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The Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea) is an introduced fish parasite in the southwestern United States and is often considered a serious threat to native desert fishes. Determining the geographic distribution of nonnative fish parasites is important for recovery efforts of native fishes. We examined 1,140 individuals belonging to nine fish species from southwestern U.S. streams and springs between January 2005 and April 2007. The Asian fish tapeworm was present in the Gila River, Salt River, Verde River, San Pedro River, Aravaipa Creek, and Fossil Creek, Arizona, and in Lake Tuendae at Zzyzx Springs and Afton Canyon of the Mojave River, California. Overall prevalence of the Asian fish tapeworm in Arizona fish populations was 19% (range = 0-100%) and varied by location, time, and fish species. In California, the prevalence, abundance, and intensity of the Asian fish tapeworm in Mohave tui chub Gila bicolor mohavensis were higher during warmer months than during cooler months. Three new definitive host species--Yaqui chub G. purpurea, headwater chub G. nigra, and longfin dace agosia chrysogaster--were identified. Widespread occurrence of the Asian fish tapeworm in southwestern U.S. waters suggests that the lack of detection in other systems where nonnative fishes occur is due to a lack of effort as opposed to true absence of the parasite. To limit further spread of diseases to small, isolated systems, we recommend treatment for both endo- and exoparasites when management actions include translocation of fishes.  相似文献   

P.J. Apps 《African Zoology》2013,48(4):393-399
Numbers of feral cats on Dassen Island (33°25'S/18°06'E) increased from 20–25 in May 1979 to 37–50 in June 1980. Kittens were born in eight months of the year with birth peaks in October-November and in January. Mean litter size was 2,7 and 80% of kittens born between August 1979 and January 1980 survived until June 1980. Kittens died from starvation and disease. In June 1980 51–56% of the cats were <1 year old. The number of cats is recovering rapidly from heavy culling. Depredation by cats is a potential threat to sea-bird colonies. The diet and feeding behaviour of the cats were studied in order to assess the importance of this threat. An ‘average’ cat's annual diet, assessed from scats, included: 134 European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), 37 jackass penguins (Spheniscus demersus), 25 Cape cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis), 31 other birds and 24 house mice (Mus musculus). Each cat killed 105 rabbits and 13 birds each year, the balance of its diet being made up by carrion. Adverse effects of the presence of cats, compared to other factors, were not yet so serious as to necessitate artificial control of cat numbers.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):169-178
Lamproglena clariae attaches to gill filaments of Clarias gariepinus, penetrates the gill tissue and consumes blood. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanical damage caused by this parasite on gill filaments of the host. Infestation intensity and haematocrit values of fish blood were determined and correlated. Fish were killed, gills dissected out and observed with a dissection microscope. Gill filaments with adult females in situ were fixed in a solution of alcohol, formaldehyde and acetic acid and preserved in 70% ethanol. Fixed specimens were studied by histological examination following staining with Heidenhein’s azan solution. Gross morphology revealed varying degrees of swelling of gill filaments near the attached specimens of L. clariae. Epithelial hyperplasia, resulting in fusion of gill lamellae and necrosis of the host tissue in the vicinity of the parasite were revealed through histological examination. No correlation was evident between the infestation intensity and fish haematocrit values. Although results showed that L. clariae causes localized infestation, high intensity of infestation may be detrimental to the fish. Hyperplasia of epithelial tissue resulting in fusion of lamellae would result in restriction of air passages and thus hinder the process of respiration of the host.  相似文献   

The biota of the Tongati and Mdloti estuaries were studied in relation to the environment and human interference. Results are compared with those obtained from a relatively undamaged estuary. The Tongati receives treated sewage effluent, is rarely closed from the sea, has low salinities and low oxygen tensions, but is rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. Energy values of benthic floe from Tongati were high and large quantities of water hyacinth (Eichomia crassipes) occurred. The zooplankton and zoobenthos were impoverished and dominated by freshwater species. The roots of Eichomia provided a habitat for many invertebrates, chiefly insect larvae and the crab Varuna iitterata. The fish fauna was poor and most species were confined to the lagoon near the mouth. Iliophagous species, mainly Mugilidae, were dominant. The Mdloti, frequently closed from the sea but often artificially opened, exhibited typical estuarine salinity patterns, was well oxygenated but relatively poor in phosphorus and nitrogen. Primary production and energy values of benthic floe were low. Zooplankton and zoobenthos were impoverished. The fish fauna, similar to that of Tongati, was dominated by Mugilidae.

