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Animal excreta-nitrogen (N) deposited onto pastoral soils during grazing has been identified as an important source of nitrous oxide (N2O). Understanding the extent and seasonal variation of N2O emissions from animal urine is important for the development of best management practices for reducing N2O losses. The aim of this study was to determine N2O emissions from cow urine after application onto a pastoral soil in different seasons between 2003 and 2005. A closed soil chamber technique was used to measure the N2O emissions from a poorly drained silt loam soil which received either 0 (control) or 1,000 kg N ha−1 (as real cow urine) per application. Application of cow urine to soil increased N2O fluxes above those from the control site for up to 6 weeks, but the duration for which N2O levels were elevated depended on the season. Nitrous oxide emissions were higher during the winter and spring measurement periods when the soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) was mostly above field capacity, and the emissions were lower during the summer and autumn measurement periods when the soil WFPS was below field capacity. The N2O emission factor for urine ranged from 0.02 to 1.52% of N applied. This seasonal effect suggests that a reduction in urine return to soil (e.g., through use of standoff pads or animal housing) under wet conditions in New Zealand can potentially reduce N2O emissions from pastoral soils.  相似文献   

There is little information concerning N2O fluxes in the pasture soil that has received large amounts of nutrients, such as urine and dung, for several years. The aims of this study were to (1) experimentally quantify the relationship between mineral N input and N2O emissions from denitrification, (2) describe the time course of N2O fluxes resulting in N inputs, and (3) find whether there exists an upper limit of the amount of nitrogen escaping the soil in the form of N2O. The study site was a grassland used as a cattle overwintering area. It was amended with KNO3 and glucose corresponding to 10–1,500 kg N and C per hectare, covering the range of nutrient inputs occurring in real field conditions. Using manual permanent chambers, N2O fluxes from the soil were monitored for several days after the amendments. The peak N2O emissions were up to 94 mg N2O–N m−2 h−1, 5–8 h after amendment. No upper limit of N2O emissions was detected as the emissions were directly related to the dose of nutrients in the whole range of amendments used, but the fluxes reflected the soil and environmental conditions, too. Thus, in three different experiments performed during the season, the total cumulative losses of N2O–N ranged from 0.2 to 5.6% of the applied 500kg ha−1. Splitting of high nutrient doses lowered the rate of N2O fluxes after the first amendment, but the effect of splitting on the total amount of N2O–N released from the soil was insignificant, as the initial lower values of emissions in the split variants were compensated for by a longer duration of gas fluxes. The results suggest that the cattle-impacted soil has the potential to metabolize large inputs of mineral nitrogen over short periods (∼days). Also, the emission factors for did not exceed values reported in literature.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted in 2004 and 2005 to evaluate the effect of a stand‐off winter stock management system on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a dairy farm in New Zealand. The management system consisted of removing cows from pasture after grazing for 6 h per day and keeping them on a stand‐off pad for the rest of the day during the late autumn/winter seasons in order to reduce soil physical damage because of grazing on wet soils. The N2O emissions were measured on pasture that was grazed either for all day or for 6 h. The N2O emissions from the stand‐off pad were also measured. A closed chamber technique was used for measuring N2O fluxes. The New Zealand International Panel for Climate Change inventory methodology was used to calculate annual N2O emissions from land application of farm effluent, leached and volatilized N. Significantly lower (P < 0.05) N2O emission rates were found when the stand‐off grazed pasture was compared to the control in the winter seasons when soil was wet. Total N2O emission rates measured over one grazing interval in the late autumn/winter (May–August) in 2004 were 2.72 and 1.21 kg N2O‐N/ha for the control and the stand‐off grazed pastures, respectively. The respective emissions in 2005 were 0.97 and 0.22 kg N2O‐N/ha. When all possible sources contributing to emissions of N2O (both measured and calculated from the non‐measured sources) were included, total annual emissions of 7.7 and 7.0 kg N2O‐N per hectare of grazed pasture in the control and stand‐off treatments, respectively, were estimated. These results suggest that the use of stand‐off pads as a management practice during the wet seasons can be effective at reducing N2O emissions from dairy farm systems.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract. Grazing animals on managed pastures and rangelands have been identified recently as significant contributors to the global N2O budget. This paper summarizes relevant literature data on N2O emissions from dung, urine and grazed grassland, and provides an estimate of the contribution of grazing animals to the global N2O budget.
The effects of grazing animals on N2O emission are brought about by the concentration of herbage N in urine and dung patches, and by the compaction of the soil due to treading and trampling. The limited amount of experimental data indicates that 0.1 to 0.7% of the N in dung and 0.1 to 3.8% of the N in urine is emitted to the atmosphere as N2O. There are no pertinent data about the effects of compaction by treading cattle on N2O emission yet. Integral effects of grazing animals have been obtained by comparing grazed pastures with mown-only grassland. Grazing derived emissions, expressed as per cent of the amount of N excreted by grazing animals in dung and urine, range from 0.2 to 9.9%, with an overall mean of 2%. Using this emission factor and data statistics from FAO for numbers of animals, the global contribution of grazing animals was estimated at 1.55 Tg N2O-N per year. This is slightly more than 10% of the global budget.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of three different soils – a rendzina on cryoturbed soil, a hydromorphic leached brown soil and a superficial soil on a calcareous plateau – were measured using the chamber method. Each site included four types of land management: bare soil, seeded unfertilized soil, a suboptimally fertilized rapeseed crop and an overfertilized rapeseed crop. Fluxes varied from –1g to 100g N2O-nitrogen ha–1 day–1. The highest rates of N2O emissions were measured during spring on the hydromorphic leached brown soil which had been fertilized with nitrogen (N); the total emissions during a 5-month period exceeded 3500gNha–1. Significant fluxes were also observed during the summer. Very marked effects of soil type and management were observed. Two factors – the soil hydraulic behaviour and the ability of the microbial population to reduce N2O – appear to be essential in determining emissions of N2O by soils. In fact, the hydromorphic leached brown soil showed the highest emissions, despite having the lowest denitrification potential because of its water-filled pore space and low N2O reductase activity. Soil management also appears to affect both soil nitrate content and N2O emissions. Received: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions were studied with a static chamber technique during 2 years from a drained organic soil in eastern Finland. After drainage, the soil was forested with birch (Betula pendula Roth) and 22 years later, part of the forest was felled and then used for cultivation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and grass. The annual N2O emissions from the cultivated soil (from 8.3 to 11.0 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1) were ca. twice the annual emission from the adjacent forest site (4.2 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1). The N2O emissions from the soils without plants (kept bare by regular cutting or tilling) were also lower (from 6.5 to 7.1 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1) than those from the cultivated soil. There was a high seasonal variation in the fluxes with a maximum in spring and early summer. The N2O fluxes during the winter period accounted for 15-60% of the total annual emissions. N2O fluxes during the snow-free periods were related to the water table (WT) level, water-filled pore space, carbon mineralisation and the soil temperature. A linear regression model with CO2 production, WT and soil temperature at the depth of 5 cm as independent variables explained 54% of the variation in the weekly mean N2O fluxes during the snow-free periods. N2O fluxes were associated with in situ net nitrification, which alone explained 58% of the variation in the mean N2O fluxes during the snow-free period. The N2O-N emissions were from 1.5 to 5% of net nitrification. The acetylene blockage technique indicated that most of the N2O emitted in the snow-free period originated from denitrification.  相似文献   

