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Primary pulmonary neoplasia in the dog and cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article covers the pertinent clinical, physical, and radiographic findings in dogs and cats with primary pulmonary neoplasia. Diagnostic and treatment recommendations are made. Although primary pulmonary neoplasia is rare in both the dog and cat, it appears to be diagnosed with increasing frequency. Early detection and surgical treatment of carefully selected cases can prolong a good quality of life.  相似文献   

Basal cell adenocarcinoma of the salivary gland is described in a cat and two dogs; tumour tissue was characterized by cords and islands of epithelial cells with a distinct basal layer. The tumours were stained by various immunohistochemical methods. In addition to positive staining with cytokeratin 14 and pancytokeratin (CKs 5, 6, 8, 17 and 19), there was also staining with Jack bean agglutinin A (ConA) and soya bean agglutinin (SBA); this occurs in many other types of salivary gland tumours and is a feature of normal salivary gland acinar cells. In one dog there was also staining with SBA. This is the first report of this tumour in domestic animals; the immunohistochemical characteristics did not distinguish it from other salivary gland tumours.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of 17 cases of microscopically proven hepatic and splenic neoplasms, with the objective of describing the ultrasonographic findings and determining how interpretation of these findings contributed to the diagnosis and prognosis of these cases. The ultrasonographic appearance of these tumors ranged from focal, large (6 to 20 cm diameter) mixed hyperechoic/hypoechoic masses to multifocal (0.5 to 2.0 cm diameter) hypoechoic masses. The ultrasonographic appearance was not specific for the microscopic cell-type of the neoplasm. When the combined clinical, hematologic, serum chemical, and ultrasonographic findings were interpreted, neoplasia was always the primary consideration, but microscopic confirmation was mandatory. The uses of ultrasonography in these cases were: (1) to characterize the internal architecture of a mass identified radiographically, (2) to confirm the organ of origin of the mass, (3) to define the extent of disease in or around an affected organ, (4) to evaluate palpable abdominal mass(es) in the presence of poor abdominal radiographic contrast, and (5) to identify previously undetected or unsuspected metastases. Three interpretive errors were found, but only one would have influenced the prognosis for that specific patient.  相似文献   

Melanocytic neoplasia in the cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clinical features and histopathological details from 13 cases of melanocytic neoplasia in the cat are presented. The series includes cases of intraocular melanoma (n=5), limbal melanoma (n=2), dermal melanoma (n=5) and one case of metastatic melanoma for which a primary site was not identified. In the case of the intraocular tumours, there was apparent correlation between the degree of cellular pleomorphism, the mitotic rate and the extent of local infiltration. Such an association was not identified for the melanomas arising from the limbus or skin.  相似文献   

Chylothorax in the dog and cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of chylothorax are discussed in this article. A detailed discussion of thoracic duct anatomy, physiology, and methods of lymphangiography is included. The information presented is a review of previous literature, an update on recently completed studies, and speculation about where future research is needed.  相似文献   

Glaucoma in the dog and cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conjunctivitis, mydriasis, corneal edema, lens luxation, buphthalmos, and blindness are caused by elevated IOP in the glaucomas. Primary glaucomas with a bilateral potential for development are noted in two cats and several dog breeds, with secondary glaucomas caused by uveitis and neoplasia common in the cat and dog. Tonometric evaluation is essential for the early diagnosis and management of glaucoma. Medical therapy of topical demecarium bromide and timolol maleate, with systemic dichlorphenamide, are recommended for general glaucoma maintenance therapy in dogs and cats. Transcleral cyclophotocoagulation will surgically reduce IOP in cases in which maximum medication has been reached.  相似文献   

Dacryocystorhinography in the dog and cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The normal nasolachrymal systems of the dog (meso-, dolicho-, and brachycephalic) and cat were investigated by dacryocystorhinography and latex preparations. Nasolachrymal abnormalities associated with obstructions, deviations, a congenital defect and invasion of the system were demonstrated by dacryocystorhinography in four dogs and two cats. The value of dacryocystorhinography in the clinical evaluation of nasolachrymal diseases and in the diagnosis of nasal masses is presented. Résumé. Le systeme naso-lacrymal normal du chien (méso-, dolicho-, et brachyocéphale) et du chat a été étudié par dacryocytsto-rhinographie et d'après des préparations de latex. Les anomalies nasolacrymales dues à l'obstruction, aux déviations, aux lésions congénitales ou invasives ont pu être mises en évidence grâce à la dacryocysto-rhinographie chez 4 chiens et deux chats. Les auteurs soulignent les avantages de cette méthode dans le diagnostic des affections naso-lacrymales et en particulier dans celui des masses nasales. Zusammenfassung. Die normalen nasolachrymalen Systeme des Hundes (meso-, dolicho-und brachiocephal)und der Katze wurden mittels Dacryocystorhinographie und Latexpräparaten untersucht. Nasolachrymale Anomalitäten, die mit Obstruktionen, Abweichungen, einem con-genitalen Defekt und Invasion des Systems verbunden waren, wurden durch Dacryocystorhinographie bei vier Hunden und zwei Katzen nachgewiesen. Der Wert der Dacryocystorhinographie bei der klinischen Untersuchung nasolachrymaler Krankheiten und für die Diagnose nasaler Massen wird erläutert.  相似文献   

Osteomyelitis was seen in 38 dogs and five cats over a 10 year period. Seventy per cent of cases occurred as a complication of orthopaedic surgery. The remainder were due to spread from infective foci elsewhere in the body. Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest organism isolated from long bones. Bone infection was responsible for delayed union in 13 fractures and non-union in four. Surgical treatment was necessary for the resolution of most cases.  相似文献   

Cytogenetics in the dog and cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Contraception, the prevention of pregnancy, can be achieved by any method which prevents the union of sperm and follicle. In the case of the dog and cat contraception is seldom necessary for the animals' well-being, but is sought for the owner's convenience, and it therefore behoves the veterinary surgeon to discuss fully the various options. Notwithstanding this, it is essential from the social angle to limit the production of unwanted kittens and puppies.Contraception may be achieved by confinement or by surgical or chemical methods. Whereas formerly confinement was the method of choice, followed closely by surgery, various chemical methods are now in vogue, and it is not always realized, even by veterinary surgeons, that the way these chemicals work is not fully understood, and that for this reason alone they are inherently dangerous. All methods are associated with some danger but whereas in the case of confinement or surgery the dangers are most likely to be immediate, adverse results from the use of chemical contraceptives may not appear for many years.  相似文献   

A survey was made of the euthanasia of dogs and cats in the Scottish Region of BSAVA. The reasons for euthanasia were classified and major differences were found between the two species in the numbers destroyed on veterinary, behavioural and convenience grounds. Methods of destruction and body disposal were also considered.  相似文献   

The clinical signs, possible causes and types of treatment available for uveitis in the dog and cat are reviewed. While in many cases the aetiology is obscure, infection, neoplasia, trauma and lens damage are established as possible causes of uveitis and immune mediated mechanisms are increasingly recognised as important in uveal tract disease.  相似文献   

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