The food chain from benthic floe to iliophagous fish remains viable in these degraded estuaries.  相似文献   

Catfish, Clarias gariepinus, from the Rietvlei Dam near Pretoria, South Africa were examined for nematode parasites. Two species, Procamallanus laeviconchus in the stomach and Contracaecum spp. larvae in the abdominal cavity, were found. The morphology of these species, based on light and scanning electron microscopy, and how they compare with previously described specimens are discussed. Infection rates were mild compared to previous surveys although Contracaecum spp. had a high prevalence of 86%.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the southern mullet from Algoa Bay was studied between June 1978 and October 1980. Gonadosomatic indices and macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the gonads were used to establish the breeding cycle. The period of greatest sexual development extends from September to March and spawning occurred throughout that period. Spawning probably occurs close in shore. Liza richardsoni exhibited the phenomenon of group synchronism, two distinct oocyte groups being present within a pre-spawning ovary. The proportion of yolkless oocytes exceeded that of vitellogenic oocytes in ripe fish. However, it was not apparent whether all the vitellogenic oocytes would reach maturity. This highlights the need for quantitative histological studies to accompany fecundity estimates. Histological investigations were useful in the clarification of breeding cycle determinations based on gonadosomatic indices and visual macroscopic assessments.  相似文献   

The intertidal distribution and abundance of sand and mud-flat meiofauna at the mouth and the middle reaches of Mngazana estuary were monitored over a period of 15 months from April 1977 to July 1978 and the data compared with those from other South African estuaries. The meiofauna exhibited an early winter maximum with numbers ranging ranging from 2,74 x 106 to 7,27 x 106m-2 in sand and from 2,59 x 105 to 4,15 x 105m-2 in mud, both to a depth of 20 cm. The fluctuations correlated with variations in Eh and temperature. Annual production in the upper 20 cm is estimated at 8,0 gCm-2h-1 and 0,6 gCm-2y-1 in sand and mud respectively.  相似文献   

The diet of 745 Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) of less than 0,5 up to 2000 g wet mass, in Hartbeespoort Dam, was determined from stomach content analysis. Samples of fish were selected to cover a whole annual cycle. Small fish fed initially on zoobenthos and zooplankton, but fish with a mass of over 4 g fed increasingly on Microcystis aeruginosa Kutzing and detritus until these food items formed the dominant food source in O. mossambicus over 8 g. Some cannibalism was encountered in fish up to 64 g in the summer months. The ratio of intestinal length to total length of fish ranged from 0,58 in the smaller fish to 11,02 in larger fish and this indicated that there was an ontogenetic adaptation from a carnivorous to a phytoplanktivorous/detritivorous diet. Feeding in juvenile fish studied over 24 h was found to be most intense in the early morning and late afternoon but remained high throughout daylight hours decreasing considerably at night. The daily ingestion rate of food in O. mossambicus in Hartbeespoort Dam was estimated at 453 mg/g of fish. This comprised 45% M. aeruginosa and 55% detritus. It was apparent that of this matter ingested only a small percentage would be assimilated. Oreochromis mossambicus shows feeding and breeding preadaptations which enable it to successfully exploit a lacustrine environment. These adaptations enable it to maintain a large population in Hartbeespoort Dam despite frequent winter mortalities caused by water temperatures below their tolerance limits.  相似文献   

Burchell's redfin, Barbus burchelli is endemic to the Breede River and adjacent smaller river systems in the Cape Province. Negative human influences have led to a drastic decline in numbers of this medium-sized minnow, especially agricultural demand on the water resource and the introduction of exotic predatory fish. The breeding season is extended, from September to February, with a peak in December. The absolute fecundity of a 123 mm FL specimen was 10 678, which includes both mature and recruitment ova. Females grow larger (123 mm FL), and live longer (6 +years), than males (113 mm FL and 4 + years). 8. burchelli grow rapidly in their first year attaining a length of between 40 and 50 mm FL. Pronounced conical tubercles of sexually mature males erupt in spring, begin to show signs of wear in November and by March are worn or sloughed off. The survival of this species is dependent upon proper management of the Breede River system.  相似文献   

