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通过对圈养东北虎近5年的繁殖行为观察,总结了动物繁殖期发情行为、交配行为的特点。研究结果表明繁殖期动物的发情行为有周期性,交配行为有兴奋期、高潮期、消退期过程性特点,认为圈养东北虎繁殖期界限并不明显,全年可发情交配。  相似文献   

为了探究评估圈养东北虎丰容效果,对三明市动物园饲养的2只东北虎(雄虎003和雌虎005)进行豪猪粪便、含稻草纸箱和纸盒藏食丰容试验,采用瞬时扫描取样法观察记录3种丰容对2只东北虎各种行为的影响。结果表明:雄虎003的运动行为增加,其中在含稻草纸箱丰容前后差异显著(P<0.05),在豪猪粪便丰容前后和纸盒藏食丰容前后差异不显著(P>0.05);雌虎005的运动行为增加,其中在豪猪粪便丰容前后和含稻草纸箱丰容前后差异显著(P<0.05),在纸盒藏食丰容前后差异不显著(P>0.05)。雄虎003的休息行为减少,其中在含稻草纸箱丰容前后差异显著(P<0.05);在豪猪粪便丰容前后和纸盒藏食丰容前后差异不显著(P>0.05);雌虎005的休息行为减少,在3种丰容前后差异显著(P<0.05)。雄虎003和雌虎005的摄食行为在纸盒藏食丰容前后差异极显著(P<0.01);在豪猪粪便丰容前后和含稻草纸箱丰容前后差异不显著(P>0.05)。雄虎003的其它行为在3种丰容前后差异不显著(P>0.05);雌虎005的其它行为在含稻草纸箱丰容前后差异...  相似文献   

圈养东北虎尾部采血训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南京某动物园通过正强化行为训练,引导动物在完全放松的状态下主动配合医疗人员完成检查,并成功对1只圈养东北虎完成尾部采血。科学的行为训练可以增加动物与饲养人员之间的信任,减少日常饲养管理中动物因环境改变和人为干扰产生的应激反应,避免了麻醉或物理保定对动物造成的伤害,提高了动物福利。  相似文献   

崔多英  杨静  卢岩  李俊祥  张桂军 《野生动物》2012,33(6):320-322,341
2005—2011年,持续对北京动物园的3只圈养东北虎进行了医疗管理训练,相继完成串笼、体尺体重测量、后肢力量增强、肌肉注射、尾部采血、尿液收集、口腔及牙齿检查、修剪前爪等训练项目。通过训练,减少了日常饲养管理中动物对环境改变和人类干扰的应激反应;以往需要麻醉动物才能进行的肌肉注射、采血、口腔及牙齿检查和修爪等操作,现在可以引导动物在放松状态下主动完成,去除了麻醉对动物造成的伤害。圈养野生动物医疗管理训练不同于驯兽表演,是提高动物福利的有效手段。  相似文献   

华南虎原野式环境中的饲养管理与部分行为的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1998年 9月从苏州引进 2雄 1雌共 3头亚成体华南虎在梅花山原野式环境中进行饲养、管理、野化训练和生殖等移地保护研究。结果表明 ,原野式环境中的华南虎 ,其饲养、管理、体质和许多行为表现与笼舍环境里的华南虎有显著差异。1 材料与方法1 1 种虎及其生活环境从苏州引进 1 997年 1月和 6月出生的国际编号 2 78号雌虎和 2 84、 2 85号雄虎共 3头亚成华南虎作为本研究的华南虎材料 ,于 1 998年 9月 2 6日进入梅花山原野式环境中。在海拔 70 0m福建省梅花山的山顶上建靠原野式环境 ,四周设 4 5m高铁丝网围栏 ,内植草皮、茅草、常绿树、…  相似文献   

目前有关鹅行为学的研究比较少,研究鹅的行为习性有助于掌握其生物学特性,为改善鹅的饲养管理、提高鹅的生产水平提供科学依据.为此,于2007年5月12-13日进行了圈养马岗鹅的行为观察试验.  相似文献   

