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There is debate among ecologists about whether total habitat area or patch arrangement contributes most to population and/or community responses to fragmented or patchy landscapes. We tested the relative effects of patch area and isolation for predicting bird occurrence in a naturally patchy landscape in the Bear River Mountains of Northern Utah, USA. We selected focal patches (mountain meadows) ranging in elevation from 1,920 to 2,860 m and in size from 0.6 to 182 ha. Breeding birds were sampled in each focal meadow during the summers of 2003 and 2004 using variable-distance point transects. Logistic regression and likelihood-based model selection were used to determine the relationship between likelihood of occurrence of three bird species (Brewer’s sparrow, vesper sparrow, and white-crowned sparrow) and area, isolation, and proximity metrics. We used model weights and model-averaged confidence intervals to assess the importance of each predictor variable. Plots of area versus isolation were used to evaluate complex relationships between the variables. We found that meadow area was the most important variable for explaining occurrence for two species, and that isolation was the most important for the other. We also found that the absolute distance was more appropriate for evaluating isolation responses than was the species-specific proximity metric. Our findings add clarity to the debate between ecologists regarding the relative importance of area and isolation in species responses to patchy landscapes.  相似文献   

Nest locations of breeding birds are often spatially clustered. This tendency to nest together has generally been related to a patchy distribution of nesting habitat in landscape studies, but behavioral studies of species with clustered breeding patterns draw attention to the importance of social and biotic factors. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the breeding system of many territorial, migrant birds may be semi-colonial. The reasons for, and extent of, spatial clustering in their breeding systems are not well understood. Our goal was to tease apart the influence of habitat availability and social drivers of clustered breeding in a neotropical migrant species, the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina). To test alternative hypotheses related to clustered habitat or conspecific attraction, we combined a habitat classification based on remote sensing with point pattern analysis of nesting sites. Nest locations (n = 150, 1999–2004), collected in a 1213 ha forested area of Southern Ontario (Canada), were analyzed at multiple spatial scales. Ripley’s K and pair-correlation functions g (uni- and bivariate) were used to test whether nests were clustered merely because potential nesting habitat was also clustered, or whether nests were additionally clustered with respect to conspecifics. Nest locations tended to be significantly clustered at intermediate distances (particularly between 240 and 420 m). Nests were randomly distributed within available habitat at larger distance scales, up to 1500 m. A reasonable hypothesis to explain the detected additional clustering, and one that is consistent with the results of several behavioral studies, is that females pack their nests more tightly than the available habitat requires to be situated closer to their neighbors’ mates. Linking spatially explicit, point pattern analysis with strong inference based on Monte Carlo tests may bring us closer to understanding the generality and reasons behind conspecific attraction at different spatial scales. F. Csillag—deceased.  相似文献   

Little is known about how variation in landscape mosaics affects genetic differentiation. The goal of this paper is to quantify the relative importance of habitat area and configuration, as well as the contrast in resistance between habitat and non-habitat, on genetic differentiation. We hypothesized that habitat configuration would be more influential than habitat area in influencing genetic differentiation. Population size is positively related to habitat area, and therefore habitat area should affect genetic drift, but not gene flow. In contrast, differential rates and patterns of gene flow across a landscape should be related to habitat configuration. Using spatially explicit, individual-based simulation modeling, we found that habitat configuration had stronger relationships with genetic differentiation than did habitat area, but there was a high degree of confounding between the effects of habitat area and configuration. We evaluated the predictive ability of six widely used landscape metrics and found that patch cohesion and correlation length of habitat are among the strongest individual predictors of genetic differentiation. Correlation length, patch density and clumpy are the most parsimonious set of variables to predict the magnitude of genetic differentiation in complex landscapes.  相似文献   



Native vegetation is often used as a proxy for habitat to estimate habitat availability in landscapes. This approach may lead to incorrect estimates of the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on species, which have not been thoroughly quantified so far.


We quantified to what extent the loss of native vegetation reflect actual habitat loss by native species in landscapes. We tested the hypothesis that habitat availability declines at greater rates than native vegetation and thus is overestimated when it is quantified on the basis of native vegetation.


Using simulations, we quantified how the loss of native vegetation in artificial and real landscapes affects habitat availability for species with different habitat requirements. We contrasted a generalist species, which uses all native vegetation, with 10 habitat-specialist species classified into three categories (interior, patchy and riparian species).


Habitat availability generally declined at greater rates than native vegetation for all specialist species. This pattern was apparent for different specialist species in a broad range of landscape types. Interior species always lost habitat availability more rapidly than the generalist species. Most riparian species lost habitat availability more rapidly than the generalist species. Responses of patchy species were more complex, depending on their dispersal abilities and landscape structure.


