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<正>近年来,我市部分奶牛场内犊牛发病率升高,其中犊牛腹泻死亡率高达30%。合理提供营养,满足犊牛对初乳的需要,加强管理是犊牛哺乳期的关键,可有效降低腹泻发病率。1初乳及其饲喂犊牛饲料通常有3种,即初乳、代乳品和犊牛日粮。奶牛分娩后最初7天所分泌的乳汁称为初乳,初乳中的免疫物质有免疫球蛋白、免疫活性细胞干扰素、补体和溶菌酶。1.1饲喂时间新生犊牛的抗病物质主要靠初乳供给免疫球蛋  相似文献   

1哺喂初乳在奶牛饲养中,犊牛出生后应与母牛分开饲养,所以要对犊牛进行人工哺乳。犊牛出生30分钟内喂给初乳为宜,不能超过1小时。根据犊牛的初生体重和健康状况确定初乳喂量,原则上,首次喂量要多,至少应饲喂2千克,并在出生后6小时饲喂第二次,以便让犊牛在出生后12小时内从初乳中获得足够的母源抗体。出生后24小时内共要饲喂初乳3~4  相似文献   

要保证奶牛高产就要从培育优质犊牛开始。犊牛的饲养主要包括及时饲喂初乳,及早饲喂代乳粉和开食料,以促进消化系统的发育。犊牛的管理主要包括初生犊牛的护理、为犊牛提供舒适的生活环境、防止疾病发生(特别是腹泻),保证犊牛体质健壮等。  相似文献   

奶牛犊牛的饲喂与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小牛从初生到6月龄,是奶牛的产奶持续高产的基础,这时期犊牛的生理机能处在急剧变化阶段,组织器官尚未充分发育,机体抗病力差,对外界环境条件适应力不强,饲养的好坏直接影响成年时的体型结构和终生的生产性能。如果饲养管理不当,生长发育不良,往往感染疾病,甚至死亡,所以应加强犊牛的饲喂与管理。1消毒首先应在犊牛产下后,立即用碘溶液消毒其脐眼,24小时后再进行一次消毒。2及时喂足初乳新生犊牛出生后半小时内就应喂给初乳。初乳是指奶牛分娩后最初7天所分泌的乳汁,其营养物质丰富,并含有免疫物质,可提高犊牛对疾病的…  相似文献   

利用初乳喂新生犊牛可提高成活率嫩江农场自1985年引进奶牛,几年来由于饲养户不但对新生犊牛的管理和饲喂方法,从1985年至1990年新生犊牛成活率徘徊在60%~70%左右,为提高犊牛的成活率,我们自1990年合理利用初乳饲喂新生犊牛,成活率得到了明显...  相似文献   

<正>奶牛的生产试验证明,奶牛60%~70%的死亡率发生在哺乳期,所以哺乳期是奶牛的生产管理的重要阶段,这一阶段管理要求非常高,并且技术难度相当大。如果出现管理不当或者是技术失误,会给奶牛经营者带来巨大经济损失。1初乳对新生犊牛的重要意义1.1初乳喂养初乳是指母牛生产后0~5d内分泌的乳汁,与常奶相比较,含有丰富的免疫球蛋白和溶菌酶,胡萝卜素和VA,不仅为犊牛提供营养来源,促进消化,保护胃肠功能,  相似文献   

初乳是指奶牛生产后7天内所分泌的乳汁,其成分和lO天以后母牛分泌的常乳存在着很大差别,尤其是产犊第一天的初乳最为重要,其中富含大量免疫球蛋白,它对初生牛犊的正常生长发育和从中获得抗体、增强抵抗力十分重要,是其他食物所无法代替的。初生犊牛食量小,而奶牛产后初乳丰富。农户在饲喂犊牛时缺乏合理的初乳饲喂计划.不重视对初乳的储存,大量初乳被废弃掉.或用于饲喂其他大犊牛,而所产犊牛只能得到7天的初乳,7天后母牛转为常奶生产期,小犊牛也只能用常奶饲喂了。有的奶农用初乳饲喂犊牛,喂量时多时少,奶温时高时低。易造成犊牛消化不良.引起腹泻.导致体况柔弱。  相似文献   

目前,在规模化奶牛养殖中,犊牛既是资产也是主要消费体。在饲养管理中,要像呵护新生儿一样,犊牛也需要饲养者付出比成年奶牛多倍的爱心、耐心和细心。况且在理论上,这些犊牛还代表着最高的遗传水平。所以犊牛的饲养管理应重点考虑以下三个方面:保证初乳的品质并及时饲喂、培养瘤胃功能、加强管理。1保证初乳的品质并及时饲喂  相似文献   