2017年3月19日昆明动物园1头雌性东北虎产下3只幼仔。本项研究通过监控视频,使用瞬时扫描法,记录了雌虎及幼虎在此日后30 d内的行为并进行了整理和分析;观察结果显示,雌虎在哺乳初期的行为以休息和哺乳为主,分别占到了行为总频率的55.13%和19.21%,而幼虎在哺乳初期的行为以休息和吮乳为主,分别占到了71.25%和12.98%。不同时期雌虎出现的休息、哺乳、亲幼虎行为差异显著(P<0.05),移动、进食和其他行为的差异极显著(P<0.01);幼虎表现出的休息、吮乳、拱拔、张望、玩耍和其他行为在6个时期都呈现极显著差异(P<0.01),亲雌虎行为差异显著(P<0.05),而移动行为在不同时期的差异不显著;幼虎在哺乳初期还有新的行为发育出现。  相似文献   

野生动物从野外到圈养,由于生存空间、环境、食物等因素发生了根本变化,导致其行为也发生了一系列的变化,其中许多行为是野生状态所不常见的,一旦环境、食物等因素加以调整,特异行为也就消失。笔者就几年来在动物园的实际饲养管理工作中,对各类野生动物的一般性行为、特异性行为进行了观察,通过分析、整理如下,同时浅析观察研究动物的行为在野生动物人工饲养中的作用和意义。1观察结果1.1动物的自理行为自理行为主要是一般情况下动物的日常活动行为。1.1.1身体的护理。常见的野生动物自身护理行为,如晒太阳(日光浴)、水浴、砂浴、泥浴,理羽…  相似文献   

人工饲养东北虎繁殖行为的观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  

The present study examined daytime behavior patterns of 19 captive tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) housed in Nandankanan Zoological Park, Odisha, India. Behavioral observations of 1254 hours were analyzed for target behaviors using instantaneous sampling and 1-minute sample periods. We found that these captive tigers spent about 23% of the daytime exhibiting stereotypic behavior, that is, pacing, with a biphasic peak at 10:00 to 11:00 am and 16:00 to 17:00 pm. The incidence of stereotypic pacing behavior appears high, warranting further investigation of the cause of this stereotypic behavior and whether an effect of behavioral enrichment is required for a better understanding of welfare implications on the animals.  相似文献   

As an apex predator the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) could play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of forest ecosystems in Northeast Asia. Due to habitat loss and harvest over the past century, tigers rapidly declined in China and are now restricted to the Russian Far East and bordering habitat in nearby China. To facilitate restoration of the tiger in its historical range, reliable estimates of population size are essential to assess effectiveness of conservation interventions. Here we used camera trap data collected in Hunchun National Nature Reserve from April to June 2013 and 2014 to estimate tiger density and abundance using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian spatially explicit capture–recapture (SECR) methods. A minimum of 8 individuals were detected in both sample periods and the documentation of marking behavior and reproduction suggests the presence of a resident population. Using Bayesian SECR modeling within the 11 400 km2 state space, density estimates were 0.33 and 0.40 individuals/100 km2 in 2013 and 2014, respectively, corresponding to an estimated abundance of 38 and 45 animals for this transboundary Sino–Russian population. In a maximum likelihood framework, we estimated densities of 0.30 and 0.24 individuals/100 km2 corresponding to abundances of 34 and 27, in 2013 and 2014, respectively. These density estimates are comparable to other published estimates for resident Amur tiger populations in the Russian Far East. This study reveals promising signs of tiger recovery in Northeast China, and demonstrates the importance of connectivity between the Russian and Chinese populations for recovering tigers in Northeast China.  相似文献   

采用瞬间扫描取样法,对福州动物园饲养的五只平原斑马在分群期间的行为进行观察、记录、分析和总结,根据其行为变化来确定如何配对分群,并根据分群后的情况对其饲养作相应调整.  相似文献   

Six adult female tigers (Panthera tigris) were anesthetized repeatedly for elective medical procedures using 3 mg medetomidine and 200 mg ketamine i.m. Inductions were rapid and smooth, although supplemental ketamine was needed for safe transport after induction in 6 of 17 procedures. Reversal of the medetomidine-induced sedation with 15 mg atipamezole i.m. 59-232 min after induction resulted in smooth, rapid recoveries.  相似文献   

