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我国“清洁能源计划”浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国可持续发展战略的关键是提高能源效率和能源部门产出。简述了我国能源利用与美国等发达国家能源利用存在的差距,结合我国目前能源投资战略的要点,阐明了我国制定“清洁能源计划”的紧迫性及其重要性。  相似文献   

我国可持续发展战略的关键是提高能源效率和能源部门产出。简述了我国能源利用与美国等发达国家能源利用存在的差距,结合我国目前能源投资战略的要点,阐明了我国制定“清洁能源计划”的紧迫性及其重要性。  相似文献   

基于储能水平控制的微电网能量优化调度   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了充分发挥微电网中储能单元能量存储与搬移的作用,该文提出了以储能单元储能水平为微电网日前计划与实时计划之间联系纽带的多时间尺度能量优化调度方案,以及以储能水平为控制变量的日前计划优化模型。该优化模型以各可控型微电源出力、储能单元储能水平以及微网与主网交互功率均在限值之内和微网内功率平衡为约束条件,以可再生能源发电利用率最高、日供电成本最小为目标函数,通过满足"等效净负荷"需求达到可再生能源发电利用率最高的目标。采用基于矩阵实数编码的遗传算法求解该动态优化模型,算例验证了并网双向功率流动、并网单向功率流动2种模式下模型和方法的有效性。研究结果可为微电网能量优化调度决策方案提供参考。  相似文献   

澳大利亚提出可持续发展的国家农林渔业战略1992年12月,澳大利亚联邦政府通过了未来环境行政基本计划,即“在生态上可持续发展的国家战略”,该战略分为农业、渔业、林业、制造业、矿业、城市和交通、旅游、能源的生产和运输八大领域。前三个领域的主要内容如下。...  相似文献   

据当地的《周日沙曼报》,2009年11月上旬,最近制定的控制土耳其转基因食品和饲料的法规受到众多指责。该报道说,各种非政府组织要求全面禁止市场上的转基因产品,理由是这些产品对公众健康存在风险,可能危及土耳其的生物多样性,并且有可能使土耳其成为附属国。  相似文献   

农村能源问题关系到我国农村的可持续发展。通过对33位国内农村能源及其相关领域高级专家的调查、分析,提出了我国到21世纪中叶之间不同阶段的农村能源发展战略重点,以及与之相适应的可供优先选择的农村能源技术,研究结果可为有关部门制定农村能源发展规划和技术政策提供参考。  相似文献   

园区农业能源互联网:概念、特征与应用价值   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
在能源互联网的背景下,基于现代农业产业园的产业模式特点,构建了园区农业能源互联网。该研究首先分析了园区农业能源互联网存在的关键问题以及发展趋势,并围绕关键问题对园区农业能源互联网的发展现状进行分析。其次介绍了3个典型案例,并论述案例对于园区农业能源互联网关键问题的意义。之后提出了园区农业能源互联网的关键技术和运营模式,构建基本框架,物理系统由"源-网-储-荷"构成,信息系统由"感知层-网络层-平台层-应用层"构成,信息共享性、深度耦合性和产消互补性是园区农业能源互联网的三大特征。探讨了多能源异质特性与农业生产行为深层次耦合优化的相关问题。该研究可为园区农业能源互联网的框架落地与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

目前对中国北方地区农村家庭能源消费结构演变的研究较少。该文根据实地调查数据,从能源品种和最终用能类型两个角度对桓台县农村(北方典型小康农村)家庭能源消费结构演变进行了深入分析。结果表明:在能源品种上,表现为煤炭消耗大量增加,持续占据统治地位,电、汽油、液化气消费快速提升,秸秆等生物质能用量减少;在最终用能类型上,炊事用能由占主导地位演变为与取暖用能并驾齐驱,生活享受用能快速增加。短期内,除了液化气用量将有所减少外,其余能源品种消费都将保持上述演变特征。在全面建设小康社会过程中,桓台县可以作为北方地区农村家庭能源消费发展趋势的一个重要参考。  相似文献   

发展替代能源是保障国家能源安全的一项重要战略举措,党中央、国务院对此高度重视。发展替代能源已成为近期研究的热点。2006年11月20日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理曾培炎主持召开会议,研究发展替代能源研究工作。曾培炎指出,发展替代能源要按照以新能源替代传统能源,以优势能源替代稀缺能源,以可再生能源替代化石能源的思路,逐步提高替代能源在能源结构中的比重。当前,要重点发展车用燃料和替代石油产品,搞好煤炭液化,煤制甲醇、二甲醚、烯烃和煤基多联产技术的试验示范和开发应用;积极发展燃料乙醇和生物柴油;大力发展沼气、太阳能、风能、水电、地热等可再生能源,尽可能降低对化石燃料的依赖,减少污染物的排放。  相似文献   

