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犊牛腹泻是影响新生犊牛健康的主要疾病之一,也是造成断奶前犊牛死亡的最主要疾病。为了减少牧场的经济损失,牧场要设定犊牛腹泻目标和死淘率目标,从导致犊牛腹泻的影响因素、病原类型等,根据犊牛在腹泻时的生理状况,采用口服补液、静脉补液以及抗生素药物治疗等方法,治疗犊牛腹泻。  相似文献   

后备奶牛健康生长对其未来生产性能具有重要影响.调研结果表明,呼吸系统疾病和营养代谢疾病是导致后备奶牛发病的主要原因,占比分别为46.0%和38.4%.而后备奶牛中发病最多的为哺乳犊牛,占比达51.4%.目前,哺乳犊牛发病率正在逐年降低,从2015年的43.3%降至2019年的25.4%.此外调研发现,造成后备奶牛被动淘...  相似文献   

肖刚 《养殖技术顾问》2013,(12):108-108
无论是普通、无传传染性的犊牛疾病还是犊牛传染病、寄生虫病,一旦发病,往往出现错综复杂的情况。因此,对犊牛疾病的预防和治疗可降低其发病率,提高治愈率,是奶牛场可持续发展的保障。一般奶牛场犊牛的发病率应小于30%,治愈率不低于90%,死淘率不高于1%。在临床实践中,采用不同的诊断方法,早发现,对于犊牛疾病的治疗有很大帮助。  相似文献   

奶牛化脓性腮腺炎是一种发病率低,死淘率高的疾病,一旦发生将给牧场造成一定的经济损失。为了治疗和预防该病,从奶牛化脓性腮腺炎的发病原因、症状、诊断方法、治疗手段等几个方面进行介绍,希望给牛场以借鉴。  相似文献   

开展了9窝45头手工克隆猪的生长性能测定。结果表明,克隆猪死淘率太高,哺乳阶段死淘率为48 88%,保育阶段死淘率为43.48%,生长阶段死淘率为30.77%,育肥阶段死淘率为66.67%,全期死淘率高达93.33%。临床症状和比例剖解结果显示,克隆猪死淘原因主要是抗病力差,普遍存在呼吸系统和循环系统障碍,与克隆猪心肺功能异常有关。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,大庆三环奶牛场每年均发生一种以犊牛运动障碍致使犊牛陆续淘汰的疾病。本病主要发生在该场的四牧场和一牧场。据初步调查 :每年大约有十几至二十几头发病 ,发病率约占新生母牛犊的 3.5 % ,发病犊淘汰率为 1 0 0 % ,严重地制约了养牛业的发展 ,给牧场带来了较大的经济损失。为此我们对此病进行了病因调查 ,从实验室检验、流行病学调查及临床症状等结果来看 ,本病为犊牛铜缺乏症。1 流行病学调查1 .1 发病与年龄的关系 主要发生在刚断奶的犊牛 ,一般 2~ 3月龄发病 ,5月龄以上的犊牛很少发病 ,育成牛和成奶牛不发病 ,两牧场 1 9…  相似文献   

肺炎是犊牛生长发育过程中最易感染的一类呼吸系统疫病,发病原因主要归纳为传染性和非传染性因素。犊牛肺部感染后会出现咳嗽、呼吸困难、消瘦等症状,其发病原因主要与饲养管理不当和感染疾病有关,预防该病的主要措施有做好妊娠母牛和犊牛的饲养管理、降低环境应激刺激,减少环境温度突然变化,降低犊牛肺炎发病率。  相似文献   

通过跟踪观察9窝45头克隆猪从出生到育肥的死淘情况,探讨克隆猪的存活力。结果表明,克隆猪死淘率太高,哺乳阶段死淘率为48.89%(22/45),保育阶段死淘率为43.48%(10/23),生长阶段死淘率为30.77%(4/13),育肥阶段死淘率为66.67%(6/9),全期死淘率高达93.33%(42/45)。临床症状和病理剖解结果显示,克隆猪死淘原因主要是抗病力差、普遍存在呼吸系统和循环系统障碍,与克隆猪心肺功能异常有关。  相似文献   

