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Swayback (enzootic ataxia), a disease not previously described in Canada, occurred in newborn lambs in Alberta in 1972. Of 100 lambs born in one flock, over 60 succumbed in the enzootic. The diagnosis was based on the presence of a) gross cavitations and gelatinous lesions of the cerebral white matter in 16 of 24 (66.67%) lambs examined, b) central chromatolysis and hyalinization of neurons of the red and vestibular nuclei and reticular formation and of the lateral and ventral horns of the spinal cord, c) myelin deficiencies of the dorsolateral and sulcomarginal funiculi of the spinal cord and d) low hepatic and serum copper levels in affected lambs and low serum copper levels in the ewes. The feeding of sugar beet-(beta saccharifera) top silage to the ewes during pregnancy, lambing and lactation, and its relationship to the enzootic is discussed.  相似文献   

采用3种多产疫苗对适龄母羊进行免疫多胎试验。试验分为4组:M苗(米非司酮多产疫苗)、P苗(黄体酮多产疫苗)、F苗(氟孕酮多产疫苗)和对照组(不注射任何疫苗与注射其它单位双羔苗)。结果表明,M苗、P苗、F苗、不注射疫苗自然对照组和注射其它双羔苗对照组的母羊双羔率分别为6%、20%、26.6%、5%和2.5%,F苗和P苗的双羔率显著高于自然对照组和其它组双羔率(P<0.01)。分析了影响多产疫苗处理效果的因素以及开发应用中存在的问题。  相似文献   

An 18-month-old alpaca developed nervous signs, including swaying of the head and neck, a wide-based stance and hind-limb ataxia. No certain diagnosis was made but the animal recovered after successive treatment with amoxycillin, vitamin B1, ivermectin and copper oxide, followed by vitamin E and selenium. The differential diagnosis rationale of treatment is described.  相似文献   


GM plants are widely grown all over the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage their use in Europe. Potential risks suggested to be associated with the use of GM are unexpected gene effects, allergenic potential, antibiotic resistance, gene flow. GM feed safety is presently evaluated by adopting the concept of GM substantial equivalence, by comparison with non-GM isogenic crops. Comparison is based on a wide spectrum of chemical components and on livestock performance. From the available experimental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe and show no effects on animals or animal products. Hence, although they potentially exist, safety risks caused by the use of GM plants appear to be so low as be negligible in comparison with their potential benefits, if appropriately designed. GM plants represent a valuable option for future breeding, to increase yield while reducing the use of pesticides, improve plant adaptation to unfavourable environments, and produce better quality crops, also from a nutritional point of view. Nonetheless, GM crops are novel foods and the assessment of their safety using a scientific sound approach seems essential to protect the environment, as well as the health of humans and livestock.


GM plants are widely grown all over the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage their use in Europe. Potential risks suggested to be associated with the use of GM are unexpected gene effects, allergenic potential, antibiotic resistance, gene flow. GM feed safety is presently evaluated by adopting the concept of GM substantial equivalence, by comparison with non-GM isogenic crops. Comparison is based on a wide spectrum of chemical components and on livestock performance. From the available experimental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe and show no effects on animals or animal products. Hence, although they potentially exist, safety risks caused by the use of GM plants appear to be so low as be negligible in comparison with their potential benefits, if appropriately designed. GM plants represent a valuable option for future breeding, to increase yield while reducing the use of pesticides, improve plant adaptation to unfavourable environments, and produce better quality crops, also from a nutritional point of view. Nonetheless, GM crops are novel foods and the assessment of their safety using a scientific sound approach seems essential to protect the environment, as well as the health of humans and livestock.  相似文献   

This case report describes a rare occurrence of asymmetrical conjoined twinning in lambs in Makurdi (Benue state), Middle Belt region of Nigeria. The conjoined twins were delivered normally by a multiparous ewe of about three and a half years old; the female twins had two complete set of limbs. Barium meal and X‐ray revealed abnormalities of the skeletal, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. This condition is rare in sheep and is to the best of our knowledge the first report of omphalo‐ishiopagus (dicephalic dithoracic tetrabrachius) twinned lambs. The condition always leads to death of the twin lambs due to various physical abnormalities.  相似文献   

为探讨甲酸和蔗糖添加剂对苏丹草青贮的影响,以结实期苏丹草为原料,分别设对照、添加甲酸(6ml/kg)、添加蔗糖(2%)处理,袋装密封青贮60 d后分析.结果表明,添加蔗糖或甲酸都能显著改善苏丹草青贮饲料的发酵品质,添加甲酸可以显著降低青贮饲料的pH,极显著降低氨态氮含量,极显著提高乳酸含量.添加蔗糖可以显著提高乳酸含量,极显著提高乙酸含量,显著降低氨态氮含量.添加甲酸处理可溶性碳水化合(WSC)和硝酸盐含量分别显著高于对照和蔗糖处理.与原料相比,青贮之后硝酸盐含量显著下降,而亚硝酸盐含量增加.  相似文献   

