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探究不同品种长绒棉成纱性能间的差异,为纺纱企业选择优质原料提供理论参考,降低生产成本,促进棉纺行业更快更好发展。特选择新疆阿瓦提县大面积种植或有推广前景的5个长绒棉材料新海35、新海53、新海57、丰海8号、丰海7号(鲁泰700Q)为研究对象,对其纤维性能、拉伸性能、条干均匀度变异系数(条干CV)、毛羽指数、十万米纱疵数等指标测定。由结果得知,5个品种(系)长绒棉纤维的成纱质量均较优。其中丰海7号成纱单纱断裂强力、断裂伸长率、单纱断裂强度、条干CV、3 mm毛羽根数均优于其他品种,但是十万米纱疵数较其他品种多。纺织企业可根据实际需求选择指标合适的长绒棉纤维,达到降低成本、科学配棉的目的。  相似文献   

新疆不同长绒棉品种成纱性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探究不同品种长绒棉成纱性能间的差异,为纺纱企业选择优质原料提供理论参考,降低生产成本,促进棉纺行业更快更好发展。特选择新疆阿瓦提县大面积种植或有推广前景的5个长绒棉材料新海35、新海53、新海57、丰海8号、丰海7号(鲁泰700Q)为研究对象,对其纤维性能、拉伸性能、条干均匀度变异系数(条干CV)、毛羽指数、十万米纱疵数等指标测定。由结果得知,5个品种(系)长绒棉纤维的成纱质量均较优。其中丰海7号成纱单纱断裂强力、断裂伸长率、单纱断裂强度、条干CV、3 mm毛羽根数均优于其他品种,但是十万米纱疵数较其他品种多。纺织企业可根据实际需求选择指标合适的长绒棉纤维,达到降低成本、科学配棉的目的。  相似文献   

本文分析了环锭细纱机毛羽的产生,介绍了紧密纺的原理,分析了D型牵伸系统的原理及其在环锭纺细纱机中的应用,紧密纺技术在苎麻纺上应用的可行性.  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式对枣树间作长绒棉生育期和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 通过调查不同灌溉方式对枣树间作长绒棉的生育期和产量影响,结果表明:滴灌方式下,1~2年树龄枣树间作长绒棉的生育期比单作滴灌长绒棉延长4 d,子棉和皮棉单产分别降低17.0%和16.0%;3~4年树龄枣树间作长绒棉的生育期比单作滴灌长绒棉延长12 d,子棉和皮棉单产分别降低30.1%和30.4%。常规灌溉方式下,1~2年树龄枣树间作长绒棉的生育期比单作滴灌长绒棉延长1 d,子棉和皮棉单产分别降低24.1%和24.4%,3~4年树龄枣树间作长绒棉的生育期比单作滴灌长绒棉延长7 d,子棉和皮棉单产分别降低44.7%和45.5%。  相似文献   

苎麻/涤Sirofil纱的性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张元明 《中国麻业》2001,23(4):20-25
对苎麻/涤Sirofil纱的性能进行了研究,并与苎麻环锭纱、Siro纱、包芯纱、plyfil纱进行了比较。结果显示,苎麻/涤Sirofil纱的性能要优于对照纱。  相似文献   

利用2006-2010年间新疆自治区(南疆)的长绒棉区域试验数据,采用分析软件SPSS 13.0对长绒棉产量及产量构成因素进行相关分析,建立不同产量指数模型,在此基础上,确定评价长绒棉产量的最佳指数模型。结果表明,皮棉产量与3个复合因素ABC、AB1/2C2、A1/2BC2指数模型均表现正相关,其中AB1/2C2模型的产量指数与皮棉产量间的相关程度高且试验间表现比较稳定。认为AB1/2C2高产指数模型能综合考虑3个产量构成因素间的协调关系,即高衣分、铃重适中、结铃性较强,将其应用到长绒棉育种的材料决选中,可以提高棉花育种材料决选的准确性。  相似文献   

对我国长绒棉生产发展的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长绒棉是纺高支纱和特种纺织工业的原料,具有纤维长、细、强的特点.随着人民生活水平的日益提高和现代化高速纺纱技术的发展,国内国际市场对长绒棉的需求量将不断增加.据了解,近年长绒棉出口创汇率约为陆地棉的三倍.新疆是我国唯一的长绒棉产区,长绒棉产品已成为我区的重要特产,越来越受到国内外的瞩目和重视.  相似文献   

不同脱叶剂对长绒棉性状的影响及模糊综合评价模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索瑞脱龙、脱吐隆、新脱清和润拖4种脱叶剂对长绒棉脱叶率、吐絮率、产量性状和品质性状的影响。方差分析结果表明,脱叶剂对铃重、衣分、长度整齐度指数、马克隆值、上半部平均长度无显著影响;4种脱叶剂的脱叶率、吐絮率显著高于对照(清水);新脱清、对照的667 m2籽棉产量、皮棉产量显著高于润拖、瑞脱龙、脱吐隆;新脱清、润拖、对照的断裂比强度显著高于脱吐隆、瑞脱龙。基于变异系数权重法的模糊综合评价结果表明,长绒棉不同脱叶剂处理的综合表现从优到劣排序依次为:新脱清、润拖、瑞脱龙、脱吐隆。  相似文献   

