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A longitudinal observational study on calf morbidity and mortality was conducted in smallholder dairy farms in Ada’a Liben district of Oromia, Ethiopia. A total of 185 calves from 112 market oriented smallholder dairy farms were selected randomly and regularly monitored for clinical health problems up to six months of age. Information on potential risk factors was collected by personal observation during the regular visit to farms and from questionnaire survey conducted during the study period. The overall incidences of crude morbidity and crude mortality were 62 % and 22%, respectively. The most frequent disease syndrome was calf diarrhea with the incidence of 39% followed by joint ill 6%. The other disease conditions/syndromes diagnosed include navel ill, pneumonia, septicemic conditions, congenital problems and miscellaneous cases. Age of the calves, age at first colostrum ingestion and cleanness of the calf barns significantly influenced morbidity. Older calves (greater than three months of age) were at lower risk of crude morbidity than younger calves (less than three months of age) (HR = 0.42, P = 0.001). Higher risk of crude morbidity was observed in calves that ingested their first colostrum meal later than 6 hours of age compared to those that ingested colostrum earlier (HR = 2.24, P = 0.001). Similarly, calves housed in unclean barns were at higher risk of morbidity than calves housed in clean barns (HR = 1.75, P = 0.024). Of the 20 potential risk factors investigated, age was the only factor that was found significantly associated with mortality (HR = 0.04, P = 0.001). Calves older than three months of age were at lower risk of mortality than younger calves.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study shows the absence of the world’s most common bacterial zoonoses caused by Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in cattle, goats and dogs...  相似文献   


The National Reference Centre for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) detection was established in 2002 within the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Lazio e Toscana, with the aim of providing scientific and technical support to the National Health System and to the Ministry of Health within the scope of the regulation of GMO use in food and feed.

The recently adopted EU legislation on GMOs (Regulation CE no. 1829/2003 and no. 1830/2003) introduced more rigorous procedures for the authorisation, labelling and analytical control of food and feed consisting, containing or derived from GMOs. The National Reference Centre, besides its institutional tasks as one of the laboratories of the Italian National Health System, collects and analyses data and results of the national official control of GMOs; carries out scientific research aimed at developing, improving, validating and harmonising detection and quantification methods, in cooperation with other scientific institutions, the Community Reference Laboratory and within the European Network of GMOs laboratories (ENGL); collaborates with the Ministry of Health in the definition of control programmes and promotes educational and training initiatives. Objectives defined for 2004–2006, activities in progress and goals already achieved are presented.


A 2.5-year-old domestic shorthair cat was evaluated because of dysphagia and weight loss of 4 weeks' duration. MIld blepharospasm and conjunctival hyperemia were evident in both eyes, oral mucous membranes were tacky on palpation, and salivary glands were enlarged. Results of a Schirmer tear test were 0 mm/min for both eyes. Administration of atropine did not cause salivation or caused secretion fo thick rope-like saliva. Examination of biopsy specimens of salivary glands revealed a plasmacytic infiltrate. Sj?gren's syndrome (SS) was diagnosed. Oral administration of prednisone was instituted but was discontinued after a minimal positive response was evident 6 weeks after initiation of treatment. Palliative treatment with a 6% solution of pilocarpine 4 to 5 times/d, cyclosporine, hylan A, and neomycin-polymyxin-bacitracin ophthalmic ointment resulted in clinical improvement in the cat. Although reported rarely in animals, SS may be more common than currently is recognized. Most treatment regimens for SS are aimed at alleviating clinical signs.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rate within herds affected by bovine anaemia associated with Theileria orientalis infection (TABA), in New Zealand during the early phase of the epidemic (August 2012–September 2013).

METHODS: A mixed methods approach was utilised to integrate data from various sources, including a detailed questionnaire carried out on 18 dairy farms which had experienced cases of TABA; a brief telephone survey of an additional 139 case farms; and data extracted from a Ministry for Primary Industries database for a further 42 case farms. The subsequent analysis determined incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rates for beef and dairy herds.

