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陈立军  刘闯 《当代畜牧》2014,(27):15-16
犊牛肺炎的发病率和死亡率较高,是影响犊牛生长发育的高发疾病之一。笔者结合滦县新绿洲牧场生产实际,从犊牛肺炎的病因、症状及诊治等多方面探讨了犊牛肺炎的防治方法。  相似文献   

作者针对合肥市某牧场70头犊牛的健康情况展开调查,其中有26头犊牛患有肺炎,发病率为37.14%.并结合往年统计数据.了解到犊牛肺炎的发病率与犊牛日龄和季节有关,以0~7日龄和冬末春初时为最高,分别为60%和58.57%.对26头发病犊牛进行了痞疗,其中20头犊牛痊愈,1头犊牛死亡,治愈率为76.92%,死亡率为3.85%.  相似文献   

近年来,牧场逐步走向现代化、规模化发展,生产水平大幅度提高,后备牛的培育也提升到了新的高度。犊牛健康管理是牧场成败的关键,但如何做好犊牛健康管理,成为制约奶牛业健康发展的瓶颈之一。为此,本文对河南洛阳生生牧业有限公司的犊牛健康管理工作进行了认真总结,旨在了解犊牛管理现状,分析存在的问题,探索适合大型牧场应用的犊牛管理模式,促进奶业健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

近日在牧场走访中发现犊牛出现腹泻带血,通过现场临床症状诊断,结合实验检测结果确诊为犊牛球虫病,从趋势上分析犊牛球虫病已呈现普遍性发展。本文就防控犊牛球虫病提出几点建议,帮助牧场解决该问题。  相似文献   

犊牛是牧场发展的后备军,优质的犊牛培育是牧场可持续发展的有利保障之一。因此,科学的犊牛饲养管理措施和合理的犊牛饲养模式对于犊牛培育极其重要。通过对自动化饲喂饲养模式下哺乳犊牛的饲喂技术、管理措施以及疾病预防等方面进行综述,重点介绍初乳、饲喂计划、补饲、奶粉及开食料、饲喂标准、饲养环境、管理细节差异、疾病治疗方案等内容,以期对自动化饲喂饲养模式下的牧场提供参考。  相似文献   

犊牛化脓性肺炎的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效控制犊牛化脓性肺炎造成的犊牛死亡和淘汰,通过病例比较、治疗案例分析和应对方案的临床应用,推测犊牛化脓性肺炎可能为应激条件下,化脓隐秘杆菌或荚膜A型巴氏杆菌爆发导致,并总结出"及早发现,预防性治疗"的方法,通过2年的临床实践,使本牧场犊牛因肺炎死亡和淘汰率控制在5%以内。  相似文献   

犊牛的健康不仅关系生产者的经济效益、动物福利,而且关系奶牛养殖业的良性发展以及公共卫生防疫安全和人类健康.研究表明早期营养调控和饲养管理可改善犊牛生长发育.因此,针对不同规模牧场犊牛饲养现状进行调研分析,有利于提高牧场的综合防治水平,减少犊牛的死亡率.本次调研通过调查问卷和调研走访的形式对京津冀地区的34个牧场展开调研...  相似文献   

正俗话说初生牛犊不怕虎,但是现代"牛"人都知道,在牧场中牛犊的对手往往比"虎"更加神秘可怕。犊牛若饲养得不尽人意,可直接影响到成年后的生产性能,影响牛群的好坏,进而影响整个牧场的健康发展。因此,健康的犊牛是高生产性能泌乳奶牛的基础,良好的犊牛健康管理是高生产效率牧场的必要条件。为了进一步了解我国犊牛健康、犊牛饲养、犊牛营养的研究进展、现状以及各牧场的典型做法,《中国乳业》拟在第10期出版"犊牛健康管理"专刊,聚集行业的最新做法和解决思路,助力犊牛行业发展,并邀请中国农业大学动物医学院临床兽医学系副系主任兼大动物疾病研究室主任、高级兽医师马翀担任该专刊主编主持该专题。本期专刊由勃林格殷格翰动物保健(上海)有限公司赞助支持。  相似文献   

