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Toxicogenomics, the subdiscipline that merges genomics with toxicology, hold the promise to contributing toward the goal of elucidating mechanism by studying genomic profiling related with various drugs. The application of gene expression profiling technology to examine multiple genes and signaling pathways promises a significant advance in understanding the toxic mechanisms of various drugs and prediction of new drug candidate. Toxicogenomics is emerging field combining genomics and bioinformatics to identify and characterize mechanisms of toxicity of drug and various compounds. The principal hypothesis underlying on this field is that chemical-specific pattern of altered gene expression is related with each chemicals properties, especially toxicological property, and it will be revealed using high-density microarray analysis of sample from exposed organisms. So, in this study we compare the gene expression pattern of two anticancer drugs paclitaxel and orally absorbable paclitaxel, using the cDNA microarray. And from the result of this study, it is possible to provide the new possibility for genome-wide insight into mechanism of their anticancer activity and toxicological phenotype.  相似文献   

The recent DNA microarray technology enables us to understand a large number of gene expression profiling. The technology has potential possibility to comprehend mechanism of multiple genes were related to compounds which have toxicity in biological system. So, the toxicogenomics through this technology may be very powerful for understanding the effect of unknown toxic mechanisms in biological system. We have studied that the effect of compounds related to hepatotoxin in vivo system using DNA microarray and classified chemicals which have been well characterized. We have studied three compounds; 2 peroxisome proliferators: Clofibrate (ethyl-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate), gemfibrozil (5-2[2,5-dimethyl-phenoxy]2-2-dimethyl-pentanonic), and an antiepileptic drug: phenytoin (5,5-diphenylhydantoin). Male Sprague-Dawely VAF(+) albino rats of 5-6 weeks old were treated with each compound for 24 hr and 2 weeks. 4.8 K cDNA microarray in house has been used for gene expression profiling. We found that the clustering of gene expression had similarity like as the toxic phenotype of compounds.  相似文献   

Toxicogenomics (TGx) is a widely used technique in the preclinical stage of drug development to investigate the molecular mechanisms of toxicity. A number of candidate TGx biomarkers have now been identified and are utilized for both assessing and predicting toxicities. Further accumulation of novel TGx biomarkers will lead to more efficient, appropriate and cost effective drug risk assessment, reinforcing the paradigm of the conventional toxicology system with a more profound understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drug-induced toxicity. In this paper, we overview some practical strategies as well as obstacles for identifying and utilizing TGx biomarkers based on microarray analysis. Since clinical hepatotoxicity is one of the major causes of drug development attrition, the liver has been the best documented target organ for TGx studies to date, and we therefore focused on information from liver TGx studies. In this review, we summarize the current resources in the literature in regard to TGx studies of the liver, from which toxicologists could extract potential TGx biomarker gene sets for better hepatotoxicity risk assessment.  相似文献   

家畜行为智能监测系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家畜行为是家畜心里、生理健康状况的外在表现。家畜行为监测、分析有利于建立行为模型并发觉异常行为,减少经济损失。目前国内主要依赖于养殖人员人工观察方式监测家畜行为,主观性强且精度低。随着现代信息技术的不断发展,智能化行为监测方法也在快速发展和不断更新。论文阐述了基于电子测量仪器的运动识别、基于视频的动作状态识别和基于声音的情绪表达识别方法的研究现状,进一步展望了家畜行为智能监测系统的后续研究方向,以期建立家畜行为数据采集数据库和行为分析专家系统,挖掘家畜行为的深层含义。  相似文献   

[目的]将物联网、云计算、大数据及人工智能技术相结合,提高规模化奶山羊场智能化精准繁育技术,加速奶山羊的遗传进度和改良效果是智能化畜牧业的发展趋势。[方法]本系统运用C编程技术、Java编程技术、物联网信息化技术及数据融合技术,依据奶山羊个体生理信息、行为信息、个体表型、系谱分析、基因组数据、蛋白组数据及代谢组数据等进行最佳的配对组合,开发了规模化奶山羊场智能化精准繁育系统。[结果]内容包括 Web 服务器端及智能手机客户端,通过设置“智能模式”来实现对羊场环境和繁殖配对的智能化调节。[结论]在无须人工干涉的情况下,就可实现智能控制,从而加速遗传进度和繁育效果,在现代化奶山羊养殖领域必将得到快速推广和应用。  相似文献   

