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Nine of 16 dogs inoculated with 200 infective heartworm larvae developed caval syndrome (CS) of heartworm disease (HWD). There was no difference between dogs that did and did not develop CS with regard to total heartworm burden, burden relative to body weight, or female heartworm burden, indicating that factors other than worm mass are involved in the pathogenesis of CS. Male dogs were twice as frequently affected as females, although this finding was not statistically significant. Dogs afflicted with CS exhibited radiographic, pathologic, and hemodynamic evidence of chronic HWD. In a model of single heartworm exposure, these findings strongly support the theory that CS develops due to retrograde migration of adult worms from the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle to the right atrium and venae cavae. Pulmonary artery pressures were dramatically and significantly greater in dogs with CS (60 +/- 18 torr) as compared to non-CS (30 +/- 4 torr) dogs with equal worm burdens.  相似文献   

The morphologic response of the pulmonary arteries and lungs in cats was studied after a five month heartworm infection produced by transplantation of four adult heartworms/cat. One group of seven heartworm infected cats was not treated, another group of seven cats was treated with 97.5 mg of aspirin given twice a week, and the third group of six cats was given aspirin at a sufficient dosage to block in vitro platelet aggregation throughout the study. A fourth group of eight noninfected cats served as controls. Five months after heartworm infection, the cats were euthanized and the lungs perfusion fixed for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of the pulmonary arterial surfaces. All cats in the three heartworm-infected groups had live heartworms and the typical pulmonary arterial changes of heartworm disease at necropsy. The arterial surfaces, as viewed with scanning electron microscopy, had villus proliferations that were more numerous and exuberant than similar infections in dogs. Mean percentage of arterial surface involvement with villus proliferation of the nontreated heartworm infected cats was 67.3%; the aspirin treated cats, 73.8%; and the adjusted aspirin treated cats, 75.9%. The villi were myointimal proliferations in the small and medium-sized arteries. The more elastic arteries had a predominance of fibromuscular proliferation. All heartworm infected cats had arterial muscular hypertrophy of the small arteries, in contrast to only three of eight of the nonheartworm infected cats. The caudal lobar arteries were frequently obstructed with either villus proliferation, thrombi, and/or dead heartworms. The muscular arteries had branches with marked dilation, a condition associated with pulmonary hypertension in man. However, only three cats, one in each group, had pulmonary hypertension.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four hundred and four dogs from 9 pounds in Sydney were examined for circulating microfilariae and antigens of Dirofilaria immitis. One hundred of these were also examined post mortem for adult heartworms. The prevalence of infection in the 404 dogs as shown by serology was 11.4%, and 5.9% had circulating microfilariae of D immitis. Adult heartworms were present in 15 of 100 dogs. Dipetalonema reconditum microfilariae were present in 3.7% of dogs. Dirofilariosis is still a common and important parasite of dogs in the Sydney region and chemoprophylaxis is recommended.  相似文献   



Leptospirosis in dogs is a disease of global importance. Early detection and appropriate therapeutic intervention are necessary to resolve infection and prevent zoonotic transmission. However, its diagnosis is hindered by nonspecific clinical signs and lack of rapid diagnostic tests of early infection. Recently, 2 rapid point‐of‐care tests (WITNESS Lepto [WITNESS Lepto, Zoetis LLC, Kalamazoo, MI, USA] and SNAP Lepto [SNAP Lepto, IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME, USA]) for detection of Leptospira‐specific antibodies in canine sera were developed.


Immunoglobulin M‐based WITNESS Lepto containing multiple detection antigens can detect Leptospira‐specific antibodies to common leptospiral serovars earlier in the course of infection as compared to microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and SNAP Lepto.


Four groups of 8 6‐ to 8‐month‐old male Beagle dogs were used.


Thirty‐two healthy seronegative dogs were inoculated experimentally with serovars Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona (8 dogs/serovar). Acute‐phase sera were collected at regular intervals and monitored for Leptospira‐specific antibodies by WITNESS Lepto, MAT, and SNAP Lepto.