5月中旬以来,周边养鸭户肉鸭传染性浆膜炎疾病较为多发,发病反复,死淘多少不一,现将影响鸭群传染性浆膜炎多发的因素分析如下:1饲养管理和环境控制该疾病在鸭群很容易发生,自然感染易发生于1~8周龄鸭只,发病死淘程度与养户饲养管理(饲养密度、消毒防疫)、环境控制(空气质量、水体质量、鸭舍温湿度)有很大关系。部分养户鸭群因该疾病导致很严重的死淘,死淘达40%,甚至更高,部分养户能够及时有效控制死淘。  相似文献   

杨旭 《中国乳业》2021,(10):22-25
时下正值新冠肺炎疫情在全球肆虐时期,同样作为呼吸系统疾病的犊牛肺炎,也长期困扰着牧场生产,造成难以预估的经济损失。经过几十年的不断探索和研究,国内外牧场针对犊牛肺炎的认知及防治均取得长足发展,但当前仍面临尚待解决的诸多问题与不足。因此,本文主要从兽医视角,就犊牛肺炎的发展历史、现状及未来可能的发展方向做简要概述,以供参考。  相似文献   

The following infectious diseases of cattle can be included in the group of the so-called infectious 'factors disease': certain respiratory diseases, in particular enzootic bronchopneumonia (EBP, 'shipping fever'), trichophytia, some parasitic skin diseases and internal parasitoses, certain types of calf enteritis, special forms of mastitis and of genital infections and possibly others. As is discussed in the paper EBP is a typical multifactorial infectious disease in cattle. The role of Pasteurella spp. in the pathogenesis of EBP is shown on the basis of recent investigations in young beef cattle. When performing research on such diseases there arises the following difficulty: for biological, technical and financial reasons it is hardly possible to test the whole spectrum of the viral and bacterial germs presumably involved as well as the whole complex of influencing factors in the animal and in its environment. Such restrictions therefore reduce the value of clinical or experimental studies. Nevertheless, the systematic investigations of such factors which possibly are significant, have proven useful. Some examples are mentioned.  相似文献   

[目的]为了掌握宁夏固原地区示范村杨坪村和马沟村的肉犊牛呼吸道疾病的流行情况,[方法]2019年-2021年对2村犊牛呼吸道疾病发病情况进行统计并采用分子生物学技术对采集的犊牛呼吸道鼻拭子样本进行6种病原的鉴定。[结果] 2019年-2021年杨坪村犊牛呼吸系统疾病发病率呈下降趋势,但不同年份间差异不显著(p>0.05);马沟村犊牛呼吸系统疾病发病率呈下降趋势,2021年与2019年相比差异显著(p<0.05)。2019年-2021年,病毒性呼吸道疾病呈下降趋势,而牛支原体和多杀性巴氏杆菌由于没有有效的疫苗预防而呈现较高的阳性率。[结论]本研究揭示了牛支原体和多杀性巴氏杆菌为目前犊牛主要的呼吸道致病病原,做好牛支原体病和多杀性巴氏杆菌病的预防、早期诊断和治疗可有效降低犊牛呼吸道疾病的发病率。  相似文献   

