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利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜对天胡荽进行了解剖学和组织化学研究,结果表明,1)天胡荽不定根为初生结构,具二原型维管柱、内皮层、皮层、外皮层和表皮。2)茎、花柄和叶主要为初生结构,除了茎和花柄维管束具次生结构,具表皮、厚角组织、皮层、内皮层、维管束和髓;茎具诱导型通气组织。3)天胡荽不定根的屏障结构包括内侧的有凯氏带且栓质化的内皮层,外侧的有凯氏带且栓质化的外皮层和紧邻外侧具扩散状栓质层的表皮细胞;匍匐茎、花柄和叶柄具相似的质外体屏障结构,一是内侧的有凯氏带且栓质化的内皮层,二是外侧的表皮外角质层,但花柄和叶柄有凯氏带的细胞,并不栓质化;叶片的仅为表皮外角质层。4)天胡荽的解剖和屏障结构特征是其适应多种水湿环境的结构基础。该研究为今后选择湿地生态修复植物提供线索。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜对蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)的根和茎进行解剖学和组织化学研究,结果表明:1)蒌蒿不定根解剖结构由内而外分别为四原型维管柱、内皮层、皮层、扩裂性通气组织、气腔、木质化皮下层、栓质化的外皮层和表皮;茎解剖结构由内而外分别为髓腔、皮层和表皮。2)不定根屏障结构由栓质化(部分木质化)具凯氏带的内外皮层和栓质化的表皮组成;茎表皮外的角质层、栓质化具凯氏带的内外皮层、栓质化和木质化周皮共同组成其屏障结构。3)蒌蒿体内通气组织包括不定根中通气组织、茎皮层通气组织和髓腔。蒌蒿茎具有明显的皮层扩裂性通气组织,地上茎具髓腔。因为蒌蒿具有如上性状组合,因此能够较好地适应湿地环境。  相似文献   

为研究虉草适应湿地环境的结构特征,探讨了该植物不定根、根状茎、直立茎和叶的解剖结构、组织化学及其质外体屏障结构的通透性生理。利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜对虉草进行了解剖学和组织化学研究。结果表明:1)虉草不定根解剖结构由外而内分别为表皮、外皮层、皮层、内皮层、中央为木质部和厚壁组织;茎结构由外而内分别为角质层、表皮、周缘厚壁机械组织层、皮层、具维管束厚壁机械组织层和髓腔。2)不定根具栓质化和木质化内皮层和外皮层组成的屏障结构;茎具角质层、栓质化和木质化周缘厚壁组织层和厚壁组织层;根状茎具内、外皮层,直立茎仅具外皮层。3)虉草体内气腔包括不定根中通气组织,茎皮层气腔和髓腔,及叶鞘气腔。虉草的机械组织结构、屏障结构和气腔是其适应湿地环境的重要结构特征,该研究为今后选择湿地生态修复的植物物种提供依据。  相似文献   

家禽免疫器官解剖组织结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
崔治中 《禽业科技》1996,12(3):50-51

豪猪卵巢的解剖及组织结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以豪猪卵巢为研究对象,观察豪猪雌性生殖腺一卵巢的解剖及组织结构,为了解雌性豪猪的生殖生理,为其发情鉴定、催情技术和人工授精等人工繁殖技术研究提供基础理论依据,研究结果表明:豪猪的卵巢外观呈米黄色,左右压扁的椭圆形,其纵径为0.92~1.03cm,横径为0.63~0.72cm,厚为0.33~0.37cm,重量为0.18~0.22g。显微镜下观察卵巢纵剖面上可见3~6个发育的卵泡,整个卵巢体积增大,卵泡至成熟时,卵泡突出于卵巢表面呈半球状。雌性豪猪的性腺没有明显的季节性变化,但在发情周期的不同时期卵巢有不同的变化。  相似文献   

羊柴和花棒营养器官解剖结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊柴和花棒在内蒙古干旱地区有较高的饲用价值和重要的防风,固沙作用,本研究从解剖学方面对这两个种的营养器官进行了分析和比较,结果表明这两个种的解剖结构中均表现出旱生结构的特点,而又以羊柴更为突出。本文对这两个种的进一步研究,提供解剖学方面的资料。  相似文献   

家禽免疫器官解剖组织结构(续一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔治中 《禽业科技》1996,12(4):49-52

豪猪雄性生殖腺(睾丸)的解剖及组织结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以豪猪睾丸为研究对象,观察豪猪睾丸的解剖及组织结构,研究豪猪的雄性生殖腺,为豪猪的人工繁殖研究提供理论依据。结果表明:雄性豪猪没有阴囊,其睾丸位于腹股沟内;睾丸的重量为(2.76±0.08)g,其纵径为(3.93±0.09)cm,横经为(1.38±0.06)cm;睾丸小隔不发达,每个睾丸小叶内有1~4条曲精小管,曲精小管的管壁中可见许多不同发育阶段的生精细胞,其形态多样,但精原细胞和精子细胞数量较少,未见次级精母细胞。  相似文献   

