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1改变农村传统养猪模式,建设牧业小区养殖 农村传统的养猪模式是1家1户的庭院式养猪,规模小,猪舍简陋,冬不保温,夏不防暑;粪污长期得不到无害化处理,饲养环境恶劣;技术水平与生产水平很低,抗市场风险能力差;疫病常年流行,严重影响公共卫生的安全等,弊端很多。在当前农村养殖业转型时期,  相似文献   

近年来,国内部分地区频发重大动物疫病,给相关养殖企业和个体养殖户带来了巨大的经济损失。为全面了解农村小型畜禽饲养场(户)的防疫现状,科学制定防疫对策,笔者于2008年在春、夏、秋、冬四季中,分别对部分畜禽养殖大镇(乡、街)的小型畜禽饲养场(户)防疫情况进行了实地调查。  相似文献   

正冬春季节,肉鸡生产又将面临严峻的考验。由于冬春季节温度较低,昼夜温差大,各品种肉鸡的饲养管理条件也要相应提高,希望各位养户能从思想上给予高度重视,及时转变换季肉鸡饲养管理工作的观念。为了保证养户鸡群安全过冬,提高养户的饲养成绩,服务部根据当地的实际情况相应制订了冬春季节肉鸡饲养管理要点及注意事项,请各养户遵照执行。1保温通风结合冬季天气寒冷,在保温的同时要注意通风和防贼风。平地饲养的肉鸡要加厚垫料,勤换垫  相似文献   

1农村养猪 几千年来我国的1家1户养猪生产,其猪舍十分简陋,没有围墙,房前屋后建猪圈,舍连舍、户连户、场连场,谈不上隔离封闭式饲养。猪舍冬不保暖,夏不防暑,空气污浊;猪舍的粪便和污水随意排放,长期得不到无害化处理,造成饲养环境严重污染;  相似文献   

养鸭是传统的家禽项目,养鸭在农村经济中占有重要的地位.科学的饲养管理给养殖户带来可观的经济效益,因此,众多无养殖经验的农户也一拥而上纷纷效仿,在饲养管理过程中出现一些误区,结果形成了无序养殖.针对农村养殖现状,笔者结合在实际工作中的经验,对鸭场的防疫与环境控制措施进行探讨.  相似文献   

近几年来,西宁市畜禽规模养殖发展很快,出现了很多由多种形式组成的集约化的规模养殖企业和养殖户。2005年西宁市现有规模养猪户216户,年饲养生猪45698头;规模奶牛养殖户96户,年饲养奶牛2755头;规模肉牛养殖户45户,年育肥肉牛4600头;肉羊养殖户104户,年育肥肉羊25418只;规模养鸡户13户,年饲养鸡13280羽;狐、犬、鸽等经济动物养殖户34户,饲养各类经济动物27694头只。规模养殖已成为西宁市养殖业的重要组成部分,搞好规模养殖防疫,高度重视疫病防治,采取综合措施,提高防疫质量是保证和促进其健康发展的重要前提。笔者通过多年的工作实践,认为规模养殖中应当采取以下综合性措施,才能提高防疫质量。  相似文献   

受地理生态环境和传统饲养方式的影响,牦牛在冬春季节掉膘严重,恶劣天气下甚至会大批死亡,给养殖户造成经济损失。本文根据牧区牦牛养殖特性,结合牦牛消化生理特点和营养需求,建议牦牛冬春季节进行补饲管理,减少由于营养匮乏造成的掉膘及死亡现象。根据高原牧区草原生态环境,提供适宜牧区牦牛冬春补饲的全价日粮配方,可满足冬春季节牦牛生长营养需要,降低牦牛养殖成本,提高牦牛养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

近年来,宁夏银川地区奶产业发展迅速,饲养规模上百头、千头的养殖专业户和规模奶牛场越来越多,奶产业已经成为农民增收的主导产业。随着养殖技术的不断提高,人们对奶牛防疫及疾病的预防工作越来越重视,但在实际生产过程中仍有部分奶牛  相似文献   

