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We explored the predictive value of common landscape characteristics for landslide vegetative stages in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico using four different analyses. Maximum likelihood logistic regression showed that aspect, age, and substrate type could be used to predict vegetative structural stage. In addition it showed that the structural complexity of the vegetation was greater in landslides (1) facing the southeast (away from the dominant wind direction of recent hurricanes), (2) that were older, and (3) that had volcaniclastic rather than dioritic substrate. Multiple regression indicated that both elevation and age could be used to predict the current vegetation, and that vegetation complexity was greater both at lower elevation and in older landslides. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients showed that (1) the presence of volcaniclastic substrate in landslides was negatively correlated with aspect, age, and elevation, (2) that road association and age were positively correlated, and (3) that slope was negatively correlated with area. Finally, principal components analysis showed that landslides were differentiated on axes defined primarily by age, aspect class, and elevation in the positive direction, and by volcaniclastic substrate in the negative direction. Because several statistical techniques indicated that age, aspect, elevation, and substrate were important in determining vegetation complexity on landslides, we conclude that landslide succession is influenced by variation in these landscape traits. In particular, we would expect to find more successional development on landslides which are older, face away from hurricane winds, are at lower elevation, and are on volcaniclastic substrate. Finally, our results lead into a hierarchical conceptual model of succession on landscapes where the biota respond first to either gradients or disturbance depending on their relative severity, and then to more local biotic mechanisms such as dispersal, predation and competition.  相似文献   



Jack pine (Pinus banksiana)-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan are the primary breeding habitat for the federally endangered Kirtland’s warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii, KW). Historically, young stands used by KW were produced by stand-replacing wildfires, but fire suppression has necessitated the management of jack pine plantations for KW habitat since the 1970s. Effects of this long-term management on landscape age heterogeneity have previously not been quantified.


We hypothesized that forest management has altered the spatial and temporal distribution of jack pine-dominated ecosystems beyond their historic range of variability.


By developing a diameter-age relationship for jack pine, we estimated ages of pre-European settlement trees found in General Land Office survey notes. We compared pre-European and current landscapes using geostatistical modeling of survey notes, and landscape metrics to quantify changes in pattern.


Three KW management-based age classes (<20, 21–50, >50 years) are now more evenly distributed (31, 39, and 30 %, respectively) compared to the pre-European distribution (5, 19, 76 %) with little variability over time. Landscape metrics suggest the current landscape is younger and more fragmented than the pre-European landscape. These changes indicate restriction of the historic range of age variability, largely due to conversion of older jack pine stands to young KW habitat plantations.


Management has met KW population objectives, but has altered the temporal variability of the landscape’s age structure. Pre-European settlement patterns of stand-ages may provide a foundation for an ecosystem-based management plan for the region that supports both KW and the ecosystems upon which they depend.