Habitat availability is likely to be overestimated when native vegetation is used as proxy for habitat, because habitat availability will generally decline at greater rates than native vegetation. Therefore, a species-centered approach should be adopted when estimating habitat availability in landscapes.

There was no significant correlation between the size of habitat islands in cropped fields and the density of field vole, bank vole, and common shrew populations during autumn. Despite this, winter densities of perching raptors were considerably higher in small islands than in large one. Explanations for this, apparently suboptimal, hunting pattern are discussed. The distribution should increase predation mortality for small rodents in small compared to large patches and may have been the cause of the higher winter mortality actually found for field voles in small patches.  相似文献   

An individual tree model of forest dynamics was used to examine the environmental and ecological factors controlling forest vegetation patterns in upland boreal forests of North America. Basic life history traits that characterized the regeneration, growth, and death of individual trees were combined with species-specific responses to important environmental factors. This model simulated forest structure and vegetation patterns in conifer, hardwood, and mixed conifer-hardwood forests and woodlands in several bioclimatic sub-regions of the North American boreal forest zone. Model testing identified the processes and parameters required to understand the ecology of upland boreal forests and weaknesses in our current understanding of these processes. These factors included climate, solar radiation, soil moisture, soil temperature and permafrost, the forest floor organic layer, nutrient availability, forest fires, and insect outbreaks. Model testing also identified which of these factors were important in each bioclimatic sub-region.  相似文献   



Sustained timber harvesting conflicts with the long-term viability of boreal caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations. The spatial arrangement of harvest blocks in the landscape could mitigate the impact of logging on caribou populations. For the forest industry, however, these measures represent constraints that reduce the annual allowable cut (AAC).


Estimate the long-term impacts of spatial constraints to harvesting, applied alone or in combination, on AAC and boreal caribou populations.


We divided a 30,000 km2 region into 20 harvest block sizes varying from 50 to 1000 km2, and modeled the implementation of spatially explicit harvest schedule plans in combination with wildfire and caribou population dynamics. We then evaluated the probability of persistence of boreal caribou populations.


The probability of maintaining an AAC target declined with increasing target AAC, increasing size of operating area, and increasing adjacency constraints. In contrast, the probability of maintaining caribou populations declined with increasing AAC, decreasing size of operating areas, and decreasing adjacency constraints. An increase in operating area size from 50 to 300 km2 produced a considerable gain in AAC for all adjacency constraints.


Because adjacency constraints led only to a small increase in the probability of maintaining caribou populations, we recommend adopting less constraining landscape management actions, such as a 70-year period between two consecutive harvests in the same ~300-km2 operating area.

With  Kimberly A.  Payne  Alison R. 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(9):2505-2517
Landscape Ecology - The habitat amount hypothesis (HAH) posits that local species richness is driven more by the amount of habitat in the surrounding landscape than by local patch size or habitat...  相似文献   


Worldwide, anthropogenic habitat loss and degradation have led to substantial biodiversity declines. Preserving biodiversity requires an understanding of how habitat loss and degradation interact to impact species populations, and how land-use decisions can limit these losses.


We present a mathematical partitioning of changes in landscape-level population abundance in response to land-use change using a modified version of the Price equation from evolutionary biology.


The Price equation partitions changes in species abundance into multiple drivers related to habitat loss, habitat degradation, and their interaction. We describe its development and exemplify its applicability using simulated data.


Applying the Price equation to simulated data reveals the roles of habitat loss, habitat degradation, and their interaction in driving population change in patchy landscapes undergoing complex land-use change processes.


The Price equation is a theoretical tool that may enhance our understanding of the effects of land-use change on populations by accounting for the specific processes by which land-use change operates across landscapes.




Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation negatively affect amphibian populations. Roads impact amphibian species through barrier effects and traffic mortality. The landscape variable ‘accessible habitat’ considers the combined effects of habitat loss and roads on populations.


The aim was to test whether accessible habitat was a better predictor of amphibian species richness than separate measures of road effects and habitat loss. I assessed how accessible habitat and local habitat variables determine species richness and community composition.


Frog and tadpole surveys were conducted at 52 wetlands in a peri-urban area of eastern Australia. Accessible habitat was delineated using a highway. Regressions were used to examine relationships between species richness and eleven landscape and local habitat variables. Redundancy analysis was used to examine relationships between community composition and accessible habitat and local habitat variables.


Best-ranked models of species richness included both landscape and local habitat variables. There were positive relationships between species richness and accessible habitat and distance to the highway, and uncertain relationships with proportion cover of native vegetation and road density. There were negative relationships between species richness and concreted wetlands and wetland electrical conductivity. Four species were positively associated with accessible habitat, whereas all species were negatively associated with wetland type.