借助解剖器械和游标卡尺等测量工具,观察和测定了50只山羊和20只绵羊子宫颈结构。结果表明:母羊子宫颈分为有皱褶和无皱褶两类;山羊子宫颈前者比后者高出56.0%,绵羊高出40.0%。在有皱褶的子宫颈中,子宫颈通道与盲端多具有形同“Y”状的结构;隘口偏向于皱褶的边缘,但绵羊子宫颈隘口位置较隐秘,直径较小;子宫颈外口至第一隘口距离/子宫颈长的系数有显著性差异(P<0.01);且绵羊子宫颈长于山羊(P<0.01)。而在无皱褶子宫颈中,绵羊子宫颈短于山羊(P<0.05),绵羊子宫颈管内可由数个皱褶共同构成复合腔室。研究证实,母羊子宫颈管通道呈折线状,有皱褶子宫颈管结构比无皱褶复杂,绵羊有皱褶结构比山羊复杂。  相似文献   

肠道是机体接触外界抗原物质最广泛的部位,也是家禽体内最大、最复杂的"微生物储存库"。肠道黏膜是机体抵抗肠道病原菌和外界抗原感染的第一道防线,在宿主与外环境间稳态的建立和维持方面发挥关键的作用。在一系列信号分子传导的有机结合下,共同防御外界疾病和病原体对动物体的侵袭和跨越,对降低和减少机体炎症和疾病的发生具有重要作用。本文重点论述家禽肠黏膜屏障的组成、结构及其作用机理,为进一步认识肠道黏膜屏障及预防相关肠道疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) eye and determine similarities to and differences between the mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei) and the human eye. In addition, we compare our findings of G. g. gorilla to previous reports on the eye of this subspecies. PROCEDURES: A 13-year-old deceased male lowland gorilla and a 34-year-old deceased female lowland gorilla were included in the study. Gross and microscopic examinations of the formalin-fixed right eyeball of each gorilla were carried out. RESULTS: Globe dimensions of G. g. gorilla were similar to G. g. beringei and to humans. The limbal conjunctival epithelium and the choroid were densely pigmented. However, the distribution of the conjunctival pigment ring was different to that of G. g. beringei and the melanocytes of the choroid were unusually round. There were deep crypts in the anterior border layer of the iris, and the epithelium of the pars plana was uniquely irregular. Vertical corneal diameter was observed to be equal or greater than horizontal diameter in G. g. gorilla, which is in contrast to humans and to previous findings for G. g. beringei. Corneal thickness was closer to that of humans than to G. g. beringei. Posterior lens capsule thickness was noticeably greater than that of humans. CONCLUSIONS: Although some variation between the ocular anatomy of G. g. gorilla and G. g. beringei does exist, the gross and microscopic findings closely resemble each other in these two subspecies. In addition, the eye of Gorilla appears remarkably similar to the human eye. However, comparison of measurements with those in humans is somewhat limited because formalin-fixation can introduce tissue shrinkage and artifact.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic images of the neck, thorax and abdomen in four healthy adult rabbits were obtained with a conventional CT using a slice-thickness of 5 mm. CT images were obtained with the animals positioned in sternal recumbency on a removable plastic support directly laying on the CT-table. At the end of the CT session, each rabbit was euthanized and, while carefully maintaining the same position on the plastic support, the animal was moved into a −20 °C freezer until completely frozen. Each cadaver was then sectioned at 10 mm slices, with the first section starting at the tip of the nose, respecting the imaging protocol. The frozen sections were cleaned and then photographed on each side. Anatomic structures were identified and labeled first on each side of the frozen section and then on the corresponding CT image with the aid of the available literature. Results from our study provide an atlas of normal cross-sectional gross and CT anatomy of the rabbit neck, thorax and abdomen, useful in the interpretation of any cross-sectional imaging modality in this species.  相似文献   

