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Zn胁迫对黑麦草幼苗生长、生理生化及Zn吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用营养液培养法,研究了不同Zn浓度(0,0.25,0.50,1.00,2.00 mmol/L)对黑麦草幼苗生长、过氧化物酶活性、脯氨酸、根系活力及Zn吸收的影响。结果表明,低锌胁迫对黑麦草幼苗生长无抑制,过度锌胁迫(Zn≥2 mmol/L)将降低黑麦草地上部干质量。幼苗叶内游离脯氨酸含量随锌胁迫时间、锌浓度增加而增加。随Zn胁迫时间增加幼苗POD活性先降后升、根系活力先升后降,锌处理的植株地上部POD活性随锌浓度增加先降低,然后增加,而根系活力随锌浓度增加而增加。黑麦草幼苗地上部和根系Zn含量随Zn浓度的增加而增加,当Zn浓度为2.00 mmol/L时,地上部Zn含量最大值为775.0 mg/kg。  相似文献   

Summary Five selected vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and the native population of a cambisol were tested in sterilized soil conditions, with Trifolium pratense as host plant. Indigenous fungi were the most effective in enhancing plant growth and P uptake, which were correlated with a higher root colonization. Selected fungi did not spread further in the root after 4 months from sowing, occupying less than 10% at the end of the experiment; inoculation with Glomus fasciculatum E3 yielded a higher dry-matter production than any other VAM species, but did not significantly increase shoot P concentration above that of the non-mycorrhizal control. Interactions between indigenous and introduced VAM fungi were studied in unsterilized soil. Results from fresh and dry weights of shoots and the percentage of fungal infection showed that the native endophytes competed more efficiently in colonizing the root. Inoculation with selected VAM species did not improve plant growth. Sterilization altered the inorganic P fractions of the soil, particularly those extracted with NH4F and NaOH. Sterilized soil contained less inorganic P than unsterilized soil, but more soluble P. By the end of the experiment in sterilized soil, P extracted with NH4Cl, NH4F and NaOH and total inorganic P were significantly different among inoculation treatments, suggesting that VAM fungi may differ in their ability to take up P.  相似文献   

Summary Microgeographic differentiation was investigated at the phenotypic level for 10 agronomic traits between 24 pairs of adjacent populations of perennial ryegrass from Ireland. None of the univariate or multivariate statistical tests succeeded in finding any relationship between ecological characteristics of the contrasting sites and agronomic traits, which could have been interpreted as a result of directional selection.Complementary studies of isozyme loci on 12 populations indicated some genetic divergence for neutral genes in 3 out of 6 pairs. These genetically differentiated populations also differ for agronomic traits, and notably for heading date, which could lead to reproductive isolation.The possible influence of random drift, selection and reproductive isolation are discussed, as well as the consequences for collecting natural populations as genetic resources for breeding use.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of pH were made at the root surface of Trifolium pratense, using Sb electrodes. Nodulated plants were grown in rhizotrones on a sandy soil free of carbonate and on a clay soil rich in carbonate. In the sandy soil, pH at the surface of root laterals was about 1 unit lower than in the bulk soil. The lowest pH values were found at the root tips. In the calcareous soil, pH measured at the root surface did not differ from pH in the bulk soil. This soil had a much higher H+ buffer capacity than the sandy soils. It seems likely that H+ ions excreted from the roots grown in the calcareous soil were directly neutralized by soil carbonate.  相似文献   

Effects of soil amendment with crabshell chitin on the growth of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and on populations of soil bacteria, fungi, and plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes were investigated in a pot trial. Five soil samples were collected from Te Puke (Paengaroa Shallow Sand, a Typic Hapludand) and five from Hamilton (Bruntwood silt loam, an Aquic Hapludand), New Zealand. Subsamples of each soil were either amended with chitin or unamended and planted with white clover and ryegrass. The ryegrass shoot weight in amended soil was greater (P<0.01), most probably due to N mineralised from chitin. A significantly lower (P<0.01) root: shoot ratio of ryegrass in the amended soil also suggested improved N availability, and therefore less root mass was needed to support a given shoot mass. A reduction in nodulation was observed in 12-day-old white clover seedlings (P<0.05) and also in 6-week-old seedlings (P<0.01). The shoot weight of white clover was significantly lower (P<0.05) in amended soil, possibly due to phytotoxic effects of chitin. Chitin increased (P<0.01) the populations of bacteria and fungi by 13-fold and 2.5-fold, respectively. The cyst nematode of white clover, Heterodera trifolii, was significantly reduced in chitin-amended soil, possibly due to increased levels of chitinase produced by rhizosphere microorganisms. Two other plant-parasitic nematodes, Pratylenchus spp. and Tylenchus spp., were also reduced in ryegrass roots and in soil as a result of the chitin amendment. However, the total number of free-living nematodes increased 5.4-fold in amended soil.  相似文献   

