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Nowadays, gathering information about tree health conditions in cities is necessary. Trees are essential in regulating urban microclimate and mitigating the urban heat island effect. Therefore, their health status should be crucial in urban vegetation monitoring. The growing number of new cameras, sensors and research methods allows for a broader application of thermal data in remote sensing vegetation studies. This research aimed to evaluate whether it is possible to use thermal infrared data to assess the health condition of selected species of deciduous trees in an urban environment. More specifically, the data must have a 3.6–4.9 µm spectral range, obtained during the day and the night. For this purpose, research was carried out in the city center of Warsaw (Poland) in 2020. During the airborne data acquisition, thermal data, laser scanning and RGB images were collected. Synchronously with airborne data, 617 ground references were obtained in different health condition classes (healthy, slightly poor condition, poor condition and dying) for five tree species: Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Aesculus hippocastanum, Tilia cordata and Tilia × euchlora. The results were as follows: (i) healthy trees were cooler than trees in poor condition and dying both during the daytime and nighttime; (ii) the difference in the canopy temperatures between healthy and dying trees was 1.06 °C of mean value on the nighttime data and 3.28 °C of mean value on the daytime data; (iii) all condition classes significantly differ from each other on daytime thermal data. The aerial thermal data can be considered a new alternative to hyperspectral data. Thermal sensing represents another method of assessing the health condition of trees in an urban environment – especially data obtained during the day, which can differentiate condition classes better than data obtained at night. The method based on thermal infrared and laser scanning data fusion could be a quick and efficient solution for identifying trees in poor health.  相似文献   



The species–area relationship (SAR) is the most ubiquitous scaling relationship in ecology, yet we still do not know how different aspects of scale affect this relationship. Scale is defined by grain, extent, and focus. Focus here pertains to whether patches or landscapes are used to derive SARs.


To explore whether altering the focal scale influences the resulting SAR. If the SAR is scale-invariant, patch-based and landscape-based SARs should be congruent.


I fit a power-law function (S = cA z) to arthropod data obtained from an experimental landscape system, in which habitat amount and configuration (clumped vs. fragmented) of red clover (Trifolium pratense) varied among plots (256 m2). The scaling coefficient (z) was compared among patch-based and landscape-based SARs for congruence.


Patches gained species at a faster rate than landscapes (z = 0.37 vs. 0.26, respectively), producing domains of incongruity in the SAR. Landscape richness (S L) was greater than patch richness (S P) below 30 % habitat, but S P > S L above 60 % habitat. Landscape configuration contributed to this incongruity below 30 % habitat (fragmented S L > clumped S L), but landscape context (whether the largest patch was embedded in a fragmented or clumped landscape) was important above 60 % habitat for understanding the SAR in this domain.


Landscape configuration exerts both direct (<30 % habitat) and indirect (>60 % habitat) effects on the SAR. Because patch-based and landscape-based SARs may not be congruent, we should exercise care when extrapolating from patches to landscapes to make inferences about the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on species richness.

Introduced tree species represent a substantial component of urban forests in cities all over the world. Yet there is controversy about the further use of introduced tree species. Many practice orientated publications,research papers and governmental websites in the fields of urban planning, urban forestry, and urban ecology argue for planting native species and avoiding introduced species. Such arguments for native-only species selection are also touted by environmental groups and the media. Consequently the debate has sometimes spiralled away from a sensible and rational platform where invasion risks and biodiversity loss are discussed, to a groundless and unreasonable argument where exotic species are generally considered incapable of providing ecosystem services. From a European perspective, we here aim to curate a set of necessary considerations for current and future discussions on native and non-native plant material in sustainable urban development. Using examples from Northern and Central Europe we illustrate that in some regions the catalogue of native tree species may be too limited to fulfil ecosystem services and resilience in harsh urban environments. A main message from our line of arguments is that we cannot afford to generally exclude non-native tree species from urban greening. If “native-only” approaches become incorporated in regional, national or international policy documents or legislation there is a risk that urban ecosystem resilience will be compromised, particularly in regions with extreme environmental conditions. Since both invasion risks and sizes of native species pools vary conspicuously at regional to continental scales we also argue to adapt urban policies on using non-native trees to regional contexts.  相似文献   

