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Three central related issues in ecology are to identify spatial variation of ecological processes, to understand the relative influence of environmental and spatial variables, and to investigate the response of environmental variables at different spatial scales. These issues are particularly important for tropical dry forests, which have been comparatively less studied and are more threatened than other terrestrial ecosystems. This study aims to characterize relationships between community structure and landscape configuration and habitat type (stand age) considering different spatial scales for a tropical dry forest in Yucatan. Species density and above ground biomass were calculated from 276 sampling sites, while land cover classes were obtained from multi-spectral classification of a Spot 5 satellite imagery. Species density and biomass were related to stand age, landscape metrics of patch types (area, edge, shape, similarity and contrast) and principal coordinate of neighbor matrices (PCNM) variables using regression analysis. PCNM analysis was performed to interpret results in terms of spatial scales as well as to decompose variation into spatial, stand age and landscape structure components. Stand age was the most important variable for biomass, whereas landscape structure and spatial dependence had a comparable or even stronger influence on species density than stand age. At the very broad scale (8,000–10,500 m), stand age contributed most to biomass and landscape structure to species density. At the broad scale (2,000–8,000 m), stand age was the most important variable predicting both species density and biomass. Our results shed light on which landscape configurations could enhance plant diversity and above ground biomass.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Maintaining biodiversity in multifunction landscapes is a significant challenge. Planning for the impacts of change requires knowledge of how species respond to landscape...  相似文献   

This paper investigates two fundamental questions in landscape ecology: what influence does landscape context, or the composition of the matrix, have on an animals’ response to landscape structure, and how does this relationship extrapolate between landscapes? We investigate how the distribution of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) in the boreal mixedwood forest is influenced by anthropogenically (forest harvest) and naturally (forest fire) derived landscape structure. We studied the presence and absence of red squirrels over two years in three landscape types: one managed for timber harvest, one recently burned by wildfire, and a third unburned unmanaged landscape. Landscape composition and configuration, measured at several spatial scales, predicted red squirrel’s distribution in all three landscapes, but the significant landscape variables changed across spatial scales, across time, and across landscapes. These findings emphasize the variability in landscape structure/animal distribution relationships, and enforce the need to link pattern-finding studies, such as this one, with searches for the mechanisms behind the observed pattern.  相似文献   



The patch-mosaic model is lauded for its conceptual simplicity and ease with which conventional landscape metrics can be computed from categorical maps, yet many argue it is inconsistent with ecological theory. Gradient surface models (GSMs) are an alternative for representing landscapes, but adoption of surface metrics for analyzing spatial patterns in GSMs is hindered by several factors including a lack of meaningful interpretations.


We investigate the performance and applicability of surface metrics across a range of ecoregions and scales to strengthen theoretical foundations for their adoption in landscape ecology.


We examine metric clustering across scales and ecoregions, test correlations with patch-based metrics, and provide ecological interpretations for a variety of surface metrics with respect to forest cover to support the basis for selecting surface metrics for ecological analyses.


We identify several factors complicating the interpretation of surface metrics from a landscape perspective. First, not all surface metrics are appropriate for landscape analyses. Second, true analogs between surface metrics and patch-based, landscape metrics are rare. Researchers should focus instead on how surface measures can uniquely measure spatial patterns. Lastly, scale dependencies exist for surface metrics, but relationships between metrics do not appear to change considerably with scale.


Incorporating gradient surfaces into landscape ecological analyses is challenging, and many surface metrics may not have patch analogs or be ecologically relevant. For this reason, surface metrics should be considered in terms of the set of pattern elements they represent that can then be linked to landscape characteristics.