The fragmented landscape of the Midwest USA includes prairie remnants embedded in an agricultural matrix, potentially impermeable to dispersing individuals. We examined butterfly responses to local (environmental variables measured within the prairie fragment itself such as vegetative characteristics) and landscape (environmental variables measured up to 2 km surrounding the fragment, but not the fragment itself) factors at 20 prairie remnants in Iowa. Our objectives were to: 1) document how the composition and configuration of the landscape affects butterfly community within the fragment, 2) determine whether explanatory power is gained by including both landscape and local variables rather than only local variables, and 3) analyze differences in butterfly community composition between linear and block shaped fragments. Results from partial least squares regression suggest there are significant effects of the landscape on butterfly community composition at all spatial extents investigated. The local variable that was most highly correlated with butterfly community response was percentage litter, while percentage of roads was the most important variable at all landscape spatial extents. Ordination diagrams clearly separate linear from block sites based on butterfly community composition. Variance partitioning using partial canonical correspondence analysis indicated that landscape variables at all spatial extents add additional explanatory power beyond local variables with little overlap in percentage of variation explained. Our results suggest that butterflies are making decisions based both on the local and landscape environmental factors, thus land surrounding prairie remnants should be included in management decisions.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that barrier effects exist even in relatively vagile species such as forest songbirds. The objectives of this study were to determine whether a 560 × 100 m riparian buffer strip of mature forest was used as a movement corridor by forest songbirds and, if so, to what extent corridor effects persisted as woody vegetation regenerated in the adjacent clearcut. Over a 4-yr period, juvenile movement rates decreased in the riparian buffer strip and increased in the regenerating clearcut. Adult movement rates increased in the riparian buffer strip in the first year after logging, then gradually decreased, while still increasing in the regenerating clearcut. However, both juvenile and adult movement rates were higher in the buffer strip than in an undisturbed control site. Results suggest that most adults we captured held territories in the vicinity of the net lanes,and that most of the juveniles captured were dispersing away from their natal territory. Four years after harvest, juvenile movement rates were higher in the regenerating clearcut than in the riparian buffer strip, but several species had not yet been captured or detected in the regeneration. Our results suggest that the use of the riparian buffer strip as a movement corridor decreased with forest regeneration for both adults and juveniles. However, the buffer strip still acted as a movement corridor for the following species: Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Ovenbird. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Degradation of coastal systems has led to increased impacts from hurricanes and storm surges and is of concern for coastal endemics species. Understanding the influence of disturbance on coastal populations like the endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) is important to understanding long-term dynamics and for recovery planning. We evaluated the effect of disturbance on the rabbits by determining which patch, habitat, and landscape characteristics influenced habitat use following Hurricane Wilma. We determined patch-level occurrence 6–9 months prior to Hurricane Wilma, within 6 months following the hurricane, and 2 years after the storm to quantify rates of patch abandonment and recurrence. We observed high patch abandonment (37.5% of used patches) 6 months after Hurricane Wilma and low rates of recurrence (38.1% of abandoned patches) 2 years after the storm, an indication that this storm further threatened marsh rabbit viability. We found the proportion of salt-tolerant (e.g., mangroves and scrub mangroves) and salt-intolerant (e.g., freshwater wetlands) vegetation within LKMR patches were negatively and positively correlated with probability of patch abandonment, respectively. We found patch size and the number of used patches surrounding abandoned patches were positively correlated with probability of recurrence. We suggest habitat use following this hurricane was driven by the differential response of non-primary habitats to saline overwash and habitat loss from past development that reduced the size and number of local populations. Our findings demonstrate habitat use studies should be conducted following disturbance and should incorporate on-going effects of development and climate change.  相似文献   



Ecological networks are often designed based on the degree of suitability and permeability of land cover classes, as obtained by estimating the statistical relationships between occurrence data and classes coverage using habitat suitability models (HSMs). Considering only the classes coverage, but not their spatial arrangement, frequently prevents HSMs from correctly identifying nodes and connectivity elements.


We propose a new approach in the design of ecological networks starting from the relationship between occurrence data and both land cover classes coverage and spatial arrangement, as calculated for different simulated species perceptions of the landscape (SSPLs, corresponding to different combinations of classes alternatively assuming the role of nodes, connectivity elements, or matrix).


The approach consists of comparing the ability to explain the observed species occurrence of both the nodes coverage and the connectivity degree provided by both nodes and connectivity elements, calculated for each SSPL. The better performing SSPL will provide information about the land cover classes that should be considered in designing an ecological network for the species, as well as their role in the network.


When applied to the Hazel Dormouse in an agricultural landscape in northern Italy, the method proved effective and allowed us to identify woodlands and hedgerows as nodes, and poplar cultivations, biomasses and reforestations as connectivity elements.


The proposed method can be adopted to identify nodes and connectivity elements for virtually every species sensitive to fragmentation, and has important practical implications when integrated in landscape management plans developed to guarantee ecological connectivity.

园林植物光合生理特征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林植物光合生理特征研究是为解决环境生态问题,尤其是全球环境变化问题应运而生的一门学科,它结合园林植物生理学来分析生态学现象。植物学中最重要的生态学现象是光合作用,综述光合生理生态研究状况,以及不同因素对园林植物的光合生理生态的影响,为深入研究我国的园林植物光合生理生态资源提供参考。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) population dynamics in experimental landscape patches. The study was conducted from May–November 1993 at the Miami University Ecology Research Center. Eight 0.1-ha small mammal enclosures were used. Four enclosures contained a 160 m2 nonfragmented patch and four enclosures contained four 40 m2 fragmented patches. Thus, each treatment was replicated 4 times in a systematic research design. The patches in both treatments contained high-quality habitat surrounded by low-quality matrix. Six pairs of adult meadow voles were released in each enclosure on 27 May 1993. Populations were monitored by live-trapping and radio-telemetry methods. Significantly greater densities of female voles were found during October in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment. Also, significantly more females than males were found in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment for the total study period. Significantly more subadult and juvenile males were found in the matrix versus the patch of the nonfragmented treatment compared to the fragmented treatment. Males in the fragmented treatment had significantly greater mean home range size than males or females in the nonfragmented treatment. There appears to exist a relationship between patch fragmentation and the social structure of meadow vole populations; this relationship appears to function as a population regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Wu  Mia M.  He  Hong S.  Liang  Yu  Huang  Chao 《Landscape Ecology》2020,35(10):2321-2337
Landscape Ecology - The rate and trajectory of forest landscape recovery after a volcanic eruption rely largely on available seed sources and patterns of seed dispersal. However, quantifying the...  相似文献   