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes a destructive invasive tree disease known as ash dieback threatening the survival of common ash not only in the forests, but also in urban and landscape settings. Pruning is a potential management practice that could help maintain tree vitality and aesthetics in parks, gardens, alleys and recreation areas, as well as maintaining veteran trees having high heritage or cultural value, or trees with high genetic importance (e.g. located in clonal seed orchards). In this study we investigated the maximum distance proximal to the lesion margin at which H. fraxineus can be detected on individual branches infected by the fungus in order to provide recommendations for pruning. Pruning of branches was carried out on 38 trees in southern Sweden. Tissue samples including bark and wood were collected from the margin of the lesion and at 5 cm intervals proximal to the lesion. Molecular analysis revealed presence of H. fraxineus in 91.3% of the investigated lesions. The proportion of lesions at which H. fraxineus could be detected declined with increasing distance from the lesion margin, with a significant reduction in the number of positive samples at 10 cm proximal to the margin. At 30 cm from the lesion edge the pathogen was never detected. Our results suggest that routine pruning may help maintain the vitality of younger trees. Pruning branches at least 35 cm from visible, active lesions in the bark should exclude the fungus and therefore reduce the probability of stem infection by H. fraxineus, however this cultural control tactic may only be economically feasible for high value amenity trees.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Biodiversity patterns depend on landscape structure, but the spatial scale at which such dependence is strongest (scale of effect, SoE) remains poorly understood, especially for...  相似文献   

Modern cities are dominated by impervious surfaces that absorb, store and release heat in summer, create large volumes of runoff and provide limited biodiversity habitat and poor air quality can also be a health issue. Future climate change, including more frequent and extreme weather events will likely exacerbate these issues. Green infrastructure such as parks, gardens, street trees and engineered technologies such as green roofs and walls, facades and raingardens can help mitigate these problems. This relies on selecting plants that can persist in urban environments and improve stormwater retention, cooling, biodiversity and air pollution. However, plant selection for green infrastructure is challenging where there is limited information on species tolerance to heat and water variability or how these species can deliver multiple benefits. Therefore, we draw on research to illustrate how plant performance for green infrastructure can be inferred from plant attributes (i.e., traits) or from analysis of their natural distribution. We present a new framework for plant selection for green infrastructure and use a case study to demonstrate how this approach has been used to select trees and shrubs for Australian cities. We have shown through the case study and examples, how plant traits and species’ natural distribution can be used to overcome the lack of information on tolerance to both individual and multiple stressors; and how species contribute to the provision of benefits such as stormwater retention, cooling, biodiversity and air pollution mitigation. We also discuss how planting design and species diversity can contribute to achieving multiple benefits to make the most of contested space in dense cities, and to also reduce the risk of failure in urban greening.  相似文献   

We argue for the landscape ecology community to adopt the study of poverty and the ecology of landscapes as a Grand Challenge Topic. We present five areas of possible research foci that we believe that landscape ecologists can join with other social and environmental scientists to increase scientific understanding of this pressing issue: (1) scale and poverty; (2) landscape structure and human well-being; (3) social and ecological processes linked to spatial patterns in landscapes; (4) conservation and poverty, and (5) applying the landscape ecologist’s toolkit. A brief set of recommendations for landscape ecologists is also presented. These include the need to utilize broad frameworks that integrate social and ecological variables, build capacity to do this kind of work through the development of strong collaborations of researchers in developed and developing countries, create databases in international locations where extreme poverty exists, and create a new generation of researchers capable of addressing this pressing social and environmental issue.  相似文献   

Alien plant species invasion depends on biotic and abiotic conditions that can represent environmental barriers as compared to their native range conditions. Specifically, little is known about how alien plant species distribute along the urban-to-rural gradients based on their native climatic conditions, and how environmental conditions along these gradients could influence intraspecific trait variation. We studied the distribution of eight woody alien plant species from contrasted native range climates along urban-to-rural gradients in European areas with a temperate climate (hereafter termed oceanic Europe). During two consecutive summers and in the Belgian part of oceanic Europe, we then measured their intraspecific trait variation using the nitrogen balance index (NBI), chlorophyll content, flavonols index, specific leaf area (SLA) and internode space. Urban-to-rural gradients were characterized by a system of local climate zones (LCZ), the percentage of artificially sealed surfaces (urbanity) and the sky view factor (SVF). We found that the distribution of studied species in the LCZ classes was highly dependent on the climate of their native range, with species from warm climates occurring more in the most urban areas while the ones from cool climates preferred the more rural or natural areas. However, their intraspecific trait variation was not related to the LCZ class in which they grew, nor to their native climate. Instead, we found a surprisingly consistent effect of shielded environments (low SVF) along the entire urban-to-rural gradient on leaf and development traits. Such environments induced a lower leaf flavonols index and higher NBI and SLA, suggesting a shade response and possibly lower heat and drought stress. Our results show that although woody alien plant species from warmer or cooler native climates distributed differently along the urbanization gradient in oceanic Europe, they did not show contrasted intraspecific trait variation. Nevertheless, our findings highlight that even if the woody alien plant species from cooler native ranges are currently more present in the most natural areas, special attention should be paid to woody alien plant species from warmer native ranges that are yet restricted to the most urban areas and could potentially have severe impacts in the future when the barriers to their spread weaken with climate change.  相似文献   