RESULTS: Data were analysed from 196/263 (74%) known case farms at the date of closing the questionnaires. These farms contained 99,505 cattle; 2,847 animals were reported with clinical disease, and a further 590 animals were recorded as having died from TABA. The within-herd incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rate were consistent between the three data sources, did not differ between beef and dairy herds, and were estimated to be 0.97 (inter-quartile range (IQR) 0.36–2.07)%, 0.23 (IQR 0.00–0.66)% and 16.67 (IQR 0.00–33.33)%, respectively. There was substantial variability in the level of impact, with 22 farms severely affected (incidence risk >5% and cumulative mortality >5%).

CONCLUSIONS: The mixed methods approach was effective in dealing with the disparate data sources. The inclusion of the majority of farms known to be affected at the time the questionnaires were performed implies that the information is likely to be representative. The collective outputs of the analyses represent the best estimate available of within-herd measures of disease frequency in the early phase of the epidemic in New Zealand. The limitations of the data imply that their primary application may be to inform the design of subsequent structured observational field studies.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The results of this study provide information on the impact of TABA on cattle farms during the emergence and early spread of the disease, as well as for generating hypotheses on causal mechanisms and risk factors that may influence the course of disease.  相似文献   

Thelazia callipaeda is a spirurid nematode which causes ocular infections in dogs and man and, occasionally, in cats, foxes and rabbits. The intermediate host and vector of T. callipaeda is unknown. For a long time T. callipaeda incidence was reported only from the Russian Federation and the Far East, but recently it has also been found in Italy. In order to investigate the spread of T. callipaeda in Italy, a survey was carried out in two sites, site A in the Piedmont region (North West Italy), and site B in the Basilicata region (Southern Italy). Dogs, cats and foxes in site A and dogs in site B were examined for eyeworms, using different procedures and timing. From January 1995 to August 2002, 91 dogs, 4 cats and 903 fox carcasses were examined in site A, and from October 1999 to January 2003, 443 dogs were examined in site B, and the eyeworms collected were identified using morphological keys. Twenty-one (23.07%) and 185 (41.76%) of the dogs from sites A and B, respectively, were found to be infected by eyeworms; furthermore, all the cats examined and 46 fox carcasses (5.1%) were positive for eyeworms. All the nematodes collected were identified as T. callipaeda. These results indicate that T. callipaeda is not confined to Eastern Europe and Asia, but that it has spread to the Old Continent, and to both Northern and Southern Italy. Considering the high prevalence of infected dogs reported in some municipalities (e.g. 60.14% of 138 dogs examined in a municipality from site B), it is assumed that one or more vectors are significantly present in the areas under investigation. Furthermore, there is good reason to believe that T. callipaeda is also present in other European countries. Speculation as to the origins of this parasitic infestation in Europe and the biology of T. callipaeda and its vector/s is also discussed.  相似文献   


“Enterol” (I.C.I.) was first used in a moribund pig with rather astonishing results. From the symptoms described, it was presumed that it had salmonellosis. As a result of this observation, the writer was asked to try the drug on known salmonellosis cases.  相似文献   