在养殖过程中受到了天气原因的影响,仔猪的饲养管理工作存在着很大的问题,冬春季仔猪的死亡率极高,这给养殖者造成了一定的经济损失.本文结合我国仔猪饲养管理工作的实际情况,总结出有效提高冬春季哺乳仔猪成活率的措施.  相似文献   

<正>经过多年的努力,不断总结经验,现在腾冲县奶水牛养殖户以户养5~10头专业户为273户,合计饲养可挤奶水牛1 403头,占全县饲养可挤奶水牛的80%,养殖效益较高,养殖规模越大,养殖效益反而较低,其主要原因是季节性草料供应短缺。以家庭户养5~10头可奶水牛,适合一个主劳动力的工作量,以种草养畜为主,草料供应得到保障,饲料地就在牛舍周围,运送成本低,牛粪还田,无污染。实行分户饲养,集中挤奶的小区模式是奶水牛  相似文献   

暖棚技术已在畜牧业中得到充分应用,其技术随着新型建筑材料而不断的改进,笔者在结合近十年暖棚养畜技术推广工作实际操作经验基础上,运用阳光板和聚乙烯夹心彩钢板(聚乙烯泡沫板+石棉瓦),设计出冬夏可用且适合不同尺寸土地的单体和连体暖棚牛舍,建造示范推广并不断的改进,探索总结出新型双列对头式暖棚牛舍建造技术,适用于规模养殖场和...  相似文献   

We surveyed Belgian pig herds to describe their biosecurity status and management practices. Our written questionnaire was sent to a stratified random sample of 609 pig farms. We achieved a 71.6% response, and 421/609 farmers (69.1%) returned questionnaires suitable for analysis. We used multiple-correspondence analysis followed by a two-step clustering procedure. Herd size, herd type and occupation (commercial or hobby herd) were used to describe different groups. We differentiated four biosecurity groups, which we interpreted as indicating low- to high-biosecurity status. Although we felt that most farms had acceptable biosecurity, few used measures such as showering (2.1%) and quarantine periods for people entering the premises (7.1%). We also found three management-practices clusters, although their interpretation was not straightforward. Despite the industrialised character of pig production in Belgium, 9.4% of pig herds were small, hobby herds that reported different biosecurity and management characteristics (such as the equipping pigs on pasture and feeding kitchen waste).  相似文献   

不同饲养制度和方式对银香鸡肉用性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖玉英  覃仕善 《中国家禽》2003,25(12):12-13
用不同饲养方式和制度管理银香鸡。结果,在饲养期中的舍饲鸡的饲料报酬高;放出运动鸡的鸡肉味道较好。本研究三种制度中,以前期(1~45d)圈养、后期(46~100d)放出运动综合效果相对较好。  相似文献   

全混合日粮(total mixed ration,TMR)饲养技术的使用能够保证奶牛摄入均衡的营养,节省大量的人力和物力,并提高奶牛的生产性能,在中国加快推进TMR饲养技术有着重要的现实意义.本文以提高奶牛生产水平,增加养殖者收益为目的,就奶牛生产中使用TMR饲养技术的必要性、奶牛分群及各牛群TMR调配、TMR日粮的制...  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the management practices followed by the farmers for draught cattle in Tamil Nadu state, India. Methods of procurement of animals, use of female animals, breeds preferred, housing, health, disposal of animals, feeding, shoeing, purchase of animal-drawn implements and their maintenance were all assessed with 210 farmers from seven districts across different agro-climatic zones in Tamil Nadu. The results revealed that 86 % of the respondents purchased the draught cattle from the livestock markets, most were bullocks but 20 small farmers and 5 medium farmers used female animals for ploughing. Among the indigenous breeds, Kangeyam (33 %) and Hallikar (30 %) breeds were the most popular for work. Most farmers (69 %) provided a mixed type of housing (provision of housing only during the night time and the rainy season) for their draught cattle. The major health problem reported by 63 % of respondents was pyrexia. Almost all farmers sold their animals at the age of 8–10 years. The feeding practices for draught cattle were poor especially with the small farmers. The cattle were fed with mainly paddy straw and rice bran. Oilcakes and cotton seeds were given to the animals which work throughout the year mainly for ploughing and carting. The draught cattle were first shod at around 2.5 years of age. The majority of the farmers (71 %) used the traditional animal-drawn implements made by local artisans, and the farmers were not aware of the new implements to reduce the drudgery of work cattle, designed by the Agricultural Machinery Research Centre and Agricultural Engineering Departments located in India.  相似文献   