Bothriocephalus acheilognathi is an introduced tapeworm in North America often reported as a serious ecological threat to native fishes. In this paper, we report the first record of B. acheilognathi in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande in Texas (known as the Río Bravo del Norte in Mexico). Identification of B. acheilognathi was confirmed by morphologic and genetic techniques (sequences of ITS2 and V4-18S rRNA genes). Its prevalence was 27% and its intensity ranged from 1 to 5 individuals in a January 2006 collection of 115 red shiners Cyprinella lutrensis. In addition, it was found in the Tamaulipas shiner Notropis braytoni, a Rio Grande endemic and a new host record. The occurrence of B. acheilognathi might have negative ecological impacts on endemic fishes in the Rio Grande. Several of the fishes that could serve as definitive hosts are of conservation concern. Its occurrence also might affect the success of reintroducing the Rio Grande silvery minnow Hybognathus amarus, which is federally listed as endangered, in this portion of the Rio Grande.  相似文献   


Bothriocephalus acheilognathi is an introduced tapeworm in North America often reported as a serious ecological threat to native fishes. In this paper, we report the first record of B. acheilognathi in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande in Texas (known as the Río Bravo del Norte in Mexico). Identification of B. acheilognathi was confirmed by morphologic and genetic techniques (sequences of ITS2 and V4-18S rRNA genes). Its prevalence was 27% and its intensity ranged from 1 to 5 individuals in a January 2006 collection of 115 red shiners Cyprinella lutrensis. In addition, it was found in the Tamaulipas shiner Notropis braytoni, a Rio Grande endemic and a new host record. The occurrence of B. acheilognathi might have negative ecological impacts on endemic fishes in the Rio Grande. Several of the fishes that could serve as definitive hosts are of conservation concern. Its occurrence also might affect the success of reintroducing the Rio Grande silvery minnow Hybognathus amarus, which is federally listed as endangered, in this portion of the Rio Grande.  相似文献   

Sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, from the Rietvlei Dam near Pretoria, South Africa were examined for internal platyhelminth parasites. Two adult cestodes, Polyonchobothrium clarias (stomach) (prevalence 71%, mean intensity = 5, n = 7) and Proteocephalus glanduliger (anterior intestine) (prevalence 14%, mean intensity = 2, n = 7), were found in the gut while metacercariae of one larval digenean, Ornithodiplostomum sp. (prevalence 14%, mean intensity = 140, n = 7), were found encysted in the muscles. The morphology of these species, based on light and scanning electron microscopy as well as histological analysis, and how they differ from previously described specimens, are discussed. Ornithodiplostomum is a new record in southern Africa. Infection levels of the host fish were mild compared to records from previous surveys.  相似文献   

Lamproglena hoi n.sp. species was collected from the gill filaments of largescale yellowfish, Barbus marequensis A. Smith, 1841 and smallscale yellowfish, Barbus polylepis Boulenger, 1907 from the Spekboom River, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The genus Lamproglena is characterized. Morphological features of L. hoi are described and illustrated by means of drawings and scanning electron micrographs. This species is also compared with congener species described from other Barbus spp.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of knowledge on the effects of annual burning of fire-breaks on species composition, plant diversity and soil properties. Whittaker's plant diversity technique was used to gather data on species composition and diversity in four grassland communities on the Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (LDNR). The study demonstrated that fire-beaks did not have a negative effect on plant diversity and an increase was even noted in various diversity parameters in the grassland on abandoned cropland. Fire-breaks were changing the species composition, as three of the four communities illustrated a clear separation in species composition between fire-break and unburnt plots. There was not a strong association between specific species and the fire-break or unburnt plots, except for Themeda triandra and Tristachya leucothrix, known for their association with and without fire, respectively. The change in species composition was not negatively affecting range condition. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations were slightly lower in the fire-break than unburnt soils, but the reduced concentrations were unlikely to cause severe soil degradation in fire-break zones. From a management perspective, fire-breaks appear to be a sustainable management tool as they are not adversely affecting plant diversity or range condition in the grassland association on LDNR.  相似文献   