The Eutergesundheitsdienste (EGDs) in the 10 Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany have developed along different legal, organizational and methodological lines. As examples, the EGDs of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Bavaria are described.Bulk milk samples should be tested for streptococci causing mastitis and B-streptococci may best be demonstrated by serological means.The procedure for counting somatic cells should be standardized, and optical equipment using fluorescence is useful for this purpose.Health protection programmes are applied predominantly to smallholdings. In future account must be taken of milk quantities, and the results of the EGDs should also be considered when determining the quality of the milk to be purchased.The information system needs to be reformed. Lactose, pyruvate and lactate may play an important part in the testing of individual milk samples by the EGDs.More effective checks should be made on the health of cows' udders, and the dairies should cooperate in organizing services for maintaining milk equipment.A study group on udder health has been established by the German Veterinary medicine Society as a forum for coordinating the EGDs in Germany and elsewhere.
Kurzfassung Der Eutergesundheitsdients (EGD) ist in den 10 Ländern der Bundesrepublik rechtlich, organisatorisch und methodisch unterschiedlich gewachsen. Der EGD in Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein und Bayern wird als Beispiel vorgestellt.Bestandsmilchproben sollten auf Mastitisstreptokokken untersucht werden; vorteilhaft ist der serologische Nachweis von B-streptokokken.Die Standardisierung zur Zählung somatischer Zellen ist erforderlich. Fluoreszenzoptische Geräte sind zweckmässig.In Sanierungsprogrammen dominieren Kleinbetriebe. Die Milchmenge muss künftig berücksichtigt werden und die Ergebnisse im EGD auch bei der Qualitätsbezahlung.Das Informationssystem bedarf der Reform. Auch Lactose, Pyruvat und L(+)-Lactat können in Einzelgemelksproben Bedeutung im EGD erlangen.Die Eutergesundheitskontrollen im Viehhandel sind zu verbessern. Dienste zur Wartung von Melkanlagen sollten über Molkereien organisiert werden.Der Arbeitskreis Eutergesundheit in der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft ist als Forum zur Harmonisierung des EGD gedacht über die deutschen Landesgrenzen hinaus.

Resume Le Eutergesundheitsdienst (EGD) (service de l'hygiène du pis) a connu dans les dix Länder de la république fédérale un développement divergent sur le plan juridique, de l'organisation et des méthodes de travail. Les EGD de la Basse-Saxe, du Schleswig-Holstein et de la Bavière sont présentés à titre d'example.Il faudrait procéder à la recherche des streptocoques agalactiques dans les échantillons de lait du cheptel; la méthode, sérologique pour la recherche des streptocoques B présente des avantages.Il importe de normaliser le comptage des cellules somatiques. Les appareils optiques à fluorescence utilisés à cet effet se sont abérés utiles.Les programmes d'assainissement concernent avant tout les petites exploitations. A l'avenir, il faudra tenir compte des quantités traites et des résultats obtenus dans le cadre du EGD, même en cas de rémunération à la qualité.Le système d'information doit être réformé. La présence de lactose, de pyruvate et de L(+)-lactate dans les différents echantillons des récoltes de lait peut également être significative pour le EGD.Les contrôles sanitaires du pis doivent être améliorés dans le commerce du bétail. Des services d'entretien des trayentes devraient être organisés par l'intermédiaire des laiteries.Le groupe de travail Eutergesundheit (hygiène du pis) de la Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft est chargé de travailler à l'harmonisation des EGD dans les différents Länder.

Riassunto Il Servizio di Prevenzione delle Affezioni Mammarie (Eutergesundheitsdienste, EGD) nei 10 Länder della Republica Federale Tedesca si è sviluppato lungo direttive diverse d'ordine legale, organizzativo e metodoldgico. A mo' di esempio vengono descritti i Servizi della Bassa Sassonia, della Schleswig-Holstein e della Baviera.Campioni collettivi di latte debbono essere saggiati per la messa in evidenza di streptococchi causa di mastiti. La presenza di streptococch B può validamente essere messa in luce mediante tecniche sierologiche.Il procedimento per la conta delle cellule somatiche deve essere standardizzato; risulta utile a questo scopo un'attrezzatura ottica che utilizzi la fluorescenza.I programmi di protezione sanitaria si applicano per lo più ad aziende di modeste dimensioni. In futuro si dovrà tener conto dei quantitativi di latte, e si dovranno altresì prendere in considerazione i risultati dell'EGD al momento della determinazione della qualità del latte da acquistare.Il sistema di informazione deve essere ristrutturato. Il lattosio, il piruvato e l'L(+)-lattato potrebbero finire col rivestire un ruolo importante nelle prove cui sono sottoposti i singoli campioni di latte da parte dell'EGD.Durante le operazioni commerciali nel campo dell'allevamento bovino, le condizioni di salute delle mammelle debbono essere oggetto di più efficaci controlli. Le aziende di lavorazione del latte debbono cooperare nella organizzazione di servizi per la manutenzione delle apparecchiature di mungitura.Il gruppo di studio sulla prevenzione delle affezioni mammarie della Deutsche Veterinaermedizinische Gesellschaft (Associazione Tedesca di Medicina Veterinaria) è stato costituito quale organo di consulenza per coordinare le attività dell'EGD in Germania ed altrove.

