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为给高产小麦抗倒防衰提供理论和技术支持,以高产、高杆、抗倒性差品种烟农19为材料,研究了不同种植密度下,植物生长调节剂(壮丰安、稀效唑、国光矮丰和爱久收)以及传统的镇压措施对小麦最终产量、茎秆形态结构和物理性状的影响。结果表明,和225×104 ha-1的基本苗相比,270×104 ha-1的基本苗植株高度增加,且籽粒产量、茎节粗度、茎秆充实度和抗倒伏指数降低;返青期喷施壮丰安、烯效唑和国光矮丰或者人工镇压都可降低小麦基部节间的长度,增加其粗度和充实度;拔节期喷施爱久收可缩短小麦穗下节间长度、增加其粗度和充实度,最终各调控措施下小麦茎秆重心高度降低,抗倒指数增加,尤其在较高基本苗条件下;喷施壮丰安和爱久收降低了小麦最终植株高度;喷施烯效唑和爱久收提高了小麦千粒重和产量,国光矮丰和镇压措施对最终产量无显著影响,而壮丰安降低了低密度群体小麦千粒重和产量。  相似文献   

The unpredictability of the Mediterranean climate causes a large fluctuation in wheat yield and quality but offers the opportunity for the production of high quality wheats which are lacking in the European Union.

This paper describes the effects of nitrogen fertilization rate and timing on five Triticum aestivum L. cultivars differing in bread-making quality, cultivated in six representative Italian sites (years/locations). Nitrogen was applied at each location at two rates, the first corresponding to the amount estimated to maximize grain yield, the second 30% higher. Three timings of nitrogen applications were tested including a late application at the boot stage. Bread-making quality was evaluated with the Chopin alveograph and each sample was assigned to the following qualitative classes of the Italian market: Class 1, improver wheat; Class 2, for direct bread-making; Class 3, ordinary wheat.

Cultivars differed significantly in all agronomic and qualitative traits. Grain yield was highest in the northern location (7.1 t ha−1) and lowest in the south of the Italian peninsula (2.61 ha−1), while in Sicily abundant rains in both years enabled a yield of 6.41 ha−1 to be obtained. As far as bread-making quality is concerned, the greatest proportion of grain samples belonging to Class 1 was obtained from the northern location. The year of cultivation strongly affected quality, particularly with regard to gluten tenacity, in all locations, though the quality ranking of the cultivars remained substantially stable across locations. Nitrogen applications greater than those considered optimal to maximize yield, combined with a better distribution during the life cycle, significantly improved bread-making quality.

It was concluded that high quality wheats can be obtained in a wide range of growing conditions in the Mediterranean climate. However the likelihood of genotype × environment interactions, statistically significant for both yield and quality, call for a more precise management of nitrogen fertilization in relation to the cultivars chosen and the climatic features of each site.  相似文献   

普通小麦品质性状早代选择的效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
选用4个单交组合的亲本F1,F2和F3,对普通小麦6个品质性状杂种早代的选择效果进行了研究,各品质性状遗传力偏中,蛋白质含量和面筋含量的遗传力均大于沉淀值的遗传力,各品质性状在杂种早期世代选择的相对预期遗传进度均较高,并且以沉淀值的最高,在相关遗传进度的分析中,干面筋的选择对其品质性状有较大的增效作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨小麦-玉米两熟区长期秸秆还田模式下氮肥的适宜用量,采取秸秆不还田、秸秆全量还田为主因素,氮肥用量(设0、90、180、270、360 kg/hm2 5 个水平)为辅因素的裂区试验设计,研究了麦玉两熟秸秆长期还田配施氮肥对冬小麦生长发育、产量及品质的影响。研究结果表明:同一氮肥水平秸秆还田处理能够增大叶面积,增强光合作用,提高叶绿素含量及地上干物质量,增加产量。随施氮量的增加,叶绿素呈增长趋势,但叶面积、地上干物质量、穗数、穗粒数及产量均呈先增后减的趋势。蛋白质及湿面筋含量随施氮量增加而提高。过量施用氮肥(270、360 kg/hm2),产生盐害,会抑制小麦生长,导致减产。秸秆还田配施180 kg/hm2氮肥处理能明显促进冬小麦的生长发育,提高产量和品质。经模拟分析,秸秆全量还田模式下小麦最高产量的推荐施氮肥量为216.11 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