Barrier effects caused by the highway and habitat loss have negatively affected the amphibian community. Local habitat variables had strong relationships with species richness and community composition, highlighting the importance of both availability and quality of habitat for amphibian conservation near major roads.

Habitat loss is known to be the main cause of the current global decline in biodiversity, and roads are thought to affect the persistence of many species by restricting movement between habitat patches. However, measuring the effects of roads and habitat loss separately means that the configuration of habitat relative to roads is not considered. We present a new measure of the combined effects of roads and habitat amount: accessible habitat. We define accessible habitat as the amount of habitat that can be reached from a focal habitat patch without crossing a road, and make available a GIS tool to calculate accessible habitat. We hypothesize that accessible habitat will be the best predictor of the effects of habitat loss and roads for any species for which roads are a major barrier to movement. We conducted a case study of the utility of the accessible habitat concept using a data set of anuran species richness from 27 ponds near a motorway. We defined habitat as forest in this example. We found that accessible habitat was not only a better predictor of species richness than total habitat in the landscape or distance to the motorway, but also that by failing to consider accessible habitat we would have incorrectly concluded that there was no effect of habitat amount on species richness.  相似文献   

Mayer  Martin  Ullmann  Wiebke  Heinrich  Rebecca  Fischer  Christina  Blaum  Niels  Sunde  Peter 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(10):2279-2294
Landscape Ecology - Human land use intensified over the last century and simultaneously, extreme weather events have become more frequent. However, little is known about the interplay between...  相似文献   

Vegetation patterns at the landscape scale are shaped by myriad processes and historical events, and understanding the relative importance of these processes aids in predicting current and future plant distributions. To quantify the influence of different environmental and anthropogenic patterns on observed vegetation patterns, we used simultaneous autoregressive modeling to analyze data collected by the Carnegie Airborne Observatory over Santa Cruz Island (SCI; California, USA). SCI is a large continental island, and its limited suite of species and well documented land use history allowed us to consider many potential determinants of vegetation patterns, such as topography, substrate, and historical grazing intensity. As a metric of vegetation heterogeneity, we used the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) stratified into three vegetation height classes using LiDAR (short, medium, and tall). In the SAR models topography and substrate type were important controls, together explaining 8–15 % of the total variation in NDVI, but historical grazing and spatial autocorrelation were also key components of the models, together explaining 17–21 % of the variation in NDVI. Optimal spatial autocorrelation distances in the short and medium height vegetation models (600–700 m) were similar to the home range sizes of two crucial seed dispersers on the island– the island fox (Urocyon littoralis santacruzae) and the island scrub-jay (Aphelocoma insularis)—suggesting that these animals may be important drivers of the island’s vegetation patterns. This study highlights the importance of dynamic processes like dispersal limitation and disturbance history in determining present-day vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Detailed species composition data are rapidly collected using a high-powered telescope from remote vantage points at two scales: site level and patch level. Patches constitute areas of homogeneous vegetation composition. Multiple samples of species composition are randomly located within the patches. These data are used as site-level data and are also aggregated to provide species composition data at the patch level. The site- and patch-level data are spatially integrated with high resolution (10 m), topographically-derived fields of environmental conditions, such as solar radiation, air temperature, and topographic moisture index in order to evaluate the applicability of the sampling method for modeling relationships between species composition and environmental processes.The methodology provides a balance between sampling efficiency and the accuracy of field data. Application of the method is appropriate for environments where terrain and canopy characteristics permit open visibility of the landscape. We evaluate the nature of data resulting from an implementation of the remote sampling methodology in a steep watershed dominated by closed-canopy chaparral. Analyses indicate that there is minimal bias associated with scaling the data from the site level to the patch level, despite variable patch sizes. Analysis of variance and correlation tests show that the internal floristic and environmental variability of patches is low and stable across the entire sample of patches. Comparison of regression tree models of species cover at the two scales indicates that there is little scale-dependence in the ecological processes that govern patterns of species composition between the site level and patch level. High explanatory power of the regression tree models suggests that the vegetation data are characterized at an appropriate scale to model landscape-level patterns of species composition as driven by topographically-mediated processes. Patch-level sampling reduces the influence of local stochasticity and micro-scale processes. Comparison of models between the two scales can be useful for assessing the processes and associated scales of variability governing spatial patterns of plant species.  相似文献   

Hui  L. C.  Jim  C. Y.  Zhang  Hao 《Landscape Ecology》2020,35(5):1143-1160
Landscape Ecology - Quantitative information regarding tree species-specific size is an essential tool for landscape planning. It reflects tree-environment and human–environment interactions...  相似文献   

