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Conversion from annual bluegrass or bentgrasses to red fescue could be an efficient way to minimise water use on golf greens. Our objective was to investigate the influences of four irrigation strategies on red fescue water use efficiency, turf quality, growth rate and resistance to annual bluegrass and moss invasion. The trial was carried out from August 2013 to August 2015 on a green established according to USGA recommendations under a rainout shelter at Landvik, Norway (58 °N). On average for 2 years, irrigation to field capacity once per week (FC 1) and deficit irrigation to 60% of FC three times per week (DEF 3) reduced the water consumption by 49% and 72% relative to irrigation to FC three times per week (FC 3). Both DEF 3 and FC 1 retained acceptable turf quality and reduced annual bluegrass in the second year by about one‐third. Better control of annual bluegrass was obtained with deficit irrigation to 60% of FC once per week (DEF 1), but this treatment did not produce acceptable turf quality. Compared with FC 3, DEF 3, FC 1 and DEF 1 gave harder surfaces and reduced the moss invasion in the second year by 66%, 90% and 93%, respectively. Irrigation effects on root development and thatch organic matter after 2 years were not significant, although the thatch layer depth was 3–4 mm greater in FC 1 than in the other treatments. In conclusion, DEF 3 and FC 1 are both effective irrigation strategies for managing red fescue greens with less water use.  相似文献   

灌溉方式对地表蒸发和梨果实发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决地面灌溉中灌溉水利用效率低、果实品质差的问题,于2013年在河北工程大学永年校区以5年生田间梨树为试材,研究不同地面灌溉方式对土壤水分含量、地表蒸发量、梨产量与品质的影响。4种地面灌溉方式包括沟灌、畦灌、覆草畦灌和覆草非灌溉。测定不同处理的土壤含水量、地表蒸发量和果实品质。结果表明,不同灌溉方式的土壤含水量差异显著,覆草畦灌和沟灌显著高于畦灌和覆草非灌溉处理。覆草畦灌和沟灌较畦灌可显著减少地表的蒸发量,覆草非灌溉、覆草畦灌、沟灌和畦灌3—8月的累积地表蒸发量分别是77.92、114.64、163.1、203.73 mm。沟灌的灌溉水利用效率为1.99 kg/m3,显著大于覆草畦灌和畦灌,分别提高了1.45、1.06 kg/m3。沟灌显著提高了果实的单果重、可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量和维生素C含量。综上,沟灌既能减少地表蒸发又能提高果实产量和品质,是当前较好的地面灌溉方式。  相似文献   

The effects of a moderate soil water deficit on several shoot growth variables (1st and 2nd order shoot growth and final leaves number, final height and final number of 2nd order shoots) and on net photosynthesis were studied in young peach trees during the two years following plantation (January 2014). Trees were either fully irrigated (C), subjected to moderate water deficit (RDI) or subjected to moderate water deficit and associated with a grass-legume mixture on the entire orchard floor (RDI +G). Irrigation was scheduled according to soil water potential target ranges in order to keep C trees above −0.02 MPa, i.e. at field capacity, and RDI and RDI + G trees between −0.04 MPa and −0.06 MPa. The level of water deficit obtained was moderate but yet significantly reduced by 50% overall tree growth in 2014 in RDI. This reduction was enhanced when water deficit lasted longer and when it was associated with grass in RDI + G. No reduction in growth variables occurred in RDI in 2015 due to the shorter duration of water deficit. Overall reduction was observed in 2015 in RDI + G mostly due to a carry-over effect of the previous year. Net photosynthesis was reduced by the longer and more intense water deficit in 2014, but was not reduced during the soil water deficit in 2015. An indicator of plant process sensitivity to water deficit, taking into account the variable reduction with regards to the control, the water deficit intensity and its duration was used to classify shoot growth variables and net photosynthesis according to their sensitivity to water deficit. Variables could be classified according to the following order of ascending sensitivity: net photosynthesis <1st order final leaf number < final tree height <1st order final shoot length <2nd order final leaf number <2nd order final shoot number <2nd order final shoot length. Applying a moderate water deficit combined with full grass cover drastically reduces overall tree size due to grass competition.  相似文献   