Selective logging of tropical forests imposes spatial pattern on the landscape by creating a mosaic of patches affected by different intensities of disturbance. To understand the ecological impacts of selective logging it is therefore necessary to explore how patterns of tree species composition are affected by this patchy disturbance. This study examines the impacts of selective logging on species composition and spatial patterns of vegetation structure and tree diversity in Sabah, Borneo. We compare tree diversity between logged and unlogged forest at three scales: species richness within plots, species turnover among plots, and total species richness and composition of plots combined. Logging had no effect on tree diversity measured at the smallest scale. Logged forest had a greater rate of species turnover with distance, so at a large spatial scale it supported more tree species than the relatively homogeneous unlogged area. Tree species composition also differed significantly between the two types of forest, with more small dipterocarps and large pioneers in logged forest, and more large dipterocarps in unlogged forest. Our results emphasize the importance of sampling at a sufficiently large scale to represent patterns of biodiversity within tropical forest landscapes. Large areas of production forest in SE Asia are threatened with conversion to commercial crops; our findings show that selectively logged forest can retain considerable conservation value.  相似文献   

Recent studies have related percolation theory and critical phenomena to the spatial pattern of landscapes. We generated simulated landscapes of forest and non-forest landcover to investigate the relationship between the proportion of forest (Pi) and indices of patch spatial pattern. One set of landscapes was generated by randomly assigning each pixel independently of other pixels, and a second set was generated by randomly assigning rectilinear clumps of pixels. Indices of spatial pattern were calculated and plotted against Pi. The random-clump landscapes were also compared with real agricultural landscapes. The results support the use of percolation models as neutral models in landscape ecology, and the performance of the indices studied with these neutral models can be used to help interpret those indices calculated for real landscapes.  相似文献   



Pasture-woodlands are semi-natural landscapes that result from the combined influences of climate, management, and intrinsic vegetation dynamics. These landscapes are sensitive to future changes in land use and climate, but our ability to predict the impact on ecosystem service provisioning is limited due to the disparate scales in time and space that govern their dynamics.


To develop a process-based model to simulate pasture-woodland landscapes and the provisioning of ecosystem services (i.e., livestock forage, woody biomass and landscape heterogeneity).


We modified a dynamic forest landscape model to simulate pasture-woodland landscapes in Switzerland. This involved including an annual herbaceous layer, selective grazing from cattle, and interactions between grazing and tree recruitment. Results were evaluated within a particular pasture, and then the model was used to simulate regional vegetation patterns and livestock suitability for a ~198,000 ha landscape in the Jura Vaudois region.


The proportion of vegetation cover types at the pasture level (i.e., open, semi-open and closed forests) was well represented, but the spatial distribution of trees was only broadly similar. The entire Jura Vaudois region was simulated to be highly suitable for livestock, with only a small proportion being unsuitable due to steep slopes and high tree cover. High and low elevation pastures were equally suitable for livestock, as lower forage production at higher elevations was compensated by reduced tree cover.


The modified model is valuable for assessing landscape to regional patterns in vegetation and livestock, and offers a platform to evaluate how climate and management impact ecosystem services.



Loss and fragmentation of semi-natural grasslands has critically affected many butterfly species in Europe. Habitat area and isolation can have strong effects on the local biodiversity but species may also be strongly affected by the surrounding matrix.


We explored how different land cover types in the landscape explained the occurrence of butterfly species in semi-natural grasslands.


Using data from 476 semi-natural grasslands in Sweden, we analysed the effect of matrix composition on species richness and occurrence. Additionally, we analysed at which spatial scales butterflies responded to matrix types (forests, semi-natural grasslands, arable land and water).


Forest cover showed the strongest positive effect on species richness, followed by semi-natural grasslands. Forest also had a positive effect on red-listed species at local scales. Responses to matrix composition were highly species-specific. The majority of the 30 most common species showed strong positive responses to the amount of forest cover within 200–500 m. There was a smaller group of species showing a positive response to arable land cover within 500–2000 m. Thirteen species showed positive responses to the amount of semi-natural grasslands, generally at larger scales (10–30 km).


Our study showed that surrounding forest is beneficial for many grassland butterfly species and that forests might mitigate the negative effects of habitat loss caused by agricultural intensification. Also, semi-natural grasslands were an important factor for species richness at larger spatial scales, indicating that a landscape consisting mainly of supporting habitats (i.e. forests) are insufficient to sustain a rich butterfly fauna.


Dead wood is a key habitat for saproxylic species, which are often used as indicators of habitat quality in forests. Understanding how the amount and spatial distribution of dead wood in the landscape affects saproxylic communities is therefore important for maintaining high forest biodiversity.


