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Species site-occupancy patterns may be influenced by habitat variables at both local and landscape scales. Although local habitat variables influence whether the site is suitable for a given species, the broader landscape context can also influence site occupancy, particularly for species that are sensitive to land-use change.


To examine the relative importance of local versus landscape variables in explaining site occupancy of eight bat species within the Brazilian Cerrado, a Neotropical savanna that is experiencing widespread habitat loss and fragmentation.


Bats were surveyed within 16 forest patches over two years. We used a multi-model information-theoretic approach, adjusted for species detection bias, to assess whether landscape variables (percent cover and number of patches of natural vegetation within a 2- and 8-km radius of each forest site) or local site variables (canopy cover, understory height, number of trees, and number of lianas) best explained site occupancy in each species.


Landscape variables were among the best models (ΔAICc or ΔQAICc < 2) for four species (top-ranked model for black myotis), whereas local variables were among the best for five species (top-ranked model for vampire bats). Neither local nor landscape variables explained site occupancy in two frugivorous species.


Species associated with a particular habitat type will not respond similarly to the amount, distribution or relative suitability of that habitat, or even at the same scale. This reinforces the challenge of species distribution modelling, especially in the context of forecasting species’ responses to future land-use or climate-change scenarios.

Landscape and site-scale data analyses aid the interpretation of biological data and thereby help us develop more cost-effective natural resource management strategies. Our study focused on environmental influences on stream assemblages and we evaluated how three classes of environmental variables (geophysical landscape, land use and cover, and site habitat), influence fish and macroinvertebrate assemblage richness in the Brazilian Cerrado biome. We analyzed our data through use of multiple linear regression (MLR) models using the three classes of predictor variables alone and in combination. The four MLR models explained dissimilar amounts of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa richness (geophysical landscape R 2 ≈ 35 %, land use and cover R 2 ≈ 28 %, site habitat R 2 ≈ 36 %, and combined R 2 ≈ 51 %). For fish assemblages, geophysical landscape, land use and cover, site habitat, and combined models explained R 2 ≈ 28 %, R 2 ≈ 10 %, R 2 ≈ 31 %, and R 2 ≈ 47 % of the variability in fish species richness, respectively. We conclude that (1) environmental variables differed in the degree to which they explain assemblage richness, (2) the amounts of variance in assemblage richness explained by geophysical landscape and site habitat were similar, (3) the variables explained more variability in macroinvertebrate taxa richness than in fish species richness, and (4) all three classes of environmental variables studied were useful for explaining assemblage richness in Cerrado headwater streams. These results help us to understand the drivers of assemblage patterns at regional scales in tropical areas.  相似文献   

Clearcutting is the main method of harvesting boreal forests, to some extent mimicking natural disturbances by fire and wind-felling. Effects of clearcutting on vertebrate fauna in managed forests was examined by small mammal trapping in spring and autumn, winter censuses of mammal snow tracks and censuses of birds in spring and summer in one central and one edge (125 m) section of large clearcuts and mature forests, respectively. There was a separate clearcut fauna, at least on large clearcuts, that was well distinguished from the forest fauna. There was not any physiognomic ecotone but the forest fauna showed a marked edge effect with larger numbers of many species in the peripheral parts of the forest. In the forests examined, with a Western European bird fauna, there were no typical interior forest species, in contrast to northern taiga forests. The present forest species easily changed distributions seasonally and according to variations in snow conditions and food abundance. Such generalist species in the boreal forest will therefore vary considerably in local density according to landscape composition but will also show large-scale persistence. They may have been selected for as a result of man's restructuring of temperate and boreal landscapes, e.g. by forest management. Edge effects seem to arise for several reasons but will probably only apply to generalist species.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of the relative effects of landscape variables may compromise inferential strength with common approaches to landscape selection. We propose a methodology for landscape sample selection that is designed to overcome some common statistical pitfalls that may hamper estimates of relative effects of landscape variables on ecological responses. We illustrate our proposed methodology through an application aimed at quantifying the relationships between farmland heterogeneity and biodiversity. For this project, we required 100 study landscapes that represented the widest possible ranges of compositional and configurational farmland heterogeneity, where these two aspects of heterogeneity were quantified as crop cover diversity (Shannon diversity index) and mean crop field size, respectively. These were calculated at multiple spatial extents from a detailed map of the region derived through satellite image segmentation and classification. Potential study landscapes were then selected in a structured approach such that: (1) they represented the widest possible range of both heterogeneity variables, (2) they were not spatially autocorrelated, and (3) there was independence (no correlation) between the two heterogeneity variables, allowing for more precise estimates of the regression coefficients that reflect their independent effects. All selection criteria were satisfied at multiple extents surrounding the study landscapes, to allow for multi-scale analysis. Our approach to landscape selection should improve the inferential strength of studies estimating the relative effects of landscape variables, particularly those with a view to developing land management guidelines.  相似文献   