调亏灌溉对棉花生长发育及其产量和品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
 在移动式防雨棚下,采用子母盆栽土培法,以美棉99B为试验材料进行调亏灌溉(Regulated Deficit Irrigation, 缩写RDI)试验研究,旨在了解RDI对作物不同生育阶段生长发育特性、经济产量(Y)和水分利用效率(WUE)以及经济产品品质的影响,寻求适宜的调亏生育阶段(时期)和调节亏水度,为建立棉花RDI指标与模式提供理论依据。试验采用二因素(水分调亏阶段和调节亏水度)随机区组设计。结果表明,适时适度的水分调亏具有根系下扎的诱导效应,抑制植株营养体冗余生长,促进生殖生长,有利于光合产物向子棉运转与分配,提高经济产量;能够改善部分品质指标。棉花RDI的适宜指标是:苗期轻、中度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度控制下限为田间持水量的60%FC(Field capacity)或50%FC;蕾期轻度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度控制下限为60%FC;花铃期不宜调亏,应保证充足供水,0~40 cm土层湿度应不低于75%FC;吐絮期可中度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度可控制在50%~55% FC。  相似文献   

Adjustments on planting date and on the time to terminate irrigation may reduce agricultural water use. However, such management practices in regions with extreme weather conditions have the potential to negatively affect yield. A 3‐year (2012–2014) study was conducted on a clay‐loam soil in a cool, semi‐arid environment to (i) determine the response of confection sunflower to planting date and irrigation termination timing and (ii) identify the relative importance of yield components in irrigated confection sunflower across planting dates. Early May planting had considerable negative effects on all studied variables, except on the percentage of large seeds. The highest yield of total and large seeds was obtained from the late May plantings, averaging 3,777 and 3,379 kg/ha, respectively. None of the irrigation strategies affected the measured variables. However, the interaction between planting date and termination of irrigation significantly affected the 1,000‐seed weight. Our study revealed the last week of May as suitable planting period for confection sunflower in the semi‐arid north‐western region of Wyoming, USA, and that irrigation on heavy soils may be terminated as early as at R5.5 stage without a significant yield reduction. The path‐coefficient analysis indicated head diameter and the number of seeds per head as important traits that significantly influence the yield of confection sunflower across planting dates.  相似文献   

摘 要:为了解羊茅属高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea L.)、早熟禾属草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)、黑麦草属多年生黑麦草(Lolium Perenne L.)的耐盐性,以高羊茅(凌志、爱瑞三号、阳光宝贝)、草地早熟禾(纳苏,抢手股,优异)、多年生黑麦草(首相、焦点)共八个品种为材料,在不同浓度的NaCl水培营养液中对各种材料幼苗进行耐盐处理。实验表明:草地早熟禾的耐盐临界浓度为200 mmol/L,高羊茅和多年生黑麦草的耐盐临界浓度为150 mmol/L;并确定8个品种的耐盐性的差异:枪手股最好,首相最差。同时,对其相关叶片显微结构:泡状细胞、维管束、表皮细胞、气孔器进行了分析, 结果表明:草地早熟禾由于具有与耐盐植物相近的结构而更能耐受较高的盐浓度。关键词:草坪草,耐盐差异,叶片显微结构  相似文献   

为了探明不同调亏程度对海岛棉产量及品质的影响,通过田间小区试验,以正常灌水量为对照,设置轻度调亏(正常灌水量的75%)、中度调亏(正常灌水量的50%)和重度调亏(正常灌水量的25%),研究调亏灌溉对海岛棉不同部位优质成铃特性的调节效应。结果表明:轻度调亏对棉花产量品质无显著影响,而中度和重度调亏使皮棉产量分别下降了10.8%和25.4%,主要是单株铃数和单铃重显著下降。轻度和中度调亏对衣分影响较小,但重度调亏使衣分显著下降。轻度和重度调亏使纤维长度略有下降,中度调亏则纤维长度增加。纤维比强度和马克隆值随调亏程度增加呈增大趋势,但差异不显著。从不同结铃部位分析,轻度调亏使棉花中部铃重、纤维长度、比强度增大,上部铃重、纤维长度显著降低。而中度和重度调亏均使中部铃重、衣分显著下降,中度调亏使中部棉铃纤维比强度增加,而重度调亏可显著提高下部棉铃纤维比强度。轻度调亏使中部、中度调亏使下部、重度调亏使上部棉铃纤维马克隆值显著增大。  相似文献   