We investigated effects of the amount and isolation of dead wood on the alpha and beta diversity of four saproxylic species groups, with a focus on how the spatial scale influences results.


We inventoried saproxylic beetles, wood-inhabiting fungi, and epixylic bryophytes and lichens on 62 plots in the Sihlwald forest reserve in Switzerland. We used GLMs to relate plot-level species richness to dead wood amount and isolation on spatial scales of 20–200 m radius. Further, we used GDMs to determine how dead wood amount and isolation affected beta diversity.


A larger amount of dead wood increased beetle richness on all spatial scales, while isolation had no effect. For fungi, bryophytes and lichens this was only true on small spatial scales. On larger scales of our study, dead wood amount had no effect, while greater isolation decreased species richness. Further, we found no strong consistent patterns explaining beta diversity.


Our multi-taxon study shows that habitat amount and isolation can strongly differ in the spatial scale on which they influence local species richness. To generally support the species richness of different saproxylic groups, dead wood must primarily be available in large amounts but should also be evenly distributed because negative effects of isolation already showed at scales under 100 m.


林内景观质量评价对林场的经营和管理有重要意义,而林分空间结构的研究对生态景观林景观质量有重要影响。以塞罕坝机械林场落叶松纯林与落叶松-白桦混交林为研究对象,选取了16张最具代表性的照片,采用美景度评价(SBE)法以美景度作为景观质量指标,通过探究林分空间结构对林分夏季近景的景观质量影响,进而为塞罕坝生态景观林夏季景观经营技术提供依据。结果表明:(1)林内垂直结构越完整,林下整齐度越高,人们的喜好频数越高,美景度越高。(2)林内透视距离与美景度值存在明显的二项式关系;林内透视距离高于1倍树高时,美景度值随透视距离增加而增加。(3)林分枝下高与株高比值和美景度值存在二项式关系,林分枝下高与株高比值在0.5~0.6之时,美景度值存在1个峰值,此时人们接受程度最高。人们对林内垂直结构、透视距离、林下整齐度、树干形态与枝下高等指标偏好程度为打造更美好的生态景观林提供科学指导,对林场的转型和森林景观旅游事业有促进作用。  相似文献   