智慧养殖业是指运用电子信息技术和先进管理理念,对养殖生产全过程进行智能化管理和优化,以提高养殖效益和产品质量。智慧养殖业中应用到的电子信息技术有以下几种。(1)物联网(IoT)技术:通过在养殖场安装传感器和监控设备,实时收集养殖场的环境数据,实时监测动物的生长状况、行为习惯等,为养殖场提供精准的数据支持。(2)大数据分析技术:通过数据分析发现养殖动物的生长规律、疫病预防和控制要点等,从而提高养殖效益。(3)人工智能(AI)技术:对养殖数据进行智能分析,实现对养殖场的自动化管理;通过人工智能技术进行疫病诊断,自动识别患病动物并采取相应措施,降低疫病传播风险。(4)移动互联网技术:实现养殖场信息的实时传递和共享,方便养殖户、兽医、专家等各方进行沟通交流,为养殖户提供智能服务。(5)云计算技术:将养殖场的数据存储在云端,实现数据的集中管理和高效利用;以为养殖场提供强大的计算能力,支持复杂的数据分析和模拟。(6)3S 技术(遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统):对养殖场的地形、地貌、土壤等进行全面调查,为养殖场选址、规划和管理提供科学依据。总之,电子信息技术在智慧养殖业中的应用,有助于提高养殖生产效率,降低生产成本,并保障养殖产品的质量安全。  相似文献   

细菌素因具备抵御食源性致病菌和腐败菌的特性,可作为天然无毒抗菌剂应用在食品中。生物信息学是以计算机科学和应用数学为基础理论,将生命科学领域测得的生物信息经搜索比对,分析相关的核酸信息和蛋白结构基因,从而定位功能基因的一门科学。其中,转录组学即从整体转录水平分析不同细胞或组织在特定条件下所转录的所有RNA,从而揭示生物学通路和调控分子机制。将转录组测序结果中获得的海量数据与参考基因组比对,即可从基因表达水平上定量分析转录本的遗传信息。通过差异表达倍数筛选出差异基因,对其进行GO(Gene Ontology)功能注释和KEGG通路富集分析,进而推测其功能特性,并揭示细菌素等代谢产物的合成机理。由于转录组测序不存在安全隐患且属于较为经济的调控方式,因此该技术有望为细菌素大规模投入生产提供新思路。  相似文献   

Three slide agglutination tests for identification of Staphylococcus aureus were compared. The agglutination tests used for evaluation were Staphaurex (Wellcome Diagnostics), Staphyslide-Test (BioMerieux), and ANI S. aureus TEST (Ani Biotech Oy). A total of 347 isolates were analyzed, including 288 strains of S. aureus, 49 of S. epidermis, 11 of S. intermedius, 12 strains of other staphylococci and 14 non-staphylococcal strains. One hundred of the S. aureus strains were isolates from cases of food poisoning, 129 from mastitis and 59 from other clinical cases. The sensitivities of the tests were also compared using diluted suspensions of S. aureus strains and with purified Protein A dilutions. The results showed that the sensitivities of the tests were 98.6%, 97.9% and 99.0% for Staphaurex, Staphyslide-test and ANI S. aureus TEST, respectively. The specificities were 100% for the Staphyslide test and 98.8% for both the ANI S. aureus TEST and the Staphaurex test. The sensitivities measured with diluted S. aureus strain suspensions and Protein A solutions were equal with the Staphaurex and ANI S. aureus TEST. All the agglutination tests studied proved to be practical, easy to use and accurate for the rapid identification of S. aureus strains from culture isolates.  相似文献   

The retina consists of several layers, and drugs can affect the retina and choroid separately. Therefore, investigating the target layers of toxicity can provide useful information pertaining to its modes of action. Herein, we compared gene expression profiles obtained via microarray analyses using samples of target layers collected via laser capture microdissection and samples of the whole globe of the eye of rats treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Pathway analyses suggested changes in the different pathways between the laser capture microdissection samples and the whole globe samples. Consistent with the histological distribution of glial cells, upregulation of several inflammation-related pathways was noted only in the whole globe samples. Individual gene expression analyses revealed several gene expression changes in the laser capture microdissection samples, such as caspase- and glycolysis-related gene expression changes, which is similar to previous reports regarding N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-treated animals; however, caspase- and glycolysis-related gene expressions did not change or changed unexpectedly in the whole globe samples. Analyses of the laser capture microdissection samples revealed new potential candidate genes involved in the modes of action of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced retinal toxicity. Collectively, our results suggest that specific retinal layers, which may be targeted by specific toxins, are beneficial in identifying genes responsible for drug-induced ocular toxicity.  相似文献   

在智能信息化时代,传统的人工养殖已经越发彰显其劣势。智慧养猪开启的智能装备和大数据模式正走进养猪人的视野。文章综述了在智慧养猪背景下,智能饲喂系统、环控系统、监控系统、AI和大数据在猪场的应用现状,并进行了简要分析,以期为农牧公司智能猪场的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

产蛋性能低和育种进展缓慢是制约狮头鹅产业发展的主要问题,研发母鹅个体产蛋量智能记录系统可实施精准选育,提高母鹅产蛋量.基于RFID(Radio frequency identification,RFID)技术,利用915 MHz非接触式无线超高频芯片和EPC Class 1 Gen 2(ISO 18000-6C)超高频...  相似文献   