This article was originally written in German. Copies of the German version may be obtained free of charge by writing to: Mr. J. Rodesch, Commission of the European Communities, DG XIII, Batiment Jean Monnet, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Kirchberg, Luxembourg.  相似文献   



To evaluate dexmedetomidine, midazolam and dexmedetomidine–midazolam for sedation and antinociception in tegus.

Study design

Prospective, crossover, randomized, blinded study.


Six healthy tegus (Salvator merianae) weighing 1.6 ± 0.3 kg.


Tegus were administered intramuscularly saline (0.5 mL; CON), dexmedetomidine (0.2 mg kg?1; DX), midazolam (1 mg kg?1; MZ) and dexmedetomidine–midazolam (same doses; DM). Heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (fR) were recorded before treatment (baseline) and 15, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments. Sedation scores were recorded according to resistance to manual restraint, posture and response to noxious stimulus, at baseline and 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments. Antinociception was evaluated by measurement of latency of limb withdrawal reflex (LWR) to thermal stimulus, recorded at baseline and 15 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments.


Lower HR (DX and DM) and fR (MZ, DX and DM) than CON were measured 15 minutes after the treatment and for up to 6 hours. Sedation was mild to moderate in MZ, deep in DM and absent in DX, although animals showed behavioral changes in DX, with increase in aggressiveness. Median (interquartile range) duration of sedation were 170 (50; 235) minutes in MZ and 230 (115; 235) minutes in DM. Recovery period was prolonged in both treatments, surpassing the duration of the experiment. Higher LWR than CON was detected from 15 minutes until 12 hours in DX and DM.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Midazolam provided sedation without antinociception, and dexmedetomidine provided antinociception without sedation. Drug combination increased the duration of sedation but not antinociception. Due to increased duration of sedation, reversal of effects with flumazenil and atipamezole should be considered after conclusion of clinical procedures.  相似文献   



The presence of Helicobacter within the gastric mucosa is responsible for producing pathology in many animal species, including man. Since humans have been shown to harbour many of the same bacterial species as domestic carnivores, concern over their zoonotic potential has been growing. Helicobacter pylori, a class 1 carcinogen responsible for cases of gastritis and gastric cancer in humans, produces similar pathology in pet carnivores and is considered an example of anthroponosis. The case here presented refers to a 13 year-old mixed breed spayed female cat seen at necropsy.


Stomach samples were analysed for the presence of Helicobacter spp. by cytology, histopathology and PCR. Mild mucosal atrophy was observed in the fundus and antrum, while lymphoplasmocytic infiltrates where noted in the lamina propria of the antrum. Helicobacter-like organisms were observed in the corpus and antrum, occupying gastric glands and surface mucosa. It was possible to detect Helicobacter spp., H. pylori, H. heilmannii and H. bizzozeronii in the fundus, corpus and antrum by PCR, while in the antrum PCR samples were positive for H. pylori.