奶牛生产要想获得高效益,加强不同生长时期和不同月份饲养管理是非常必要的。1奶牛不同生长期的饲养管理要点1.1犊牛喂好初乳,犊牛出生后30~60min(最迟不超过2h)一定要喂第一次初乳。喂量要次多量少,每天喂5~6次,每次喂量为犊牛体重的3%左右(尽量让犊牛吃足而又不剩)。初乳饲喂时间为3~7d。饲养方法:犊牛自1周龄改为喂常乳,并开始训练吃精料;2周龄时训练犊牛吃粗饲料。常乳哺乳期一般为100~150d,总喂奶量300~400kg。喂常乳的方法:每天喂2~3次,奶中可掺25%~30%的温水,每头犊牛的喂量按其体重的8%计算。奶温冬季为30~38℃,夏季为34~3…  相似文献   

正哺乳期犊牛是指从初生到断奶3个月之内的犊牛。由于犊牛生长发育快,易染病,所以,做好犊牛的饲养管理工作尤为重要。1犊牛初乳期的饲养管理1.1初乳的饲喂量初乳的饲喂量主要是依据犊牛的体重来制定。通常,饲喂量约占犊牛体重的12%。初乳期犊牛可选择以下哺乳方案:(1)出生后40~50min开始饲喂初乳,数量约为1.6~1.8kg;(2) 1~3日龄,数量约为2.5~3.5kg;(3) 4~6日龄,数量约为4~6kg。在饲喂量上,不光与犊牛体重有关,也和当时的气候条件有关,应综合考虑。  相似文献   

犊牛的健康不仅关系生产者的经济效益、动物福利,而且关系奶牛养殖业的良性发展以及公共卫生防疫安全和人类健康.研究表明早期营养调控和饲养管理可改善犊牛生长发育.因此,针对不同规模牧场犊牛饲养现状进行调研分析,有利于提高牧场的综合防治水平,减少犊牛的死亡率.本次调研通过调查问卷和调研走访的形式对京津冀地区的34个牧场展开调研...  相似文献   

A longitudinal observational study on calf morbidity and mortality was conducted in smallholder dairy farms in Ada’a Liben district of Oromia, Ethiopia. A total of 185 calves from 112 market oriented smallholder dairy farms were selected randomly and regularly monitored for clinical health problems up to six months of age. Information on potential risk factors was collected by personal observation during the regular visit to farms and from questionnaire survey conducted during the study period. The overall incidences of crude morbidity and crude mortality were 62 % and 22%, respectively. The most frequent disease syndrome was calf diarrhea with the incidence of 39% followed by joint ill 6%. The other disease conditions/syndromes diagnosed include navel ill, pneumonia, septicemic conditions, congenital problems and miscellaneous cases. Age of the calves, age at first colostrum ingestion and cleanness of the calf barns significantly influenced morbidity. Older calves (greater than three months of age) were at lower risk of crude morbidity than younger calves (less than three months of age) (HR = 0.42, P = 0.001). Higher risk of crude morbidity was observed in calves that ingested their first colostrum meal later than 6 hours of age compared to those that ingested colostrum earlier (HR = 2.24, P = 0.001). Similarly, calves housed in unclean barns were at higher risk of morbidity than calves housed in clean barns (HR = 1.75, P = 0.024). Of the 20 potential risk factors investigated, age was the only factor that was found significantly associated with mortality (HR = 0.04, P = 0.001). Calves older than three months of age were at lower risk of mortality than younger calves.  相似文献   

Male dairy calf welfare is a key issue in the Canadian cattle industry. The welfare of male dairy calves can be explored through the aspects of health and biological functioning, affective states, and natural living. Presently, the main welfare issues associated with the production of male dairy calves include morbidity and mortality, colostrum and feeding management, transportation, isolation, castration and disbudding, and euthanasia. Opportunities to improve male dairy calf welfare include improving accepted industry practices, enhancing education and compliance with industry codes of practice, and increasing veterinarian involvement in on-farm animal welfare. The benefits of improving male dairy calf welfare include maintenance of the cattle industry’s social license and improved producer mental health and occupational satisfaction. The main barriers to improving male dairy calf welfare are economics and cultural attitudes within the industry towards male dairy calves.  相似文献   

Neonatal calf diarrhoea remains the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in preweaned dairy calves worldwide. This complex disease can be triggered by both infectious and non-infectious causes. The four most important enteropathogens leading to neonatal dairy calf diarrhoea are Escherichia coli, rota- and coronavirus, and Cryptosporidium parvum. Besides treating diarrhoeic neonatal dairy calves, the veterinarian is the most obvious person to advise the dairy farmer on prevention and treatment of this disease. This review deals with prevention and treatment of neonatal dairy calf diarrhoea focusing on the importance of a good colostrum management and a correct fluid therapy.  相似文献   

