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Swindle exists commonly in any securities markets, where swindle has led to serious influences on regulations and the normal development of our securities market. The paper attempts to develop a game model of supervision on swindle in the securities market so as to investigate the relationship between supervisor and supervisee from the microcosmic aspect, and analyze the microcosmic mechanism resulting to swindle in the securities market, and enlighten our securities supervision as to swindle in the securities market.  相似文献   

Banking has a high gearing lever and its operators are keen to the risk projects with the lure of high income. The supervision sector should regulate the banks and force them to reduce risks to ensue the healthy circulation of county's economy. The supervisor should report the disclosed risks to the supervision sector so that they can alert the risks in advance and control them ,but the sector must take action to prevent the collusion between the operators and supervisors.  相似文献   

This paper explains simply some system connotations on engineering project and probes into the system characteristics of the construction supervision. It dissects some basic system problems and provides references to help the engineers with setting up the system outlook, organizing construction supervision for large-scale and modern engineering project.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the new construction system in 1988 in China, this system has gone through three phases: trial phase(1988-1993),development phase(1993-1995),and comprehensive application phase from 1996.Construction supervision as a new management system has profound effects to the whole process of a construction project, in particular, to the three conventional objectives, that is quality, cost and construction time. The new management system has to a large extent brought the traditional problems of extended construction time, uncontrollable cost and unsecured quality to a normal practice. Construction supervision is a management activity with request of high intelligence. The performance of this activity is closely related to the quality of project general supervision engineer. This paper identifies the basic elements that a proper project general supervision must have. By applying the fuzzy analysis principle, this paper presents a quantitative model for evaluating the quality of project general supervision engineer.It provides an applicable approach for project clients when general supervision engineers are to be chosen.  相似文献   

基于进化博弈论的食品质量安全监管分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘 要:运用进化博弈理论分析食品质量安全监管问题。通过食品质量安全演化博弈模型的构建和分析,探讨食品生产经营者和监管者的策略空间以及演化趋势,得出食品质量安全监管的演化相图以及在每一个平衡点的演化稳定特性,很好地揭示了食品质量安全监管的演化进程,为有效制定相关政策保障食品质量安全提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In the distribution channel management, a good cooperation relationship between manufacture and wholesaler is an effective way for them to complement each other with their respective advantages, improve channel competitive abilities and adapt to market fluctuations. Based on their mutual cooperative relationship, a mixed game model is constituted by introducing the characteristics and postulating the prerequisites of trade between manufacturer and wholesaler, then the factors affecting their mutual cooperative relationship and the conditions of their stable cooperation are found through analyzing the mixed game model. Furthermore, a finitely repeated game model is used to analyze the cooperation between manufacturer and wholesaler, the conclusion of the cooperative qualification that influences the cooperation of both sides is given. As a result, the strategies employed by the manufacturer and wholesaler are pointed out.  相似文献   

Under the asymmetric information,the owner undertakes moral risk,which is caused by supervisor in the case of project supervision.This paper analyzes the benefit conflict while entrusting because of asymmetric information,discusses how to bring incentive and supervisory control mechanism into project supervision entrust-contract by mathematics model.Then,the design and improvement of the supervision reward in contract are discussed.  相似文献   

The marketization, internalization and electronization of financial industry in China are inevitable. Adapted to this situation, the financial supervision has to be strengthened. The modern financial supervision system is the base and guarantee to strengthen the financial supervision; it has the character of unity of supervision organization, perfect instrument of supervision, harmonization of supervision legality and internalization of supervision thought etc. Establishing the modern financial supervision of China should consummate the financial supervision legal institutions in China. Although the laws were constituted, such as and some related regulations, yet cannot conform to the WTO rules and the market economy development and be not enough to structure the legal institution base of the modern financial supervision in China. As a result, it has to be revised further, improved and to work out financial laws and regulations in order to form a modern financial supervision system in our country.  相似文献   

农业是奠定基础、保障人民生活的基础产业,是乡村产业蓬勃发展和带动农民脱贫的关键环节。农业上市公司是农业高质量发展的顶梁柱,应在乡村产业由增产导向型向提质导向型的转型升级中发挥“头雁效应”。本研究基于因子分析方法对包含农林牧渔业在内的农业上市公司进行绩效评价,对于农业上市公司运营管理和公司治理水平提升,并更好地被国家和其他机构投资者所了解和掌握,最大限度发挥对其他农业经营主体和小农户的引领带动作用都具有十分重要的意义。研究结果表明,农业上市公司引领农业高质量发展的系统性工程需要政府、企业、农民及相关主体共同参与,从技术、人才、资源、政策等方面综合发力,精准施策。  相似文献   