A prospective study was carried out on 845 heifer calves born during 1991 on 30 Holstein dairy farms in southeast Minnesota. The objectives of the study were to describe the epidemiology of morbidity and mortality in dairy calves from birth to 16 weeks of age (with an emphasis on respiratory disease), to examine individual calf and herd management practices as risk factors for calf morbidity and mortality, and to validate producer diagnosis of mortality. Incidence rates for all morbidity, enteritis, and pneumonia were 0.20, 0.15, and 0.10 cases per 100 calf-days at risk for the period of the study. Risk of enteritis was highest in the first 3 weeks of life, with pneumonia risk highest at 10 weeks of age. Case fatality rates averaged 11.8%, 17.9%, and 9.4% for all diagnoses, enteritis, and pneumonia, respectively. Average daily rates of gain from birth to 16 weeks of age differed between farms that had inadequate calf housing (0.8 kg day−1) versus those with adequate calf housing (1.0 kg day−1). Approximately half of the calves in the cohort (418) had blood samples taken monthly from birth until 16 weeks of age. Of the calves sampled, only 19 calves showed a four-fold rise in serum titers to respiratory viruses. Sixteen calves seroconverted to BVDV, two calves to IBRV, and one calf to PI3 virus. Of 98 calves less than 10 days of age tested for adequacy of passive transfer, 35 (35.7%) had serum immunoglobulin levels of less than 800 mg dl−1. There were no significant differences in mortality or morbidity between calves that had adequate passive transfer and those that did not. The incidence of mortality was 0.08 deaths per 100 calf-days at risk; 64 calves died during the 16 months of the study. The risk of death was highest at 2 weeks of age. Enteritis was the most common cause of death (28 deaths, 44% of all deaths) followed by pneumonia (19 deaths, 30% of all deaths). Comparing producer diagnosis of mortality with necropsy results yielded sensitivities of 58.3% and 56% and specificities of 93% and 100% for producer diagnoses of enteritis and pneumonia, respectively. The kappa statistic comparing producer diagnosis with necropsy result was 0.47. The most common pathogens isolated from calves that died of enteritis were rotavirus (five calves), and Escherichia coli (four calves). Pathogens isolated from pneumonic lungs included Pasteurella multocida (three calves), Haemophilus somnus (three calves), and Pasteurella haemolytica (one calf).  相似文献   

魏氏梭菌病诊断方法研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
魏氏梭菌病是由魏氏梭菌引起的,可感染多种动物,以导致犊牛肠毒血症、绵羊羔痢疾、仔猪坏死性肠炎以及兔肠炎等为主要特征的一种重要的人兽共患传染病.该菌通常感染2月龄~10月龄且膘情较好的牛、羊,在其消化道产生大量原毒素,经胰蛋白酶激活变为毒素,从而进入血液,引发的疾病发生非常突然,与家畜"猝死症"有密切联系.病理变化以全身实质器官出血为突出特征,反刍动物以瓣胃、肠管最为明显.目前,已成功研制出浓缩氢氧化铝灭活苗、类毒素疫苗来控制此病.文章综述了近年来针对魏氏梭菌分型,病原、毒素及抗毒素的免疫学和分子生物学等方面诊断技术研究进展.  相似文献   

Bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis is a major cause of mortality in veal calves. Clostridium perfringens is considered as the causative agent, but there has been controversy on the toxins responsible for the disease. Recently, it has been demonstrated that a variety of C. perfringens type A strains can induce necrohemorrhagic lesions in a calf intestinal loop assay. These results put forward alpha toxin and perfringolysin as potential causative toxins, since both are produced by all C. perfringens type A strains. The importance of perfringolysin in the pathogenesis of bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis has not been studied before. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the role of perfringolysin in the development of necrohemorrhagic enteritis lesions in calves and its synergism with alpha toxin. A perfringolysin-deficient mutant, an alpha toxin-deficient mutant and a perfringolysin alpha toxin double mutant were less able to induce necrosis in a calf intestinal loop assay as compared to the wild-type strain. Only complementation with both toxins could restore the activity to that of the wild-type. In addition, perfringolysin and alpha toxin had a synergistic cytotoxic effect on bovine endothelial cells. This endothelial cell damage potentially explains why capillary hemorrhages are an initial step in the development of bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis. Taken together, our results show that perfringolysin acts synergistically with alpha toxin in the development of necrohemorrhagic enteritis in a calf intestinal loop model and we hypothesize that both toxins act by targeting the endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The diseases caused by various types of Clostridium perfringens are critically reviewed in the light of current knowledge. Particular emphasis is placed on information concerning these diseases in Canadian livestock.There are two etiologically clearly-defined acute C. perfringens diseases recognized in Canada: hemorrhagic enteritis of the new born calf, caused by C. perfringens type C, and enterotoxemia of sheep, caused by type D. Clostridium perfringens type A may play a role as a secondary pathological agent in various disease conditions, such as necrotic enteritis of chickens. It may also cause wound infections and may provide a source for human food poisoning outbreaks.There appears to be a considerable lack of knowledge regarding the distribution of C. perfringens types, their pathogenesis, diagnosis and the incidence of diseases caused by this organism.  相似文献   