施用不同种类硫肥对豫麦49产量和品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于2000-2002年在土壤有效硫含量为15.8 mg.kg-1的大田试验条件下,不同种类硫肥以60 kg.hm-2纯S施入,研究了施用不同硫肥对冬小麦产量及品质的影响。结果表明,施用硫肥处理使小麦在籽粒灌浆中后期明显保持较高的群体光合速率(CAP),在灌浆后期,不施硫肥处理的小麦CAP分别低于施硫磺粉、石膏、过磷酸钙、硫铵、硫酸钾各处理9.8%、13.3%、11.9%、40.3%和43.7%。施硫提高了小麦旗叶硝酸还原酶(NR)活性,增大了生育后期的物质积累,实现了生物积累量和收获指数的同步提高,最终显著提高了粒重和籽粒产量;施硫促进籽粒灌浆过程中的麦谷蛋白积累量,且对淀粉糊化参数指标如糊化温度、低谷粘度、高峰粘度和最终粘度影响较大,有利于改善小麦品质。在本试验条件下,增施不同种类硫肥对豫麦49产量和品质均有促进效果,其中以过磷酸钙效果较佳。  相似文献   

Summary Four selection experiments were sown: single-row plots with single row-spacing (20 cm), single-row plots with double row spacing (40 cm), three-row plots and six-row plots both with single row-spacing (20 cm). Selection entries were mimiced by 16 different varieties or advanced breeding lines, which were also sown in a yield trial. Each experiment was laid out as a 4-times replicated randomized block design. Row length was 2 m. Alley borders and border-rows of multiple-row plots were harvested separately to evaluate the effects of different harvesting procedures on the selection efficiency. Removal of alley borders was found to be disadvantageous, since the gain in precision was more than offset by the loss in sampled area. Wide spacing of single-row plots improved the selection efficiency in comparison with normal spaced single-row plots. In multiple-row plots the selection efficiency was not improved by harvesting only the central rows.For gross plot yield (= yield of net plot + yield of alley borders) the differences in selection efficiency between the various selection plot-types were explained on the basis of the genetic variance, the environmental variance and the coefficient of genetic correlation with farm yield as determined in the yield trial.  相似文献   

花后灌水对小麦籽粒品质性状及产量的影响   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
在池栽防雨条件下,研究了小麦花后不同灌水时期、不同灌水次数对籽粒产量及品质性状的影响。结果表明,在花前限量灌水条件下(135 mm),花后灌水(45~90 mm)可显著提高小麦籽粒产量及蛋白质产量;虽然多数品质性状在花后不灌水(CK)条件下获得最大值,但灌1水未引起品质性状的明显变化;随灌水次数增加,各品质性状变劣  相似文献   

施氮量对强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在水浇地高产麦田研究了施氮量对强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响。结果表明,适当增加氮肥施用量可以提高各产量构成因素的水平,因而产量增加,过量施用氮肥虽可以增加公顷穗数,但穗粒数和千粒重下降,而导致产量降低。增加氮肥的施用量能够改善强筋小麦的营养品质和加工品质,但随着施氮量的增加改善的幅度降低。综合施氮量对小麦产量及构成因素和品质性状的影响效应,认为在较高土壤肥力的麦田适宜施氮量为240kg/ hm2左右。  相似文献   