Seagrasses, which form critical subtidal habitats for marine organisms worldwide, are fragmented via natural processes but are increasingly being fragmented and degraded by boating, fishing, and coastal development. We constructed an individual-based model to test how habitat fragmentation and loss influenced predator–prey interactions and cohort size for a group of settling juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) in seagrass landscapes. Using results from field studies suggesting that strong top-down processes influence the relationship between cannibalistic blue crab populations and seagrass landscape structure, we constructed a model in which prey (juvenile blue crabs) are eaten by mesopredators (larger blue crabs) which in turn are eaten by top-level predators (e.g., large fishes). In our model, we varied the following parameters within four increasingly fragmented seagrass landscapes to test for their relative effects on cohort size: juvenile blue crab (prey) predator avoidance response, hunting ability of mesopredators and predators, the presence of a top-level predator, and prey settlement routines. Generally, prey cohort size was maximized in the presence of top-level predators and when mesopredators and predators exhibited random searching behavior vs. directed hunting. Cohort size for stationary (tethered) prey was maximized in fragmented landscapes, which corresponds to results from field experiments, whereas mobile prey able to detect and avoid predators had higher survival in continuous landscapes. Prey settlement patterns had relatively small influences on cohort size. We conclude that the effects of seagrass fragmentation and loss on organisms such as blue crabs will depend heavily on behaviors of prey and predatory organisms and how these behaviors change with landscape structure.  相似文献   



The umbrella approach applied to landscape connectivity is based on the principle that the conservation or restoration of the dispersal habitats for some species also can facilitate the movement of others. Species traits alone do not seem to be enough to identify good connectivity umbrella species, showing the need to investigate the influence of additional factors on this property.


We test whether the potential of a species as a connectivity umbrella can be influenced by landscape composition and configuration.


We simulated movement routes for eight hypothetical species in artificial patchy landscapes with different levels of fragmentation, habitat amount and matrix permeability. We determined the effectiveness of the connectivity umbrella of the virtual species using pairwise intersections of important habitats for their movements in all landscapes.


The connectivity umbrella performance of all species was affected by the interaction of fragmentation level and habitat amount. In general, species performance increased with decreasing fragmentation and increasing habitat amount. In most landscapes and considering the same dispersal threshold, species able to move more easily through the matrix showed higher umbrella performance than those for which the matrix offered greater resistance.


The connectivity umbrella is not a static feature that depends only on the species traits, but rather a dynamic property that also varies according to the landscape attributes. Therefore, we do not recommend spatial transferability of the connectivity umbrella species identified in a landscape to others that have divergent levels of fragmentation and habitat quantity.

Urbanization has induced profound landscape changes. While the spatiotemporal patterns of urban landscapes have been extensively studied, the manner by which the internal structures of already urbanized areas change remains little understood. Characteristic scales are an important measure of landscape structure, and they represent the typical spatial extents of landscape elements in hierarchies. In this study, we quantified temporal variations of the characteristic scales in the central urban landscapes of Beijing and Shanghai over an 18?year period. Using transect data from Landsat images, characteristic scales were identified through wavelet analysis and then classified into several discrete domains using the k-means clustering method. These characteristic scale domains appeared to correspond with the typical extents of the blocks and block clusters in the study areas. Results showed that the number of the characteristic scale domains changed within a small range of 3?C5 while the mean values of the characteristic scales within the domains showed substantial temporal variation. Larger characteristic scales were more variable than smaller ones in both cities. Distinguishing relative change rates of building forms, land use and street layout of urban landscapes allowed us to interpret these differences. The street layout of urban landscapes usually reacts slowly to the force of change, acting as the skeleton of the urban landscape. As a result, block sizes can remain relatively stable and corresponding characteristic scales present inheritance features. Land use and building forms are more susceptible to changes. Block clusters with flexible extents could result in significant variation of characteristic scales.  相似文献   