正俗话说初生牛犊不怕虎,但是现代"牛"人都知道,在牧场中牛犊的对手往往比"虎"更加神秘可怕。犊牛若饲养得不尽人意,可直接影响到成年后的生产性能,影响牛群的好坏,进而影响整个牧场的健康发展。因此,健康的犊牛是高生产性能泌乳奶牛的基础,良好的犊牛健康管理是高生产效率牧场的必要条件。为了进一步了解我国犊牛健康、犊牛饲养、犊牛营养的研究进展、现状以及各牧场的典型做法,《中国乳业》拟在第10期出版"犊牛健康管理"专刊,聚集行业的最新做法和解决思路,助力犊牛行业发展,并邀请中国农业大学动物医学院临床兽医学系副系主任兼大动物疾病研究室主任、高级兽医师马翀担任该专刊主编主持该专题。本期专刊由勃林格殷格翰动物保健(上海)有限公司赞助支持。  相似文献   

王晓玲 《中国乳业》2021,(10):101-106
随着奶牛养殖方式的快速发展,牧场规模化、标准化、机械化程度不断提高,我国经产牛的高峰产奶量与发达国家已相距不远,但头胎牛的高峰产奶量是我国牧场的短板。犊牛作为牧场持续发展的中坚力量,其生长发育情况会直接影响牧场未来整体的生产水平。受传统养殖观念影响,在犊牛饲养中仍然存在一些不科学的地方,导致犊牛成活率低,日增重低,疾病高发,严重影响后备牛的培育质量。本文通过系统性研究犊牛培育工作的关键环节和相关的技术措施,以期提高牛群整体的生产水平。  相似文献   

新生犊牛异物性肺炎是多种牛肺炎的一种,多由于母牛难产、羊水进入犊牛气管和肺内后引起或犊牛出生后哺乳时导致乳汁进入气管而造成的一种犊牛呼吸道疾病。笔者在诊疗过程中遇到一例典型的新生犊牛异物性肺炎病例,现将诊疗体会分享如下。  相似文献   

In experimental calf pneumonia induced by inoculations of Pasteurella haemolytica or bovine herpesvirus-1, lipoprotein lipid concentrations and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity decrease. The purpose of this study was to examine whether similar changes in lipoproteins occur in natural cases of calf pneumonia. When monitored in a time-course study, the activity of LCAT, and the concentrations of free cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids and triglycerides were steadily decreased. No significant decreases in LCAT activity or lipid concentrations were detected in sera from cows with mastitis. These results, coupled with the previous findings on experimental calf pneumonia, indicate that, while decreases in LCAT activity and the LCAT-related lipid concentrations are involved in the pathogenesis of calf pneumonia, this is not the case for all inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Associations between heifer calf management and morbidity, particularly scours and pneumonia, were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. At the farm level, data were stratified by season, with two six-month seasons (winter and summer) per year. The odds of farms with particular management strategies having above median morbidity were calculated. At the individual calf level, the odds of a calf being treated, controlling for farm of origin and month of birth, were calculated for different management practices.Farm size, and policies related to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice water and minerals to calves, methods of feeding, and the use of medicated feeds significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median pneumonia rates. Farm policies with regard to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice salt to calves, age at teat removal, type of calf housing, and use of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median scours rates.Scours and pneumonia were significantly associated with each other at both the farm and the calf level. No significant associations were found between individual calf management practices and the odds of being treated for scours. Sire used, method of first colostrum feeding, navel treatment, use of anti-scour vaccine in the dam, and the administration of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a calf being treated for pneumonia.  相似文献   

The greater part of 145 typed Pasteurella haemolytica strains from calf could be attributed to Type A 1. Hence, in the context of virulence testing, this is the most important type at present for calf. Clearly manifest pneumonia was caused in calf by other strains of Types A 2, A 6, A 12, and T 10 which were also tested for their virulence parameters. The same applied to a number of strains which had so far been characterised merely as T or A/T strains.  相似文献   

