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The conducting tissue structure of transverse and longitudinal sections was observed on leaves of Podocarpus and Nageia.Results showed:in Podocarpus leaves,there is only one midrib,the xylem tracheid of midrib vascular bundle is multi-form,transfusion tissue belongs to Cycas-type and transfusion tracheids are isodiametric,the accessory transfusion tracheids between palisade tissue and sponge tissue are developed;in Nageia leaves,there are plenty of parallel leaves,the xylem tracheids of each vein are relatively simple,transfusion tissue belongs to Taxus-type and transfusion tracheids are longer in longitudinal section than that in transverse section,the accessory transfusion tissue between palisade tissue and sponge tissue is absent.Considering other differences that in leaves of Podocarpus there are three resin ducts under vascular bundle of midrib,mesophyll cells are differentiated into palisade tissue and sponge tissue;in leaves of Nageia,there is only one resin duct under vascular bundle in each vein and no obvious differentiation in mesophyll cells,palisade tissue can be found on both sides,and sclereids can also be found in mesophyll tissue.The anatomical differences of leaf veins and mesophylls between Nageia and Podocarpus mentioned above support the viewpoint that Nageia and Podocarpus are two independent genera.  相似文献   

该研究对罗汉松属和竹柏属植物叶横切面和纵切面输导组织结构进行观察。结果表明:罗汉松属叶1条主脉,主脉维管束木质部管胞发达,转输组织为苏铁型,转输组织管胞等径,栅栏组织和海绵组织之间的副转输组织管胞发达;竹柏属叶多条平行叶脉,维管束木质部管胞相对不发达,转输组织为红豆杉型,转输组织管胞纵向伸长,栅栏组织和海绵组织之间不存在副转输组织。结合罗汉松属植物主脉维管束下面有3个树脂道,叶肉分化为栅栏组织和海绵组织,而竹柏属植物每个叶脉维管束下面有1个树脂道,叶肉分化不明显,两面都有栅栏组织,叶肉中还具有大量石细胞等特征,认为罗汉松属和竹柏属在叶脉、叶形态和结构方面存在明显差异,2个属分开是比较合理的。  相似文献   

The leaf development of Podocarpus macrophyllus var.maki Endl.started from the leaf primordium formed by the cell division in shoot apical meristem.During the leaf development,three resin canals from the inferior part of vascular bundles firstly began to differentiate,then protoxylem in vascular bundles differentiated from adaxial side to abaxial side.Meanwhile,a layer of parenchyma cells from the inferior part of protoderm developed into the sclerenchyma,which played an important role in supporting young leaves.When xylem became mature basically,transfusion tissue,phloem and accessory transfusion tissue began to differentiate,so mesophyll tissue finally differentiated into developmental palisade cells and sponge cells.The thicker cuticle was formed in the lateral side of epidermal cells at the same time of differentiation and development for the inner structure of leaves.Therefore,the developmental palisade cells and the cuticle in the leaf structure of Podocarpus macrophyllus var.maki Endl.is greatly significant for photosynthesis and transpiration when it grows in arid and cold regions.  相似文献   

4种不同品种石榴的叶表皮特征电镜扫描观察(英文)   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
[Objective] The research aimed to provide reference for classification of pomegranate cultivars and studies of genetic relationship among pomegranate cultivars.[Method] The electron microscope scanning was used to comparatively observe leaf epidermal structures of 4 pomegranate cultivars.[Result] The upper epidermal structures of 4 pomegranate cultivars were similar and showed reticular structure .However, the differences existed in lower epidermis,such as cell shape,cell size and arrangement mode of cell as well as stomatal density,while the structures of leaf vein in lower epidermis of 4 pomegranate cultivars were similar.[Conclusion] The research provided morphological references for studying heterosis of pomegranate to some extent.  相似文献   

采用回流提取法提取罗汉松[Podocarpus macrophyllus(Thunb.)D.Don]叶总黄酮,通过单因素试验,考察提取方法、提取溶剂体积分数、提取体积、提取时间对药材总黄酮含量的影响,采用正交试验优化提取工艺条件,筛选出罗汉松叶总黄酮的最佳提取工艺。结果表明,罗汉松叶总黄酮的最佳提取工艺为75%乙醇、料液比1∶30(g∶mL)、回流提取时间0.5 h。该方法重复性较好、稳定、可行。  相似文献   