The Leliefontein communal area in Namaqualand is grazed by mixed species herds that have multiple benefits for pastoralists. This study assessed how the management (herding and free-ranging) of different livestock herds affects their feeding ecology during the wet and dry seasons in a semi-arid shrubland. By using direct observations of livestock grazing in the field, we established their habitat preferences, diet selection and resources overlap. Results indicate that all free-ranging livestock can be considered grazers with cattle being selective. When sheep are herded, they tend to be more generalist feeders and herded goats are browsers. Livestock diet selection and forage preferences are largely linked to the habitats in which they graze and browse. Dietary overlap is highest between free-ranging livestock irrespective of season, whereas herded livestock are able to consume a food source with little potential competition from other livestock. Although the wet-season annual forage resources are able to sustain the livestock population in Leliefontein, this study concludes that the overdependence on annual vegetation would make livestock vulnerable during drought periods when forage production is low.  相似文献   

Between July 2005 and November 2006 the gastro-intestinal helminths of 15 Helmeted guineafowls and a single Crested guineafowl from Musina, Limpopo Province were examined, and in July and August 2005 helminths were collected from five Helmeted guineafowls from Mokopane in the same province. The acanthocephalan Mediorhynchus gallinarum, the cestodes Abuladzugnia gutterae, Davainea nana, Hymenolepis cantaniana, Numidella numida, Octopetalum numida, Ortleppolepis multiuncinata, Porogynia paronai, Raillietina angusta, Raillietina pintneri, Raillietina steinhardti and Raillietina sp. and the nematodes Ascaridia numidae, Cyrnea parroti, Gongylonema congolense, Hadjelia truncata, Sicarius caudatus, Subulura dentigera, Subulura suctoria, Subulura sp., Tetrameres numida and an unidentified subulurid were recovered. A single trematode species, Dicrocoelium macrostomum, was present in the liver. Mediorhynchus gallinarum, A. gutterae, O. multiuncinata, H. truncata and S. caudatus are recorded for the first time from Helmeted guineafowls, as well as from South Africa. South Africa is a new geographic record for D. macrostomum, G. congolense and D. nana. Subulura suctoria, G. congolense and H. truncata from the Crested guineafowl constitute new host-parasite associations.  相似文献   

The Mtentu River has a straight open tidal estuary flowing between steep grassy or indigenous forest-covered slopes. Total high-water surface area is about 0,3 km.a The zooplankton was studied by periodic sampling over a period of thirteen months. Some physical characteristics of the estuary are presented. The seasonal and spacial distribution and relative importance of four species of mysid, is discussed. The most common mysid in the estuary was Mesopodopsis africana, although Rhopalophthalmus terrcmatalis, in view of its larger size, contributed more to the overall mass of mysids in the samples.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):247-253
The hypothesis that a single dominant male (GAA) monopolized all matings within the elephant population of South Africa’s Addo Elephant National Park between 1982 and 1996 was tested using microsatellite analysis. In addition, behavioural data on male musth periods, female oestrous periods, and observations of matings were collected between 1996 and 1999, and used to determine whether there is any behavioural evidence of current mating monopoly by GAA. Exclusion analysis and a likelihood-based approach were employed to assess paternity using genetic data, although low genetic diversity in the Addo elephant population limited the power of these techniques. However, GAA could be excluded as father of a minimum of 34 % of calves, and was the most likely father of a maximum of only 28 % of calves. Behavioural data support the genetic data, since there is no indication that GAA monopolizes mating opportunities. Therefore, the hypothesis that a single dominant male has monopolized all matings within the Addo elephant population since 1982 can be rejected.  相似文献   

Donax serra ROding (Pelecypoda) isalargesand mussel which forms vast populations on some East Cape shores. It is most abundant on exposed beaches where the sand is not too coarse and phytoplankton production is high. Adultsoccupy 1 zonejust above the mean level of spring tide. Spat settle subtidally and move upshore as they grow. Growth is initially rapid, to about 32 mmatoneyearand48 mmattwoyears. Thereafter growth is very slow and most adult productions goesinto reproduction, with a small summerspawning and a large winterspawning each year. Somatic production is low, as large adults totally dominate the population and have low growth and low mortality. Reproductive production is relatively high and P/B values of 0,2 and 0,5 are suggested for growth and reproduction. D. serra was found to be very tolerant of fluctuating salinitiesforupto four days and should be able to penetrate river mouths, but is limited by restricted swash action. Total dry-tissue mass, energy and biochemical constituents showed some seasonal fluctuations related mainly to the reproductive cycle. Carbohydrate appears to be a moreimportant energy reserve than lipids.  相似文献   

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