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The maintenance and gain of enterprise value have something to do with human capital. Human capital impels the realization of enterprise value through their inter-relationship, depending on given organization environment. This article systemically analyses tier value chain, paratactic value chain and network value chain, which are formed in the course of the creating value by human capital, then educes the adjustors of the management and forms according to the environment. 相似文献
新生代农民工人力资本的维度分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
运用人力资本理论研究新生代农民工的生存和发展问题,具有重要的现实意义。以此,结合新生代农民工人力资本问题研究的困惑,在新生代农民工人力资本特性的基础上,提出新生代农民工人力资本的3个维度和7项指标,并给出1个案例,分析新生代农民工人力资本维度的相互关系。最后,指出新生代农民工人力资本的维度分析将给新生代农民工人力资本投资问题带来诸多启示。 相似文献
人力资本视角的农民工城市化研究综述及展望 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了给农民工城市化以更具体的理论及实践指导,重点概述了国内外学者有关农民工人力资本对其城市化影响,以及在城市化进程中农民工分化的研究,运用社会分层结构理论、人力资本理论等交叉学科理论研究发现:农民工人力资本不仅对农民工分层具有现实的引导与整合功能,也对城市遴选农民工具有现实的引导与整合功能,农民工人力资本在不同层次农民工与不同类型城市之间,扮演着十分重要的耦合角色。由此可以得知,从农民工自身与城市双向提升农民工人力资本水平,是当今解决广大农民工城市化问题最为妥善的内在路径之一。 相似文献
城镇化与农村人力资本积累之间的关系将会影响到乡村振兴战略和城乡融合发展的成败。基于理论分析和2005—2017年中国省级面板数据,采用固定效应、面板工具变量估计方法检验城镇化对农村人力资本积累的因果效应和内在机制。结果表明:(1)在控制其他变量的条件下,城镇化对农村人力资本积累具有显著的正向影响,城镇化率每提高一个百分点,农村人均人力资本大约增加1200~1300元;(2)城镇化强化了农村家庭人口质量偏好,农村人力资本投资持续增加,即城镇化对农村人力资本的深化效应是借助人口质量偏好机制而现实的。上述发现进一步澄清了城镇化与农村人力资本积累之间的逻辑关系,并为政府部门在设计和完善相关政策方面提供理论启发和经验证据。 相似文献
WANG Bing-jie GONG Xian-wen 《保鲜与加工》2004,(5):143-146
According to Coase and Alchian's definition ,the corporation is a contract consisting of variety essential factors.The essential factors of the firm can be separated into human capital and non-human capical. The owner of the factors will be confronted with rearrangement of the property rights when forming a contract. At the same time, the firm is a special contract which different from other short-term contract. Therefore, its property rights arrangement is dynamic and its surplus distribution is dynamic ,too. By analyzing the arrangement process of the property rights and surplus, the paper draws a conclusion about distribution equilibrium. 相似文献
农民专业合作社型人力资本团队能充分发挥家庭分散生产与团体交易的优势,并为资金、技术与农村人力资本的结合提供了平台,在新农村建设中发挥着重要的作用。利用湖北省荆州市、松滋市、潜江市、武汉市及襄樊市的5个市173户农户的调查数据,基于probit模型对农民专业合作社型人力资本团队形成的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究表明:农民专业合作社型人力资本团队对年轻人的吸引力大,对文化程度高的农民的吸引力差,对主导农产品占家庭收入高的农户吸引力大。因此,农民专业合作社型人力资本团队应围绕当地主导产业组建,并不断探索发展新机制,增强其影响力与吸引力。 相似文献
After reviewing the capital structure theories briefly,the paper researches the impact of financial engineering on corporate capital structure .The model analysis shows that financial engineering can decrease the cost of capital, then improve the financing capacity and effect the rate of debt.Executive Stock option improves managerial incentives and is a challenge to capital structure managerial incentives theory. 相似文献
Improves investment decision method NPV method by introducing risk. This paper CAPM and certainty equivalent wealthare applied because of NCF'S volatility of venture capital projects, on the basis of which, debt capital is introduced. the dissertation derives a levered risky project's NPV formula, which broadens applying range and lessens constrain conditions. For risky projects investment decision, the research provides a new theoretical basis. 相似文献
The paper makes a study of the application of grey linear programming in deciding the capital structure. First, the normal grey linear programming is introduced. Second, some factors are introduced which affect the capital structure. Then the authors introduce how to establish the models of grey linear programming of capital structure and how to use it. 相似文献
氮肥用量和栽插密度对水稻茎秆力学特性的影响研究 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
以6个抗倒伏性有一定差异的中籼稻品种为材料,设置了3个氮肥水平、3个栽插密度,分别测定了各处理下的茎秆力学特性,分析了氮肥用量和栽插密度对水稻茎秆力学特性的影响。结果表明:在同等密度下,随着施氮量的增加,弯曲应力,株高,基节弯矩,都逐渐增大;而倒伏指数先降低再升高,即中肥区倒伏指数最小,倒伏的可能性最小。在同一施氮水平下,随着栽插密度的减小,基节弯矩,断面模数和倒伏指数先减小后增大,弯曲应力先增大后减小,而折断弯矩却明显增高。即在适宜的施肥水平下,栽插不宜过稀也不宜过密。高肥水平下稀植,低肥水平下密植,都有可能降低倒伏指数。稀植条件下,基节折断弯矩的变化单靠构成茎秆材料的数量来实现;密植条件下,基节折断弯矩的变化是通过断面模数和弯曲应力两因素共同实现的。实际生产中,施氮量既不能过高,也不能过低,而且不同类型的品种,对施氮量和栽插密度的要求有所不同。改进现有高产品种茎秆的质地可能是进一步提高水稻抗倒性的有效途径。 相似文献