Adequate use of manure in grasslands may constitute an economical means of manure disposal and an abundant source of nutrients for plants; however, excessive nitrogen (N) additions to these soils could create new environmental risks such as increasing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. These potentially adverse effects in grasslands may be mitigated by improved management practices. In pasture systems, the combined effects of poultry litter applications and interseeded rye (Secale cereale L.) on N2O emissions are still not well established. This study was conducted to estimate the magnitude of soil surface N2O fluxes as affected by interseeded winter rye forage, annually spring-applied composted turkey litter as well as by weather and soil parameters. Fluxes were measured by vented chambers during 2 yr in a bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) pasture in moderately well-drained Tonti gravelly silt loam (fine-loamy, active, mesic Typic Fragiudault) located in northwestern Arkansas, USA. During the 60 d following turkey litter applications, N2O fluxes were frequently well correlated with soil nitrate (NO3; r: up to 0.82, P's < 0.05) implying substrate stimulation on soil N2O production. Likewise, rainfall patterns strongly influenced N2O fluxes. Large rainfalls of 91 and 32 mm occurred within 6 d prior to the maximum N2O flux means (263 and 290 μg N m−2 h−1, respectively). Treatment effects on N2O emissions were significant only in spring periods following manure addition, particularly in the second year of our study. In the spring of 2000, additions of composted turkey litter resulted in 1.5-fold increase in seasonal cumulative N2O emissions (P = 0.04) which was directly associated to a numerically greater soil NO3. In the spring of 2001, soils planted to rye exhibited a pronounced significant effect on mitigating N2O emissions (30 vs. 112 mg N m−2; P = 0.04). During the winter and early spring, rye growth also decreased quantities of both soil NO3 and water-filled pore space (WFPS) partly accounting for the lower N2O emissions in these fields. These results suggest that because poultry litter additions increased and interseeded rye diminished N2O emissions, the combined implementation of both management practices can produce environmental benefits while sustaining productivity in temperate pasture systems.  相似文献   