Management may influence abiotic environments differently across time and spatial scale, greatly influencing perceptions of fragmentation of the landscape. It is vital to consider a priori the spatial scales that are most relevant to an investigation, and to reflect on the influence that scale may have on conclusions. While the importance of scale in understanding ecological patterns and processes has been widely recognized, few researchers have investigated how the relationships between pattern and process change across spatial and temporal scales. We used wavelet analysis to examine the multiscale structure of surface and soil temperature, measured every 5 m across a 3820 m transect within a national forest in northern Wisconsin. Temperature functioned as an indicator – or end product – of processes associated with energy budget dynamics, such as radiative inputs, evapotranspiration and convective losses across the landscape. We hoped to determine whether functional relationships between landscape structure and temperature could be generalized, by examining patterns and relationships at multiple spatial scales and time periods during the day. The pattern of temperature varied between surface and soil temperature and among daily time periods. Wavelet variances indicated that no single scale dominated the pattern in temperature at any time, though values were highest at finest scales and at midday. Using general linear models, we explained 38% to 60% of the variation in temperature along the transect. Broad categorical variables describing the vegetation patch in which a point was located and the closest vegetation patch of a different type (landscape context) were important in models of both surface and soil temperature across time periods. Variables associated with slope and microtopography were more commonly incorporated into models explaining variation in soil temperature, whereas variables associated with vegetation or ground cover explained more variation in surface temperature. We examined correlations between wavelet transforms of temperature and vegetation (i.e., structural) pattern to determine whether these associations occurred at predictable scales or were consistent across time. Correlations between transforms characteristically had two peaks; one at finer scales of 100 to 150 m and one at broader scales of >300 m. These scales differed among times of day and between surface and soil temperatures. Our results indicate that temperature structure is distinct from vegetation structure and is spatially and temporally dynamic. There did not appear to be any single scale at which it was more relevant to study temperature or this pattern-process relationship, although the strongest relationships between vegetation structure and temperature occurred within a predictable range of scales. Forest managers and conservation biologists must recognize the dynamic relationship between temperature and structure across landscapes and incorporate the landscape elements created by temperature-structure interactions into management decisions.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape and local factors govern tree regeneration across heterogeneous post-fire forest environments. But their relative influence is unclear—limiting the degree that...  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of soil carbon (C) is controlled by ecological processes that evolve and interact over a range of spatial scales across the landscape. The relationships between hydrologic and biotic processes and soil C patterns and spatial behavior are still poorly understood. Our objectives were to (i) identify the appropriate spatial scale to observe soil total C (TC) in a subtropical landscape with pronounced hydrologic and biotic variation, and (ii) investigate the spatial behavior and relationships between TC and ecological landscape variables which aggregate various hydrologic and biotic processes. The study was conducted in Florida, USA, characterized by extreme hydrologic (poorly to excessively drained soils), and vegetation/land use gradients ranging from natural uplands and wetlands to intensively managed forest, agricultural, and urban systems. We used semivariogram and landscape indices to compare the spatial dependence structures of TC and 19 ecological landscape variables, identifying similarities and establishing pattern–process relationships. Soil, hydrologic, and biotic ecological variables mirrored the spatial behavior of TC at fine (few kilometers), and coarse (hundreds of kilometers) spatial scales. Specifically, soil available water capacity resembled the spatial dependence structure of TC at escalating scales, supporting a multi-scale soil hydrology-soil C process–pattern relationship in Florida. Our findings suggest two appropriate scales to observe TC, one at a short range (autocorrelation range of 5.6 km), representing local soil-landscape variation, and another at a longer range (119 km), accounting for regional variation. Moreover, our results provide further guidance to measure ecological variables influencing C dynamics.  相似文献   

Diminishing forests as a result of anthropogenic activities continues to impact the persistence of terrestrial species negatively. Raptors are particularly susceptible to human activities because of their low population densities and large home range sizes. In this study, we investigated the occupancy and detection probabilities of the Near-Threatened African crowned eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) in Durban, EThekwini Municipality, South Africa. Using point count surveys, we documented the presence/absence of African crowned eagles in 42 sampling sites in the urban mosaic landscape of Durban. We used the presence/absence data to model their occupancy and detection probability in our surveyed sites. The naïve occupancy of African crowned eagles was 0.6, and the estimated occupancy and detection probability were 0.78 + 0.061 and 0.40 + 0.085, respectively. Based on the best models, the occupancy of African crowned eagles was positively influenced by forests (β = 1.24 + 0.69) and negatively influenced by disturbance (β = −1.69 + 0.78) and roads. The detection probability of these eagles was positively influenced by disturbance (β = 0.34 + 0.29) and the presence of exotic tree plantations (β = 0.33 + 0.47) and negatively influenced by the type of surrounding settlements (i.e., urban or rural) (β = −0.59 + 0.43). Based on the averaged models, occupancy is positively influenced by forests (β = 0.15 + 1.48) and negatively influenced by roads (β = −0.05 + 0.34), building density (β = −0.07 + 0.79) and disturbance (β = −0.24 + 3.36). Detection probability is negatively influenced by surrounding settlement (β = −0.12 + 0.41) and positively influenced by disturbance (β = 0.04 + 3.21) and plantations (β = 0.01 + 0.12). Overall, our results showed the persistence of African crowned eagles in the urban mosaic landscape as a consequence of natural and managed green spaces, especially forests. This highlighted the importance of natural forests and exotic tree plantations in ensuring the survival and thriving of African crowned eagles and the key role these green spaces play in species conservation in this urban mosaic landscape.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - The effect of landscape complexity on biodiversity is an important topic in landscape ecology, and spatial scale is key to understand true species-landscape relationships. We...  相似文献   