Land-use change is forcing many animal populations to inhabit forest patches in which different processes can threaten their survival. Some threatening processes are mainly related to forest patch characteristics, but others depend principally on the landscape spatial context. Thus, the impact of both patch and landscape spatial attributes needs to be assessed to have a better understanding of the habitat spatial attributes that constraint the maintenance of populations in fragmented landscapes. Here, we evaluated the relative effect of three patch-scale (i.e., patch size, shape, and isolation) and five landscape-scale metrics (i.e., forest cover, fragmentation, edge density, mean inter-patch isolation distance, and matrix permeability) on population composition and structure of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in the Lacandona rainforest, Mexico. We measured the landscape-scale metrics at two spatial scales: within 100 and 500 ha landscapes. Our findings revealed that howler monkeys were more strongly affected by local-scale metrics. Smaller and more isolated forest patches showed a lower number of individuals but at higher densities. Population density also tended to be positively associated to matrices with higher proportion of secondary forests and arboreal crops (i.e. with greater permeability), most probably because these matrices can offer supplementary foods. The immature-to-female ratio also increased with matrix permeability, shape complexity, and edge density; habitat characteristics that can increase landscape connectivity and sources availability. The prevention of habitat loss and isolation, and the increment of matrix permeability are therefore needed for the conservation of this endangered Neotropical mammal.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of large and small-scale heterogeneity on species distribution and abundance is one of the major foci of landscape ecology research in fragmented environments. Although a large number of studies have addressed this issue individually, little effort has been made to synthesize the vast amount of literature published in the last decade. We reviewed 122 focal patch studies on 954 species published between 1998 and 2009 to determine the probability of species responding significantly to landscape, patch, and within-patch variables. We assessed the influence of taxonomic, life history, and methodological variables on probability of response to these 3 levels. Species in diverse taxa responded at high rates to factors at all three levels, suggesting that a multi-level approach is often necessary for understanding species response in patchy systems. Mammals responded at particularly high rates to landscape variables and therefore may benefit more than other taxa from landscape-level conservation efforts in fragmented environments. The probability of detecting a species response to landscape context, patch, and within-patch factors was influenced by a variety of methodological aspects of the studies such as type of landscape metric used, type of response variable, and sample size. Study design issues rarely are discussed by authors as reasons why a particular study did not find an effect of a variable, but should be given more consideration in future studies.  相似文献   

Kim  Hyungho  Lee  Chang-Bae 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(1):209-221
Landscape Ecology - Although there have been methodological advances in the analysis of biodiversity and landscape properties, most studies in landscape ecology primarily explore whether certain...  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape structure can affect seed dispersal, but the spatial scale at which such effect is maximized (scale of effect, SoE) is unknown. We assessed patterns and predictors of...  相似文献   