Widespread degradation of wetlands has motivated the development of tools to evaluate wetland condition. The application of field-based tools over large regions can be prohibitively expensive; however, land cover data may provide a surrogate for intensive assessments, enabling rapid and cost-effective evaluation of wetlands throughout whole regions. Our goal was to determine if land cover data could be used to estimate the biotic integrity of wetlands in Alberta??s Beaverhills watershed. Biotic integrity was measured using both plant- and bird-based indices of biotic integrity (IBIs) in 45 wetlands. Land cover data were extracted from seven nested landscape extents (100?C3,000?m radii) and used to model IBI scores. Strong, significant predictions of IBI scores were achieved using land cover data from every spatial extent, even after factoring out the influence of location to address the spatial autocorrelation of land cover classes. Plant-based IBI scores were best predicted using data from 100?m buffers and bird-based IBI scores were best predicted using data extracted from 500?m buffers. Road cover or density and measures of the proportion of disturbed land were consistent predictors of IBI score, suggesting their universal importance to plant and bird communities. Simplified models using the proportion of undisturbed land were less accurate than more detailed models (reductions in r 2 of 0.31?C0.32). Regardless of the level of detail in land cover classification, our results emphasize the need to optimize landscape extent for the taxonomic group of interest: an issue that is typically poorly articulated in studies reporting on the development of GIS-based assessment methods. Our results also highlight the need to calibrate models in test areas before scaling up, to ensure predictive accuracy.  相似文献   

Rates of nest predation for birds vary between and within species across multiple spatial scales, but we have a poor understanding of which predators drive such patterns. We video-monitored nests and identified predators at 120 nests of the Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) and the Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) at eight study sites in Missouri and Illinois, USA, during 2007–2010. We used an information-theoretic approach to evaluate hypotheses concerning factors affecting predator-specific and overall rates of predation at landscape, edge, and nest-site scales. We found support for effects of landscape forest cover and distance to habitat edge. Predation by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) increased, and predation by rodents decreased as landscape forest cover decreased. Predation by raptors, rodents, and snakes increased as the distance to forest edges decreased, but the effect was modest and conditional upon the top-ranked model. Despite the predator-specific patterns we detected, there was no support for these effects on overall rates of predation. The interactions between breeding birds, nest predators, and the landscapes in which they reside are scale-dependent and context-specific, and may be resistant to broad conceptual management recommendations.  相似文献   

园林技术措施控制病虫害探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合园林工作实际,将园林技术措施控制病虫害的实现途径进行多角度、多层次的探析,即统筹协调"园林植物—病虫害—环境"所组成的生态系统的关系,建设生态园林,实现园林绿地与花木生产基地病虫害的可持续控制。  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Both plant size and distribution of plants and resources across landscapes are known to influence pollinator behavior and resulting plant reproductive success. However,...  相似文献   