Reintroduction projects represent viable options for animal conservation. They allow the establishment of new local populations and may contribute to recreating functional networks within a metapopulation. In the latter case, landscape connectivity may be a major determinant of the phase of spread of the reintroduced populations. Here, we deal with an example of a red deer (Cervus elaphus) translocation planned to enable the connection among existing isolated populations of the species in the Italian Alps. Our aim was to assess whether the analysis of landscape suitability and the simulation of dispersal of released individuals could shed light on the actual process of population spread. For these purposes, we adopted a modelling approach using radiotracking data to develop a habitat suitability map. On the basis of this map, we simulated the dispersal of the animals after release and we then compared the simulation results with the outcome of null models and with the observed population redistribution. The results suggest that the spread of the subpopulation was easier north-westward than southward. Taking into account landscape suitability, our simulations produced a reliable estimate of the ease of colonization of the valleys neighbouring the release-site and they allowed the identification and validation of a potential pathway for animal dispersal. The suitability model based on the monitoring of individuals in the earliest phase of establishment shed light on the spread of the population and on its potential connections with other deer subpopulations.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace (UGS) is important for human wellbeing, particularly physical and mental health, and is claimed to support social cohesion. However, the expansion and densification of urban centres in recent decades has occurred largely at the expense of UGS. This risks its attractiveness for users. Although recent research has identified various factors that influence the use of UGS in different contexts, few studies have taken an explicit, bottom-up approach to understand which factors constrain willingness to use it. This study analyses responses from an online survey in Sweden (N = 2806) to identify the main constraints to UGS usage, and for whom these are constraints. Respondents could select from 22 different types of constraints – relating to incivilities, management, accessibility and availability, safety, and personal issues. Respondents could also provide comments to identify additional constraints. Incivilities were the most perceived problem. For example, litter was selected by 53% of respondents, while vandalism was selected by 24%. At the same time, many respondents perceived few or no constraints – 59% stated that nothing prevented them from using UGS, while 35% stated that they saw no problems. Safety-related and accessibility/availability constraints were not strongly identified although many respondents commented that UGS in Sweden is inadequate given the large number of users, and that the UGS that people want to use the most is often inaccessible without a car. Multiple binary logistic regression was used to investigate relationships between perceptions of constraints and fourteen predictor variables. Odds ratios were used to determine whether significant (p < 0.05) relationships were meaningful. Our findings show that different groups have starkly divergent perceptions of constraints relating to UGS. Several key factors – including age, self-reported nature-connectedness, distance to UGS, and frequency of use – were associated with a heightened likelihood of perceiving different groups of constraints. However, relationships between constraints and factors relating to environmental justice were not straightforward. These findings indicate the complexity of UGS planning challenges relating to densification, the New Urban Agenda and promotion of societal benefits, and a need to further integrate multiple user perspectives, especially of younger adults and infrequent users.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of hedgerow plant diversity in agricultural landscapes remains a difficult task, because the potential drivers affect the complete range of biodiversity components (alpha to gamma diversity). We surveyed herbaceous plant communities (of a height <1.5 m) in 84 hedgerows in the Seine river floodplain of France. Two types of potential drivers for species richness, accounting for landscape mosaic and hedgerow network, were recorded at both hedgerow and site scale. The distribution of species richness through the components of alpha hedgerow diversity (i.e. the average diversity within a habitat) and gamma hedgerow diversity (i.e. the total diversity across habitats) were assessed using additive partitioning methods, while the relationship between species diversity and its potential landscape drivers at both scales was modeled using Generalized Additive Models. Our results indicated that gamma hedgerow diversity is explained by the heterogeneity of the landscape structure, which is correlated with the mosaic of agricultural land use. At this scale, intrinsic properties of the configuration of the hedgerow networks have a weak influence on species richness. Alpha hedgerow diversity is also explained by landscape variables, accounting for both the configuration of agricultural mosaics and hedgerow networks, but to a lesser extent. Time lags for species responses are shown at both scales, and for the two types of drivers. Extinction or colonization debt may be indicated at both scales, while the remnant effects of former practices may also be responsible for such patterns at a local scale. We suggest that hedgerow management should take the specific parameters of both scales into account. At a local scale, management actions should aim to decrease the influence of adjacent land use when the impact is negative, through the implementation of extended buffer zones, while at the landscape and farm scales, agri-environmental schemes should be dedicated to the conservation of specific agricultural land uses.  相似文献   