从断奶到4月龄的仔猪叫断奶仔猪。仔猪断奶后,肌肉、骨骼生长十分迅速,需要补充丰富的营养。断奶期间仔猪会遇到内外环境的各种应激。同时,由吃液态的营养全面、易消化的母乳到完全吃配合饲料,胃肠也需要一个逐步适应过程,在这个过程中,胃肠本身也在生长发育,分泌消化液成分也有所变化,以适应配合日粮。有的养殖户为了管理上的方便而进行并圈,猪群间个体位序的建立需要争斗来完成,这对仔猪是一个强应激。据统计,断奶期间仔猪死亡率占全程死亡率的40%,可见这个阶段在饲养管理上占有很大的比重。  相似文献   

一日二回育不同饲育密度的成绩比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用现行蚕箔按每箔200头、250头、300头、350头、400头密度饲育五龄蚕,调查各项成绩进行比较。结果随着饲育密度的增大,成绩下降。最适宜于二回育的五龄蚕饲育密度为每箔200-300头,超过300头密度饲育成绩差。  相似文献   

A healthy population of captive Amur tigers might assist recovery of the wild population in Northeast China if individuals were properly prepared and considered suitable for release in the wild. We analyzed the breeding records of 68 female Amur tigers from 1995 to 2010 in the Hengdaohezi Felid Breeding Center of China and compared the reproductive parameters of this population to wild female Amur tigers. We found that the reproductive parameters of the captive population (the age of first parturition, length of gestation and litter survival rate) were not significantly different from those of wild Amur tigers. Differences in birth date and litter size between wild and captive populations may be caused by management protocols for the captive population or insufficient field data from the wild population. Reproductive parameters of females giving birth after losing a litter were similar to parameters of females that did not lose a litter, except for birth date. These results provide no indication of major problems in using captive females for a breeding program for release of cubs into the wild, but additional information is still needed to assess their suitability.  相似文献   

Zoo animals, including tigers, have been reported to suffer from barbiturate intoxication, with pentabarbitone being most commonly recorded. Clinical signs range from mild ataxia to general anaesthesia with recovery over hours to days with several factors affecting hepatic barbiturate metabolism and tissue partitioning. Botulism is an often fatal intoxication in man, animals, birds and certain fish. The occurrence in carnivores is uncommon to rare, with only 2 reports found of botulism in felids. This report relates to 3 adult captive cohabiting tigers that simultaneously developed signs of abdominal discomfort, progressive ataxia, recumbency and comatose sleep resembling stage 2 anaesthesia, alternating with periods of distracted wakefulness and ataxic movements. These signs occurred 4 days after being fed the carcass of a horse that had ostensibly died of colic and not been euthanased. The male tiger that was the dominant animal in the feeding hierarchy was worst affected and had to be given intravenous fluids. The female that was lowest in hierarchy was unaffected. After 48-72 hours of treatment at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital the females could eat and made an uneventful recovery. The male tiger showed partial recovery but died during the night a few hours after drinking water on his return to the owner. Necropsy revealed severe oesophageal dilation and impaction with decaying grass; some of this material and water were present in the pharynx and trachea, and had been aspirated causing acute widespread bronchopneumonia. Colon content tested negative for common pesticides but, together with liver, tested positive for barbiturate. Serum taken on the day of admission had tested negative for barbiturate and the residual serum from the 3 animals later tested negative for botulinum toxin. Colon and oesophageal content from the male at necropsy were positive for Clostridium botulinum toxin type C by the mouse bioassay neutralisation test, confirming that this male had had concomitant barbiturate toxicity and botulism, and had succumbed to aspiration bronchopneumonia secondary to pharyngeal, laryngeal and oesophageal paralysis and oesophageal  相似文献   

To clarify the influence of rearing conditions on the growth of various body parts of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), two groups reared under different conditions, i.e., a group born and reared in open enclosures (Enclosure group) and another consisting of macaques born and reared in cages (Caged group), were somatometrically analyzed. Somatometric data on 36 measures of various body parts were collected from 77 males and 92 females. Growth in many body parts was smaller in the Caged group than in the Enclosure group. Body parts that exhibited large incremental increases were more sensitive to differences in rearing space at the infantile growth stage in both sexes. Recovery from delayed growth at the pubertal growth stage was found in many body parts. However, the size of some locomotor elements such as the wrist and hand, and ankle and foot strongly reflected limitations of space and changes due to this were irreversible. Females were more sensitive than males to such differences in rearing conditions. We conclude that open enclosures with ample rearing space are necessary for the innate growth of Japanese macaques to occur.  相似文献   

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