Water resources used in irrigated agriculture are increasingly scarce, particularly in many countries where irrigation has undergone recent expansion. To optimize the limited resources available, optimization models provide useful tools for technical and economic analyses. One of the key inputs of these models is the yield response to water which is often simulated with empirical water production functions. At present, dynamic crop simulation models, such as AquaCrop (Steduto et al., 2009) offer alternative predictions of crop responses to different irrigation strategies as inputs to economic optimization. A model at farm scale was developed and applied to an area in South-western Spain to assist farmers in pre-season decision making on cropping patterns and on irrigation strategies. Yield predictions were obtained from the AquaCrop model which was validated for four different crops. The model simulated the impact on farm income of: (a) irrigation water constraints; (b) variations in agricultural policies; (c) changes in product and water prices; and, (d) variations in the communication to farmers of the specific level of irrigation water allocation. The applications of the models to the study area showed that currently, the changes in cropping patterns induced by the agricultural policy will encourage water savings more than an increase in water prices. Under water restrictions, the best strategy combines planting of low water use crops in part of the area to release water to grow more profitable crops with greater water needs. The model predicted a strong negative impact on farm income of delaying a decision on the level of seasonal water allocation by the water authority, reaching up to 300 € ha−1 in the case of the study area.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the feasibility of canopy temperature based crop water stress index (CWSI) for scheduling irrigation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Field crop experiments were conducted in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (India) during three consecutive cropping seasons (2015, 2016 and 2017). The experimental field was divided into five plots with different levels of irrigation treatments based on depletion of total available soil water (TASW) in the crop root zone. The maximum soil moisture depletion (SMD) of TASW at 10%, 30% and 50%, full irrigated (non-stressed) and extremely dry (full stressed) conditions were maintained in respective plots. Relationships were developed between canopy-air temperature differential (TC-TA) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) for non-stressed and fully stressed conditions to generate non-water-stressed baseline (NWSB) and maximum water-stressed baseline (MWSB) baselines for Indian mustard crop. The CWSI was computed for different SMD of TASW by using a proven empirical approach based on the baselines. The irrigation treatment corresponding to 30% SMD with a mean CWSI of 0.4 resulted in optimal yield and maximum water use efficiency. Results of the study suggest that established CWSI value can be used to detect stress and schedule irrigations for Indian mustard.  相似文献   

Increasing irrigation costs and declining water availability compel producers to adapt irrigation strategies for maximum crop yield and water use efficiency. A field trial was conducted to observe the effects of various drip irrigation ratios (IR-0, IR-25, IR-50, IR-75 and IR-100) on water use efficiency (WUE), the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), lint yield, yield components and fibre quality at two upland cotton varieties during 2004 and 2005. WUE was found to increase from 0.62 to 0.71 kg m−3 as the irrigation water applied was reduced from 100 % to 75 % of soil water depletion. Deficit irrigation of cotton with drip irrigation at 75 % treatment level (IR-75) did not decrease seed cotton yield and yield components during 2 years, with the exception of the number of bolls in 2005. Among fibre quality parameters, no significant differences in fibre length, fineness, uniformity index and elongation were detected between the 100 % and 75 % irrigation levels in 2005. The results revealed that irrigation of cotton with a drip irrigation method at 75 % level had significant benefits in terms of saved irrigation water without reducing yield, and high WUE indicated a definitive advantage of employing deficit irrigation under limited water supply conditions.  相似文献   