Models describing relationships between landscape features and species distribution patterns often display inter-study inconsistencies. Identifying factors contributing to these inconsistencies is a vital step in clarifying the ecological importance of landscape features and synthesizing an effective knowledge base for use in conservation contexts. We examined the influence of several spatial, temporal, and life history assumptions on the outcomes of distribution versus landscape models (DLMs) relating wetland bird communities at 29 Massachusetts (USA) sites to independent urbanization, wetland, forest, and agricultural landscape gradients. We considered a bird specialization index as well as obligate and facultative species richness as response variables. Landscape gradients were quantified at 10 landscape extents (0–1000 m in 100 m increments) and three time periods (1971, 1985, 2005). Univariate models indicated that our specialization index showed: (1) the strongest response to landscape gradients at small extents (200 m); (2) a negative, threshold response to urbanization was superior to a linear fit; and (3) no evidence of time-lagged effects of landscape change. Interestingly, the form of our model (i.e. linear versus threshold) influenced the extent at which strongest effects were detected. Multivariate models relating the specialization index as well as obligate and facultative species richness to landscape gradients showed evidence of annual variability (i.e. composition, parameter estimates, and variability explained) that did not depend upon an organism’s degree of specialization. Our results provide evidence that violations of common assumptions (e.g. selection of appropriate extent, lack of time-lagged effects, etc.) can impact the outcome of DLMs, which could lead to inter-study inconsistencies.  相似文献   

In landscapes dominated by late-successional plant communities, early-successional species may lead a tenuous existence, persisting only as fugitives or relying on refuges in marginal habitats to provide a persistent seed source. The objective of this study was to relate fine-scale distributions of early-successional tree species in hemlock-hardwood forests of northern Wisconsin, USA to potential landscape persistence strategies. A special emphasis was placed on eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), a restoration priority in the region. Witness tree data from nineteenth century US Public Land Survey records (encompassing 40,610?km2 and 106,790 trees) were used with modern environmental data to relate species distributions to habitat characteristics. Early-successional tree species had strong positive associations with marginal habitats such as inclusions of sandy soil and margins of lakes, wetlands, and rivers. Marginal habitats occupied ~44 % of the landscape, which may help account for the abundance of early-successional species in our study area relative to other hemlock-hardwood forests. Populations of early-successional species in marginal habitats could also have provided important seed sources for the upland mesic landscape matrix, as >70 % of the landscape was within 200?m of these habitats. The degree to which early-successional species were limited to marginal habitats largely followed predictions based on species life-history characteristics, except that white pine was more common than expected in upland mesic habitats. These findings illustrate the potential importance of landscape heterogeneity for persistence of early-successional species in late-successional forest landscapes and provide baseline information on habitat associations and landscape dynamics that will be useful in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Recent efforts to apply sustainability concepts to entire landscapes have seen increasing interest in approaches that connect socioeconomic and biophysical systems. Evaluating...  相似文献   

Modern landscape ecology is based on the patch mosaic paradigm, in which landscapes are conceptualized and analyzed as mosaics of discrete patches. While this model has been widely successful, there are many situations where it is more meaningful to model landscape structure based on continuous rather than discrete spatial heterogeneity. The growing field of surface metrology offers a variety of surface metrics for quantifying landscape gradients, yet these metrics are largely unknown and/or unused by landscape ecologists. In this paper, we describe a suite of surface metrics with potential for landscape ecological application. We assessed the redundancy among metrics and sought to find groups of similarly behaved metrics by examining metric performance across 264 sample landscapes in western Turkey. For comparative purposes and to evaluate the robustness of the observed patterns, we examined 16 different patch mosaic models and 18 different landscape gradient models of landscape structure. Surface metrics were highly redundant, but less so than patch metrics, and consistently aggregated into four cohesive clusters of similarly behaved metrics representing surface roughness, shape of the surface height distribution, and angular and radial surface texture. While the surface roughness metrics have strong analogs among the patch metrics, the other surface components are largely unique to landscape gradients. We contend that the surface properties we identified are nearly universal and have potential to offer new insights into landscape pattern–process relationships. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Investigations of land-cover change often employ metrics designed to quantify changes in landscape structure through time, using analyses of land cover maps derived from the classification of remote sensing images from two or more time periods. Unfortunately, the validity of these landscape pattern analyses (LPA) can be compromised by the presence of spurious change, i.e., differences between map products caused by classification error rather than real changes on the ground. To reduce this problem, multi-temporal time series of land-cover maps can be constructed by updating (projecting forward in time) and backdating (projecting backward in time) an existing reference map, wherein regions of change are delineated through bi-temporal change analysis and overlaid onto the reference map. However, this procedure itself creates challenges, because sliver patches can occur in cases where the boundaries of the change regions do not exactly match the land-cover patches in the reference map. In this paper, we describe how sliver patches can inadvertently be created through the backdating and updating of land-cover maps, and document their impact on the magnitude and trajectory of four popular landscape metrics: number of patches (NP), edge density (ED), mean patch size (MPS), and mean shape index (MSI). In our findings, sliver patches led to significant distortions in both the value and temporal behaviour of metrics. In backdated maps, these distortions caused metric trajectories to appear more conservative, suggesting lower rates of change for ED and inverse trajectories for NP, MPS and MSI. In updated maps, slivers caused metric trajectories to appear more extreme and exaggerated, suggesting higher rates of change for all four metrics. Our research underscores the need to eliminate sliver patches from any study dealing with multi-temporal LPA.  相似文献   