The brain is the most essential part of the central nervous system which regulates and coordinates all body activities. Based on its phylogenetic development from the neural tube, the brain is divided into rhombencephalon (hindbrain), mesencephalon (midbrain) and prosencephalon (forebrain). The present study is achieved to describe the morphological characteristics of the normal forebrain in the donkey using the matched magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cross-sectional anatomy. Ten cadaveric heads of healthy adult donkeys of both sexes were used. Two heads were examined using a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner, and the brains of the other heads were gently extracted; six brains were sectioned into transverse, dorsal and sagittal slices, and two brains were grossly inspected. MR images were selected in correlation to their closely corresponding gross sections. Both cross-sectional anatomy and MRI scans showed extensive gyration of the neocortex. The forebrain structures appeared with variable intensities on three sequences, Flair, T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI, enabling comprehensive evaluation of the relevant neuroanatomical structures. The present study provided a precise neuroanatomical atlas of the forebrain in the donkey which could help in the quick and efficient interpretation of clinical diseases of the forebrain, localization of the forebrain functions and evolutionary neurobiology.  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to describe the ultrasonographic appearance and measurements of the normal bovine eye, to compare the measurements to those reported previously for cadaveric eyes and to describe differences between ocular dimensions of Holstein Friesian and Jersey cattle. Sixty transpalpebral ocular ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 30 adult Holstein Friesian cows, and 16 examinations were performed on 8 adult Jersey cows. Transpalpebral ultrasonographic images were obtained with a 10 MHz linear transducer in both horizontal and vertical imaging planes. The ultrasonographic appearance of structures within the bovine eye is similar to that in other species, although the ciliary artery was frequently identified, appearing as a 0.33 +/- 0.04 cm diameter hypoechoic area. The axial length of the globe was significantly greater in Holstein Friesian cattle (3.46 +/- 0.09 cm) compared with Jersey cattle (3.27 +/- 0.19 cm; P = 0.001), although the vitreous depth was smaller in Holstein Friesian cattle (1.46 +/- 0.09 cm) (P = 0.0009). The anterioposterior depth of the lens was significantly greater in Jersey cattle (1.92 +/- 0.11 cm) and the cornea was thinner in Jersey cattle (0.17 +/- 0.02 cm). The appearance and ocular distances for live animals were similar to those reported previously for cadaveric specimens. The knowledge of normal ocular dimensions facilitates the use of ultrasonography in the evaluation of ocular disease in cattle.  相似文献   

圆囊苔草叶片的形态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜研究了圆囊苔草叶的形态结构。圆囊苔草叶基生,由叶鞘和叶片两部分组成,叶片扁平带状,平行脉序;上下表皮细胞垂周壁均呈不同程度的波浪状,外壁均有较薄的角质层和硅化乳突;正对主脉的上表皮有泡状细胞;上下表皮均有气孔器分布,并且上表皮气孔密度大于下表皮。等面叶,栅栏组织发达,叶肉细胞中有2种类型的异化细胞,相邻维管束之间有发达的气腔;叶脉稠密、维管束鞘2层,外层为较大薄壁细胞,内层为较小的厚壁细胞。由纤维组成的机械组织,成片存在于绝大多数叶脉的上下方。  相似文献   

Morphological examinations were performed on 100 normal equine cheek teeth (CT) of 1–12 years dental age (i.e. time since eruption), using gross examination, dissection microscopy, computerised axial tomography, and decalcified and undecalcified histology. The CT in Triadan 07–10 positions consistently had five pulp horns, but the 06 CT had an additional pulp horn more rostrally. Mandibular and maxillary Triadan 11s had six and seven pulp horns, respectively. Sections of CT taken 2–6 mm below the occlusal surface (variation due to normal undulating occlusal surface) showed the presence of pulp in up to 50% of individual maxillary CT pulp horns, and in up to 25% of individual mandibular CT pulp horns. The histological appearances of primary and secondary dentine were described and it is proposed that the type of dentine present most centrally in every pulp chamber examined, currently termed tertiary dentine, should be re-classified as irregular secondary dentine, and that the term tertiary dentine be reserved for the focal areas of dentine laid down following insult to dentine or pulp.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the histochemical properties, size and composition of fibres in the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles of goats to clarify whether reported similarities in respiratory muscle physiology between goats and humans have a structural basis. Serial sections (10 µm) of muscular tissue from adult female goats were stained for myosin adenosine triphosphatase and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase-tetrazolium reductase activities; the fibres were classified into types I, IIA and IIB; and their mean diameter and composition were determined. Abdominal and intercostal muscles contained types I, IIA and IIB fibres in the ratio 1:1:1, and the mean diameter of the fibres ranged from 49.2 to 62.2 µm. In contrast, the diaphragm contained 58.9% type I and 41.1% type II fibres, and the latter could not be differentiated into types IIA and IIB. Diaphragmatic fibres were also smaller (36.9 – 40.9 µm). These findings contrast with those in humans, where the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles contain >50% type I fibres and have fibres of identical diameter. The differences in fibre characteristics between the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles of goats and the differences between goats and humans need to be taken into consideration in interpreting the results from studies in respiratory muscle physiology.Abbreviations mATPase myosin adenosine triphosphatase - NADH-TR nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase-tetrazolium reductase  相似文献   

The detailed coronary arterial anatomy of seven camels was studied and compared with that of horses and cattle. In camels, there is a bilateral coronary supply, the right coronary artery being the larger. The left coronary artery follows the same pattern as that in horses. The ramus collateralis proximalis in camels separates off some distance away from the origin of the ramus interventricularis paraconalis, as in horses, whereas it separates off very quickly in cattle. The ramus collateralis distalis has two branches in camels, whereas the left distal ventriculi ramus does not branch. The ramus angularis is also absent but the left distal atrii ramus is present.Abbreviations LCR left ramus circumflexus - RCR right circumflexus ramus - RIS ramus interventricularis subsinosus - RIVP ramus interventricularis paraconalis  相似文献   

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