Dairy cows are in Denmark either kept in tie-stalls or in loose housing systems. The labour requirement connected to the two systems is very important for dairy farmers who want to adopt a new housing system. The aim of the present investigation was to estimate the labour requirement for the various tasks involved in milk production in different housing systems. The estimation was done by use of models, which were based on detailed work studies carried out among 13 practical stockbreeders. The efficiency of the different housing systems depended on the size of herd. For herd sizes over 100 cows, the total labour requirement was between 27 and 31% lower in loose housing systems than in tie-stall housing systems. However, when the herd sizes were reduced to fewer than 70 dairy cows, the savings obtained on the tasks feeding and cleaning in loose housing systems were counterbalanced by a higher labour requirement on milking.  相似文献   



Health, productivity and antimicrobial use in the production of pigs are expected to be interrelated to some extent. Previous studies on register-based data have investigated these correlations with a subsequent large variation residing at the farm level. In order to study such farm factors in more detail we designed an elaborate interview-guide. By in-depth interviews of farmers with well-managed 7–30 kg (weaner) productions we sought to describe a set of common key-factors characterizing their management practices. Identification of such common practices could be used in follow-up projects, investigating whether identified factors really are characteristic for good-practicing famers.


Eleven farms were selected for a farm visit and in-depth interview. Participating farms used less antimicrobials than the national median (8.2 animal daily doses/100 weaners/day), had a mortality below the national average (2.9%) and an average daily weight gain above the national average (443 g/day). Similarities were observed among participating farms, including the sectioning of farms, use of all-in-all-out procedures with subsequent cleaning, purchasing 7 kg weaners from only one source, as well as active participation in management by a committed farm owner. Most farmers had a specific point of focus in their management, and were convinced that this was the reason for their success. This included; feeding, treatment strategy, refurbishment of facilities and presence in the shed.


According to register data, participating farms were alike; in the good league regarding use of antimicrobials, mortality and daily growth. However, on-farm interviews elucidated more heterogeneity among farmers than expected. Most of the farmers had a specific point of focus, which they considered to be crucial for their good results. These results indicate the importance of non-registerable factors, highlighting the value of qualitative study techniques in the understanding of human actions. Further studies on the effect of various farmer types are recommended.  相似文献   

贺忠勇 《中国牛业科学》2012,38(4):81-83,86
笔者针对养殖者的不明围产期奶牛生理特征和营养需求,未进行营养调整而造成的损失问题,围绕围产前后期饲养管理提出了应注意的几方面,以期为养殖户提供技术指导。  相似文献   

1. The present study was designed first to explore the potential economic benefits of adopting management practices to reduce lameness in broiler farms, and second to explore farmers’ possible perceptions of this potential in the Swedish context. The likely financial effects were addressed using a normative economic model, whereas a questionnaire-based survey was used to obtain in-depth knowledge about the perceptions of a group of broiler farmers in Sweden.

2. The three alternative practices (out of 6 tested) which realised the greatest improvements in gross margin and net return to management compared to the conventional practice were feeding whole wheat, sequential feeding and meal feeding.

3. The model showed that the negative effect of feeding whole wheat on feed conversion rate was outweighed by the effect of a low feed price and the associated decrease in feed costs. The price of wheat played a major role in the improvement of economic performance, whereas the reduction of lameness itself made a relatively minor contribution.

4. Apparently, the surveyed farmers do not recognise the potential of the positive effects of changing feed or feeding practices on both broiler welfare and farm economics although their implementation can be of great importance in the broiler sector where profit margins are very tight.?  相似文献   

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