂草为主的小麦田首选双氟磺草胺,以禾本科杂草及禾阔混生的小麦田宜选择甲基二磺隆。  相似文献   

除草剂对苎麻生长及经济性状的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为筛选出合适的,苎麻封行后施用的除草剂及预防除草剂致使苎麻败蔸提供参考,研究了盆栽条件下,乙草胺、草甘膦、精喹禾灵、苄嘧黄隆、百草枯、2,4-D钠盐等6种除草剂三麻分行前期对‘多倍体1号’、‘中苎1号’和‘湘苎3号’生长及产量和纤维品质的影响。结果表明:在常用浓度下,不同的除草剂对苎麻的影响不同,而且同一种除草剂对不同品种苎麻的影响也不同,除草剂对苎麻农艺性状和品质性状的影响存在基因型差异。乙草胺和草甘膦对‘多倍体1号’、‘中苎1号’和‘湘苎3号’苎麻相对安全;精喹禾灵、苄嘧磺隆、百草枯、2,4-D钠盐都不同程度的抑制了3种苎麻的生长,降低了苎麻产量和品质。而且‘中苎1号’对苄嘧黄隆较敏感,‘湘苎3号’对百草枯非常敏感,‘多倍体1号’对6种除草剂都有较大抗性。在不喷施于苎麻植株体表面的前提下,6种除草剂对苎麻的叶绿素SPAD值影响不大,但都会使苎麻的叶面积减小。  相似文献   

为筛选对油菜田芽期安全、高效、低成本的除草药剂,笔者比较了不同化学除草剂及其不同用量对防除油菜田间杂草的效果。结果表明:所用的化学除草剂对油菜无毒害作用,对油菜田的禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草的防效均在94%以上,对油菜田有增产增收的效果,增收在4340元/hm2以上,其中50%异松?乙草胺乳油1200 mL/hm2兑水1125 kg/hm2于油菜播种后进行土表喷施,除草、增产增收的效果比较好。  相似文献   

The reduction of pesticide use intensity is a societal and political ambition. Crop rotation is one important method to control pests and diseases in arable farming. We investigated the contribution of crop rotation to the variability of herbicide and fungicide use of 60 farms in four regions of Northern Germany. Our study aimed at answering the question: do diverse crop sequences lead to reduced herbicide and fungicide use in arable farming?Ten-year data on chemical plant protection measures and field management were examined for six field crops. We classified crop sequences (triplets of three succeeding crops) according to their susceptibility for weeds and diseases (= ’riskiness’). The Treatment Frequency Index (TFI) of the last crop in the triplet was set in relation to the crop triplet riskiness, additionally also in combination with tillage.In general, herbicide and fungicide use intensities were smaller in more diverse crop sequences. Diversified cereal sequences, involving roots and tubers, maize or spring cereals were less dependent on herbicides. Cultivation of maize in three subsequent years increased herbicide use. Crop sequences including high proportion of winter cereals increased fungicide use in cereals, while roots and tubers, winter oilseed rape and set-aside in the crop sequence decreased it. In winter oilseed rape, sequences with roots and tubers also increased fungicide use. In sugar beets, sequences with maize or a high concentration of sugar beets led to increasing fungicide use. If farmers chose riskier crop sequences tillage by plough decreased the need for herbicide and fungicide use.To reduce herbicide and fungicide use intensities we recommend increasing the diversity of crop rotations, including a higher number of crops per rotation together with ploughing. Simplifying both crop sequence diversity and tillage intensity implies higher use of herbicides and fungicides. Results will be useful for convincing farmers to diversify crop sequences.  相似文献   

乙酰乳酸合成酶及ALS基因研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乙酰乳酸合成酶抑制剂类除草剂以其独有的优点,20世纪90年代以来一直占领世界除草剂市场。抗草甘膦转基因作物的问世,草甘膦的销售量大幅增加,乙酰乳酸合成酶抑制剂类除草剂销量不断减少。然而,大量抗草甘膦杂草的产生,使得人们期望培育出抗不同类型除草剂转基因作物,抗ALS抑制剂类除草剂成为人们的首选。笔者概述了乙酰乳酸合成酶的结构、功能、除草剂作用机理、抗ALS基因的研究现状。期望对抗ALS抑制剂基因的筛选,利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent developments in weed science and allied aspects have involved several interdisciplinary approaches. In this context, indiscriminate use of herbicides for weed control has become a questionable subject, which besides controlling the weeds, the chemical herbicides are harmful in many ways to soil, crops, other plants and the environment as a whole. Taking into consideration ecologically sound weed management, in modern days the reliance on chemical herbicides has decreased and a shift towards naturally occurring biological herbicides has received great attention throughout the world. Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect, and a native of North America. It is thermo and photo-insensitive, hence it can be grown year round in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. Helianthus annuus L. and Helianthus tuberosum are cultivated for food, the remaining spp., are ornamentals weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibits the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Sunflower is a major oil-yielding crop in India and its cultivation in northwest India started 25 to 30 years ago in areas located in the plains. In this region, rice-wheat rotation became very popular owing to its high yields; however, these crops are highly infested by weeds, thus farmers use herbicides for their control. Hence, this rotation consumes a maximum quantity of herbicides in this region, which has resulted in several problems viz., environmental pollution, human health hazards, and development of herbicide resistance in weeds. Thus, serious ecological questions about the reliance on herbicides for weed control in this rotation have been raised. One of the alternatives to overcome these problems is with the use of allelopathic strategies, including the use of weed-smothering crops for weed management and for the sustainability of agriculture. The field, pot culture, and laboratory studies have shown that inclusion of sunflower crops in rotation and intercropping considerably reduced the weed population in the current and succeeding crops. Rhizosphere soil of sunflower drastically smothered the weed germination, population, and biomass. The residual suppression effect of sunflower also persisted in the next crop up to 75 days. Thus, it is conceptualized that the inclusion of such oilseed crops before the rice crop in the rice-wheat rotation may provide satisfactory weed control in the succeeding rice crops and may minimize the use of herbicides. Likewise, the replacement of sorghum by summer sunflower oilseed crops may also help in the control of summer as well as winter weeds. More studies in this direction may provide avenues for satisfactory weed management in agro-ecosystems and may help to minimize the use of herbicides and thereby pave the way to develop sustainable agricultural practices for biodiversity conservation and enhancing biological integrity.  相似文献   

The present work was initiated to assess tissue culture techniques as a means of generating and selecting herbicide tolerant genotypes of wheat through exploiting somaclonal variation. Callus was initiated from immature embryos of genetically defined varieties and subcultured onto selective media containing 5 μm, 10 μm and 50 μm concentrations of difenzoquat and atrazine. Plants were regenerated from all the selective media except that media containing the highest herbicide concentration. The progenies of the regenerated plants were tested as whole plants for their response to spray application of the herbicides. For difenzoquat, variation in response from extreme susceptibility to tolerance was observed. However, genetic characterization by progeny testing tolerant lines revealed that the induced variation was not heritable. No plants tolerant to atrazine were obtained. Overall, no clear evidence of heritable mutations was obtained. Alternative strategies to obtain herbicide tolerant genotypes using cell culture techniques are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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