Alodos  C.L.  Pueyo  Y.  Barrantes  O.  Escós  J.  Giner  L.  Robles  A.B. 《Landscape Ecology》2004,19(5):543-559
The aim of this study was to analyze the main processes that determine changes in landscape patterns and vegetation cover from 1957-1994 to develop a model for land cover dynamics. Land cover and landscape patterns were assessed and compared using aerial photographs taken in 1957, 1985, and 1994. Over this period, tall grass steppe and arid garrigues increased by 6% and 4%, respectively, while crop fields decreased by 15% and tall arid brush remained the same. Over the same period, tall grass steppes and arid garrigues became less fragmented.Changes in land use were triggered by socioeconomic forces, which were constrained by the underlying structure of the physical landscape. The best preserved vegetation (tall arid brushes) was concentrated at higher elevations, with a pronounced slope, not oriented towards the sea, and in volcanic substrate. Communities tended to be better preserved further away from towns and at lower house densities. Tall grass steppe was present on more gradual sea-oriented slope and in calcareous substrate, and increased at higher elevations, although not far from the town but away from high anthropogenic influence. Previous studies have revealed that traditional land uses of this landscape, particularly grazing, favoured the transition from tall arid brush to tall grass steppe. In this study, we analyzed to what extent the underlying structure of the physical landscape imposes limitations to the vulnerability to human activity of the main vegetation types. According to the data on the probability of vegetation transition over the 37-year period, the shift from tall arid brush to tall grass steppe appeared to be favoured by gradual slopes. Tall arid brush recovered from either arid garrigues or tall grass steppes at steeper slopes. Thus, steep terrain had a favourable effect on the formation of brushwood and more gradual terrain favoured tall grass steppe. The prevalent trends were confirmed by a projection of a transition matrix over 100 years.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Habitat configuration and temporal stochasticity in the environment are recognized as important drivers of population structure, yet few studies have examined the combined influence of these factors. We developed a spatially explicit simulation model to investigate how stochasticity in survival and reproduction influenced population dynamics on landscapes that differed in habitat configuration. Landscapes ranged from completely contiguous to highly fragmented, and simulated populations varied in mean survival probability (0.2, 0.4, 0.8) and dispersal capacity (1, 3, or 5 cells). Overall, habitat configuration had a large effect on populations, accounting for >80% of the variation in population size when mean survival and dispersal capacity were held constant. Stochasticity in survival and reproduction were much less influential, accounting for <1–14% of the variation in population size, but exacerbated the negative effects of habitat fragmentation by increasing the number of local extinctions in isolated patches. Stochasticity interacted strongly with both mean survival probability and habitat configuration. For example, survival stochasticity reduced population size when survival probability was high and habitat was fragmented, but had little effect on population size under other conditions. Reproductive stochasticity reduced population size irrespective of mean survival and habitat configuration, but had the largest effect when survival probability was intermediate and habitat was well connected. Stochasticity also enhanced the variability of population size in most cases. Contrary to expectations, increasing dispersal capacity did not increase population persistence, because the probability of finding suitable habitat within the dispersal neighborhood declined more for the same level of dispersal capacity when fragmentation was high compared to when it was low. These findings suggest that greater environmental variability, as might arise due to climate change, is likely to compound population losses due to habitat fragmentation and may directly reduce population size if reproductive output is compromised. It may also increase variability in population size.  相似文献   

Information on vegetation-related land cover change and the principle drivers is critical for environmental management and assessment of desertification processes in arid environments. In this study, we investigated patch-level based changes in vegetation and other major land cover types in lower Tarim River drainage area in Xinjiang, West China, and examined the impacts of environmental factors on those changes. Patterns of land cover change were analyzed for the time sequence of 1987–1999–2004 based on satellite-derived land classification maps, and their relationships with environmental factors were determined using Redundancy Analysis (RDA). Environmental variables used in the analysis included altitude, slope, aspect, patch shape index (fractal dimension), patch area, distance to water body, distance to settlements, and distance to main roads. We found that during the study period, 26% of the land experienced cover changes, much of which were the types from the natural riparian and upland vegetation to other land covers. The natural riparian and upland vegetation patches were transformed mostly to desert and some to farmlands, indicating expanding desertification processes of the region. A significant fraction of the natural riparian and upland vegetation experienced a phase of alkalinity before becoming desert, suggesting that drought is not the exclusive environmental driver of desertification in the study area. Overall, only a small proportion of the variance in vegetation-related land cover change is explainable by environmental variables included in this study, especially during 1987–1999, indicating that patch-level based vegetation change in this region is partly attributable to environmental perturbations. The apparent transformation from the natural riparian and upland vegetation to desert indicates an on-going process of desertification in the region.  相似文献   

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