犊牛时期是牛整个生命过程中生长发育极为迅速且关键的时期,此阶段的重要任务是确保犊牛健康生长,为后续的生长发育和育肥打下坚实的基础。同时,这一时期的小牛对外界环境的适应能力和调节体温的能力较差,管理稍有疏忽就可能导致各种病菌的侵袭而引起疾病,甚至死亡,因此这一阶段也是牛养殖过程中难度最大的环节。犊牛常见疾病的预防和治疗是这一阶段工作的重中之重,对于保障犊牛健康生长,提高犊牛成活率具有举足轻重的作用。本文主要概述了犊牛的生长生理特点和常见疾病的预防治疗并提出几点饲养建议,以期为犊牛养殖提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Neurological, respiratory, and gastrointestinal signs in a 2-month-old veal calf were suggestive of a possible herd problem. Autopsy revealed an umbilical abscess, an abscess on the soft palate, and mild chronic enteritis and pulmonary edema. Virologic and bacteriologic investigations did not provide a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

Between June and September 2002 a telephone survey of Italian beef and dairy cattle veterinarians was made to obtain information about their use of antibiotics and their perception of the problem of antimicrobial resistance. A total of 106 veterinarians, selected at random from the membership lists of two professional societies, were interviewed by telephone, using a structured questionnaire concerning their background, training and continuing education activities, and current type of practice; their diagnostic, treatment, and prophylactic practices for mastitis, calf scours and respiratory disease; and their perception of the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance. The median age of the interviewees was 42.5 (range 28 to 75) years; 62 per cent treated only dairy cattle, 10 per cent treated only beef cattle and 28 per cent treated both. Laboratory support was requested 'frequently' or 'always' by 67 per cent of the veterinarians when treating mastitis, by 37 per cent when treating calf scours and by 17 per cent when treating respiratory diseases. Twenty per cent reported using prophylactic antibiotics 'often' or 'sometimes' for calf scours, 28 per cent for respiratory diseases, and 62 per cent reported their use 'always' or 'often' for mastitis. Fluoroquinolones, phenicols or third/fourth-generation cephalosporins were prescribed as first-choice drugs by 54 per cent for calf scours, by 12 per cent for bacterial respiratory diseases and by 6 per cent for mastitis. Therapeutic failure was reported 'often' (21 per cent) or 'sometimes' (64 per cent) and was the main predictor in a multivariate model of the use of newer antibiotics. The level of awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance was high, although more than half of the interviewees were confident that new antimicrobial drugs were already available to replace those of lower effectiveness.  相似文献   

双歧杆菌具有调节肠道菌群、缓解功能性胃肠道疾病的功能,是目前广为使用的用于改善人体肠道的益生菌之一。炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)是一种慢性复发性炎症性疾病,该疾病伴随着肠黏膜溃疡、细胞死亡,并且容易复发。近年来,相关报道在肠炎治疗方面提到了双歧杆菌的益生作用。本文概述双歧杆菌、双歧杆菌产品、双歧杆菌代谢物对IBD的缓解效果,为双歧杆菌在医药方面的应用提供新的研究方向。  相似文献   

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