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The efficacy of vaccination with Newcastle disease (ND) La Sota and R2B (Mukteswar) modified live strain vaccines was determined by experimental challenge and with ND La Sota vaccine under field conditions in Nepal. Booster vaccination with ND La Sota vaccine after a primary vaccination with ND La Sota vaccine, induced a geometric mean titre (GMT) of 5.0 log2 haemagglutination inhibition (HI) units, compared to a GMT of 6.0 log2 HI units following booster vaccination with R2B vaccine 1 month after primary vaccination with ND La Sota vaccine. Both vaccines provided 100% protection against challenge with a local field ND strain. Furthermore, booster vaccination with ND La Sota vaccine induced protective levels of antibody after field use in villages in Jhapa, and no outbreaks of ND occurred during the study period. The ND La Sota modified live vaccine is immunogenic and efficacious and is a suitable vaccine for use in vaccination programmes in village chickens in the rural areas of Nepal.


The progression of tracheal lesions induced by vaccination of day-old specific pathogen-free chicks with the La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was examined by relating surface changes as observed by scanning electron microscopy with subcellular changes seen by transmission electron microscopy. NDV infection resulted in hypertrophy of goblet cells, their rupture, and the formation of excess mucus. Activation of goblet cells peaked within 4 days postvaccination. Afterward, the activation levels gradually decreased. At the level of the ciliated cells, a marked increase in the proportion of nonciliated to ciliated cells and later an almost complete deciliation of the tracheal surface were observed because a simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium replaced the original pseudostratified epithelium. Fifteen days postvaccination, all epithelial damage was restored. Because the observed vaccination-induced lesions are detrimental to epithelial integrity and function as a barrier against invading microorganisms, they might explain at the ultrastructural level the secondary complications of vaccination with the La Sota strain against NDV.  相似文献   

Formulation of nano-encapsulated vaccine tablet is a novel technique for the delivery of Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine to village chickens. Vaccine tablets were prepared using gelatin, trehalose and casein as thermostabilisers and binders, respectively, and each vaccine tablet contained a nominal oral dose of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain I-2 for a single chicken. These ND vaccine tablets maintained a titre of 108.5 EID50/0.1 mL for 90 days at ambient room temperatures (25–34°C). When these vaccine tablets were given to village chickens, a single oral administration of the vaccine produced protective antibody response (≥3.0 log2) against challenge with virulent NDV. The findings from the present study showed that, if the vaccine tablet formulation technique is optimised, it will allow the delivery of the ND vaccine without depending on cold chains to rural areas in tropical countries.  相似文献   

The food pellet vaccine has been shown to be effective in trials conducted under laboratory and simulated field conditions. The village chickens vaccinated with the food pellet vaccine during the field trial were protected against virulent Newcastle disease virus. The efficacy of the food pellet vaccine in the field was evaluated by challenge trial in which 60 per cent protection was obtained, or by monitoring the incidence of Newcastle disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. There was no report of Newcastle disease outbreaks in the vaccinated birds during the two-year period of the field trial. The ease in administering the food pellet vaccine makes it readily accepted by the farmers.  相似文献   

为比较新城疫病毒(NDV)La Sota株不同克隆株之间的生物学特性,本研究通过挑取细胞病变区对LaSota株病毒进行纯化,并获得了3个病毒克隆株。通过血凝素热稳定性试验、病毒复制动力学试验和免疫原性试验,对3个病毒克隆株进行分析比较。结果显示,不同的病毒克隆株间在这些生物学特性上存在着不同程度的差异,表明为了获得性质均一、稳定的病毒,有必要进行病毒的纯化,并根据实验目的进行比较取舍。  相似文献   

H D Stone 《Avian diseases》1989,33(1):157-162
Three strains of avian paramyxovirus-1 virus (PMV-1) were used to prepare four experimental monovalent oil-emulsion vaccines. A pigeon PMV-1 isolate (PPMV-1) and the Newcastle disease virus strains La Sota and Ulster were used to prepare four pools of beta-propiolactone-inactivated allantoic fluid for the vaccines. Groups of susceptible white rock chickens and racing homing pigeons were vaccinated subcutaneously with one of the vaccines, and their serologic responses were determined using the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test at frequent intervals up to 9 weeks postvaccination. Pigeons were challenged after 10 weeks with a virulent PPMV-1 isolate given intravenously, observed for signs of disease for 5 weeks, and then tested for secondary serologic HI responses. The HI responses were measured using the three strains of virus as HI test antigens. The titers were generally greater when the hemagglutination antigen used in the test was homologous with the antigen used to prepare the vaccine. All vaccines protected pigeons against morbidity and death but not against infection with the challenge virus. The shedding of PPMV-1 challenge virus from PPMV-1 vaccinates was greatly reduced 6 days after challenge.  相似文献   