Intensification of cropping systems in recent decades has increased their productivity but affected air, soil and water quality. These harmful environmental impacts are exacerbated in Maize Monoculture (MM) and hasten the need for solutions to overcome the trade off between crop yield and environmental impacts. In a three-year cropping systems experiment, a conventional intensive maize monoculture (MMConv), with a winter bare fallow, deep soil tillage, non-limiting irrigation was compared to three Low Input Cropping Systems (LI-CS) designed as alternatives to the conventional system. They were managed with decision-rules implemented to reach specific objectives of input reduction. The LI-CS designed with Integrated Weed Management (IWM) techniques and other sustainable cropping practices, were:(i) MMLI—an IWM Low Input MM; (ii) MMCT—a Conservation Tillage combined with cover crop MM; and (iii) Maize-MSW—an IWM maize grown in rotation with soybean and wheat. A comprehensive multi-criteria assessment was carried out to quantify the agronomic, economic, social, and environmental performances of each system. A canonical discriminant analysis of performance metrics revealed large differences between the four systems. Yields were significantly higher in MMConv (11.0 Mg ha−1) and MMLI (10.3 Mg ha−1) than in Maize-MSW (8.6 Mg ha−1) and MMCT (7.8 Mg ha−1). MMCT had the largest weed infestation (density and biomass) despite the greatest use of herbicides. The Herbicide Treatment Frequency Index (HTFI), used to indicate differences in herbicide use, revealed that the MMLI (HTFI = 1.0) and Maize-MSW (1.1) halved the herbicide use as compared to the MMConv (2.1), despite having similar weed abundance levels. The LI-CS, especially MMCT, produced high biomass winter cover crops and then less nitrogen fertilization was required as compared to MMConv. Gross margins in the MMLI (1254 € ha−1) and MMConv (1252 € ha−1) were higher than the MMCT (637 € ha−1) and Maize-MSW (928 € ha−1). MMLI and MMConv had similar labour requirements. Water drainage, pesticide leaching, energy use, and estimated greenhouse gas emissions were higher in MMConv than in the LI-CS in most years. Results from this research show good potential for the MMLI to reduce the environmental impacts of MMConv while maintaining its economic and social performance.  相似文献   

为明确合理密植条件下调亏灌溉的节水增产效果,在新疆干旱区大田研究了灌溉量(饱和灌溉、正常灌溉、调亏灌溉)和种植密度(12万、18万、24万株·hm-2)对棉花生长发育和产量品质的影响。结果表明,灌溉量和种植密度对棉花生物产量、经济系数、经济产量有显著的互作效应,但对纤维品质没有影响。调亏灌溉显著抑制营养生长,但提高了收获指数;调亏灌溉下适当提高密度,显著提高了生物产量和单位面积铃数。调亏灌溉下高密度处理组合在用水量减少20%的情况下,棉花产量与正常灌溉下中、高密度以及饱和灌溉下低密度等高产组合的产量相当。调亏灌溉配合合理密植是旱区棉花节水增产的有效栽培途径之一。  相似文献   

A framework is developed on epidemiological criteria to classify the degree of public risk and the threat to resistant cultivars from a range of diseases within a region. A public risk disease or pest is one that is an external threat to the productivity of a field, posed by a plant pathogen or pest that originates elsewhere. Yield losses can occur in neighbouring crops when susceptible cultivars are grown and become diseased. There is also an increased risk of the emergence of new pathotypes. Costs arise directly from yield losses and from maintenance breeding that is necessary to counter the risk of new pathotypes or biotypes. The framework is based on the four components of the disease tetrahedron (host, pathogen, environment, management) and their interactions with the principal criteria and modifying factors that are identified. The principal criteria that influence public risk are inoculum dispersal and pathogen variability. These can be modified by the degree of pathogen variability, reproductive capacity, seasonal favourability, host non compensation, production system, and overseasoning location. The major threat arising from public risk diseases is their potential to reduce the effective life of resistant cultivars. As an illustration, the framework is applied to the wheat industry in southern New South Wales, Australia, to classify diseases into those with public risk that can result in high, medium, low and negligible threats to resistant cultivars. Measures for reducing the threats posed by public risk diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了地下滴灌技术在北方某高尔夫球场草坪灌溉中的应用实践。研究表明地下滴灌系统运行正常,无堵塞现象,具有良好的节水效应,能满足草坪的正常生长和球场的日常作业,节省成本,提高劳动效率。滴头间距设置为30cm,毛管间距设置为40cm,埋设深度设置为15cm是一个良好的设计组合。  相似文献   

农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
干旱缺水是制约农业生产发展的主要因素之一,而农业节水灌溉就是用尽可能少的水投入,取得尽可能多农作物产品的一种农业高效用水模式;对农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算从理论上进行了系统的阐述,供相关人员参考。新疆生产建设兵团各垦区是荒漠、半荒漠人工垦荒绿洲灌溉农业区,缺水问题尤显突出。要使垦区农业经济健康持续稳定的发展,必须发展节水农业,提高灌溉水的利用率,提高单方水的生产效率,节水扩灌,改善农业生产技术措施,提高粮、棉、果、牧的产量和品质;只有通过农业节水才能满足“生态维护用水”的需求,防止生态脆弱区生存环境的进一步恶化,降低各种自然灾害(大风、沙尘暴、浮尘等)发生的频率,减少农田沙化的进度。  相似文献   