Summary Ryegrass shoot residues, labelled with 35S, were added to an S-deficient soil. The transfer of S to the microbial biomass, to the soil S pool extractable by NaHCO3 and to growing ryegrass when present was followed over 34 weeks. After 2 weeks 16% and 15% of the S residue was found in the biomass and in the extractable S pool, respectively. Where plants were grown, they became S-deficient (shoot S <0.2%) simultaneously with the biomass showing a marked increase in C:S ratio. This eventually reached 262 from an initial value of 59. Concurrently, the extractable S pool, which included some labile organic S, decreased to <0.2 g g–1 soil. After 34 weeks 27% of the S residue was found in the growing plant, 7% in the biomass and 2% in the extractable S pool. Some mineralization of unlabelled soil organic S was observed during the period of greatest plant growth (8–14 weeks), but not in the absence of plants. A second phase of mineralization occurred between weeks 22 and 34, concurrent with a rise in mean temperature, which was unaffected by the presence of plants or by the size of the microbial biomass. This may have been due to biochemical mineralization of ester sulphate. The amount of unlabelled soil S involved in active cycling was estimated to be 11%–13% of the total soil S.  相似文献   

The dynamics of C partitioning with Lolium perenne and its associated rhizosphere was investigated in plant-soil microcosms using 14C pulse-chase labelling. The 14CO2 pulse was introduced into the shoot chamber and the plants allowed to assimilate the label for a fixed period. The microcosm design facilitated independent monitoring of shoot and root/soil respiration during the chase period. Partitioning between above- and below-ground pools was determined between 30 min and 168 h after the pulse, and the distribution was found to vary with the length of the chase period. Initially (30 min after the pulse), the 14C was predominantly (99%) in the shoot biomass and declined thereafter. The results indicate that translocation of recent photoassimilate is rapid, with 14C detected below ground within 30 min of pulse application. The translocation rate of 14C below ground was maximal (6.2% h-1) between 30 min and 3 h after the pulse, with greatest incorporation into the microbial biomass detected at 3 h. After 3 h, the microbial biomass 14C pool accounted for 74% of the total 14C rhizosphere pool. By 24 h, approximately 30% of 14C assimilate had been translocated below ground; thereafter 14C translocation was greatly reduced. Partitioning of recent assimilate changed with increasing CO2 concentration. The proportion of 14C translocated below ground almost doubled from 17.76% at the ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration (450 ppm) to 33.73% at 750 ppm CO2 concentration. More specifically, these changes occurred in the root biomass and the total rhizosphere pools, with two- and threefold 14C increases at an elevated CO2 concentration compared to ambient, respectively. The pulselabelling strategy developed in this study provided sufficient sensitivity to determine perturbations in C dynamics in L. perenne, in particular rhizosphere C pools, in response to an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Summary The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus monosporum was inoculated on grapevine (Vitis vinifera), red clover (Trifolium pratense), meadow grass (Poa pratensis) and onion (Allium cepa) as hosts in two experiments carried out in different environments. Grapevine and clover showed the largest growth response and spore production. Mycorrhizal infection was lowest in meadow grass. Very poor correlations were observed, on an overall basis, between spore production and per cent root infection or infected root length. Spore production per unit infected root length for each host species was a comparatively stable parameter; it was largest for grapevine and smallest for meadow grass in both experiments. Sporulation was positively correlated with growth enhancement by mycorrhizal plants, and growth increments per unit infected root followed the same trend as spore numbers per unit infected root, i.e. largest for grapevine and lowest for meadow-grass. It is concluded that the ability of G. monosporum to produce spores and to enhance plant growth per unit infected root length depends on the host plant species.  相似文献   

Enzymatic survey of eight loci in 22 populations of Trifolium fragiferum L. sampled in three regions in Poland showed regional differences with regard to five genetic parameters describing genetic polymorphism and variability. Differences were attributed to the following climatic variables: annual precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. Continental climatic conditions were favorable for accumulation of genetic polymorphism and variability. Vegetative reproduction versus sexual reproduction had a higher incidence rate under milder climatic conditions. This former mode of reproduction also affected patterns of distribution of variation within regions, by reducing the intra-populational component of total variability.  相似文献   

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a temperate forage species that is extensively used in Argentina, but little effort in breeding has been made so far. Meanwhile, red clover breeding is strong in Europe and North America. In order to contribute to the utilisation of red clover genetic resources, 39 accessions of different origins were evaluated at Pergamino Inta Experimental Station. A broad phenotypic variation was detected for many of the 14 attributes considered. Variables that discriminate populations are related to seed production and winter yield. Two different groups clustered according to morphologic and productive mean attributes, and these groups were related to geographic origin of accessions.  相似文献   

