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The stimulation and the optimal design for bus ride comfort have played an importable roles in design and reform of automobile products. The new vibration comfort coefficient is applied to evaluate the ride comfort of automobile, and the software is developed. It is verified that the study has theoretical and practical value significantly.  相似文献   

After reviewing the capital structure theories briefly,the paper researches the impact of financial engineering on corporate capital structure .The model analysis shows that financial engineering can decrease the cost of capital, then improve the financing capacity and effect the rate of debt.Executive Stock option improves managerial incentives and is a challenge to capital structure managerial incentives theory.  相似文献   

Product design is a procedure that enterprises meet the needs of consumers; conceptive design is one of the steps in product design and it directly considers requirements of consumers. So how to supply consumers with satisfying function is the essential point. On the basis of function analysis of Value Engineering, the paper puts forward a new method to exercise function definition and function analysis, implements conceptual product design procedure with database techniques.A new way is gotten to convert requirements to conceptual product.  相似文献   

This paper briefly introduces the contents and characteristics of the software reuse technology and industrial control software. The development of the software reuse technology in industrial control software area is discussed emphatically. Then the article brings forward a kind of thought that establishes standard element class library and develops the application program frame adapts to industrial control area. Namely, they are the establishment of the reuse of standard element class library based on the level of class library, the design of the reuse of the program frame based on the level of design, the amelioration of the reuse of the designing method based on the level of analysis. This thought improves on design method of industrial control software and is applied in the real-time monitoring system for the high-press water pump station.  相似文献   

将提取的南瓜籽粗多糖加入传统的拉面面团中,以期改善传统拉面的品质与营养。选取南瓜籽多糖添加量、加水量、盐添加量、速溶蓬灰添加量、面团静置时间5个单因素,以面团TPA质构的综合得分为指标进行优化。结果表明:经主成分分析法提取公因子,确立综合得分计算模型,得到综合得分(Y)与弹性(X1)、咀嚼性(X2)、硬度(X3)的关系为:Y=0.375X1+0.351X2+0.364X3;在单因素的基础上进行响应面试验,得到南瓜籽多糖拉面面团的最佳制作工艺为:小麦粉约200 g(以此为基准),加水量44.6%,南瓜籽多糖添加量7.1%,食盐添加量3%,蓬灰添加量0.6%,静置时间30 min,此时面团综合得分最高,拉面面团质构指标优良。  相似文献   

农业农村节能减排技术选择影响因素的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建州 《中国农学通报》2009,25(23):406-412
通过对福建省永安市八一村和沙县延溪村的问卷调查,应用logistics模型对影响农户选择农业部农业农村节能减排“十大”技术的主要因素进行实证分析,结果表明:是否获得政府补贴、农户对污染的可控性态度、经营土地总面积和家庭能源月消费额等四个因素对农户采纳沼气技术具有显著影响;影响农户采纳太阳能技术的主要因素是农户受教育年限和采纳技术是否获得政府补贴;而农户采纳轮作技术主要是受教育年限、经营土地总面积、获取农业信息的渠道数、是否参加农技部门的指导和培训、对农业部门的服务是否满意等因素的影响。据此提出节能减排技术的推广应采取政府主导型、加大宣传努力提高农民素质和提倡适度规模经营等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

We designed a collaborative monitoring system based on JXTA. The system integrates P2P network technology with network management technology. We introduced the mechanism of JXTAs peer group, discussed the necessity of using a P2P network in a peer group application, presented the cooperative work scheme of P2P network, and emphasized the mechanism of peer group collaborative monitoring network when applying P2P network technology. The implementation method of the system was put forward by remotely monitoring the CISCO3640 port utilization ratio. The system features expansibility, usability, interoperability, high performance, decentralization, and robustness.  相似文献   

正交设计优化扁蓿豆ISSR反应体系的研究(英文)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以扁蓿豆(Medicago ruthenica)为试材,采用改良的CTAB法提取DNA,利用正交设计L16(45)探讨10×PCRBuffer(含Mg2+)、dNTPs、引物、TaqDNA聚合酶及模板DNA用量对扁蓿豆ISSR-PCR反应的影响,正交试验的结果采用直观分析和方差分析相结合。建立了扁蓿豆的ISSR-PCR优化反应体系,在25μL反应体系中,TaqDNA聚合酶1.5U,10×PCR Buffer(含Mg2+)2.0 mmol/L,模板DNA0.5 ng/μL,dNTPs 0.6 mmol/L,引物0.9μmol/L。同时探讨引物HZD09211的最适退火温度为52.3℃。2个不同引物对20份扁蓿豆材料DNA进行ISSR-PCR扩增,结果显示该体系具有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