“农业生物环境与能源工程”学科和“农业建筑环境与能源工程”本科专业属“农业工程”一级学科下设四个二级学科之一,是工程学(建筑、机电、计算机控制、能源)与生物学交叉结合的新兴学科,在可控制的环境中组织农业生产流程,研究营养源循环、节约水环境、可再尘能源、保护生念环境,具有“广义的机械化”的特点,保证中国现代化农业可持续发展。中国该学科与国际相关学科发展同步。  相似文献   

Agricultural production in Turkey is not sustainable due to degradation and loss of croplands, rapid population growth, and inequitable economic growth (poverty and overconsumption). Degrading land uses and management practices disturb the life‐supporting biogeochemical cycles within croplands and between croplands and natural ecosystems by increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, and tropospheric O3), pollution of water, soil and air, loss of soil organic matter and biodiversity, erosion, salinization and desertification. Sustainability‐oriented management practices in croplands include maintenance of soil organic matter by conservation tillage and residue management, windbreaks, selection of crops ecologically adapted to local climate regimes, efficient crop rotation, enhancement of agrobiodiversity (e.g. intercropping and agroforestry), and adoption of proper drainage techniques. Implementation of these preventive and mitigative measures necessitates internalization of ecological principles into agricultural policy and management processes. This study explores the opportunities and limitations of agricultural sustainability in Turkey in a holistic manner. A multiple linear regression (MLR) model was developed to relate CO2 emissions to energy intensity (energy use/gross domestic product), affluence (gross domestic product/population) and population growth. Our MLR model with a high R2 of 97 per cent revealed that stabilization of human population growth, and increasing energy efficiency in economic growth are essential to decreasing GHG emissions and enhancing environmental quality. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - Lake E?irdir is one of the most important freshwater resources in Turkey. The lake is located at the border of Isparta province in South West Turkey, an area...  相似文献   


Turkey is the fourth leading honey producing country in the world after China, the United States, and Argentina, with around 5.35% of the market. One of the most important problems facing the Turkish beekeeping sector is marketing. In general, the market structure for animal products in Turkey has a confusing chain, which causes great differences between producer and consumer prices. Beekeepers have several alternatives for marketing their honey in Turkey: they may sell directly to consumers (in local markets or roadside stands), to a honey cooperative, to a wholesaler, to a honey packer or dealer, and/or to the export market. This study examines the marketing channels for honey and other bee products in Turkey, discusses the problems and defects of the current system from the perspective of producers and other actors in the market, and suggests solutions that include an increased role for cooperatives and extension services.  相似文献   

Turkey is one of the most important Rose germplasm centers. About 25% of all rose species are native to Turkey. Flowers of some rose species, such as Rosa gallica and Rosa damascena, have been used for rose oil and rose water production in Anatolia for a long time. Fruits (rose hip) of some other species have economic value and are also used for medicinal purposes. In this paper, Rosa species found in Turkey are listed, their distribution within the provinces is listed, as well as their characteristics and uses.  相似文献   

In cement plants in Turkey CO, NO2, SO2 and particulate emissions were measured using standard measurement techniques and equipment. Emission factors are calculated by dividing the emission rates by capacity of production at the time of measurements for each plant. The results of this study show that the dominant emissions from cement production in Turkey is CO followed by NO2, dust and SO2 in decreasing order. National averages for the emission factors are calculated and compared to international emission factors. On average the Turkish dust emission factor is higher than the German factor, however NO2 and SO2 emission factors are lower in Turkey.  相似文献   

Unlike most Middle East countries which are highly dependent on water from sources originating in other countries or on desalination, Turkey is naturally endowed with relatively abundant water resources. The Turkish government has assigned the highest priority to completing its massive $32 billion Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), consisting of 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric power plants on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Scheduled for completion in 2005, GAP will generate 27 billion kilowatt hours of hydroelectric power and will divert water from the Atat rk Dam reservoir through the two giant ?anliurfa Tunnels into a canal system to irrigate 1.7 million hectares in south-eastern Anatolia just north of the Syrian border. For Turkey, GAP will not only provide food and energy for a growing population, but is the crux of a comprehensive and sustainable economic development plan designed to end instability and reduce out-migration by radically transforming the feudal economic and social structure of this poor and largely Kurdish inhabited region of the country. Syria and Iraq, the downstream riparians in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, also have rapidly growing populations and ambitious development plans. They contend that GAP will greatly diminish and degrade their water supply in future years. The severe current drought conditions in Syria and Iraq have added urgency to their demands for a greater share of the rivers' flow. This article examines the legal, political, military and technological strategies employed by the parties to advance their interests. After reviewing efforts to achieve a negotiated solution, we examine various Turkish proposals to foster regional peace by exporting water from other Turkish rivers to Cyprus, Israel, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, and other Arab countries.  相似文献   