<正> 1. Quercus aliena B1. var. pekingensis Schott. f. alticupuliformis (Liouet S. X. Li)H. W. Jen et L. M. Wang comb. nov.—Q. aliena B1. var. jeholensis Liou et S. X. Li in F1. Lign. N. -E.Chin. 219. 1955. —Q. aliena B1. var. alticupuliformis H. W. Jen et L. M.Wang in Bull. Bot. Res. 4 (4):197. f. 3. 1984.2. Quercus serrata Thunb. var. tomentosa (B. C. Ding et T. B. Chao)Y. C. Hsu et H. W. Jen comb. nov.—Q. glandulifera B1. var. tomentosa B. C. Ding et T. B. Chao F1.Honan 《河南植物志》 1:248. 1981.3. Quercus senescens Hand. -Mazz. var. muliensis (Hu)Y. C. Hsu etH. W. Jen comb. nov.  相似文献   

摘要:雀舌罗汉松是南通地区最具代表性的盆景素材,在国内外各种盆景大赛中屡获大奖,深受全国人民的喜爱,然而由于雀舌罗汉松生长缓慢,繁殖数量少,极大限制了雀舌罗汉松产业规模化的发展和花木产业的繁荣。本研究采用光合-荧光测量仪对雀舌罗汉松和大叶罗汉松在不同CO2浓度和光强下的光合能力进行了测量和分析,结果表明,雀舌罗汉松虽然具有更低的CO2补偿点和更高的CO2饱和点,但是电子传递效率要低于大叶罗汉松。光合-光强实验结果表明,雀舌罗汉松的光补偿点和光饱和点都高于大叶罗汉松,强光下两者的最大净光合速率基本一致。气孔导度分析结果表明,相同光照强度下,雀舌罗汉松的气孔导度小于大叶罗汉松,不利于气体交换。本研究从CO2浓度、光强的角度分析了雀舌罗汉松和大叶罗汉松光合能力的差异,并提出了适宜雀舌罗汉松快速生长的条件,为进一步规范雀舌罗汉松的种植,推进雀舌罗汉松产业规模化发展,促进花木产业提供指导。  相似文献   

枸杞花药培养的初步研究(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate the culture technique in anther of Chinese wolfberry,we optimized the culture medium(including hormone combination)and culture conditions.The results showed that calluses were induced from all the six tested Chinese wolfberry materials,but the induction rate of callus varied toward the materials with different genotypes.When the experimental materials were cultured on medium appended with 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L and KT 1.0 mg/L under dark,the callus induction rate reached 20.0 % in this study,and this hormone combination should be the optimum for anther culture of Chinese wolfberry.With MS appended with 6-BA 0.5 mg/L and NAA 0.1 mg/L as differentiation medium and that appended with NAA 0.1 mg/L,the plants could be yielded in 20 days.  相似文献   

采用超声提取法提取罗汉松[Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) D. Don]茎中的总黄酮,通过单因素试验方法考察了提取方法、提取溶剂体积分数、提取溶剂体积、提取时间对总黄酮含量的影响,采用正交试验优化提取工艺条件,筛选出罗汉松茎中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺。结果表明,最佳提取工艺为70%乙醇、超声提取1.0 h、料液比1∶20(m/V)。超声提取法提取罗汉松茎中总黄酮含量,该方法重复性较好、稳定、可行。  相似文献   

低温胁迫对竹柏生理生化特征的影响(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究低温胁迫对竹柏生理生化特征的影响。[方法]通过测定竹柏幼苗叶片质膜相对透性、游离脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量和叶绿素含量等生理指标,研究竹柏幼苗在自然条件下和人控低温条件下这些生理指标连续5d的变化规律。[结果]竹柏幼苗叶片可溶性糖含量、游离脯氨酸含量、丙二醛含量和质膜相对透性均较对照有所上升;叶绿素含量随着低温胁迫时间的延长逐渐下降。竹柏幼苗对低温胁迫产生了积极的响应,所受的低温伤害有所降低。[结论]该研究为竹柏在汉江平原地区种植的冬季管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The conducting tissue structure of transverse and longitudinal sections was observed on leaves of Podocarpus and Nageia.Results showed:in Podocarpus leaves,there is only one midrib,the xylem tracheid of midrib vascular bundle is multi-form,transfusion tissue belongs to Cycas-type and transfusion tracheids are isodiametric,the accessory transfusion tracheids between palisade tissue and sponge tissue are developed;in Nageia leaves,there are plenty of parallel leaves,the xylem tracheids of each vein are relatively simple,transfusion tissue belongs to Taxus-type and transfusion tracheids are longer in longitudinal section than that in transverse section,the accessory transfusion tissue between palisade tissue and sponge tissue is absent.Considering other differences that in leaves of Podocarpus there are three resin ducts under vascular bundle of midrib,mesophyll cells are differentiated into palisade tissue and sponge tissue;in leaves of Nageia,there is only one resin duct under vascular bundle in each vein and no obvious differentiation in mesophyll cells,palisade tissue can be found on both sides,and sclereids can also be found in mesophyll tissue.The anatomical differences of leaf veins and mesophylls between Nageia and Podocarpus mentioned above support the viewpoint that Nageia and Podocarpus are two independent genera.  相似文献   