比较了笼养和放养两种不同饲养方式对文昌鸡生产性能的影响。研究结果表明:笼养鸡的平均日增重、料肉比均高于放养鸡,但差异不显著(P>0.05);笼养鸡的平均采食量极显著高于放养鸡(P<0.01);笼养鸡屠宰率高于放养鸡,差异不显著(P>0.05);笼养鸡半净膛率显著高于放养鸡(P<0.05);笼养鸡全净膛率、腹脂率极显著高于放养鸡(P<0.01);放养鸡胸肌率、腿肌率极显著高于笼养鸡(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

混纺比对麻涤纱线性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俞雯  沈丕华等 《中国麻业》2001,23(3):30-33,37
本文通过对不同混纺比下的麻涤混纺纱的性能测试分析得出:涤纶比例必须达到一定量(40%)后,混纺纱的断裂伸长率才能随着涤纶比列的提高而逐渐改善;随着混纺比的改变,在涤纶含量为50%左右,混纺纱的断裂强力将出现一个低谷;随着涤纶含量的增加,毛羽和条干指标得以改善。  相似文献   

The effects of opening, carding, and repeated drawings on single fiber and bundle cotton characteristics were studied by employing Mantis®, AFIS® and HVI Testers. Some of the significant changes in single fiber properties were found to be due to process parameters as well as the changes in the fiber crimps, parallelness of fibers within HVI beards, and the actual changes in the tensile properties of the fibers. The study showed that the HVI test data taken just prior to spinning had the highest correlation with the yarn tensile properties. Based on the study results, we point out the potential of HVI for future quality and process control in spinning by recommending a set of expanded HVI output that is more scientific and comprehensive for the future control needs.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a detailed study on the effect of progressive yarn extension on diameter, overall packing fraction, radial packing fraction at different radial positions and partial packing fraction at different segments along the length of a fibre. An image processing based system to characterize and visualize the configuration of fibers in yarn in extended mode has been adopted. It has been observed that with the increase of yarn extension at different intervals, yarn diameter continuously decreases but at different yarn extension intervals, the percentage decrease value in the yarn diameter is different. But the packing density of yarn does not follow the exact trend of yarn diameter with the extension of yarn at different intervals. The yarn packing density initially increases at very high rate, then at very low rate and finally the packing density of yarn rather slightly decreases with the increase in yarn extension. The radial packing density of the yarn is not uniform across the cross-section of the yarn and it is not maximum near the yarn axis, rather it is maximum at some distance from the yarn axis. The location of maximum radial packing densities of yarn changes with the yarn extension. The partial packing density along the length of yarn is not uniform and the results are equally applicable for all level of yarn extension.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the application of a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system for the prediction of cotton rotor spun yarn strength from cotton fiber properties. The proposed system possesses the advantages of both artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic, and is thus more intelligent. HVI (high volume instrument) and Uster AFIS (advanced fiber information system) fiber test results are used to train the neuro-fuzzy inference system. We also study the degree of impact of each fiber property on the rotor spun yarn strength. Fiber strength, upper half mean length, length uniformity and yarn count have a positive impact whereas micronaire, yellowness and short fiber content have a negative impact on rotor spun yarn strength.  相似文献   

为了解棉花纤维品质对其絮用性能的影响,测试比较了18个棉花品系的棉纤维品质、吸水率及其絮片的保温性能、压缩性能。试验结果显示:纤维上半部平均长度、断裂比强度和马克隆值的变异系数分别为4.89%、9.49%和14.04%;将所有参试材料分成吸水率差异显著的5个子集,子集内无显著差异;吸水率与马克隆值呈显著正相关,相关性系数为0.519,吸水率与纤维上半部平均长度和断裂比强度无显著相关关系;参试纤维的絮片保温率在83.76%~90.36%;压缩回弹性在25.86%~80.64%,数据变化区间较大;保温率与压缩回弹性均与纤维马克隆值、上半部平均长度和断裂比强度无显著相关关系。相关研究结果可为棉纤维的品质分型利用提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

Fibres being the structural unit of a yarn, its nature, composition and arrangement can influence structure and properties. The performance of yarn changes with arrangement of its constituent fibres. Arrangement of fibres in a yarn being system specific, different spinning system results different arrangement of fibres causing variation in product performance. A change in the arrangement of fibres in an already formed yarn can be brought about by suitable physical and/or chemical treatment. A treatment to remove a component is expected to cause changes in final arrangement of fibres in a yarn. In the present study, polyester/PVA blended yarn was modified through dissolution of the later component. The resultant change in structural arrangement on dissolution was assessed by the change in radial packing distribution of fibres. Migration index, helped in identifying the location that was influenced more in the redistribution. In the parent yarn, PVA had a preferential tendency to predominate near the core. On dissolution of PVA, creation of open space was expected and collapsing of the structure led to a possible rearrangement of fibres and reduction in diameter of yarn. Fibre denier, blend ratio and twist factor were also found to influence packing density both in parent and modified yarn. Unlike published reports, interestingly, an increase in fibre packing density was observed on dissolution of PVA. Average packing density in parent yarn was found to lie at a yarn radius between 0.07 mm to 0.09 mm while for the modified yarn it was between 0.05 mm to 0.07 mm.  相似文献   