Many parts of the Turkish coastline are important nesting grounds for sea turtles. The aim of this study was to assess the present state of sea turtle populations along the coastline of Turkey, by evaluating research conducted at various nesting grounds from 1979 to 2000. The results of the evaluation indicate that the Turkish coastline is the most important nesting area for Chelonia mydas, and the third most important nesting area for Caretta caretta after Greece and Libya (if nesting estimates for Libya are correct) in the entire Mediterranean. The most important C. caretta nesting beaches in Turkey are Dalyan (11.9%), Kumluca (11.3%), Belek (27.9%), Kizilot, (8.9%) and Anamur (8.8%), while those for C. mydas are Kazanli (24.1%) and Akyatan (54.4%). These sites are classified as “Nesting Areas of 1st Degree Importance”. Annual mean nest numbers along the coastline of Turkey are estimated to be ca. 2000 for C. caretta and 650 for C. mydas. Assuming that each adult female sea turtle nests three times per season, the annual numbers of nesting females along the beaches of Turkey range between about 500 and 800 for C. caretta and 130 and 300 for C. mydas. Annual nesting densities along the 204 km beach strip, which includes 17 important nesting grounds in Turkey, were 11.3 nests/km for C. caretta and 19.2 nests/km for C. mydas.  相似文献   

Variations in the surface air temperatures show an associationwith the atmospheric CO2 under the hypothesis that warmertemperatures promote increases in plant growth in mid-northernlatitudes. Historical daily temperature records at seventy-fourweather stations (around 60-yr) in Turkey are used in orderto investigate this hypothesis. Separate calculations and analyses are undertaken for monthly and seasonal growing degree-days (GDD). The sequential version of Mann-Kendall rankstatistic is applied to demonstrate existence of any possible non-linear trends in accumulated GDDs above 5 °C over the months and seasons. Spatially coherent and statisticallysignificant trends of GDD are shown in some parts of Turkey. The statistically significant trends are negative mostly in summer and autumn seasons over the coastal areas of Turkey.These results strongly agree with the previous studies where weak cooling trends are observed in maximum temperatures overTurkey. They suggest the significant decreases in GDD may lead to long-term decreases in vegetation growth mostly overthe coastal regions of Turkey.  相似文献   

Morphological variation and genetic variation at 15 enzyme lociwere studied in genebank accessions of Aegilopsumbellulata Zhuk., the diploid genome donor to all thepolyploid species of the section Aegilops ofAegilops. Accessions from the Greek Islands hadshorter spikes with smaller number of spikelets and smaller number ofawns on the empty glume. The number of alleles per locus (A= 2.01) and the proportion of polymorphic loci (P= 0.627) were similar to those of the other species ofAegilops so far reported. Genetic distancescalculated from isozyme variations among five regions revealed thataccessions from the Greek Islands are more distantly related to theother four continental regions, Iran and Iraq, Southeast Turkey,Central Turkey and South and West Turkey. The present resultsindicated the importance of collection covering the whole range ofgeographical distribution to capture the genetic variation present inAe. umbellulata.  相似文献   

In Turkey, cabbage is the most economically important member of the genus Brassica. Samsun, located in the Black Sea Region is the greatest cabbage producing area in Turkey. Surveys were done to determine the distribution of viruses in cabbage cultivated areas in 2012–2014. According to the results of field observations, characteristic virus symptoms were observed on some cabbage plants. The average percentages of symptoms-affected plants were recorded as 2–20% in the visited fields. A total of 535 leaf samples were collected from cabbage fields and tested for the presence of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV), and Beet western yellows virus (BWYV) by double-antibody sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) using virus-specific polyclonal antiserum. The ELISA results revealed that 8.1% and 6.9% of these samples were infected with TuMV and CaMV, respectively. The TuMV+CaMV mixed infection ratio was 2.1%. However, CMV, TYMV, and BWYV were not detected. This is the first comprehensive study of viruses on Brassica crops in the Black Sea Region of Turkey, the most important centre for cabbage production in Turkey.  相似文献   

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