The effect of environmental heterogeneity on spatial spread of invasive species has received little attention in the literature. Altering landscape heterogeneity may be a suitable strategy to control invaders in man-made landscapes. We use a population-based, spatially realistic matrix model to explore mechanisms underlying the observed invasion patterns of an alien tree species, Prunus serotina Ehrh., in a heterogeneous managed forest. By altering several parameters in the simulation, we test for various hypotheses regarding the role of several mechanisms on invasion dynamics, including spatial heterogeneity, seed dispersers, site of first introduction, large-scale natural disturbances, and forest management. We observe that landscape heterogeneity makes the invasion highly directional resulting from two mechanisms: (1) irregular jumps, which occur rarely via long-distance dispersers and create new founder populations in distant suitable areas, and (2) regular, continuous diffusion toward adjacent cells via short- and mid-distance vectors. At the landscape scale, spatial heterogeneity increases the invasion speed but decreases the final invasion extent. Hence, natural disturbances (such as severe storms) appear to facilitate invasion spread, while forest management can have contrasting effects such as decreasing invasibility at the stand scale by increasing the proportion of light interception at the canopy level. The site of initial introduction influences the invasion process but without altering the final outcome. Our model represents the real landscape and incorporates the range of dispersal modes, making it a powerful tool to explore the interactions between environmental heterogeneity and invasion dynamics, as well as for managing plant invaders. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - To analyze the scales at which landscape structure influences ecological processes, two approaches with different underlying ecological assumptions exist; the usual threshold...  相似文献   

Landscape change is an ongoing process for even the most established landscapes, especially in context to urban intensification and growth. As urbanization increases over the next century, supporting bird species’ populations within urbanizing areas remains an important conservation challenge. Fundamental elements of the biophysical structure of urban environments in which bird species likely respond include tree cover and human infrastructure. We broadly examine how tree cover and urban development structure bird species distributions along the urban-rural gradient across multiple spatial scales. We established a regional sampling design within the Oak Openings Region of northwestern, Ohio, USA, to survey bird species distributions across an extensive urbanization gradient. Through occupancy modeling, we obtained standardized effects of bird species response to local and landscape-scale predictors and found that landscape tree cover influenced the most species, followed by landscape impervious surface, local building density, and local tree cover. We found that responses varied according to habitat affiliation and migratory distance of individual bird species. Distributions of short-distance, edge habitat species located towards the rural end of the gradient were explained primarily by low levels of urbanization and potential vegetative and supplemental resources associated with these areas, while forest species distributions were primarily related to increasing landscape tree cover. Our findings accentuate the importance of scale relative to urbanization and help target where potential actions may arise to benefit bird diversity. Management will likely need to be implemented by municipal governments and agencies to promote tree cover at landscape scale, followed by residential land management education for private landowners. These approaches will be vital in sustaining biodiversity in urbanizing landscapes as urban growth expands over the next century.  相似文献   

Large wood (LW) is critical to the structure and function of streams and forests are the main LW source to stream channels. To assess the influence of forest cover changes at different spatial scales on in-stream LW quantity, we selected eighteen catchments (2nd–4th order) in Southeastern Brazil with forests at different levels of alterations. In each catchment we quantified the pattern of forest cover (% cover and relative catchment position), the physical characteristics of catchments (elevation and slope), the characteristics of channels (wetted channel width and depth), the abundance and volume of in-stream LW, and the frequency of LW pools. We used simple and multiple linear regression to assess the response of LW variables to landscape and stream reach variables. Most of the LW was relatively small; 72 % had a diameter <20 cm, and 66 % had a length <5 m. Although percent forest cover at reach scale had substantial support to explain LW variables, the best predictors of LW variables were forest cover at broader scales (LW abundance and LW pool frequency were best predicted by forest at intermediate distance at the catchment scale and LW volume was best predicted by forest cover at the drainage network scale), suggesting that downstream transport is an important process in addition to local processes in our study area. These findings have important management implications because although low forested reaches receive less LW from local forests (or no LW in the case of deforested stream reaches), they are receiving LW from upstream forested reaches. However, the material is generally small, unstable and likely to be easily flushed. This suggests that not only should riparian forest conservation encompass the full drainage network, but forests should also be allowed to regenerate to later successional stages to provide larger, higher quality LW for natural structuring of streams.  相似文献   

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