As part of the restoration process of an avenue of common lime (Tilia × europaea) from 1760 in the Royal Danish Gardens, all remaining trees were genotyped with DNA markers before they were felled. As such, information about the nature of the plant material (clonal versus non-clonal) and mode of propagation was obtained, revealing that a single clone constituted 92% of the remaining trees (106 out of 115). Five trees were of another clone, while the remaining four trees had unique genotypes. Mode of clonal propagation was most likely layering since the genotype of the crown and the roots of a subsample of the trees had the same genotype. Trees from four other locations with historical avenues/plantings from the 17th century were also genotyped. The two clones registered in the first location were also found at the other four locations. Of 76 trees from the other historical avenues/plantings, only two trees did not belong to either of the two clones. Genotyping of commercial common lime trees that would be planted in place of the felled trees during the restoration project was also performed. Samples of 20 newly planted trees all possessed the same genotype as the majority of the old felled trees and, thereby, were the same clone as the trees planted nearly 250 years ago. Altogether, the current study shows that the genetic diversity of common lime planted in Danish historical plantings is extremely narrow, and that the same clones have been produced for decades/centuries by private nurseries in the Netherlands and Germany. It also provides evidence that it is possible to obtain the same genetic material as originally planted when common lime trees are to be replaced in historical plantings. Furthermore, the utility of DNA markers in the management of plant material in parks is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Increasing fertiliser use in agricultural landscapes is likely to threaten the viability of remnant native vegetation in many parts of the world. Australia’s prime grain production landscapes have nutrient poor soils, which formerly supported semi-arid woodland. The ecological function and capacity for regeneration of these remnants may be particularly susceptible to nutrient enrichment. The key sources of nutrients are wind and water deposition from crop fertilisation, and manure and feed from sheep. We hypothesised that these sources would result in unequal deposition of nutrients within and among remnant vegetation patches. We surveyed soil nutrients (Total N, Available P and K, C:N ratio, and soil pH) in the edges and interiors of 60 remnant woodland patches of various sizes, and in adjacent cultivated paddocks. Nutrient load was negatively correlated with remnant size and patterns were particularly strong for available P. Small remnant patches (<3 ha) were accumulation zones for nutrients, with levels comparable or higher than within crop lands. The patterns are consistent with the hypothesis that small remnants are strongly enriched as a result of being used for livestock shelter. In larger remnants, the primary cause of enrichment is consistent with edge accumulation of nutrients due to wind and water movement. In large patches, remnant edges, particularly the windward edge, were elevated compared to interiors of large patches. In these semi-arid crop lands, current trends in intensification of cropping and a shift away from livestock may reduce the input of nutrients to small patches but increase the nutrient threat to larger remnants.  相似文献   

Cultural ecosystem services (CESs) intangibly influence many aspects of public daily life, and when evaluating them, it is difficult to obtain perception data. Spatial value transfer predicts the ecosystem service value of policy sites based on the spatial associations of study sites with services value. This approach has the potential to produce an evaluation without perception data. Previous studies have preliminarily researched the validity and effects of using spatial value transfer to evaluate CESs, but, there are doubts about the transfer performance of indicators, differences among various CES types, and the impact of the physical environment. This study examines the above key points of spatial value transfer in depth, with urban parks as the study area to assess three types of CES values that are closely related to human well-being: aesthetic, historical and recreational value. Two popular indicators, area under the curve statistics and transfer error rate, are used to evaluate transfer performance. The results reveal that historical values have the best transfer performance, and transfer error is lower in transfers from small locations to large locations with environmental variable combinations that include road network, water coverage and attraction distribution. The transfer error rate indicator could not only assess the overall transfer performance but also generate maps to reflect the distribution and value of transfer error. We suggest that more knowledge of minor differences in physical factors and developing specific transfer coefficients for them are necessary to enhance the accuracy of CES evaluation by spatial value transfer.  相似文献   


An S25-RNase gene in the pistil responsible for self-incompatibility within the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) was cloned from a McIntosh cultivar. We developed an S25-allele-specific polymerase chain reaction and digestion (PCR-digestion) method using specific primers and the restriction enzyme BamHI. We investigated the S-allele genotypes of 18 ‘McIntosh’ progeny.  相似文献   

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