针对设施蔬菜传统水肥管理模式中钾素过量投入、因缺镁造成果类蔬菜品质下降等问题,以一年两季设施番茄为研究对象,通过对不同土壤深度钾素淋洗的周年动态监测,研究了不同水肥管理模式及秸秆还田对设施菜田土壤钾素淋洗的影响。结果表明,滴灌施肥处理下菜田平均每季钾素盈余394 kg/hm2,明显低于漫灌施肥处理;滴灌施肥菜田0~60 cm土层土壤速效钾累积程度小于漫灌施肥,且显著降低了钾素淋洗量,50,90 cm处平均每季淋洗量分别为15.9,4.2 kg/hm2,而漫灌施肥体系则分别达到26.9,16.9 kg/hm2,漫灌体系过量灌溉和施肥是导致钾素大量淋洗的根本原因;漫灌体系下添加秸秆后有降低表层土壤速效钾积累的趋势,增加了土壤钾素淋洗。  相似文献   

北疆膜下滴灌高产棉花灌溉和施肥模式的初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
摘 要:通过不同年际间,北疆膜下滴灌高产示范田中灌水、施肥措施对棉花产量及产量构成特点影响的研究。结果表明,新疆滴灌棉田产量逐步提高与棉花种植密度的增加,水肥后移,增加花期以后钾的施用量等栽培措施密切相关。在蕾期-盛花结铃期增加灌水次数,减少灌水周期、时间及灌水量;结铃期到始吐期,在保证灌水次数的同时,适当减少灌水量,能明显提高全生育期的水分利用效率,有效的节约生产成本。  相似文献   

为民勤干旱沙区红枣栽培探索科学合理的灌溉制度,以4年生密植骏枣为研究对象,通过田间试验,研究生育期滴灌条件下充足灌水、80%轻度调亏、60%中度调亏和40%重度调亏4种灌溉措施对枣树生长和产量的影响。结果表明:在民勤干旱沙区,供水量在425.7~545.7 mm之间枣树均能正常生长,株高、新梢长和茎粗增量均随着灌水量的增加而增大;轻度调亏灌溉可提高骏枣果实的纵、横径和单果质量,产量增加7.8%,水分利用效率提高16.3%。采取轻度调亏灌溉措施可以有效提高民勤干旱沙区枣树产量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   

土壤耕作和水分管理对水稻土壤肥力性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曾可  江立庚 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):234-237
为了探讨耕作方式和水分管理对水稻土壤肥力性状的影响,以金优253为材料进行大田试验,设置常耕、免耕二种土壤耕作方式,浅水层灌溉、交替灌溉、水气平衡灌溉三种水分管理方式,然后在水稻成熟期测定分析土壤肥力因子的变化。结果表明,土壤碱解氮含量以浅水层灌溉最高,水气平衡灌溉次之,交替灌溉的最低,土壤有效磷含量从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、交替灌溉、浅水层灌溉;土壤速效钾含量从高到低分别为交替灌溉、水气平衡灌溉、浅水层灌溉;土壤有机质含量从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、浅水层灌溉、交替灌溉;土壤pH值从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、交替灌溉、浅水层灌溉。三种灌溉方式下常耕稻田土壤碱解氮、有效磷和有机质含量含量高于免耕稻田,免耕稻田pH值、土壤速效钾含量却高于常耕稻田。水分管理对土壤肥力的影响比耕作方式的影响更大。  相似文献   

王纯武 《中国农学通报》2014,30(27):219-222
通过对滴灌红籽瓜不同密度对比试验寻找其适合大型机械化作业的最佳密度,从而进一步探讨红籽瓜高产栽培技术,为指导大田生产服务。采用扩大行距,对留苗方式进行必要的调整,分别对3700、5550、7400株/667m2三种密度做了小区试验。结果以5550株/667m2取得了较高的产量和较好的品质。在此密度下单产达147.8 kg,达极显著水平。总结出适合新疆昌吉地区红籽瓜高产栽培的最佳密度为5550株/667 m2,其产量、植株生长、主要经济性状、干物质积累为最佳。  相似文献   

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