 In order to determine the effects of increased soil temperature resulting from global warming on microbiological reactions, a 21-month field experiment was carried out in the Bavarian tertiary hills. The major objective was to focus on N2O releases as either a positive or negative feedback in response to global warming. The soils of a fallow field and a wheat field were heated 3  °C above ambient temperature and N2O fluxes were measured weekly from June 1994 to March 1996. During the experimental period, measured temperature differences between the control plots and the heated plots were 2.9±0.3  °C at a depth of 0.01 m and 1.0–1.8  °C at a depth of 1 m. Soil moisture decreased with the elevated soil temperatures of the heated plots. The mean differences in soil moisture between the treatments were 6.4% (fallow field) and 5.2%DW (wheat field dry weight, DW), respectively. Overall N2O releases during the experimental period from the fallow field were 4.8 kg N2O–N ha–1 in the control plot against 5.0 kg N2O–N ha–1 in the heated plot, and releases from the wheat field were 8.0 N2O–N ha–1 in the control plot and 7.6 N2O–N kg ha–1 in the heated plot. However, on a seasonal basis, cumulated N2O emissions differed between the plots. During the summer months (May–October), releases from the heated fallow plot were 3 times the rates from the control plot. In the winter months, N2O releases increased in both the fallow and wheat fields and were related to the number of freezing and thawing cycles. Received: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

In grazed pasture systems, a major source of N2O is nitrogen (N) returned to the soil in animal urine. We report in this paper the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), applied in a fine particle suspension (FPS) to reduce N2O emissions from dairy cow urine patches in two different soils. The soils are Lismore stony silt loam (Udic Haplustept loamy skeletal) and Templeton fine sandy loam (Udic Haplustepts). The pasture on both soils was a mixture of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Total N2O emissions in the Lismore soil were 23.1–31.0 kg N2O-N ha−1 following the May (autumn) and August (late winter) urine applications, respectively, without DCD. These were reduced to 6.2–8.4 kg N2O-N ha−1 by the application of DCD FPS, equivalent to reductions of 65–73%. All three rates of DCD applied (7.5, 10 and 15 kg ha−1) were effective in reducing N2O emissions. In the Templeton soil, total N2O emissions were reduced from 37.4 kg N2O-N ha−1 without DCD to 14.6–16.3 kg N2O-N ha−1 when DCD was applied either immediately or 10 days after the urine application. These reductions are similar to those in an earlier study where DCD was applied as a solution. Therefore, treating grazed pasture soils with an FPS of DCD is an effective technology to mitigate N2O emissions from cow urine patch areas in grazed pasture soils.  相似文献   

 Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were measured from an irrigated sandy-clay loam cropped to maize and wheat, each receiving urea at 100 kg N ha–1. During the maize season (24 August–26 October), N2O emissions ranged between –0.94 and 1.53 g N ha–1 h–1 with peaks during different irrigation cycles (four) ranging between 0.08 and 1.53 g N ha–1 h–1. N2O sink activity during the maize season was recorded on 10 of the 29 sampling occasions and ranged between 0.18 and 0.94 g N ha–1 h–1. N2O emissions during the wheat season (22 November–20 April) varied between –0.85 and 3.27 g N ha–1 h–1, whereas peaks during different irrigation cycles (six) were in the range of 0.05–3.27 g N ha–1 h–1. N2O sink activity was recorded on 14 of the 41 samplings during the wheat season and ranged between 0.01 and 0.87 g N ha–1 h–1. Total N2O emissions were 0.16 and 0.49 kg N ha–1, whereas the total N2O sink activity was 0.04 and 0.06 kg N ha–1 during the maize and wheat seasons, respectively. N2O emissions under maize were significantly correlated with denitrification rate and soil NO3 -N but not with soil NH4 +-N or soil temperature. Under wheat, however, N2O emissions showed a strong correlation with soil NH4 +-N, soil NO3 -N and soil temperature but not with the denitrification rate. Under either crop, N2O emissions did not show a significant relationship with water-filled pore space or soil respiration. Received: 11 June 1997  相似文献   

