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梁弘 《中国农学通报》2006,22(12):511-511
20世纪60年代以来兴起的现代人力资本理论及科学技术的广泛运用,劳动生产物中凝聚了越来越多的智力因素等,人力资本是现代经济增长的主要驱动力是十分明显的;我国目前正进入城市化进程加速时期,加快县域经济的发展是必经之道。主要采用计量经济分析方法、动态分析方法和比较动态分析方法,选取了基于人力资本的寿光市经济增长模式这一课题来进行研究,试图发现人力资本对经济增长的贡献程度以提出更好的利用人力资本提升经济增长来加快城市化进程的对策与建议。  相似文献   

To research the distortions of Chinese economy under a system of free markets, a computable general equilibrium model is constructed. And we will derive the model. The conclusions of the study are: (1) prices and resource allocation in the 1995 Chinese economy were substantially distorted; (2) labor was be overpaid and capital was underpaid in most non-agriculture sectors;(3) More the agricultural labor force would have been employed by the non-agricultural sectors had China been a market economy. (4) The elimination of these distortions would imply a significant improvement in allocation efficiency and a redistribution of income from labor to capital, from households to the state, and from urban households to rural households.  相似文献   

According to Coase and Alchian's definition ,the corporation is a contract consisting of variety essential factors.The essential factors of the firm can be separated into human capital and non-human capical. The owner of the factors will be confronted with rearrangement of the property rights when forming a contract. At the same time, the firm is a special contract which different from other short-term contract. Therefore, its property rights arrangement is dynamic and its surplus distribution is dynamic ,too. By analyzing the arrangement process of the property rights and surplus, the paper draws a conclusion about distribution equilibrium.  相似文献   

新生代农民工人力资本的维度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘万云 《中国农学通报》2011,27(17):187-191
运用人力资本理论研究新生代农民工的生存和发展问题,具有重要的现实意义。以此,结合新生代农民工人力资本问题研究的困惑,在新生代农民工人力资本特性的基础上,提出新生代农民工人力资本的3个维度和7项指标,并给出1个案例,分析新生代农民工人力资本维度的相互关系。最后,指出新生代农民工人力资本的维度分析将给新生代农民工人力资本投资问题带来诸多启示。  相似文献   

The principal purpose of this study is to investigate the association between the efficiency of value-added by a major components of a firm's resource (human capital,physical capital and structural capital) and corporate performance (profitability).Data consists of 30 firms are drown from computer area.Empirical analysis is conducted with correlation and linear multiple regression analysis.Findings from empirical analysis indicate that association between physical capital and profitability is statistically significant,there is a positive relation between human capital and firm performance,but not statistically significant.Accordingly, we analyse the factors that probably affect the findings.  相似文献   

The maintenance and gain of enterprise value have something to do with human capital. Human capital impels the realization of enterprise value through their inter-relationship, depending on given organization environment. This article systemically analyses tier value chain, paratactic value chain and network value chain, which are formed in the course of the creating value by human capital, then educes the adjustors of the management and forms according to the environment.  相似文献   

在全球范围内大力倡导生态环保和绿色消费的今天,我国政府也采取了一系列提高生态环保效益经济、建设生态经济的战略措施。蜂产品是蜜蜂为了其种族的生存与繁衍向自然界索取精华并进行加工的产品,包括蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂花粉、蜂蜡和蜂胶等。蜂产品化学组成复杂,且含有多种生理活性极强的生物活性物质,具有提高人体免疫能力、增强记忆力、消除疲劳以及抗衰老和美容的功效,是大自然赋人类最珍贵的礼品。大力推动长白山生态蜂产品的综合开发,有助于发挥长白山动植物资源优势,打造长白山天然食品的品牌,对地方经济的发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

人力资本是现代农业发展的重要生产要素。利用台湾官方的统计资料,选取受教育程度、性别和年龄三个指标,分析了20世纪80年代以来台湾农业人力资本的变化及其与农业发展的关系,指出大陆应该重视农村职业教育,正视农村社会保障和人口老龄化问题,积极发展乡镇经济,加快小城镇建设,大力推进农村剩余劳动力内部转移  相似文献   

城镇化与农村人力资本积累之间的关系将会影响到乡村振兴战略和城乡融合发展的成败。基于理论分析和2005—2017年中国省级面板数据,采用固定效应、面板工具变量估计方法检验城镇化对农村人力资本积累的因果效应和内在机制。结果表明:(1)在控制其他变量的条件下,城镇化对农村人力资本积累具有显著的正向影响,城镇化率每提高一个百分点,农村人均人力资本大约增加1200~1300元;(2)城镇化强化了农村家庭人口质量偏好,农村人力资本投资持续增加,即城镇化对农村人力资本的深化效应是借助人口质量偏好机制而现实的。上述发现进一步澄清了城镇化与农村人力资本积累之间的逻辑关系,并为政府部门在设计和完善相关政策方面提供理论启发和经验证据。  相似文献   

为缓解生态保护与当地可持续发展的矛盾,本文以河北省青崖寨自然保护区为例,采用调查问卷和条件价值评估法,研究分析当地农户生态补偿意愿与生计资本.结果 表明,保护区农户平均生态补偿意愿期望值为4148元/hm2,农户需求的主要补偿方式为现金补偿,其次为政策补偿和实物补偿,技术补偿需求度最低.农户政策补偿需求最高的两项分别为...  相似文献   

Financing is the prerequisite for an enterprise to start,survive and develop.To maximize its market value,an enterprise needs to take the revenue and cost derived from various kinds of financing into consideration and make out the optimum financing structure and the best ratio debt level.Based on the MM theory and equilibrium theory,the article prove the economic model of the best enterprise capital structure: P_L = P_u +[ P_u-R(d)(1-T_c)]d.Proposition 1.If P_u >R(d)(1-T_c),the debt financing can bring the good effect.Proposition 2.If P_u 相似文献   