A common approach used to estimate landscape resistance involves comparing correlations of ecological and genetic distances calculated among individuals of a species. However, the location of sampled individuals may contain some degree of spatial uncertainty due to the natural variation of animals moving through their home range or measurement error in plant or animal locations. In this study, we evaluate the ways that spatial uncertainty, landscape characteristics, and genetic stochasticity interact to influence the strength and variability of conclusions about landscape-genetics relationships. We used a neutral landscape model to generate 45 landscapes composed of habitat and non-habitat, varying in percent habitat, aggregation, and structural connectivity (patch cohesion). We created true and alternate locations for 500 individuals, calculated ecological distances (least-cost paths), and simulated genetic distances among individuals. We compared correlations between ecological distances for true and alternate locations. We then simulated genotypes at 15 neutral loci and investigated whether the same influences could be detected in simple Mantel tests and while controlling for the effects of isolation-by-distance using the partial Mantel test. Spatial uncertainty interacted with the percentage of habitat in the landscape, but led to only small reductions in correlations. Furthermore, the strongest correlations occurred with low percent habitat, high aggregation, and low to intermediate levels of cohesion. Overall genetic stochasticity was relatively low and was influenced by landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Hollow-bearing trees provide habitat for diverse taxonomic groups and as such they are recognised for their importance globally. There is, however scant reference to this resource relative within urban forest patches. The functional ecology of habitat remnants along an urbanisation gradient plays an important ecological, social and economic role within urban landscapes. Here we quantify the impacts of urbanisation, landscape, environmental, disturbance (past and present) and stand variables on hollow-bearing tree density within urban forest patches. This was undertaken by surveying 45 forest patches on the Gold Coast, south-east Queensland, Australia. Sites were categorised as; urban, peri-urban or rural along an urbanisation gradient, with an additional five control sites. Historical logging practices were found to be the driving factor influencing hollow-bearing tree density along the urbanisation gradient; while the impacts of urbanisation itself are not as yet discernible. These findings highlight the significance of incorporating historical land use practise into current and future urban planning, as these will have continuing impacts on remaining urban biodiversity values. These findings, will benefit natural resource managers and urban planners when making decisions about where and how best to manage for hollow-bearing trees along urbanisation gradients.  相似文献   



Infectious diseases are important in the dynamics of many wildlife populations, but there is limited understanding of how landscape change influences susceptibility to disease.


We aimed to quantify the time-delayed influence of spatial and temporal components of landscape change and climate variability on the prevalence of chlamydiosis in koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in southeast Queensland, Australia.


We used data collected over 14 years (n = 9078 records) from a koala hospital along with time-lagged measures of landscape change and rainfall to conduct spatial and temporal analyses of the influence of landscape and environmental variables on prevalence of chlamydiosis and koala body condition.