The impact of fiber friction, yarn twist, and splicing air pressure on mechanical and structural properties of spliced portion have been reported in the present paper. The mechanical properties include the tensile and bending related properties and, in the structural properties, the diameter and packing density of the splices are studied. A three variable three level factorial design approach proposed by Box and Behnken has been used to design the experiment. The results indicate that there is a strong correlation between retained spliced strength (RSS) and retained splice elongation (RSE) with all the experimental variables. It has been observed that RSS increases with the increase in splice air pressure and after certain level it drops, whereas it consistently increases with the increase in yarn twist. The RSE increases with the increase in both fiber friction and yarn twist. It has also been observed that the yarn twist and splicing air pressure have significant influence on splice diameter, percent increase in diameter and retained packing coefficient, but the fiber friction has negligible influence on these parameters. Yarn twist and splicing air pressure has a strong correlation with splice flexural rigidity, where as poor correlation with retained flexural rigidity.  相似文献   

Immature cotton fiber will negatively impact textile processing. Three field experiments were undertaken that applied chemical harvest aids to upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) crops at varying times with the intention of manipulating the maturity of bolls and fibers. The aim was to quantify the effects of these treatments on the textile performance of the harvested cotton and relate these differences to the status of the crop at the time of treatment application. Although earlier treatments produced less mature fiber that was lower in linear density, yarn and fabric strength was not affected. However less mature cotton from a cooler growing season produced stronger yarns (by 3 cN tex−1) and fabric (by 0.39 N (g m−2)−1) which was partly attributed to the smaller ribbon width of this fiber affecting more fiber packing density and inter-fiber friction. Yarns made from this immature cotton also contained more neps. Micronaire and linear density were equally well related, and more strongly related than maturity ratio, to dyed fabric color dimensions, which were greatly influenced by treatments. Percent immature bolls at the time of harvest aid application related well to changes in the degree of fabric blueness (R2 = 0.89). Knowing the status of a crop in the final stages of production will help cotton producers and the supply chain to predict some of the processing performance aspects of harvested fiber.  相似文献   

Cellulase is useful for bio-polishing cotton fabrics which enhances their aesthetic performance instead of stonewashing process. Torque-free ring spun process is a widely used technique to produce newly low-twist and balanced torque yarns with soft hand. In this paper, denim fabrics woven with torque-free ring spun yarn and conventional ring spun yarn respectively were treated with cellulase under the same condition and their fabric handle, expressed as low stress mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, bending, shearing, compression and surface performance were investigated by Kawabata Evaluation System for Fabric (KES-F). After cellulase treatment, both denim fabrics revealed better flexibility, elasticity recovery, raised shearing stiffness, fluffier and improved smoothness. While torque-free ring spun yarn made denim fabric showed a better fabric handle than conventional ring spun yarn made denim fabric.  相似文献   

The quality of ring spun yarns is largely determined by its level of hairiness. The existence of hairiness inevitably affects the quality of ring spun yarns. This paper presents an innovative method on lowering the level of hairiness of ring spun yarns. This can be achieved by shooting compressed air to the yarn, through a swirl nozzle comprising a yarn duct and an airjet nozzle attached to a traditional ring spin frame. When compressed air is applied from the air-jet nozzle to the yarn duct, the swirling air flow tucks surface fibers of the ring spun yarns into its body. Four controllable variable parameters for the process, supplied pressure, nozzle position, twist factor and spindle speed, and their effects on the lowering of yarn hairiness will be clarified. Their impact on the quality of the yarn is statistically analyzed, and the optimum outcome of the combination of parameters for the process, will thus be determined.  相似文献   

Yarns and fabrics are subjected to a low level of stresses or strains of repetitive nature in processing and actual use which leads to breakage, permanent deformation, bagging and loss of useful life of the product. The ability of the spun yarns and fabrics to withstand such stresses depends upon their structural integrity. A structurally rigid yarn (i.e. yarns in which fibres are tightly bound) would behave more like an elastic solid and consume more energy during deformation as the constituent fibres have to be deformed. Once the strain is released, the recovered energy will also be more. On the other hand if the structural integrity of the same yarn is poor, fibres would easily slip during deformation and would consume much less energy. The recoverable energy also will be much less. The present investigation reports on the structural integrity of friction spun yarns in terms of energy loss or decay by employing cyclic extension test. It has been observed that friction spun yarns in which the core is immediately wrapped by long and strong polyester fibre layer make the structure strongest as polyester is expected to form tight wrappings. The decay in deformation energies during extension cycling depends upon sheath structure i.e. its composition and location of constituent fibres in sheath layers. With increase in core fibre %, the decay has been found to increase. However, the decay values discriminate more between core% differences than between sheath fibre layer arrangements.  相似文献   

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