Summary Red clover was grown in soil previously treated with P at various rates, and growth, nutrient uptake, nutrient uptake in relation to phosphorus values, and levels of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection were determined. The soil was a silty clay loam and Glomus lacteum was the only fungus colonizing the plant roots. An examination of the effects of various rates of P application and of VAM colonization on nutrient (P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Zn) uptake showed that the Mg : P ratio significantly increased and the Mn : P ratio significantly decreased with increasing VAM infection. It is concluded that in the Trifolium pratense-Glomus lacteum symbiosis, mycorrhizae improve Mg uptake and depress Mn uptake.  相似文献   

A collection formed from 53 accessions of white clover stolonswas carried out in naturalized populations from Argentina betweenparallels 26° and 37° South latitudes and 58° to 62°West longitude. Almost half of them (43%) wereobtained from grazed sites. Collected samples were grown in the fieldat Pergamino Experimental Station and compared with a local cultivar.Attributes scored or measured were petiole length, width and lengthof central leaflet, relation width/length, height, growing habit,leaf mark, stolon thickness and density, days to flowering,cyanogenesis, seed yield and winter herbage yield. There weresignificant correlations among seven pairs of characters. Allpopulations were cyanogenic within a range from 40 to 100%.Populations from grazed sites had prostrate habit and lower canopyheight than those from non grazed sites. The collection was clusteredin seven groups. Differences among groups were attributed toagroecological differences in sites of collection. Results obtainedencouraged in Argentina further collection missions for naturalizedpopulations of white clover.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse study, the effect of the earthwormAporrectodea trapezoides on root nodulation in seedlings of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) was examined in the presence and absence of addedRhizobium leguminosarium biovartrifolii (strain NA 30). WhenR. trifolii NA 30 was inoculated into dung and placed on the soil surface, the total number of root nodules was five times greater (P<0.001) in the presence of earthworms than without earthworms and the number of nodules on the primary root of the plants 2–8 cm below the soil surface was 4 to 6 times greater (P<0.001) in the presence of earthworms. The additional nodulation did not affect plant growth or foliar N. When NA30 was dispersed through the soil at the beginning of the experiment, the presence of earthworms did not influence the level of root nodulation. The presence of earthworms increased root dry weight by 20–30%, plant top weight by up to 125% (P<0.001), and foliar N by 5–25% (P<0.001). Surface-applied dung increased the dry weight of plant tops (2-to 3-fold,P<0.001) but did not affect the concentration of foliar N (P<0.005).  相似文献   

In a field experiment, the effect of animal slurry, (with and without the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide on total denitrification losses estimated by the C2H2 inhibition technique was measured over 2 years (1989–1990). During this period, four different plots (each with four replicates) were fertilized six times with 150 kg N ha-1 in the form of cattle-pig slurry or NH4NO3. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were analysed at regular intervals for NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup– concentrations. The soil water content was determined gravimetrically. During the first year (1989) total denitrification losses from unfertilized, mineral-fertilized, and animal slurry-amended plots (with or without dicyandiamide) were estimated as 0.2, 3.1, 0.7, and 0.6 kg N ha-1, respectively. During the second year (1990) the denitrification losses were 0.4, 1.3, 0.7, and 0.7 kg N ha-1, respectively. There was a clear relationship between the NO inf3 sup– concentration or soil water content and the denitrification rate. The results are siteund experiment-specific and cannot be generalized so far.  相似文献   

Summary In the 25-year-old vineyard of a farm near the Maremma National Park (Central Italy), replicate plots were established with a mulch of Trifolium subterraneum L. or cultivation and two levels of fertilizer. The mai objective of this research was to analyse responses by soil invertebrates and nutrients after introducing a herbaceous component into the system; the yield was also considered. The greater availability of organic substrate and the reduced cultivation as a result of green mulching increased the soil mesofauna biomass, especially detritivores. With time, a significant difference became evident between the populations of invertebrates present in the mulched plots and those in the cultivated plots. Over 2 years, most nutrients (Ca, K, P, and N) were significantly increased in the mulched plots compared to the cultivated plots. Grape yields were consistently higher in the bare plots. No significant differences were found in fertilizer effects.  相似文献   