为了对组织层次上温室气体排放进行量化,为企业选择最有效的减排措施提供依据。该文以河北保定一规模化奶牛场为案例,利用气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)清洁发展机制理事会批准的相关方法学、IPCC排放系数法及相关文献,在组织层次上量化了该奶牛场运行过程中的温室气体的排放与清除。案例研究结果表明,采用规模化运行管理方式及粪便管理系统时,该2 300头存栏的奶牛场年排放温室气体为11 333.2 t CO2-e或者说每头存栏奶牛年排放温室气体 4.9 t CO2-e,并提出了组织温室气体的减排建议。这对同类牛场温室气体排放量的评估具有参考意义。  相似文献   

 Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and methane (CH4) consumption were quantified following cultivation of two contrasting 4-year-old pastures. A clover sward was ploughed (to 150–200 mm depth) while a mixed herb ley sward was either ploughed (to 150–200 mm depth) or rotovated (to 50 mm depth). Cumulative N2O emissions were significantly greater following ploughing of the clover sward, with 4.01 kg N2O-N ha–1 being emitted in a 48-day period. Emissions following ploughing and rotovating of the ley sward were much less and were not statistically different from each other, with 0.26 and 0.17 kg N2O-N ha–1 being measured, respectively, over a 55-day period. The large difference in cumulative N2O between the clover and ley sites is presumably due to the initially higher soil NO3 content, greater water filled pore space and lower soil pH at the clover site. Results from a denitrification enzyme assay conducted on soils from both sites showed a strong negative relationship (r=–0.82) between soil pH and the N2O:(N2O+N2) ratio. It is suggested that further research is required to determine if control of soil pH may provide a relatively cheap mitigation option for N2O emissions from these soils. There were no significant differences in CH4 oxidation rates due to sward type or form of cultivation. Received: 1 November 1998  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas produced during microbial transformation of soil N that has been implicated in global climate warming. Nitrous oxide efflux from N fertilized soils has been modeled using NO3 content with a limited success, but predicting N2O production in non-fertilized soils has proven to be much more complex. The present study investigates the contribution of soil amino acid (AA) mineralization to N2O flux from semi-arid soils. In laboratory incubations (−34 kPa moisture potential), soil mineralization of eleven AAs (100 μg AA-N g−1 soil) promoted a wide range in the production of N2O (156.0±79.3 ng N2O-N g−1 soil) during 12 d incubations. Comparison of the δ13C content (‰) of the individual AAs and the δ13C signature of the respired AA-CO2-C determined that, with the exception of TYR, all of the AAs were completely mineralized during incubations, allowing for the calculation of a N2O-N conversion rate from each AA. Next, soils from three different semi-arid vegetation ecosystems with a wide range in total N content were incubated and monitored for CO2 and N2O efflux. A model utilizing CO2 respired from the three soils as a measure of organic matter C mineralization, a preincubation soil AA composition of each soil, and the N2O-N conversion rate from the AA incubations effectively predicted the range of N2O production by all three soils. Nitrous oxide flux did not correspond to factors shown to influence anaerobic denitrification, including soil NO3 contents, soil moisture, oxygen consumption, and CO2 respiration, suggesting that nitrification and aerobic nitrifier denitrification could be contributing to N2O production in these soils. Results indicate that quantification of AA mineralization may be useful for predicting N2O production in soils.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed pastures constitute approximately 28% of total global anthropogenic N2O emissions. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of inorganic N fertilizer application on fluxes of N2O, quantify the emission factors (EFs) for a sandy loam soil which is typical of large areas in Ireland and to investigate denitrification sensitivity to temperature. Nitrous oxide flux measurements from a cut and grazed pasture field for 1 year and denitrification laboratory incubation were carried out. The soil pH was 7.3 and had a mean organic C and N content at 0–20 cm of 44.1 and 4.4 g/kg dry weight, respectively. The highest observed peaks of N2O fluxes of 67 and 38.7 g N2O‐N per hectare per day were associated with times of application of inorganic N fertilizer. Annual fluxes of N2O from control and fertilized treatments were 1 and 2.4 kg N2O‐N per hectare, respectively. Approximately 63% of the annual flux was associated with N fertilizer application. Multiple regression analysis revealed that soil nitrate and the interaction between soil nitrate and soil water content were the main factors controlling N2O flux from the soil. The derived EF of 0.83% was approximately 66% of the IPCC default EF value of 1.25% as used by the Irish EPA to estimate greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Ireland. The IPCC‐revised EF value is 0.9%. A highly significant exponential regression (r2 = 0.98) was found between denitrification and incubation temperature. The calculated Q10 ranged from 4.4 to 6.2 for a temperature range of 10–25 °C and the activation energy was 47 kJ/mol. Our results show that denitrification is very sensitive to increasing temperature, suggesting that future global warming could lead to a significant increase in soil denitrification and consequently N2O fluxes from soils.  相似文献   