【目的】观察竹柏及其共生体的形态与解剖构造特征,为进一步研究植物共生体系统的生物学特性提供理论依据。【方法】采用徒手切片和数码显微照相技术,在光学显微镜下观察竹柏及其共生体横切面、纵切面制片,记录竹柏根及根瘤的形态特征,根、根瘤及其共生微生物的解剖特征。【结果】竹柏幼根外形上侧根多而粗短;根尖极少数根毛端部膨大和弯曲变形;根瘤数量多且形态多样,外形上以近圆形和圆锥形为主;根瘤起源于根的中柱鞘或老根瘤内部薄壁组织,内具维管束;根的表皮、周皮、皮层及中柱和维管射线等处观察到丝状和团状物、泡囊、丛枝状结构等侵染物的分布、形态等特征。【结论】竹柏根际既有根瘤又有菌根,菌根属于内外生菌根,根瘤中既有根瘤菌又有放线菌,表现出竹柏根际共生体的多样性。  相似文献   

为更好地指导竹柏的引种、种群保护和优良种源筛选,采用空间代时间方法和匀滑技术编制竹柏种群生命表,并分析其性比的地形分异规律。结果表明:竹柏种群龄级结构属于增长型。竹柏种群的死亡率和损失率的三个峰值分别出现在第3、5和7龄级,存活曲线属于Deevey-Ⅱ型。生存分析结果表明,竹柏种群具有前期衰退,中后期稳定的特点。竹柏种群雄性个体在不同坡位上表现为上坡位>中坡位>下坡位,在不同立地质量等级上表现为Ⅱ类地<Ⅲ类地<Ⅳ类地;雌性个体在不同坡位和立地质量等级上的分布规律与雄性个体呈相反趋势。  相似文献   

阐述了竹柏的生物学特性和苗木繁育技术的研究进展,从园林应用价值、经济价值和药用价值三方面对其推广价值进行探讨,为指导竹柏的合理开发提供依据。  相似文献   

对罗汉松属(Podocarpus)竹柏(P.nagi)、长叶竹柏(P.fleuryi)、罗汉松(P.macrophyllus)和大理罗汉松(P.forrestii)4种植物茎水力结构特征参数进行了测定。结果显示,4种植物平均叶面积和茎端总叶面积均差异明显;4种植物的胡伯尔值(Hv)、边材密度、导水率(Kh)、比导率(Ks)、叶比导率(LSC)没有显著差异,与其平均叶面积也没有显著的相关性,可能是由于4种植物的茎端总叶面积没有显著差异引起的。  相似文献   

在马尾松林下套种竹柏,通过不同林分郁闭度、不同套种密度的造林试验,对竹柏的生长表现进行了对比研究。结果表明,林分郁闭度、种植密度对竹柏的地径、树高和冠幅生长均有着显著影响。在郁闭度0.4、0.5下套种竹柏,宜采用900株·hm-2的种植密度;在郁闭度0.6、0.7下套种竹柏,宜采用500株·hm-2的种植密度。  相似文献   

周存宇  杨朝东  占磊 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(27):16666-16667,16670
[目的]对引种的竹柏幼苗进行冬季低温胁迫研究。[方法]通过测定竹柏幼苗叶片质膜相对透性、游离脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量和叶绿素含量等生理指标,研究竹柏幼苗在自然条件下(18~25℃)的和人控低温(5~6℃)条件下这些生理指标连续5 d的变化规律。[结果]竹柏幼苗叶片可溶性糖含量、游离脯氨酸含量、丙二醛含量和质膜相对透性均较对照有所上升;叶绿素含量随着低温胁迫时间的延长逐渐下降。[结论]竹柏幼苗对低温胁迫产生了积极的响应,受低温伤害有所降低。  相似文献   

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