Conventional Newcastle disease vaccines are not suitable for application to village chickens in tropical countries of Asia. Trials with food-based vaccines are being initiated and the following experiments were performed to evaluate oral vaccination with Newcastle disease virus. Experimental chickens were vaccinated orally with the avirulent V4 strain of Newcastle disease virus and haemagglutination-inhibition antibody responses were measured. V4 virus was introduced into the crop by tube and total faecal output was collected daily and assayed for Newcastle disease virus. Virus was recovered on Days 5 and 6 after vaccination from most chickens that had received 10(7.4) and 10(6.4) 50% egg-infectious doses (EID50) of virus. There was no recovery of virus from birds receiving a lower dose of vaccine. Groups of chickens kept in cages with wire floors were given various doses of vaccine into the crop. Higher antibody titres were achieved with higher doses of virus. This dose responsiveness was not observed when various doses of vaccine were presented on food pellets and the groups of chickens were kept on concrete floors. Similar antibody responses were then seen with nominal doses of 10(5.2) and 10(8.2) EID50 per bird, possibly as a result of excretion and re-ingestion of the vaccine virus. Spread of the vaccine virus was demonstrated when control chickens and chickens receiving 10(7.7) EID50 of V4 virus on food pellets were housed together on a concrete floor. Similar antibody titres were achieved in both vaccinated and in-contact chickens.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of three Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains--V4, Hitchner B1 and La Sota, was assessed in chickens that had varying levels of maternal antibody to the virus. Chickens were immunised at different ages by the eye drop and aerosol methods. The immune response of chickens to similar doses of the strains was affected by the presence of maternal antibody. Both the level of maternal antibody and the strain of virus used affected the result. Strain La Sota was least affected as it took higher levels of maternal antibody to depress response to it than were required to have a similar effect on Hitchner B1 and V4. Strain V4 was the strain most affected by circulating maternal antibody. The results demonstrated that strain V4 was less immunogenic than Hitchner B1 and La Sota when used in chickens with maternal antibody to NDV.  相似文献   

Antibody response produced by Newcastle disease virus (NDV, strain I-2) when given orally through oiled rice to chickens was determined. Serum samples were collected before and at a weekly interval for 28 days after vaccination and tested for haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody to NDV. The results showed 7 days after vaccination HI antibody titre log2 was 3.8. Moreover, 14 and 28 days after vaccination HI antibody titre log2 reached 6.5 and 8.0, respectively. All unvaccinated chickens were negative to NDV antibody throughout the study. Significant finding from the present study is that 7 days after vaccination chickens had produced protective antibody against NDV; this is in contrast to previous studies. Therefore, I-2 vaccine coated on the oiled rice is efficacious as it protects chickens from challenge with NDV. Wambura, P. N., 2008. Oral vaccination of chickens against Newcastle disease with I-2 vaccine coated on oiled rice. Tropical Animal Health and Production.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of the Australian Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain V4 was compared with that of the International reference preparation of Hitchner B1 and a commercial La Sota strain. Immunity was assessed serologically using the log mean HI titres 21 days after immunisation, the percentage of birds in each group which developed titres greater than 2(3) and their resistance to graded challenge doses of the virulent Herts 33/56 strain of NDV. These tests showed that the V4 strain was significantly less immunogenic (P less than 0.01) than the B1 or La Sota strains when administered intraocularly (eye drop) or by aerosol methods. When given in the drinking water V4 induced a better immunity (P less than 0.01) than the B1 strain in one of 2 experiments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a strategy to control Newcastle disease (ND) in free ranging village chickens using the Nobilis ND Inkukhu vaccine (Intervet South Africa). The study was conducted at Thibella village in Qwa-Qwa, South Africa from April 2001 to October 2002. Three different routes of vaccination (administration via eye-drop, drinking water and feed) were investigated. The haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test was conducted monthly in order to measure the antibody response of village chickens after immunization against Newcastle disease. Using a South African isolate of velogenic ND virus, challenge trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of the vaccine. A questionnaire was provided to evaluate perceptions of farmers on vaccinations. The eye-drop vaccination route produced the highest HI titres ranging between 2.7 and 4.4, followed by the drinking water vaccination route with titres ranging between 2.3 and 4.0. The lowest titres were from the feed vaccination route which ranged between 1.6 and 3.0. Following the challenge, the entire control group died on the third and fourth day after infection. However, 70% of the chickens immunized by using either the eye-drop or drinking water route survived the challenge. Only 20% of the chickens from the group immunized through the feed route survived. Evidently both the eye-drop and drinking water routes were efficient in preventing disease. Necropsies showed that vaccinated chickens had mild lesions whilst control chickens had severe lesions compatible with Newcastle disease. The efficacy of the vaccine using either of the routes can be enhanced by administration of booster vaccinations at 3-month intervals during the first year of a vaccination campaign and then at 6-month intervals from the second year onwards. The majority of the owners indicated that they would prefer to vaccinate their flocks using the drinking water route.  相似文献   