Soils under intensive agricultural practices such as those for growing vegetables in plastic greenhouses are an important anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O). Nitrous oxide emissions and measures to mitigate them through fertilizer N management have been less frequently studied than open field systems. The objectives of this study were to measure N2O emissions from vegetables under greenhouse conditions in Southern China and to investigate the effect of reducing the amount of applied synthetic N fertilizer compared with local practice. Results indicate that the average N2O‐N flux during the growth of four vegetables (tomato, cucumber, celery and a second tomato crop) was 117.4 ± 9 μg N/m2/h, and the annual emission rate was 8.1 ± 0.6 kg/N/ha for local farms. Temperature was important with much lower emissions during the celery‐growing season when soil and air temperatures were frequently <10 °C. Nitrous oxide emissions from the greenhouse vegetables were seven times greater than from the rice–wheat system in the same area and soils. Reducing the amount of applied synthetic N fertilizer by 40% relative to local farmers’ normal usage could reduce annual cumulative N2O emissions by 33% without any impact on crop yields.  相似文献   

Abstract. Intensively managed grasslands are potentially a large source of N2O in the North Coast of Spain because of the large N input, the wet soil conditions and mild temperatures. To quantify the effect of fertilizer type and management practices carried out by farmers in this area, field N2O losses were measured over a year using the closed chamber technique. Plots received two types of fertilizer: cattle slurry (536 kg N ha–1) and calcium ammonium nitrate (140 kg N ha–1). N2O losses were less in the slurry treatment than after mineral fertilizer. This was probably due to high, short‐lived peaks of N2O encountered immediately following mineral N addition. In contrast, the seasonal distribution of N2O losses from the slurry amended plot was more uniform over the year. The greater N2O losses in the mineral treatment might have been enhanced by the combined effect of mineral fertilizer and past organic residues present from previous organic amendments. Weak relationships were found between N2O emission rates and soil nitrate, soil ammonium, soil water content and temperature. Better relationships were obtained in the mineral treatment than in the slurry plots, because of the wider range in soil mineral N. Water filled pore space (WFPS) was a key factor controlling N2O emissions. In the > 90% WFPS range no relationships were found. The best regressions were found for the mineral treatment in the 40–65% WFPS range, 49% of the variance being explained by soil nitrate and ammonium content. In the 65–90% WFPS range, 43% of the variance was explained by nitrate only, but the inclusion of soil ammonium did not improve the model as it did in the 40–65% WFPS range. This fact indicates that nitrification is likely to be an important process involved in N2O emissions at the 40–65% WFPS.  相似文献   

Abstract. Land disposal of sewage sludge in the UK is set to increase markedly in the next few years and much of this will be applied to grassland. Here we applied high rates of digested sludge cake (1–1.5×103 kg total N ha−1) to grassland and incorporated it prior to reseeding. Using automated chambers, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from the soil were monitored 2–4 times per day, for 6 months after sludge incorporation. Peaks of N2O emission were up to 1.4 kg N ha−1 d−1 soon after incorporation, and thereafter were regularly detected following significant rainfalls. Gas emissions reflected diurnal temperature variations, though N2O emissions were also strongly affected by rainfall. Although emissions decreased in the winter, temperatures below 4 °C stimulated short, sharp fluxes of both CO2 and N2O as temperature increased. The aggregate loss of nitrogen and carbon over the measurement period was up to 23 kg N ha−1 and 5.1 t C ha−1. Losses of N2O in the sludge-amended soil were associated with good microbial conditions for N mineralization, and with high carbon and water contents. Since grassland is an important source of greenhouse gases, application of sewage sludge can be at least as significant as fertilizer in enhancing these emissions.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission from herbicide-treated soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The emission of N2O from soybean plants treated with the herbicides dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and bromoxynil was studied. The N2O flux from 2,4-D- and bromoxynil-treated soybean was 14.1 ng N2O-N g–1 fresh weight h–1 and 19.7 ng N2O-N g–1 fresh weight h–1, respectively, i.e. approximately twice that of the controls. The NO2 -N concentration in 2,4-D- and in bromoxynil-treated soybean was about 8 μg N g–1 fresh weight, i.e. fivefold the concentration found in control plants. The NO3 content in herbicide-treated soybean did not differ significantly from that of the control plants. Consequently, the accumulation of NO2 -N during the assimilation of NO3 -N was thought to cause the observed N2O release. Probably, N2O is a by-product produced during either the reaction of NO2 -N with plant metabolites or NO2 -N decomposition. Final conclusions must await further experiments. Received: 5 November 1999  相似文献   