Seroconversion was detected in all dogs by day 10 by WITNESS Lepto and in 30 of 32 dogs by day 14 by MAT. The SNAP Lepto test detected seroconversion in 3 dogs during the 2 weeks postchallenge.


Immunoglobulin M‐based WITNESS Lepto detected immune responses specific to multiple leptospiral serovars early in the course of infection and identified seroconversion in all animals earlier than did the gold standard MAT. The SNAP Lepto test displayed considerably lower and inconsistent performance during the study period. At the point‐of‐care, WITNESS Lepto should be the test of choice for rapid and reliable screening of acutely ill dogs suspected to have leptospirosis.  相似文献   

Membranous glomerulonephritis was diagnosed in five dogs with patent Dirofilaria immitis infections. Electron-dense deposits were present on the epithelial side of the glomerular basement membrane. An immunofluorescent study demonstrated immunoglobulins in the capillary wall and mesangium of the glomeruli. The glomerular lesions were considered to represent an immune complex form of glomerulonephritis induced by the D. immitis infection.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary biomarkers are biological parameters that can be objectively measured and quantified as indicators of pathogenic processes (heartworm disease) or as indicators of response to therapeutic intervention. To determine levels of cardiopulmonary biomarkers in canine dirofilariasis, measurements of cardiac troponin T, cardiac troponin I, myoglobin, and D-dimer concentrations were performed for dogs with and without evidence of adult heartworm infection. The results showed that levels of cardiac troponin T were undetectable in all dogs studied while levels of cardiac troponin I were higher in dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis. In healthy dogs, levels of myoglobin and D-dimer were below detection limits of the instrument and were significantly higher in heartworm-infected dogs, notably in microfilaremic dogs. The results suggest the possibility of using troponin I and myoglobin as markers for cardiac damage and the D-dimer as a supportive tool for a diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs with cardiopulmonary dirofilariasis.  相似文献   

Plasma samples from dogs with infections of Dirofilaria immitis were assessed using ELISA and Western blotting techniques. These results were then assessed in relation to age and sex of the host, and to the numbers of microfilariae and adult filariae. Dogs with microfilariae tended to have lower levels of infection. In infected dogs, mean ELISA titres increased directly with the degree of infection. Dogs that were either young or mildly infected, showed a preferential antibody reactivity to antigens in the high molecular weight regions of the immunoblots. With increasing age and/or the extent of infection, an antibody response to antigens in the low molecular weight regions was apparent.  相似文献   

Heart, lung and samples of blood from 230 dogs were examined for infections of filarial parasites. Dirofilaria immitis worms and microfilariae were detected in one dog. Blood samples from a further 1428 dogs were examined for microfilariae and 22 were found to be infected. Eighteen dogs were infected with D immitis microfilariae and four with Dipetolonema reconditum microfilariae. The histories were available for 18 of the dogs infected with heartworm and only seven dogs had not travelled outside South Australia. It was concluded that heartworm infection was endemic in South Australia but the apparent prevalence was only about 1%.  相似文献   

This article describes a case of glomerulonephritis and immunocomplex (IgM, IgG and C3c) deposition in the mesangium and basement membranes of a 2-year-old dog with canine viral hepatitis and dirofilariasis. The deposits observed in the mesangium were in the vicinity of cells with viral replication. However, no clear relationship was found between viral replication and the deposition of immunocomplexes in the glomerular capillary basement membranes, which may be the reason why these deposits have only been tentatively related to the concomitant infestation by Dirofilaria immitis.  相似文献   


Dirofilaria immitis is periodically recorded in dogs imported from Australia into New Zealand. In this country, environmental conditions are marginal for the transmission of this species, but potential mosquito intermediate hosts are known to be present(1). Development in the intermediate host is temperature dependent, with most reports indicating that a mean temperature of at least 18 °C is required(2)(3)(4). Therefore, the most likely locations in New Zealand for D. immitis to establish are the Auckland region and areas north of this.  相似文献   

Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease (HARD) is a pulmonary syndrome that results from the vascular and parenchymal inflammatory response associated with the arrival and death of Dirofilaria immitis in the distal pulmonary arteries. Barometric whole-body plethysmography (BWBP) is a non-invasive pulmonary function test (PFT) that allows a dynamic study of breathing patterns and is useful to study airway disease and the response to different treatments. The aim of this prospective non-blinded study was to compare respiratory function variables between healthy cats and HARD cats (seropositive to D. immitis) by use of BWBP. Twenty-five healthy cats and six HARD cats were put into the plethysmograph chamber and different respiratory variables were measured. The results were analyzed and compared between the two groups of animals. There were significant differences for bronchoconstriction index variables Pause (P-value<0.001) and enhanced pause (P-value<0.001), minute volume (P-value<0.05) and tidal volume (P-value<0.05) between healthy and HARD cats. There were no significant differences in respiratory rate and inspiratory and expiratory times between both groups of animals. The results obtained in our study support that HARD cats show significant differences in pulmonary function variables obtained by BWBP due to an acute inflammatory response at bronchial, vascular and parenchymal level. This PFT could be a useful method to facilitate the diagnosis of pathological states of bronchoconstriction in HARD cats.  相似文献   

Six cases of canine dirofilariasis in Nairobi are reported. Adult parasites inhabited mainly the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries, but in one case they were also in the right atrium, the anterior and posterior vena cavae. In one dog there occurred typical pulmonary lesions. The lungs were oedematous, congested, slightly consolidated and had chronic interstitial pneumonia. Pulmonary arteries exhibited endarteritis, occasional thrombosis, thickened vessel wall due to medial fibrosis and perivascular granulo-matous reaction. There was endocarditis, dilatation and hypertrophy of the right heart. Résumé. On rapporte 6 cas de dirofilariase observés à Nairobi. Les parasites adultes habitent surtout le ventricule droit et l'appareil pulmonaire, mais dam un cas, on en a également trouvé dans I'oreillette droite, et les veines caves antérieure et postérieure. Un des chiens a présenté des lesions pulmonaires typiques: les poumons étaient oedématiés, congestionnés, Iégèrement compacts et montraient des lésions de pneumonie interstitielle. Les artères pulmonaires étaient atteintes d'endoartérite, présentaient parfois des thromboses, et un épaississement de la paroi par fibrose de la tunique médiane et granulomatose périvasculaire. On a également noté une en-docardite et une dilatation et une hypertrophie du coeul droit. Zusammenfassung. Es wird über sechs Fälle von Dirofilariasis bei Hunden in Nairobi berichtet. Erwachsene Parasiten waren vor allem im rechten Ventrikel und in Pulmonalgefässen, aber in einem Fall auch im rechten Vorhof und in der vorderen und hinteren Vena cava angesiedelt. Bei einem Hund traten typische Pulmonalläsionen auf. Die Lungen waren ödematös, gestaut, leicht verfestigt und wiesen chronische interstitielle Pneumonie auf. Die Pulmonalarterien zeigten Endarteriitis, gelegentlich Thrombose, verdickte Gefässwand infolge medialer Fibrosis und peiivasculäre Granulomatose. Es bestand Endocarditis, Dilation und Hypertrophie des rechten Herzens.  相似文献   

This article describes a case of glomerulonephritis and immunocomplex (IgM, IgG and C3c) deposition in the mesangium and basement membranes of a 2‐year‐old dog with canine viral hepatitis and dirofilariasis. The deposits observed in the mesangium were in the vicinity of cells with viral replication. However, no clear relationship was found between viral replication and the deposition of immunocomplexes in the glomerular capillary basement membranes, which may be the reason why these deposits have only been tentatively related to the concomitant infestation by Dirofilaria immitis.  相似文献   

PRRSV SC-1株在人工感染仔猪体内的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)在感染猪体内各器官组织的分布,用PRRSV SC-1株人工感染健康断奶仔猪,接毒后23 d,无菌采集试验猪器官组织,用RT-PCR检测其中病毒核酸分布情况。结果显示,心脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、支气管淋巴结、肠系膜淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结、髂内淋巴结内有病毒核酸,在所有试验猪的肺脏、腹股沟淋巴结都检测到了病毒核酸。本研究结果为PRRS诊断及病毒分离鉴定提供了一定参考依据。  相似文献   

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