The spayed female under study could represent either a yet un-described population of domestic cats infected with H. pylori or a case of anthroponosis.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was carried out to investigate the seroprevalence of ovine and bovine brucellosis in the livestock–wildlife interface area of Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia. Furthermore, producer’s knowledge about brucellosis and its zoonotic potential was assessed using a structured questionnaire. A total of 268 cattle and 246 goat sera were collected from 50 herds and 46 flocks and subjected to Rose Bengal test (RBT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in parallel to detect anti-Brucella species antibodies. Positive reactions were further confirmed with compliment fixation test (CFT). Flock and herd level seroprevalence rate was 12.8% (95% CI 4.8–25.7) and 32.0% (95% CI 19.5–46.7) in goats and cattle, respectively. An overall animal-level seroprevalence of 4.5% (95% CI 2.25–7.86) and 9.7% (95% CI 6.44–13.89) was recorded for goats and cattle, respectively. Seroprevalence showed an increasing trend with age, where adult cattle >?2 years. Goats (>?1 year) recorded relatively higher seroprevalence, but the differences were not statistically significant. Similarly, female cattle and goats recorded a relatively higher seroprevalence, 11 and 5.6%, respectively, compared to males but the difference was not significant. However, a significant (P <?0.01) variation of seroprevalence was noted for parity (bovine), higher in animals in second parity, and abortion history, in both species, higher in animals that experienced abortion. Interviews revealed lack of awareness about brucellosis and food safety related to the zoonotic potential from consuming raw animal products (milk and meat). Ninety-eight percent of respondents did not consider handling abortion material is risky, and only a very low proportion (8%, n?=?50) was able to mention limited zoonotic diseases (anthrax and Taenia cysticercosis) could be transmissible to people. The study indicated that brucellosis is endemic in domestic animals in the interface area and calls for further broad epidemiological investigation of the disease in livestock, human and wildlife following ‘one health’ unified research approaches beside enhancing public awareness.  相似文献   

The wild vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) is one of the four species of native South American camelids (SACs) in addition to the wild guanaco, and their domesticated counterparts, alpaca and llama, respectively. Serological data have indicated the presence of group A rotaviruses (RVA) specific antibodies in all 4 members of the SAC, and so far, RVA has been detected from alpacas, llamas and guanacos. A total of 59 fecal samples from healthy wild newborn and juvenile vicuñas, raised in captivity in Jujuy, Argentina were collected and analyzed by ELISA to detect RVA antigen. Two samples (3%) were found to contain G8 RVA strains and one strain (RVA/Vicuña-wt/ARG/C75/2010/G8P[14]) was selected for further genome analyses, revealing the G8-P[14]-I2-R2-C2-M2-Ax-N2-T6-E3-Hx genotype constellation. Unfortunately, no sequence data could be obtained for NSP1 and NSP5. Except for the E3 NSP4 genotype, this partial genotype constellation is reminiscent to bovine RVA strains and bovine-like RVA strains isolated from sheep, guanaco, antelope and humans. This relationship was confirmed phylogenetically, providing further evidence of the widespread presence of this genotype constellation in animals belonging to the artiodactyls. In particular, a close phylogenetic relationship was found between C75 and guanaco RVA strain RVA/Guanaco-wt/ARG/Chubut/1999/G8P[14] for at least 5 gene segments, suggesting a partial conservation of the genotype constellation of RVA strains infecting different species of SACs, even though nowadays their natural habitats are not overlapping. The further monitoring of the sanitary health of wild newborn and juvenile vicuñas is essential to improve the management practices applied in their sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   

1. Differences in “ fear”, head shaking and production traits were found among lines of chickens maintained in individual 0–46 × 0.30 × 0.46 m cages.

2. The differences among lines for “ fear “ and head shaking were consistent across three ages.

3. Although differences in “ fear “ and head shaking existed among lines for which there were large differences in production traits, the relationships within lines of production traits with modest “ fearfulness “ and head shaking were not important.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether N(ε)-hexanoyl lysine (N(ε)-HEL) and acrolein reflect the severity of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Immunoexpression of N(ε)-HEL and acrolein in kidneys and their urinary concentration were examined up to day 4 post-cisplatin injection in rats. Cisplatin-induced tubular injury was observed histopathologically on days 2-4 after injection and became more severe time-dependently. On days 2-4, N(ε)-HEL and acrolein were immunostained in the cytoplasm of damaged tubular cells. Their immunostaining intensity and urinary levels increased as tubular injury became more severe. These results suggest that expressions of N(ε)-HEL and acrolein were associated with the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