Areas with more suitable habitat were associated with higher levels of disease prevalence and better body condition, indicating that koalas were less likely to be impacted by chlamydiosis. More intact landscapes with higher proportions of total habitat are associated with a reduction in prevalence of chlamydiosis and a decrease in body condition. Increased annual rainfall contributed to a decrease in prevalence of chlamydiosis and an increase in body condition. Urbanization was associated with an increase in disease, however the effects of urban landscape change and climate variability on chlamydiosis may not manifest until several years later when overt disease impacts the population via effects upon body condition and reproductive success.


Our study highlights the importance of effects of landscape change and climate variability on disease prevalence in wildlife. This recognition is essential for long-term conservation planning, especially as disease often interacts with other threats.

Leaf tipburn of strawberry, a localised calcium deficiency causing malformation of emerging leaves, was induced by high relative humidity and alleviated by diluting the nutrient solution or by reducing the level of potassium, magnesium or nitrate in otherwise standard solutions. Increasing the phosphate content of the solution had no effect, while supplementing the calcium nitrate to above sufficiency levels of calcium increased tipburn. Leaf calcium (% dry weight) decreased temporarily during leaf emergence and was lower in affected emerging leaves than in comparable healthy ones  相似文献   

Casquin  Antoine  Dupas  Rémi  Gu  Sen  Couic  Ewan  Gruau  Gérard  Durand  Patrick 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(12):3383-3399
Landscape Ecology - Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) exports from rural landscapes can cause eutrophication of inland and coastal waters. Few studies have investigated the influence of the spatial...  相似文献   

Assessing and predicting the species richness of a complex landscape remains a problem because there is no simple scaling function of species richness in a heterogeneous environment. Furthermore, the potential value of an area for biodiversity conservation may depend on which, rather than how many, species the area contains. This paper shows how we can objectively evaluate the contribution of an area, e.g., a habitat patch, to larger-scale plant species richness, e.g., a landscape composed of patches of several habitat types, and how we can test hypotheses that attempt to explain this contribution. We quantified the concept of habitat specificity to assess the proportion of each observed plant population that is concentrated within a given spatial element. A case study of a biodiversity-monitoring program in the Swiss Canton of Aargau showed that the relative contribution of the three main types of land use to the overall species richness differed strongly between higher taxa (vascular plants and molluscs). However, the type of data, i.e., presence-absence or abundance, was not important. Resampling of the plant data suggested that stratification provided an unbiased estimate of relative specificity, whereas unstratified sampling caused bias even for large samples. In a second case study of vascular plants in an agricultural landscape in central Switzerland, we tested whether the type, size or shape of a landscape element can predict its contribution to the species richness of the landscape. Habitat types that were less frequently disturbed contributed more per m2 to landscape species richness than more frequently disturbed ones. Contrary to expectation, patch size was negatively correlated to specificity per m2 for arable fields, whereas patch shape appeared to be unrelated to the specificity per m2 both for arable fields and for meadows. The specificity approach provides a solution to the problem of scaling species richness and is ideally suited for testing hypotheses on the effect of landscape structure on landscape species richness. Specificity scores can easily be combined with measures of other aspects of rarity to assess the contribution of a spatial element to conservation goals formulated at regional, national or global level.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in relationships between ecological variables and individual immune function, few empirical data have been available from wild populations. In this study, I assayed the immune response from 370 wild-caught bush-crickets, Metrioptera roeseli, from 20 experimentally introduced populations, by measuring individual encapsulation responses to a surgically implanted nylon monofilament. Bush-crickets descended from populations introduced into larger habitat patches showed a greater immune response when compared to individuals from smaller habitat-area introductions. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between immune response and the amount of linear elements at the introduction site. However, there was a lack of effect of population variables (i.e., propagule size and rate of population growth) on immune response. These results suggest that large-scale environmental parameters, such as patch size and connectivity, can be important for an individual’s physiological health and its ability to defend against disease-causing agents. Such effects are likely to compound the negative impacts associated with isolation of sub-populations and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

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