犊牛肺炎的发病率高居不下,与平时的饲养管理方式关系密切。其病原复杂多样,更是增加了预防和治疗困难.了解犊牛肺炎的病原及地方流行性、改善提高饲养管理模式能够有效降低犊牛传染性肺炎的发病率和死亡率.  相似文献   

犊牛年龄小,组织器官和身体机能未发育成熟,体温调节能力、抗病力差,容易染病,如巴氏杆菌病、大肠杆菌病、支原体肺炎、隐孢子虫病、犊新蛔虫病、球虫病等。诊疗服务实践证明,对犊牛巴氏杆菌病早期使用青霉素或磺胺类药物治疗,常发地区定期接种牛出血性败血症氢氧化铝菌苗;犊牛发生大肠杆菌病后,要及时补充体液、抑菌消炎;对犊牛支原体肺炎,要遵循早诊断、快隔离、早治疗的原则,选用恩诺沙星、泰乐菌素等敏感药物治疗;犊牛隐孢子虫病要及时隔离,对症治疗;治疗犊新蛔虫病的有效药物很多,可选择枸橼酸哌嗪、盐酸左旋咪唑、丙硫咪唑、伊维菌素等;规模化奶牛场治疗犊牛球虫病的最佳时机,应选在犊牛断奶混群后第3周,投服妥曲珠利有效。  相似文献   

Bovine adenovirus type 7 was isolated from a 10-month-old calf with fibrinopurulent pneumonia and from 2 newborn calves with pneumoenteritis. The viruses were isolated on calf lung and adrenal gland cell cultures and were identified as serotype 7 by immunoelectron microscopy and serum-neutralization tests.  相似文献   

犊牛肺炎是犊牛的一种常见病,以小叶性肺炎多见,多发于气温低、天气严寒的1-3月份出生的6~30日龄的犊牛。通过病因调查分析,该病可能发生的原因是阴天、雨天、风天和夜间低温、牛舍空气污浊、有烟雾、牛只拥挤、缺乏运动等。临床检查发现主要是呼吸道症状。患肺炎的犊牛,死亡率很高,患过肺炎的犊牛很容易发生呼吸道疾病。通过以抗菌素、磺胺类为主,配以强心补液的治疗措施获得良好疗效。因此笔者认为,应采用正确的饲养管理预防,并及时给予治疗病牛,才能避免造成更大经济损失。  相似文献   

Combined immunodeficiency was documented in a 6-week-old Angus calf. The calf had lymphopenia, undetectable serum IgM or IgA, and low concentrations of serum IgG (420 mg/dl). The calf was treated for diarrhea, pneumonia, and shock, and was given antimicrobial drugs, fluids, and plasma. The calf died of systemic candidiasis and Escherichia coli bacteremia. Aggregated lymphatic folliculi (Peyer patches), lymph nodes, and thymic and splenic lymphoid tissue could not be identified at necropsy.  相似文献   

Calf pneumonia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infectious calf pneumonia is a high-mortality pneumonia of housed dairy-type calves. Viruses are important etiologic agents and infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and parainfluenza type 3 virus (PI-3 virus) may result in extensive, and sometimes fatal, lung damage. Respiratory viral infections are frequently followed by mycoplasmal and secondary bacterial invasion of the lower respiratory tract, which increases the extent and severity of lung damage. Bad housing, particularly bad ventilation, will increase the severity of pneumonia outbreaks. Although the source of respiratory viral infections is not always obvious, it is likely that a proportion of calves acquired infection from their dams early in life. The possibility of cross-infections from other domestic animals and from humans must also be considered. Diagnosis of respiratory virus infections necessitates submission of suitable respiratory tract specimens that are taken at an early stage in the outbreak together with paired sera. Various therapeutic and prophylactic regimens for the control of calf pneumonia are described.  相似文献   

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