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2018年是新修订的《农药管理条例》“实施推进年”,濮阳市采取积极措施狠抓农药行业监管,重点做好农药经营许可制度的推进和落实,农药经营许可办证工作取得喜人成绩。同时,农药管理工作也存在一定问题,作者提出了几条建议供大家探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过张掖市3年的农药监管工作,认为推行经营许可、完善经营制度、高毒农药定点经营、把握好关键的监管环节、加大案件查处是做好农药监管工作的重要保证,并就进一步做好监管工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

新修订的《农药管理条例》对农药经营实施许可制度,销售农药应当取得农药经营许证。该文通过对农药经营实施许可制度后农药经营环节出现的新问题的分析,提出农药经营环节的执法监管建议。  相似文献   

农药是重要的农业防灾减灾物资,在我国粮食产量“九连增”中农药发挥着特殊和不可替代作用.中国是农药生产、使用大国,农药管理工作尚处于发展阶段,农药管理法规体系基本形成,农药登记评价体系逐步完善,农药监督执法体系基本形成.但也存在着监管体制尚需完善,登记制度、再评价制度、经营许可制度等管理制度急需完善,行业支持亟需加强等问题需要解决.针对这些问题,笔者提出了健全法律体系,优化监管体制;创新思路理念,完善中国特色的农药登记制度、建立符合国情的农药经营许可制度、建立适合行业发展的监测研究制度等管理制度;加强财政投入,建立基本药物补贴机制、废弃物回收处置机制,履行政府职责等发展策略,在统筹生态文明、美丽中国建设中,加快推进农药管理制度的创新和发展.  相似文献   

为保障舌尖上的安全,农药是关键的农业投入品。本文通过基层调研,探索了目前平顶山市农药经营、管理与使用的现状、存在的问题,并深入思考,提出了取消农药专营,实行农药经营许可制度,修订完善法律法规,搞好经营者技术培训,构建诚信经营体系等建议,对指导平顶山市及全省农药经营市场管理有着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

介绍了美国农药管理法律与法规。在农药登记管理中,高度重视风险评估,实行分类差异化管理和严格的再评审登记制度;在农药使用管理中,重视农药经营许可,施用人员许可,农药使用许可管理,实行病虫防控咨询师制度和农药施用报告及监管制度。提出了我国农药管理和使用的建设性建议。  相似文献   

新修订的《农药管理条例》明确规定国家实行农药经营许可制度,而申请农药经营许可证是农药经营者身份合法化、经营合法化的第一步。本文介绍了日照市严格审核程序和标准,确保符合条件的农药经营单位依法申领农药经营许可证。  相似文献   

正《农药管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)规定,国家实行农药经营许可制度,农药经营者应当按规定向县级以上地方人民政府农业主管部门申请农药经营许可证。《农药经营许可管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)规定,在中华人民共和国境内销售农药的,应当取得农药经营许可证。2018年8月1  相似文献   

我国农药试验许可制度始于20世纪80年代,经历了30多年的发展变化。本文系统梳理了我国农药登记试验许可制度的历史演变、运行现状和存在问题,针对性提出相关建议,以期在新《条例》的框架下进一步完善农药登记试验许可相关配套规定。  相似文献   

1999年,四川省人大第19号公告发布了《四川省农药管理条例》,把农药经营许制度列为法定制度,为规范农药经营行为提供了法律保障。在实际操作中,我们严格按照法定的程序办理,收到了较好的效果。现谈谈实施农药经营许可制度的做法和体会。  相似文献   

新《农药管理条例》颁布实施以来,新疆生产建设兵团认真贯彻落实,重点围绕职能承接、机构建设、任务落实等方面切实加强农药管理工作,取得了阶段性成效。本文概述了新疆生产建设兵团贯彻实施《农药管理条例》的进展情况,梳理总结了农药管理工作主要做法与经验,并结合当前形势,分析农药管理工作面临的新任务新要求,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

市场流通的农药产品中,以助剂名义搭售农药行为严重干扰了市场经营秩序。依据《农药成分监测技术指南》中监测方法,开展助剂中农药成分的定性定量监测工作,是强化农药产品质量监管,保障农业生产和农产品质量安全的重要举措。  相似文献   