生猪屠宰监管技术系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为控制肉品在屠宰过程中的质量安全,加强政府监管力度。以生猪屠宰监管为研究对象,从信息技术的角度构建了一个以实现质量监管为目的的生猪分级屠宰监管技术系统。设计了系统主要功能实现的流程,探讨了关键技术,开发了基于分级管理报送数据的生猪屠宰监管技术系统。结果表明:该系统在山东省的多家屠宰企业进行了试运用,使用该系统提高了政府对屠宰企业的监管水平及企业生产管理水平,增强了消费者的肉品安全意识。通过统一使用的山东省屠宰监管技术系统,将政府监管、用户监督和企业自律有机地结合起来,建立有效的监督保证机制,从而保障食品安全。从食品安全的角度,提出了一套政府监管模式,为实现猪肉质量安全全程追溯打下基础。  相似文献   

针对2019—2021年全国食品安全监督抽检中鲜蛋发现的问题和存在的风险点进行分析。采用Excel 2010软件对2019—2021年全国鲜蛋的食品安全监督抽检结果进行汇总,分析监督抽检整体完成情况及存在的主要食品安全问题。结果显示:2019、2020、2021年我国食用农产品不合格率分别为1.90%、2.23%和3.15%,2019—2021年鲜蛋不合格批次占食用农产品不合格批次总数的10.71%,仅次于淡水鱼和韭菜。检出鲜蛋不合格项目涉及氟苯尼考、恩诺沙星、氧氟沙星残留等9项,其中氟苯尼考和恩诺沙星残留不合格项次检出率分别为47.17%和37.74%。我国食用农产品不合格率逐年上升,且鲜蛋的食品安全问题较为突出,氟苯尼考和恩诺沙星不合格是鲜蛋食品安全的主要问题。  相似文献   

The manipulators pay fully attention to the running state of raceway looked into tuyere peehole in blast furnace in its production process. And it is important for judgement and control the blast furnace. The pulverized coal feeding and burning cases can be supervised by peehole in tuyere. Temperature distribution can be studied by brightness and numerical simulation of pulverized coal combustion. The recent research of temperature examined and supervision technique of the tuyere and raceway in blast furnace are set forth at home and abroad. A method settling supervision and control the state of tuyere and raceway in blast furnace is put forward by coalescent numeric image process technique to numeric simulate two dimensional imaging technique.  相似文献   

More and more reconstruction events happened in China, it becomes a hot point. Lots of literatures are about reconstruction theory, reconstruction motives, reconstruction modes, reconstruction performance, but no one is a bout the relation between reconstruction motives and its performance. This paper takes those companies in Shenzhen Exchange reconstructed in 1999 as study samples, groups them on its reconstruction motive and analyzes their reconstruction performance by financial data before and after reconstruction. It is pointed out that the relation between reconstruction motives and performance.  相似文献   

零售环节蔬菜安全监管机制创新研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张满林 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):123-128
作为蔬菜安全保障的最后一道屏障,目前中国蔬菜零售环节安全监管已初步形成了“工商监管、经营者自律、社会监督”的监管体系,但仍存在日常监管松散、防范机制不健全、经营者安全控制制度缺失、落实力度不够等问题。笔者认为,可通过构建激励机制、约束机制和社会引导机制,来降低蔬菜流通安全风险的发生概率;并通过加大经费投入、提高零售环节的组织化程度、探索适用的技术手段等措施来完善蔬菜安全监管的保障机制。  相似文献   

国内外食品中农药残留安全监管研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对食品中农药残留问题,研究了中国、国际组织和国外主要发达国家农药残留控制和管理的现状以及发展趋势,分析了中国在农药管理法规、标准规范体系和农药企业社会责任的问题,提出了要进一步完善农药管理法规、加快农药残留标准制定、加大宣传和技术指导力度等农药残留安全管理方面的建议。  相似文献   

为培养高质量的食品科学与工程学科硕士研究生,加快学科建设的发展,从学科建设和研究生导师相结合的角度,探讨了食品科学与工程学科硕士研究生导师队伍建设中存在的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

刘迪 《中国农学通报》2011,27(6):443-446
【目的】在进境集装箱检疫监管中,应用TQM理论可以提高监管质量。【方法】从TQM理论的角度,分析进境集装箱检疫监管中应用该理论的可行性。【结果】实行TQM理论对进境集装箱检疫监管,理论自身特点能够满足进境集装箱检疫监管的需要,同时具有管理成本低、促进持续改进、兼顾内外部顾客等方面的优越性。【结论】TQM理论能够满足进境集装箱检疫监管的需要,笔者提出建议以更好地发挥TQM理论的作用。  相似文献   

According to earnings information of annuals and grade regulation,50 low_grade and 50 high_grade Chinese listed corporation are chosen,through building model and calculating the excess yield.This article educes demonstration result,which is analyzed by game theory.  相似文献   

Based on the fundamental principles of science of complexity, the complexity of clusters of engineering projects is analyzed in the light of integrity, dynamics, gradation, openness and autonomy. It is believed that the quality supervision of clusters of engineering projects is a typical complex composed of several essential factors, between which there exists a complicated nonlinear relationship. The behaviors and manners of quality supervision are proposed including management evaluation, tree - shape quality supervision, model leading system, independent third - party assessment with a view to strengthen and enhance the quality supervision of clusters of engineering projects.  相似文献   

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