JIA Yan-yan 《保鲜与加工》2004,(2):106-109
In this paper, the problems of bringing natural resources and environmental condition into accounting are discussed and lay emphasis on object measurement, imaging and disclosure in accounting report of environmental accounting. The author suggests that the environmental accounting is the necessary production of global economy for sustainable development in modern society; it is also a new ecological accounting subject formed by the result of environmental economies and accounting penetrating into each other. As a contribution of accounting circles to sustainable development, environmental accounting has become a hot topic in recent years. 相似文献
由于生物质-垃圾混合燃烧可以明显提高垃圾入炉热值、并缓解生物质露天无序燃烧所造成的大气污染和交通安全威胁等,因此逐渐成为国内外研究的重点。但是生物质掺烧的同时也带来了结渣加剧、腐蚀增强和PM10、二噁英排放量增大等问题。本文针对生物质的特点及其与垃圾混燃过程中产生的环境问题进行分析,对生物质掺烧进行综合的评价和认识。 相似文献
Financing is the prerequisite for an enterprise to start,survive and develop.To maximize its market value,an enterprise needs to take the revenue and cost derived from various kinds of financing into consideration and make out the optimum financing structure and the best ratio debt level.Based on the MM theory and equilibrium theory,the article prove the economic model of the best enterprise capital structure: P_L = P_u +[ P_u-R(d)(1-T_c)]d.Proposition 1.If P_u >R(d)(1-T_c),the debt financing can bring the good effect.Proposition 2.If P_u 相似文献
The principal purpose of this study is to investigate the association between the efficiency of value-added by a major components of a firm's resource (human capital,physical capital and structural capital) and corporate performance (profitability).Data consists of 30 firms are drown from computer area.Empirical analysis is conducted with correlation and linear multiple regression analysis.Findings from empirical analysis indicate that association between physical capital and profitability is statistically significant,there is a positive relation between human capital and firm performance,but not statistically significant.Accordingly, we analyse the factors that probably affect the findings. 相似文献
This paper defines the concept of product quality index to describe the product quality differentiation. The author analyses the inferences of product quality index on the product demand function and the cost functions.Then,it proposes a theoretical model of the equilibrium choices of product quality index,quantity and price By calculating theequilibrium outcome,the paper points out what strategies the enterprise should choose in different conditions. 相似文献
To research the distortions of Chinese economy under a system of free markets, a computable general equilibrium model is constructed. And we will derive the model. The conclusions of the study are: (1) prices and resource allocation in the 1995 Chinese economy were substantially distorted; (2) labor was be overpaid and capital was underpaid in most non-agriculture sectors;(3) More the agricultural labor force would have been employed by the non-agricultural sectors had China been a market economy. (4) The elimination of these distortions would imply a significant improvement in allocation efficiency and a redistribution of income from labor to capital, from households to the state, and from urban households to rural households. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the influences of multi_consumer_types on the product differentiation under the condition of separated or connected consumer market. It forms the demand functions of differentiated_products of the enterprises facing multi_consumer_types,reviews the affection of differentiated products combination on the cost function with the conept of scopeeconomy. All after these,the paper points out the critical condition to Shoose the production mode of one product or multi_products_combination,and forms a theoretic equilibrium model to determine the product quality index,quantity and price of the differentiated_products of the enterprises under the condition of consumer differentiation. 相似文献