A common approach used to estimate landscape resistance involves comparing correlations of ecological and genetic distances calculated among individuals of a species. However, the location of sampled individuals may contain some degree of spatial uncertainty due to the natural variation of animals moving through their home range or measurement error in plant or animal locations. In this study, we evaluate the ways that spatial uncertainty, landscape characteristics, and genetic stochasticity interact to influence the strength and variability of conclusions about landscape-genetics relationships. We used a neutral landscape model to generate 45 landscapes composed of habitat and non-habitat, varying in percent habitat, aggregation, and structural connectivity (patch cohesion). We created true and alternate locations for 500 individuals, calculated ecological distances (least-cost paths), and simulated genetic distances among individuals. We compared correlations between ecological distances for true and alternate locations. We then simulated genotypes at 15 neutral loci and investigated whether the same influences could be detected in simple Mantel tests and while controlling for the effects of isolation-by-distance using the partial Mantel test. Spatial uncertainty interacted with the percentage of habitat in the landscape, but led to only small reductions in correlations. Furthermore, the strongest correlations occurred with low percent habitat, high aggregation, and low to intermediate levels of cohesion. Overall genetic stochasticity was relatively low and was influenced by landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Assessment of the health of landscapes, by monitoring their condition over space and time, is needed to better understand the processes for sustaining or, in many cases, repairing them. Remote sensing is a tool that can efficiently identify and assess areas of landscape damage at different scales and help land managers solve specific problems. Remote sensing may appear to be a panacea for all monitoring situations but sometimes the information it provides is not enough by itself. In this paper we give examples of both scenarios—when remote sensing alone is adequate and when it is not. When remotely sensed data alone is not sufficient, monitoring problems can be solved by incorporating additional finer scale data. We use a five-step procedure based on scaling to help land managers answer the question: when is remote sensing data alone not sufficient to underpin the information needs required to achieve a specific management goal?  相似文献   

桃小食心虫发生规律及防控技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桃小食心虫是我国果树上主要的蛀果害虫,文章主要综述桃小食心虫发生、发育特点和综合防控技术,寻求桃小食心虫的进一步研究方向和探讨新的防治途径  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of species are shaped by local and landscape processes, but the dominant processes may differ with scale and increasing human disturbance. We investigated population responses of two pool-breeding amphibian species to differences in local and landscape characteristics in suburbanizing, southeastern New Hampshire, USA. In 2003 and 2004, we sampled 49 vernal pools for spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) egg masses. Using egg masses as a proxy for breeding-female population size, we examined the relative influence of five land-use and three isolation variables at two scales (300 and 1000 m) and five wetland variables on egg-mass abundance. For both species, road density at the landscape scale (1000 m) and hydroperiod most strongly predicted egg-mass abundance, with abundance decreasing as roads became denser and hydroperiods shortened. Wetland isolation was also an important predictor, with abundance greatest at more isolated pools, suggesting that both species concentrate at isolated pools when alternative breeding sites are scarce. Surprisingly, no 300-m parameters were strongly associated with salamander egg-mass abundance, whereas several landscape parameters were. In suburbanizing areas, it is at least as important to consider landscape-scale road density as to consider hydroperiod when designing conservation plans for these species. Furthermore, both isolated and clustered pools provide these species important habitat and may require protection. Finally, the conceptual framework for spotted-salamander management must be expanded so that spatial configuration at the landscape scale becomes a regular, integrated component of conservation planning for this species.  相似文献   

Landscape context influences many aspects of songbird ecology during the breeding season. The importance of landscape context at stopover sites for migrating songbirds, however, has received less attention. In particular, landscape context may affect the availability and quality of food for refueling during stopovers, which is critical for successful migration. We evaluated the influence of woody habitat cover in the surroundings of stopover sites at several spatial extents on the hourly changes of body mass in two species of European-African forest-dwelling songbird migrants (Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus, and the Eurasian Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus). Data were sampled by standardized methods from a network of ringing stations throughout Europe during the falls of 1994–1996. In both species, hourly body mass gain calculated for first captures increased with woody habitat cover. We found a similar logarithmic relationship for both species, although for Willow Warblers mass gain was more strongly related to the habitat cover within 5 km, in contrast to 3 km for Redstarts. For Willow Warblers, where sufficient data are available for each year, the relationship is consistent over the years. The shape of the relationship suggests existence of a threshold of landscape suitability for refueling at stopover sites: in sites with less than 10% of woody habitat cover, birds tend to lose body mass or to gain mass at a lower rate. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Vase-life, average daily water uptake rate and abaxial stomata density were evaluated in 17 anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum Hort.) cultivars over two trials. There were significant cultivar differences for vase-life (14–49 days), 5-day average water uptake rate and abaxial stomata density, in both trials. A progressively stronger correlation coefficient between average daily water uptake rates during the period 25–50 days after initiation of experiment (DAI) and vase-life was observed, indicating that cultivars with longer vase-life were able to maintain above average water uptake rate over a longer period of time and hence delay symptoms of water stress. This was evident in the water uptake rate curves as an inflection, resulting in the levelling off of water uptake rates. The cultivars with long vase-lives achieved steady state water uptake levels faster, and maintained a high steady state water uptake rate for longer durations. The role of vascular occlusion and other senescence factors on water relations and vase-life is discussed.  相似文献   

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