内蒙古平原灌区“春麦冬播”种植效应及品种适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对内蒙古春播小麦生育期短、干热风、高温逼熟等因素制约产量提高,且收获后光温资源极大浪费的现状,以及试种冬小麦发现的冬季冻害、春季干旱或"倒春寒"影响返青率及前茬限制等问题,本研究以"春麦冬播"种植模式为切入点,采用不同春化类型小麦品种,通过连续2年的田间试验,系统研究了不同小麦品种越冬出苗、叶片生理、根系性状及产量形成的差异,以期筛选适宜冬播的小麦品种。结果表明:供试的全部春性小麦品种及部分冬性品种可以以种子形式完成春化作用,第2年正常抽穗成熟。冬播条件下春季田间出苗率较春播小麦有所降低,但根系发达,对低温及干旱的适应性强。通过系统聚类筛选出适宜内蒙古平原灌区冬播的3个小麦品种,包括春性品种永良4号、冬性品种宁冬11号和半冬性品种河农7106,其共同特征为越冬出苗率高、抗逆性强、根系发达、产量表现较高,其中永良4号产量可达到与春播相同的水平。  相似文献   

施肥量和穴内插秧密度对寒地粳稻产量和品质性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中熟超高产粳稻品种龙稻5号、晚熟超高产粳稻品种松粳9号和优质晚熟品种五优稻1号为试验材料,研究了施肥量和穴内插秧密度对寒地粳稻产量和品质的影响。结果表明,施氮量的增加可以提高高产品种的产量,但导致了优质品种贪青晚熟,降低了优质品种的产量;施氮量的增加可以显著提高蛋白质含量、糙米率和精米率,但也显著降低了稻米的直链淀粉含量和味度值。穴内插秧密度对产量的影响表现为先增加后降低趋势,对稻米品质的影响表现程度不一。施肥量和穴内插秧密度的互作对超高产粳稻品种的产量和品质有影响,对优质品种的蛋白质有影响。从高产和优质的协调考虑,龙稻5号以施纯氮194.90kg/hm2、2棵/穴为宜,松粳9号以施纯氮194.90kg/hm2、4棵/穴为宜,五优稻1号以施纯氮119.94kg/hm2、4棵/穴为宜。  相似文献   

种植密度对小麦石新828光合特性及产量的调控效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本试验于大田条件下,研究了种植密度对冬小麦品种石新828在适晚播情况下生育后期旗叶光合特性及产量的调控效应。设置4个密度水平处理;利用CI-340光合测定系统和FMS-2型脉冲调制式荧光仪分别测定了光合特性的相关指标。试验结果表明,种植密度对石新828生育后期光合特性及产量的影响显著;每公顷基本苗330×104处理的旗叶叶绿素(Chl)含量、净光合速率(Pn)、PS II潜在活性(Fv/Fo)及其最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)均在生育后期始终表现出明显优势,且产量显著高于其他处理;每公顷基本苗210×104和270×104处理由于群体相对较小,表现出对轻度干旱逆境的脆弱性,390×104由于群体相对较大,封闭的小气候影响了个体的发育,最终均导致了产量的降低。小麦石新828在适晚播条件下,适宜种植密度为330×104基本苗/公顷。  相似文献   

Grain yield and yield components of winter wheat were recorded during 2-year field trials in Southern Bavaria, Germany. The impact of single ear sink size on the efficiency of grain production was studied in plants differing in single ear weight. While total grain yield showed only slight differences between N fertiliser treatments, significant variations were detected in harvest index and N harvest index. For single culms, a decrease in ear weight was related to decreasing values of harvest index and N harvest index. This correlation could not be altered by means of N fertilisation. The most efficient grain production, i.e. high value of harvest index and N harvest index, was regularly recorded in plant stands developing large single ear weights. The study confirms that with increasing sink size, the efficiency of grain production in winter wheat is improved. A N fertilisation strategy, favouring the formation of a large sink size, is described. In this respect, lower N rates in early spring and emphasis on N fertilisation during stem elongation proved to be decisive. This strategy favoured the generative growth at the expense of vegetative growth without excessively decreasing the corresponding source size.  相似文献   