A recent approach to restoration of degraded mountain landscapes (e.g. ski slopes) recommend to sow seed mixtures including ‘site-specific’ species, i.e. native germplasm adapted to the prevailing conditions and ecologically compatible with the area of intervention. To better exploit the potential of these species and enhance their spread in revegetation projects, deeper knowledge is needed, however, on the existing variation in their germplasm, particularly for economically useful traits such as seed yield. Snow clover is one of the recommended ‘site-specific’ legumes. This study evaluated 12 populations of snow clover, collected in three valleys of the Rhaetian Alps, Italy, to assess their variation and highlight any promising material. The evaluation encompassed a mountain and a lowland site, to verify the behaviour of the germplasm also in one environment markedly different from that of origin. Differences among valleys were observed for flower colour, growth habit and type, flowering time and susceptibility to mildew, although the overall pattern of phenotypic diversity was similar among valleys. Some effect of the evaluation site on the expression of morphological and seed production traits, and on the overall diversity, was also evident. Furthermore, the lowland site experienced very high plant mortality towards the end of the first growing season. Individual populations proved a valuable source of variation for seed production. Some populations, in particular, were worth of attention for a possible selection of high-seed-yielding snow clover cultivars. An assessment of the mating system suggested a lack of self-tripping or an almost absolute self-incompatibility in snow clover.  相似文献   

An incubation study with fresh, frozen, and dried clover and rye-grass shoots gathered in autumn was performed in the laboratory (43 days). The aim was to study inorganic and organic phosphorus (P) release from plant material during decomposition without soil. Plant materials (2?cm size) were mixed with small glass beads and placed in large syringes for consecutive water extractions on 7 occasions. Leachates were analysed for inorganic and total P. At the first leaching event, 8% of total crop P was released from fresh, 24% from frozen and 27% from dried plant material. During decomposition, both inorganic and organic P was released following first order kinetics, with grass releasing mostly inorganic P and clover mostly organic P. After 43 days, 42%–50% of total crop P from fresh, 49%–51% from frozen and 57%–69% from dried material was released, with significant differences between treatments. Using the results in calculations on field scale showed that P released from overwintering crops under cold climate conditions can amount to several kg P ha?1. Thus, senescence of overwintering aboveground biomass can be a significant source for P leaching from soils.  相似文献   


In feeding studies, red clover (RC) influenced positively the N utilization by ruminants. A relationship between polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and forage quality has not been established. Our objective was to investigate seasonal, site, genotype, and management effects on specific PPO activity in RC in three experiments under field conditions, and relate the activity to forage-quality parameters. In Experiment 1, six RC genotypes at two study sites were submitted to a 3-cut system. Specific PPO activity, forage quality, and vegetation stage were determined. PPO activity varied between harvest and study sites, with genotypes differing up to 3-fold in PPO activity within harvests. The specific PPO activity, forage quality, and vegetation stage in RC subjected to 5-cut system and grazing (Experiment 2) were determined. Additionally, in Experiment 3, cutting frequency in RC swards including mechanical stress (rolling) was investigated. The induction of PPO activity in RC by grazing or mechanical stress (Experiments 2 and 3) increased the activity up to 2.5-fold compared with RC at similar vegetation stage submitted to the 5-cut system. Mechanical stress induced by grazing or rolling, and seasonal differences, seem to have a larger influence on specific PPO activity than does the genotype effect observed in Experiment 1. For forage quality, an increased specific PPO activity explained 29–46% of the reduction in protein fraction ‘A’ content (non-protein N) in the cutting systems in Experiments 2 and 3. Other CP fractions achieved a lower relation. Furthermore, the precipitation-to-temperature ratio preceeding a harvest explained 63% of the variation in the specific PPO activity. In conclusion, the PPO activity in RC is induced by grazing and rolling. Whereas weather conditions preceeding a harvest showed a large influence, genotype influence had only minor relevance. These results may have implications for regional harvest management towards efficient N utilization by ruminants.  相似文献   

The origin and ancestry for Egyptian clover, Trifolium alexandrinum, was examined using AFLP data. The data support a close relationship of T. alexandrinum accessions from Syria and Egypt to T. apertum, T. berytheum, and T. salmoneum. However, crossability and geographic distributions suggest that T. apertum is an unlikely progenitor. In contrast, T. salmoneum appears to be the most probable progenitor for Syrian material of Egyptian clover, although a close relationship to T. berytheum was also revealed. The ability of these species to cross freely indicates that T. salmoneum and T. berytheum may be regarded as the primary ancestors from, which man domesticated Egyptian clover through artificial selection in Syria. Following domestication, the earlier forms of the crop species could have been taken into rain-fed cultivation in Palestine and irrigated cultivation in Egypt. In this regard, the domestication of Egyptian clover may be analogous to other crops, such as barley and wheat, which were also domesticated in the Fertile Crescent and taken into cultivation in the Nile Valley. It appears that genetic improvement of the crop occurred in Egypt after cultivation, and that the varieties that were developed in Egypt were later distributed worldwide.  相似文献   

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