The aim of this project is to study the clinical signs and lesion of velogenic Newcastle disease (vND) in commercial turkeys, and also to find out if La Sota vaccination offered protection against these signs and lesions. The cockerels were included as positive controls. One hundred and twenty turkey poults and cockerels were divided into eight groups as follows: unvaccinated unchallenged turkeys (UUT), unvaccinated challenged turkeys (UCT), vaccinated unchallenged turkeys (VUT), vaccinated challenged turkeys (VCT), and along the same lines, the cockerel groups were UUC, UCC, VUC and vaccinated challenged cockerels (VCC). Vaccination was at 3 weeks of age while challenge was at 6 weeks of age. The unvaccinated turkeys and cockerels (UCT and UCC) showed different degrees of depression, diarrhoea and later paralysis at challenge. Total mortality was 100% in cockerels within 6 days, but 60% in turkeys. Similar but milder clinical signs were found in the VCC with a total mortality of 13.3%. The VCT showed mild drop in feed and water consumption, and no mortality. All the challenged groups had significant (p < 0.05) loss of weight when compared with their controls. Necropsy showed that while the UCC had severe proventricular haemorrhages, intestinal and caecal tonsil ulcers, the UCT had no digestive tract lesion. There was severe atrophy of the lymphoid organs in all the challenged groups. Histopathological sections of the bursa, spleen and thymus in all the challenged groups with special emphasis on the vaccinated and unvaccinated turkeys with mortalities of 0 and 60%, respectively, had very severe necrosis and depletion of the lymphoid tissue. Virus was isolated from the cloacal swabs. The haemagglutination inhibition antibodies were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the challenged groups than the unchallenged. The above observations in the intestinal tracts of UCT are of diagnostic significance while the gross and microscopic lesions in the UCT and VCT show that La Sota vaccination may not protect turkeys against the destruction of the lymphoid organs by vND as earlier reported in chickens. This may lead to immunosuppression and production problems in areas where vND is enzootic.  相似文献   

Tracheal mucus transport rate (TMTR) and quantitative clearance of aerosolized Escherichia coli from the trachea, lung, and air sac were measured in healthy unanesthetized turkeys and in turkeys exposed by aerosol to a La Sota vaccine strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The TMTR of uninfected turkeys was 42.4 +/- 14.7 cm/min. The TMTR of NDV-infected turkeys was depressed on days 3 through 7 postexposure (PE); depression was significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) on day 7 PE. Tracheal E. coli clearance in NDV-infected turkeys was reduced on days 4 through 9 PE, significantly so on day 5 PE (P less than or equal to 0.01). Depression of TMTR and tracheal E. coli clearance were associated histologically with replacement of normal pseudostratified columnar epithelium by 3 to 8 layers of immature nonciliated cells. E. coli clearance by the lung and air sac of NDV-infected turkeys was depressed on days 5 through 9 PE.  相似文献   

The interference phenomenon of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with growth of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in embryonating chicken eggs (ECE) was used as a diagnostic method. Fifteen field isolates obtained from presumptively infectious-bronchitis-affected chickens were analyzed by the IBV-NDV interference test. Eight isolates were capable of interfering with the growth of the La Sota strain of NDV, as measured by hemagglutination (HA) activity when IBV was inoculated 10 hr before NDV into ECE. The interference was considered specific for IBV, because it could be eliminated by adding homologous anti-IBV serum. The sensibility of this method could be demonstrated, because in some cases low-passage levels of IBV isolates showing HA interference ability were not capable of producing lesions in ECE. Furthermore, serologically negative IBV samples did not interfere with NDV growth. From these results, the IBV-NDV interference test appears to be a potential diagnostic alternative for identifying IBV field isolates.  相似文献   

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