应用Web技术、JAVA语言和数据库技术在国际互联网上构建草原资源信息共享平台,解决草地资源及其生态环境的多元信息在国际互联网上集成应用和共享技术,为政府和业界提供一个草地资源多元信息查询的基础科学数据平台和数据分析、研究平台。通过搜集前人研究所取得的基础空间数据和属性数据,从当前卫星遥感影像提取动态信息,应用GIS原理和JAVA语言,集成多元图层及属性数据,开发专用的软件,在Internet上建立草地资源信息共享平台,来构建草原生态系统的虚拟多维空间,从而实现空间—属性双向复合查询,适时更换图件等主要功能。经查阅大量资料表明,应用现代地理信息系统技术、数据库技术、网络技术、软件技术和遥感技术以及系统开发语言(JAVA语言)来构建草原生态系统的虚拟多维空间的方案切实可行,能够为业界提供一个方便、快捷的信息查询和空间分析共享平台,对实现我国数字草原具有重要意义。  相似文献   

There are several ways a database/analysis system can assist a scientist engaged in field research. Specifically, it can assist the scientist with accurate data collection and more rigorous data analyses. The database management portion of this system allows accurate data collection and provides easy data entry through the use of forms. In addition, it can provide the scientist with structured methods of error checking data entry and checking for implausible values and false zeros. The system can also assist the scientist with the organization of the data and provide easy methods of sorting, grouping, and selecting data for analysis. Data can then be exported to a data analysis program where the first step is data validation. A menu of analyses using examples from the coordinated research project (CRP) are demonstrated using statistical methods that test continuous and categorical data.  相似文献   

为满足规模化养猪场制定免疫及消毒计划的效率与时效性越来越高的需求,以山黑猪种猪场繁殖数据网络平台为基础,结合山黑猪种猪及商品猪的免疫及消毒计划,提出了猪免疫与消毒计划制定的数据管理规范,并以.Net 2005为开发语言,以SQL Server 2005为网络数据库,研制了山黑猪种猪场的智能化免疫与消毒动态提醒的分析与统计系统。系统运行结果表明,构建的分析系统实现了对不同性质猪、不同免疫种类的动态免疫提醒,以及针对不同猪舍为单位的消毒计划提醒,提高了免疫实施精细化方案制定的效率及综合统计能力,有助于人力的安排、药品的配给。此外,只要改变猪群具体的免疫计划与消毒计划,系统也可移植应用于其他猪场。研究进一步指出,免疫与消毒计划的及时、有针对性的调整,猪个体信息的动态与完整,是保证系统分析与制定免疫及消毒具体行动计划时效性的前提。  相似文献   

为实现动物卫生监管智慧化,高效保障动物产品质量安全,本研究在搭建禽类检疫卡环追溯信息系统基础上,探索了多环节信息衔接-共享机制、硬软件保障、禽类卡环追溯智慧化实践路径及其运行体系的建设经验。结果显示:禽类卡环追溯智慧兽医体系运行后不仅堵住了检疫监管漏洞,而且营造了良好“企商”关系,降低了禽类屠宰企业经营成本,节约了禽类产品销售商时间,提高了企业及其产品竞争力,高效保障了肉品品质,确保了消费者吃上“放心肉”。最后就官方兽医能力提升、系统优化、多部门协调及立法建设等方面提出了建议,以期为动物卫生监督提供有益的可推广的方案。  相似文献   

公共和私有的EST计划为大量物种的基因表达研究提供了大量利用EST的机会。为了估计EST数据库中基因的表达水平,可以通过计算每一种基因在不同组织、不同发育阶段和不同条件下构建的cDNA文库中的出现次数,来获得基因表达的有关信息。这些信息水平的量与常规的Northern blots不同,可以允许不同基因之间表达水平的比较。而且当EST资料来源于不同发育阶段的cDNA文库时,还可以了解不同发育阶段的基因表达谱。由电子Northern杂交分析所获得的基因表达资料可以通过应用高密度DNA点阵得到证实并扩展于高表达基因领域之外。相关ESTS可以标定于尼龙膜或玻璃上并用相关组织的一链总cDNA作为探针进行鉴定。双色荧光标记可以得到精确的mRNA比率测定。在不远的将来,包含一种机体所有基因互补物的高密度DNA点阵将成为整个基因组范围基因表达类型分析的有效工具。  相似文献   

我国动物疫病流行日趋复杂,而传统防控工作方式效率亟待提高。信息化能有效提高动物疫病防控管理工作效率,有利于对动物疫情的快速预警、反应、控制和溯源。本文介绍市级动物疫病防控信息化管理系统的功能设计,重点分析基础信息数据库、物资管理系统、动物疫病监测、疫情预警、疫情调查处置等功能模块,形成市级动物疫病防控大数据和网络化管理平台,实现动物防疫场点、人员、疫苗、物资和工作抽查等网络化管理,为动物疫病防控行政决策提供技术支持,切实提高基层防疫工作效率。  相似文献   

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