This experiment objective was to study the Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se five kinds of trace element contents, distribution characteristics and mutual relations in the soil-grass-water (stream) in Yili pastoral area of Xinjiang, to evaluate the trace elements nutritional-ecologic environment of Yili summer pasture in Xinjiang.At the altitudinal belt of 1400 to 2999 m of the summer pasture of the Karajon grassland (South slope) and Tangbula grassland (North slope) of Yili, Xinjiang, the samples of soil (n=75), herbage (n=75), stream water (n=75) were collected according to the altitude, to determine their contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Se for evaluating the nutritional-ecologic environment of trace elements of Yili summer pasture.The results showed that the contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn in the soil of summer pasture on average were 15 418.4, 32.6, 474.5 and 115.8 mg/kg, respectively;And 446.0, 7.8, 85.7 and 41.9 mg/kg, respectively in forage;The correlation (R2) of the contents of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn between soil and forage were 0.43, 0.82, 0.47 and 0.72, respectively;The changes of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn contents in the soil and forage were not significantly related with the altitude.There were no the 4 elements mentioned above in river streams, there was no Se in the soil and forage, and there was infinitesimal of Se in the river streams.It was concluded that in Yili summer pasture there were excessive Fe, suitable Zn and Mn, insufficient Cu, and more insufficient Se.  相似文献   

1. Simultaneous changes of the width of the cloacal opening and plasma luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), 17β-oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) during photo-induced ovarian growth and regression were measured in commercially bred Japanese quail from a heavy body weight line.

2. Somatically mature female Japanese quail were transferred from short days (light:dark 8L:16D) at 10°C to long days (16L:8D) at 20°C, and sexually mature female Japanese quail were transferred from long to short days. All variables were measured at transfer and every five days thereafter (except for a measurement at 12 instead of 10?d) for 35?d.

3. Transfer from short to long days caused significant increases in LH, FSH, 17β-oestradiol, ovary weights and oviduct weights after five days, and in the cloacal opening after 12?d. T3 decreased after five days, whereas no significant changes were observed in T4 concentrations. Progesterone and prolactin both decreased after 25 long days.

4. The transfer of quail from long to short days caused significant decreases in LH, FSH, 17β-oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin, ovary and oviduct weights after 12?d and an increase in T3. There was no significant change in T4 concentrations. The cloacal opening decreased after 25 short days.

5. These results are the first to show simultaneous changes in gonadotrophins, sex steroids, thyroid hormones and prolactin during photo-induced gonadal growth and regression in female Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: This study investigated the use of a wireless ambulatory capsule (WAC; SmartPill® pH.p GI Monitoring System) to determine WAC‐gastric emptying time (GET) in ponies. Objectives: To measure WAC‐GET and compare it to those findings with GET assessed by nuclear scintigraphy (S‐GET). Hypothesis: WAC‐GET will be slower than S‐GET, but will be significantly correlated. Methods: Seven healthy adult mixed‐breed pony mares were used in this study. Feed was withheld for 12 h prior to the WAC administration. After administration, a complete‐feed diet was fed to allow the WAC to pass into the stomach. Luminal pH, temperature and pressure were collected by a modified receiver secured to the pony. Once the pH reached a value of ≥8.0, it was determined that gastric emptying had occurred, and ponies were fed grass hay. After 5 days, data were downloaded and analysed using proprietary software. During the second period of the study, after at least 2 weeks, 4 of the ponies underwent a standard S‐GET test. Results: The WAC was successfully administered, and data were collected from all ponies. The mean percentage of data packets collected by the receiver was 84.9 ± 3.51% (range 66.8–95.1%). Mean WAC‐GET was 7.38 h (range 0.15–46.65 h). Mean gastric pH was 4.75 (range 2.07–6.99). Mean small intestinal transit time was 4.6 h. The mean pH for the small intestine was 8.0. The mean S‐GET time (in hours) when 10% of the radioactive feed is present in the stomach (T‐90%) was 2.3 h. The S‐GET did not correlate significantly with the WAC‐GET. Conclusions and potential relevance: The WAC was safely administered to ponies, and data were collected using a modified receiver. The WAC‐GET varied considerably between ponies, but was ≤3 h in 5 of the 6 ponies. The WAC used in this study provided a noninvasive technique that produced novel information about the pony gastrointestinal tract, but owing to the substantial variability in GET values and long transit time it may not be a reliable clinical tool at this time.  相似文献   

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