Chilli pigment is a kind of substance drawn from the rind of the ripe chilli. As a hot point of the research of natural pigment, it has a high-applied value and a good market in home and abroad. The character of chilli pigment, extracting technics, purifying technology are outlined based on the accomplishments in recent years, and the flow of technics and the quality of products are compared. Some typical methods are enumerated such as organic solvent extraction, column chromatography and Supercritical CO 2 fluid extraction. Furthermore, the viewpoint and suggestion on the farther study of chilli pigment are put forward and they will provide reference for the research.  相似文献   

A simulation system for logistics in steel-making process has been developed by analyzing the state of logistics in steel plant, integrating the approach of coloured Petri nets with time and queuing network and using object-oriented methodology. The software functions for building-up simulation model, executing simulation, managing simulations, playing demo, analyzing statistics and online help. The objectives and principles of the simulation software have schematically been introduced. At last, the software is visually validated with measured input data of primary logistics in Vanadium-extracting, Steel-making Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Corporation. A Gantt diagram and statistics of simulation case are included in simulation results and can be used to assist decision-making for scheduling in steel-making process.  相似文献   

崔丹  袁正腾 《中国农学通报》2015,31(23):215-223
为对海南旱季空中云水资源进行有效利用和开发,增大地面降雨量,缓解旱情,通过科学的效果检验验证和分析研究,找出针对海南典型云系的统计检验和物理检验最佳结合的非随机化效果检验方法。通过相似离度判别法用软件自动选取对比云进行效果评估,具体分析了海南省西部农业抗旱火箭增雨作业每个点对流单体的催化效果,对于无对流单体的区域采用非随机化区域对比分析方法评估。二者结果对比发现,在回波顶高方面,对流单体的催化统计效果更好,在液态水含量增大方面,区域对比的催化统计效果显著。其雷达回波各参量之差曲线图,可以通过斜率的变化来清楚的判定目标云的增长趋势,也可判定对比云的消亡时间。从整体而言,虽然二者的分析方法和分析对象不同,但其可以互相补充,互相论证,极大的提高了海南本地化增雨效果的准确性。  相似文献   

食品工艺学实践教学是食品科学与工程专业培养高素质人才的基础,采用基础实验、综合实验和理论知识提升的递进式模式,探讨了不同实践教学阶段采取的相应方法和手段,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The relationship between value Engineering and technology innovation was studied in the paper, and the thinking process and basic working procedure were farther discussed. The theory and application of Value Engineering got farther improvement.  相似文献   

细胞工程实验是细胞工程课程的重要组成部分,是一门实践性和综合性很强的实验。传统的实验模式比较单一,对于培养学生创新能力不利。而设计性实验以提高学生的综合素质、培养创新能力为教学目的。探讨了设计性实验在细胞工程学实验教学中的重要性及实施步骤,为进一步完善"细胞工程"教学改革奠定了基础。  相似文献   

农民专业合作组织在实践中已经成为我国农村经济发展的合理选择,但在其创建过程中还受到多种因素的制约,运用新制度经济学有关制度变迁与创新理论,从合作组织发起人与社员的制度博弈均衡的角度阐发了合作组织创建的内在机制。  相似文献   

The basic phase is selected according to the measured phase diagram, two isothermal sections and two vertical sections of the Al 2O 3-CaO-SiO 2 ternary system are calculated using FACT software. The sections in the same conditions are described through the measured phase diagram. Because of the complexity of this ternary system, there is a large difference between the measured and the calculated phase diagram. It is necessary for FACT to ameliorate the calculation model and perfect the database in calculating oxide system which the interaction is strong. For this kind system, the isothermal section and vertical section should be founded through the experiment result and referencing the calculated phase diagram at the same time.  相似文献   

刘海清 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):111-115
为分析海南农垦天然橡胶产业的科技投入对产业的影响程度,运用Cobb-Douglas生产函数构建海南农垦天然橡胶生产函数模型,以海南农垦1995-2009年天然橡胶生产的有关数据为例,测算了海南农垦天然橡胶产业科技进步贡献率为80.04%,说明科学技术的发展对海南农垦天然橡胶产业做出了较大的贡献。最后提出了实现海南农垦天然橡胶生产稳定发展的对策建议,即加快更新、增加科技投入、加强人才队伍建设等。  相似文献   

Based on fuzzy sets theory, a kind of method for analyzing the sensitivity in engineering structures of which design parameters are fuzzy variables is presented. The structural response sensitivity is analyzed by means of "simulate load" method and "virtual load" method, and a formula for calculating the fuzzy displacement sensitivity and fuzzy stress sensitivity is developed. The example shows that the presented method is rational and efficient.  相似文献   

综述了青梅酒的加工工艺、产品功能性的研究现状;提出了有待解决的问题和今后研究与发展的方向,展望了青梅酒的发展前景。  相似文献   

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