Associations between heifer calf management and morbidity, particularly scours and pneumonia, were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. At the farm level, data were stratified by season, with two six-month seasons (winter and summer) per year. The odds of farms with particular management strategies having above median morbidity were calculated. At the individual calf level, the odds of a calf being treated, controlling for farm of origin and month of birth, were calculated for different management practices.Farm size, and policies related to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice water and minerals to calves, methods of feeding, and the use of medicated feeds significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median pneumonia rates. Farm policies with regard to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice salt to calves, age at teat removal, type of calf housing, and use of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median scours rates.Scours and pneumonia were significantly associated with each other at both the farm and the calf level. No significant associations were found between individual calf management practices and the odds of being treated for scours. Sire used, method of first colostrum feeding, navel treatment, use of anti-scour vaccine in the dam, and the administration of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a calf being treated for pneumonia.  相似文献   

Comparison of three methods of feeding colostrum to dairy calves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Absorption of colostral immunoglobulins by Holstein calves was studied in 3 herds in which 3 methods of colostrum feeding were used. Failure of passive transfer, as determined by calf serum immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) concentration less than 10 mg/ml at 48 hours of age, was diagnosed in 61.4% of calves from a dairy in which calves were nursed by their dams, 19.3% of calves from a dairy using nipple-bottle feeding, and 10.8% of calves from a dairy using tube feeding. The management factor determined to have the greatest influence on the probability of failure of passive transfer in the herds using artificial methods of colostrum feeding (bottle feeding or tube feeding) was the volume of colostrum fed as it affected the amount of IgG1 received by the calf. In dairies that used artificial feeding methods, failure of passive transfer was infrequent in calves fed greater than or equal to 100 g IgG1 in the first colostrum feeding. In the dairy that allowed calves to suckle, prevalence of failure of passive transfer was greater than 50% even among calves nursed by cows with above-average colostral IgG1 concentration. Analysis of the effect of other management factors on calf immunoglobulin absorption revealed small negative effects associated with the use of previously frozen colostrum and the use of colostrum from cows with long nonlactating intervals.  相似文献   

Olsson, S.-O., S. Viring, U. Emanuelson and S.-O. Jacobsson: Calf diseases and mortality in Swedish dairy herds. Acta vet. Scand. 1993,34, 263-269.– A survey of the mortality and morbidity affecting calves during the first 3 months of life was carried out. Results are reported from 131 herds with altogether 5,050 calvings. These herds kept individual calf cards for all calves born. The incidences of abortions and stillborn calves were 0.6% and 3.6%, respectively. During the period 0-90 days the mortality and morbidity were 2.6% and 11.0%, respectively. The frequencies of enteritis and pneumonia in calves were 7.2% and 0.8%. Mortality and morbidity were influenced by breed, season, age of the dam and time of first colostrum. The frequencies of abortions, stillborn calves, mortality and morbidity varied considerably between herds. Herd factors influencing mortality and morbidity during different periods of time were: herd size, yield, zero-grazing, whether the calf was allowed to feed by suckling, the design of the calf pens, and previous incidence of infectious enteritis in the herd. On average, both mortality and morbidity in calves were low, though in certain herds, temporarily high frequencies were registered.  相似文献   

Colostrum management for dairy calves.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colostrum management is the single most important management factor in determining calf health and survival. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of North American dairy calves suffer from failure of passive transfer of antibodies from colostrum, contributing to excessively high preweaning mortality rates and other short- and long-term losses associated with animal health, welfare, and productivity. A successful colostrum management program requires producers to consistently provide calves with a sufficient volume of clean, high-quality colostrum within the first few hours of life. This article reviews the process of colostrogenesis and discusses important components of colostrum. The key components of delivering and monitoring a successful colostrum management program are discussed.  相似文献   

Provision of an adequate immunoglobulin mass to dairy calves is an essential component for survival, health, and future productivity. To prevent FPT of immunity due to suckling of the dam, newborn dairy calves should be removed from the calving area within 30 minutes of birth. First and later lactation cows are suitable colostrum donors, provided they are healthy, well-vaccinated, have had optimal transition management, and an appropriate dry-period length. Early colostrum collection yields an adequate immunoglobulin mass provided that 3 to 4 L of colostrum is fed to the newborn calf. Regular testing for the adequacy of the dairy's colostrum feeding program is an excellent way to prevent calf health problems and identify potential need for CSs or replacement products.  相似文献   

腹泻是犊牛最常见的临床问题之一,严重影响犊牛健康和养殖业的发展。本文介绍了加强产房接产管理、初乳质量检测、初乳消毒与饲喂的标准化管理以及免疫球蛋白转移对预防犊牛腹泻的详细内容;重点介绍了犊牛三种营养缺乏引起腹泻的临床症状、病理变化与防控要点;全面介绍了轮状病毒性腹泻、大肠杆菌病腹泻、沙门菌病腹泻、小球隐孢子虫病腹泻和球虫病性腹泻的症状、诊断与防控要点;为规模化牧场兽医全面掌握犊牛腹泻的防控提供理论依据与技术支持。  相似文献   

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