农药助剂的应用与研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农药助剂种类繁多,应用广泛,并且对农药剂型的发展与产品的质量和安全有着密切的关系。随着对农药安全性和环境影响的要求不断提高,农药助剂应用与管理问题显得日益重要。本文分析和讨论了我国农药助剂的应用发展以及国外对农药助剂的管理情况,对于农药剂型产品的开发和助剂的管理有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Plant protection has many international aspects; it is also quickly changing, especially in relation to sustainability. FAO’s activities in plant protection are grouped in four major thrusts: plant quarantine, pesticide management, integrated pest management and migratory pest control. The International Plant Protection Convention defines the FAO’s activities in plant quarantine, while, in response to the GATT Uruguay Round, harmonization of plant quarantine is also being undertaken. Pesticide management activities address the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and standard setting on pesticide residues. Integrated Pest Management is the core of the plant protection programme, together with international coordination of migratory pest control. All these activities are complemented by technical assistance programmes, including assistance with the establishment of plant protection services.FAO’s activities remain a compromise between what member countries see as desirable and what is affordable. Long term commitment is required to achieve result. New functions in quarantine and pesticide management have been taken up, but the international assessment of pesticides needs urgent attention. The paradigm change away from pesticide use will require further international cooperation. Substantial research and a new control system is needed for locust control.  相似文献   

在世界农药管理日趋严格,公众参与度日益增加,新产品和新技术不断涌现的大背景下,本文借笔者一年在联合国粮农组织作物生产和保护司病虫害和农药管理组做访问学者的经历,结合工作实际,从国际组织广泛参与、区域间加强协调、统一标准和准则等方面,对当今世界农药管理现状进行了总结分析。同时以《国际农药管理守则》倡导的对农药实行“全生命周期”管理方式为起点,对未来农药管理的趋势进行了分析。农药不尊重国界,未来世界农药管理势必越来越突破区域和国家的界限,以地球村为视角,实现全球可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

美国农药生态风险评价技术   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
美国已建立较为完善的生态风险评价技术,包括农药对地表水水生生物、对陆生生物以及地下水的风险评价。综述了美国的农药水生生态风险评价及陆生生态风险评价技术,旨在为我国农药生态风险评价技术的完善和农药风险管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Pesticide management is characterized, in terms of government responsibility, by an increasing need for flexibility to cope with fast change in science, technology, agricultural practice and environmental policy. The feasibility study in question was started at the end of 1974, when it became clear that the variety of conventional information systems often caused delay, especially in the administrative follow–up of the official procedures with which government is involved. This concerns approval and registration as well as providing pesticide information to quite a variety of interested parties, such as industry, importers, dealers, users of pesticides and government agencies (Plant Protection Service, Extension Services, Public Health and Environment Authorities, Labour Inspectorate, etc.). The computer–based pesticide management information system which is being developed now by a multi–disciplinary project–group should meet the needs of all those having government responsibility in the field of pesticide management. It is planned as an on–line, geographically dispersed retrieval and storage system with terminal facilities for all users. The system is to be controlled by the Pesticides Bureau of the interdepartmental Committee for Phytopharmacy.  相似文献   

Pesticide resistance management needs an indication of the risk of resistance developing in pests against pesticide applications. This paper describes an evaluation system for the ranking of these risks. The term pests includes all organisms which are causing economic damage in agriculture, including weeds and plant pathogens. The system distinguishes six broad risk categories. It is based on expert judgement of answers to a maximum of ten questions on crop husbandry, pest biology and pest control. The system has been developed for registration purposes in The Netherlands, and is currently being discussed within the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO). ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

聚合酶链式反应具有灵敏度高、特异性强和操作简便等优点,是应用最为广泛的分子生物技术之一。目前,农药学越来越多的研究涉及分子和基因,PCR技术有着广泛的应用前景。本文简要介绍PCR技术的基本原理和特点,以及其在靶标生物抗药性研究、农药环境毒理、农药作用机理、生物农药的开发等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Collaborative action on the part of all stakeholders in pest management is essential to effectively address the challenges of pesticide resistance. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, recently posted a report on pesticide resistance management and the role the Agency can play in these efforts. In this Perspective, we commend the Agency for acknowledging these needs, and encourage implementation of the recommendations. We urge all stakeholders to follow the example set by the EPA to engage openly, listen to other stakeholders, and determine their role as part of the broader community that is needed to address the challenges of resistance. Our contention is that pesticide resistance will continue to escalate until all stakeholders evaluate their roles in resistance management and work together as a community to influence effective management. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

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