BAS1(phy B activation-tagged suppressor1)是调控油菜素内酯活性的关键基因。本研究利用由和尚麦和豫麦8679杂交后代构建的RIL群体(包括129个家系),研究了BAS1和小麦千粒重、籽粒密度两个产量性状的关系。结果表明BAS1基因位点等位变异对千粒重和籽粒密度具有显著的影响,B型等位基因的家系其千粒重和籽粒密度均值均显著高于A型等位基因的家系。相关分析表明,BAS1位点等位变异分别与千粒重和籽粒密度呈显著(0.178*)和极显著(0.327***)正相关。研究结果揭示了BAS1基因位点等位变异与小麦粒重、籽粒密度间的密切联系,这对解释小麦产量形成机制及其指导高产育种具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

对中综3号玉米群体格子混合选择效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用格子混合选择法完成了对中综3号玉米群体6轮的产量性状的选择,兼顾抗性、株型、早熟性等性状。经1995~1996年在北京、安徽、河南2年3点联合试验,结果表明,6轮群体子粒产量每hm^2增加了1155kg(24.05%),平均每轮每hm^2增加192.45km(4.01%),与线性回归响应(b=187.8kg)相吻合。子粒产量增加的主要原因是单株穗部性状发生了变化。穗长每轮增加1.8cm(12.7%),每行粒数增加4.1粒(10.9%),千粒重增加27.2g(12.5%),差异均达极显著水平。同时,株高、穗位也有所提高。经6轮选择后,株高增加29.2cm。抗倒性、抗青枯等显著提高,倒伏率从C0的22.7%减少到C6的12.1%,青枯病株率从C0的18.1%减少到C6的9.6%。  相似文献   

The effects of soil tillage and straw management systems on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) were evaluated in a cool Atlantic climate, in central Ireland between 2009 and 2011. Two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) each with and without incorporation of the straw of the preceding crop, were compared at five levels of fertiliser N (0, 140, 180, 220 and 260 kg N ha−1).CT had a significantly higher mean grain yield over the three years but the effect of tillage varied between years. Yields did not differ in 2009 (Year 1), while CT produced significantly higher grain yields in 2010 (Year 2), while RT produced the highest yields in 2011 (Year 3). Straw incorporation had no significant effect in any year.Nitrogen application significantly increased the grain yields of all establishment treatment combinations. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) ranged from 14.6 to 62.4 kg grain (85% DM) kg N ha−1 and decreased as N fertiliser rate was increased.The CT system had a significantly higher mean NUE over the three years but the effect of tillage varied with years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, CT had a significantly higher NUE than RT in year 2. Straw management system had minimal effect on NUE in any year.The effect of tillage and N rate on soil mineral N content also varied between years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, RT had significantly larger soil N contents than CT in the spring before N application, and post-harvest in year 2. N application rates had no effect on soil N in year 1, increased residual N content in year 2 and had an inconsistent effect in year 3. Straw management had no significant effect on soil mineral N content.These results indicate that RT establishment systems can be used to produce similar winter wheat yields to CT systems in a cool Atlantic climate, providing weather conditions at establishment are favourable. The response to nitrogen is similar with both tillage systems where the crop is successfully established. Straw management system has very little effect on crop performance or nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

冀东地区冬小麦春季不同灌水处理的效应研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在冀东地区对冬小麦春季不同灌水处理效应进行了研究。结果表明:多水处理的叶面积指数一直高于少水处理,且叶面积指数下降平缓。子粒最大灌浆速率出现的时间随灌水次数的增加而推迟。每公顷穗数、穗粒数、千粒重随灌水次数的增加而增加。四水、三水、二水处理的产量极显著高于一水和旱处理的产量,但四水、三水、二水处理产量之间没有显著差异。灌溉水利用效率随灌水次数的增加而下降。从高产、节水出发,冀东地区小麦春季灌水方案为在越冬水的基础上,春季灌拔节期、孕穗期两次水。  相似文献   