With land application of farm effluents from cows during housing or milking as an accepted practice, there are increasing concerns over its effect on nitrogen (N) loss through ammonia (NH3) volatilization. Understanding the relative extent and seasonal variation of NH3 volatilization from dairy effluent is important for the development of management practices for reducing NH3 losses. The objectives of this study were to determine potential NH3 losses from application of different types of dairy effluent (including both liquid farm dairy effluent (FDE) and semi-solid dairy farm manure) to a pasture soil during several contrasting seasons and to evaluate the potential of the urease inhibitor (UI)—N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBTPT, commercially named Agrotain®) to reduce gaseous NH3 losses.

Material and methods

Field plot trials were conducted in New Zealand on an established grazed pasture consisting of a mixed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)/white clover (Trifolium repens L.) sward. An enclosure method, with continuous air flow, was used to compare the effects of treatments on potential NH3 volatilization losses from plots on a free-draining volcanic parent material soil which received either 0 (control) or 100 kg N ha?1 as FDE or manure (about 2 and 15 % of dry matter (DM) contents in FDE or manure, respectively) with or without NBTPT (0.25 g NBTPT kg?1 effluent N). The experiment was conducted in the spring of 2012 and summer and autumn of 2013.

Results and discussion

Results showed that application of manure and FDE, both in fresh and stored forms, potentially led to NH3 volatilization, ranging from 0.6 to 19 % of applied N. Difference in NH3 losses depended on the season and effluent type. Higher NH3 volatilization was observed from both fresh and stored manure, compared to fresh and stored FDE. The difference was mainly due to solid contents. The losses of NH3 were closely related to NH4 +-N content in the two types of manure. However, there was no relationship between NH3 losses and NH4 +-N content in either type of FDE. There was no consistent seasonal pattern, although lower NH3 losses from fresh FDE and stored FDE applied in spring compared to summer were observed. Potential NH3 losses from application of fresh FDE or manure were significantly (P?<?0.05) reduced by 27 to 58 % when NBTPT was added, but the UI did not significantly reduce potential NH3 volatilization from stored FDE or manure.


This study demonstrated that NH3 losses from application of FDE were lower than from manure and that UIs can be effective in mitigating NH3 emissions from land application of fresh FDE and manure. Additionally, reducing the application of FDE in summer can also potentially reduce NH3 volatilization from pasture soil.  相似文献   

 N2O emission rates from a sandy loam soil were measured in a field experiment with 2 years of perennial forage crops (ryegrass, ryegrass-red clover, red clover) and 1 year of spring barley cultivation. Spring barley was sown after the incorporation of the forage crop residues. All spring barley plots received 40 kg N ha–1 N fertiliser. Ryegrass, ryegrass-red clover and red clover plots were fertilised with 350 kg N ha–1, 175 kg N ha–1 and 0 kg N ha–1, respectively. From June 1994 to February 1997, N2O fluxes were continuously estimated using very large, closed soil cover boxes (5.76 m2). In order to compare the growing crops, the 33 months of investigation were separated into three vegetation periods (March–September) and three winter periods (October–February). All agronomic treatments (fertilisation, harvest and tillage) were carried out during the vegetation period. Large temporal changes were found in the N2O emission rates. The data were approximately log-normally distributed. Forty-seven percent of the annual N2O losses were observed to occur during winter, and mainly resulted from N2O production during daily thawing and freezing cycles. No relationship was found between the N2O emissions during the winter and the vegetation period. During the vegetation period, N2O losses and yields were significantly different between the three forage crops. The unfertilised clover plot produced the highest yields and the lowest N2O losses on this soil compared to the highly fertilised ryegrass plot. Total N2O losses from soil under spring barley were higher than those from soil under the forage crops; this was mainly a consequence of N2O emissions after the incorporation of the forage crop residues. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

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