农业和农村经济的发展离不开资金的支持,财政对农业的投入是“三农”发展的重要资金来源。文章利用大量的统计数据分析了浙江随着经济社会的发展,财政收入的不断增加,政府对农业的投入规模呈增长趋势,但财政支农水平还处于低水平,总量不足,因此合理确定财政支农规模具有重要的现实意义和经济意义。本文结合经济数量模型,探讨了浙江财政对农业支出的合理规模。  相似文献   

After reviewing the capital structure theories briefly,the paper researches the impact of financial engineering on corporate capital structure .The model analysis shows that financial engineering can decrease the cost of capital, then improve the financing capacity and effect the rate of debt.Executive Stock option improves managerial incentives and is a challenge to capital structure managerial incentives theory.  相似文献   

This paper departs from the existing growth literature in not assuming a priori a specific production technology and offering instead a theory of production technology that captures the effects of changes in the level, composition, and forces of accumulation of capital on the productivity of an economy. The theory of production technology shows that an affluent knowledge‐rich economy violates the Inada second condition because of its high level of knowledge, human, and social capital. Substitution of knowledge capital for physical capital and the self‐reinforcing nature of the process of accumulation of knowledge, human, and social capital are the engines of growth in such economies. Poor economies, on the other hand, may exhibit neoclassical production technology of diminishing returns to capital and get trapped into a low‐level steady state owing to their ever‐growing need for physical capital and also to unfavorable supply conditions for knowledge capital, lower levels of knowledge, human, and social capital in these economies being inadequate to trigger the self‐reinforcing dynamics. The mechanics of endogenous growth are essentially different in rich and poor economies because the production possibility surface is non‐convex in the former, and this difference explains the sustained divergence of their growth rates.  相似文献   

农村人力资本现状及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:我国农村人力资本积累起点低,农业从业人员大部分是小学和初中文化程度的劳动者。后续的人力资本投资又存在着一系列的问题。农村劳动力医疗保健投资少且主要投资在疾病治疗上;农村劳动力培训投资少,人力资本积累不足,农民增收后劲乏力。造成农村人力资本现状的原因是多方面的。一方面,政府对农村人力资本投资没有足够的重视,财政投入少;农村劳动力培训本身存在着一系列的问题。另一方面,农民收入有限,特别是农民思想观念陈旧、落后,跟不上时代的发展。  相似文献   

农户是土地承包权调整方式的“践行者”,也是调整效果的“检验者”,探究其认可度对相关政策的制定与可持续发展实施至关重要。基于江西省510份农户的调查数据,从生计资本视角运用Ordered Logit模型,就农户土地承包权调整方式认可度及影响因素展开研究分析。研究发现:(1)样本农户生计资本总值与各项生计资本指数都较低,五大生计资本指数存在显著差异性,其中生计资本指数最高、自然资本指数最低。(2)人力资本中,文化程度、是否有非农技能和家人健康状况都呈显著影响;自然资本中,承包地面积呈显著正向影响;物质资本中,货车数量呈显著负向影响;金融资本中,家庭年收入和贷款难度都呈显著影响;社会资本中,是否有村干部和是否经常参加村会议都呈显著影响。在此结果基础上,提出了要发挥政府主导作用,加大相关宣传,也要因地制宜,在稳定的承包关系下,根据村庄实际情况选择土地承包权调整方式的政策建议。  相似文献   

机会成本对村镇银行发展速度的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李小鹤 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):116-122
村镇银行发展缓慢,监管部门政策屡次调整都效果有限。为解释这一现象,笔者引入机会成本,分析其对村镇银行最优规模的影响。通过使用均衡分析方法,在假设每个微观主体都是理性人的基础上,建立数学模型,求解影响村镇银行最优规模的因子。分析发现:在转型经济体和发展中国家中,由于市场竞争不充分,各产业间的资本回报率没有出现收敛趋势,机会成本对企业规模有重要影响;不同经济主体组建村镇银行的理性选择不同;银行业金融机构面临较大的机会成本,因而缺乏大规模组建村镇银行的意愿;民间资本投资难,客观上使得其具有成为村镇银行主发起人的机会成本比较优势。主发起人制度急需改革,只有引入机会成本更低的经济主体才可能促进村镇银行的大规模发展。  相似文献   

Much of the post‐development agenda is concerned with decoupling Eurocentric imaginings of development from development practices in ‘remote’ regions and exploring new forms of economy that can enhance local well‐being. In the South Pacific (and elsewhere), small peripheral economies have confronted globalisation in varying ways. Some places, such as the Micronesian island state of Kiribati, have engaged directly with the global economy by investing capital generated locally in international financial markets rather than in domestic industries. Kiribati's trust fund, the Revenue Equalisation Reserve Fund, maintains a balanced portfolio of international equity and fixed income assets that produces a financial return, helping to augment Kiribati's other national income sources. In this paper we explore the results of capital flowing from Kiribati to global financial markets, noting that this alternative development practice can enhance local well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the limitation of regarding the weighted average cost of capital as the optimal standard of capital structure in the traditional capital structure decision-making method, and analyzes the view that the capital structure is affected by many factors,such as earning power, long-term stability of operating, the attitudes held by owners and operators, the attitudes held by creditors and financial risk. With the example, the affecting factors of the capital structure is analyzed. The fuzzy synthetic evaluation model are employed to decision-making of the capital structure. This article also shows the key point of its application.  相似文献   

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