栽培措施对面包小麦产量及烘烤品质的调控效应   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
通过肥水及化控试验对优质面包小麦的产量和加工品质影响的研究, 结果表明: 肥水措施对产量和品质均有重要影响, 具体表现为在相同施氮量和相同浇水的条件下, 施氮时期后移和重施拔节肥使产量明显增加, 蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值和面包体积有所增加, 面团稳定时间有所延长. 随浇水次数增加产量有所提高, 而籽粒蛋白质含  相似文献   

Latest published information is limited on agronomic responses of winter wheat to irrigation quantity and the necessity of irrigation at the anthesis stage. This study was conducted to (1) evaluate winter wheat yield, water use, assimilate redistribution and economic benefit with respect to water input and (2) quantify relationship between water input and yield to develop a standard for withholding irrigation at anthesis. A 4-year long field experiment was conducted to evaluate winter wheat water use, yield formation pathway and farmers' income under three irrigation regimes: rainfed, irrigation at sowing and jointing (SJ-W) and irrigation at sowing, jointing and anthesis (SJA-W). The yield formation pathway was correlated with the water-induced variation in assimilate redistribution and accumulation. Throughout the experimental period, wheat yield was 19–38% lower in rainfed than that under other irrigation treatments. Moreover, SJ-W treatment substantially increased biomass accumulation at anthesis, accelerated assimilate redistribution in vegetative organs and eventually resulted in a similar wheat yield to that of SJA-W. Simultaneously, the SJ-W treatment had lower irrigation water, reduced additional irrigation cost, suppressed yield loss and obtained a similar farmer's net income to the SJA-W treatment. Water-induced variations in yield were determined by irrigation, rainfall and soil water storage. SJ-W plots receiving 204–331 mm water input (rainfall + irrigation) before anthesis and holding 549–587 mm soil water during anthesis stage achieved higher irrigation water use efficiency and yield relative to the rainfed and SJA-W plots. In contrast, water input under rainfed plots exceeded 200 mm before anthesis, limiting yield substantially even when seasonal soil water consumption exceeded 160 mm. Developing a standard for withholding irrigation at the anthesis stage should incorporate 204–331 mm of water input (rainfall + irrigation) before anthesis and 549–587 mm soil water storage at anthesis, which could achieve a high wheat yield and save water resources.  相似文献   

为探讨小麦新品种周麦27号的高产优质配套栽培技术,采用4因子2次正交旋转组合设计,研究了播期、播量、追施氮肥期和喷施多效唑对周麦27号主要农艺性状和品质特性的影响.结果表明,周麦27号属矮秆大穗品种,产量主要受播期影响,回归方程为Y=10347.3-516.3X1,预测产量最大值可达到11 215.5kg/hm2,并且产量三要素较协调,适合高产要求.子粒蛋白质含量等多数与蛋白质数量相关的指标均与播期呈显著负向线性关系,面筋指数等与蛋白质质量相关的指标受栽培措施影响较大.建议周麦27号在高肥水地决于10月13号左右播种,基本苗在234万/hm2左右,于3月中上旬追施尿素225kg/hm2,喷施多效唑1 195.5g/hm2,若预测播期温度较高,播种期可适当推迟,增加播量.  相似文献   

不同组合杂种小麦群体光合优势特点的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确群体水平上化杀型杂种小麦的光合优势表现特征及其生理机制,以2个化杀型小麦杂种F1及其亲本为材料,推广品种冀麦38号为对照进行了研究。结果表明:供试杂种小麦1F1和2F1的群体干物质生产能力都表现平均优势和超标优势。1F1起因于其LAI和光合势优势较大,2F1则是由于净同化率优势较大。1F1和2F1的子粒产量都高于亲本和对照,与亲本相比,1F1和2F1的产量优势是由产量构成三因素综合提高所致,与ck相比,1F1和2F1的产量优势则主要来自千粒重的提高。  相似文献   

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