为探讨甲酸对麻叶荨麻(Urtica cannabina)发酵品质和青贮保存效果的影响,设置2,4,6mL.kg-1 FM共3个甲酸添加剂处理(分别为低、中、高水平),以不添加甲酸处理为对照,室温袋贮60 d后开封取样,测定其pH值、化学成分、体外消化率和乳酸含量,分析评价其发酵品质及保存效果.结果表明:无甲酸处理或添加2~4mL·kg-1甲酸青贮麻叶荨麻,其青贮品质和保存效果很差;添加高剂量(6 mL·kg-1)甲酸虽然同样未能生产出品质优良的青贮饲料,但显著降低了pH值、乳酸含量和氨态氮(P<0.05),有降低纤维组分的趋势(P=0.132; P=0.087),显著增加了干物质、可溶性糖含量和中性洗涤纤维体外消化率(P<0.05),有利于改善发酵品质和提高植物细胞壁利用效率.试验结果将为荨麻属植物及与之类似的高水分、高蛋白质牧草青贮技术提供基础数据.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the chemical composition of the cocoa byproducts CPH (cocoa pod husk), CS (cocoa shell) and CD (cocoa dust), and to establish a rational use of CS and CD in the diets of growing goats. CD had a high crude protein (CP) content of 15.9%, while CS and CPH had 13.8% and 6.7%, respectively. The byproducts were high in crude fibre (CF) content. Among the byproducts, CD had the highest ether extract value (22.0%). Fifteen growing goats, 18–20 months of age, with pre-experimental body weights of 20.9±0.33 kg, were randomly allotted to three diets in growth studies. In diet 1, dried brewers' grains (DBG) served as the control, while the other two diets had CS or CD plus DBG. The dry matter intake (DMI) was 570, 530 and 486 g/head per day for the control, CS+DBG and CD+DBG diets, respectively. The growth rate differed significantly among the goats offered the diets (p<0.05). Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), organic matter (OM) and gross energy (GE) digestibility were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the goats on the control diet than in those on CS+DBG or CD+DBG. The DM, CP and OM in the CS+DBG diet were more digestible (p<0.05) than those in the CD+DBG diet. The inclusion of DBG in the CS and CD diets improved their use by the goats.  相似文献   

Goats can act as dispersal agents by consuming seed pods of woody plants and dispersing the seeds in feces. Concerns that goats might thereby promote encroachment by woody plant species such as Dichrostachys cinerea (sickle bush) have not been addressed. The objective of this study was to determine the recovery rate and germination of D. cinerea seeds that pass through the digestive tract of goats. We hypothesized that 1) D. cinerea seeds will remain intact and viable after passage through the digestive tract of goats and that 2) D. cinerea seeds will be scarified by such passage, resulting in improved germination percentages. The first trial measured the recovery rate of 1 500 D. cinerea seeds that were consumed by indigenous goats, either voluntarily after mixing them with feed pellets (mixed) or by force-feeding (gavaged). Seed recovery for the gavaged treatment (32.7%) was significantly higher than for the mixed treatment (9.9%; P &spilt; 0.001). The second trial determined germination percentages of D. cinerea seeds recovered from the feces of animals in the two treatments of the first trial as well as scarified and control (untreated) seeds. The germination percentage of mechanically scarified seeds (53.0%) was significantly higher than that of seeds that passed through the digestive system in the mixed (35.5%) or gavaged (31.2%) treatments or were untreated (19.0%; P &spilt; 0.001). Seeds that passed through the digestive tract (mixed and gavaged treatments) had a significantly higher germination percentage than untreated seeds (P &spilt; 0.001). A nonnegligible proportion of D. cinerea seeds remained intact after ingestive chewing and passage through the digestive system, and their germination percentage was even elevated. This suggests that goats have a potential to facilitate woody plant encroachment through dispersal of viable and scarified seeds.  相似文献   

将啤酒糟和麸皮按不同比例袋装混贮,30天开袋,取样进行感官评定,氨态氮占总氮比(NH3-N/tN%)、pH值、干物质(DM)、粗蛋白(CP)、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维(NDF和ADF)及有机酸含量分析.结果表明:水分含量对发酵效果有显著影响,以含水量50%、60%的啤酒糟和麸皮混贮效果最好,其次是40%,70%最差.  相似文献   

采用乳酸菌添加剂‘畜产一号'、‘青宝二号'和扁穗牛鞭草绿汁发酵液以不同浓度( 1ml/kg、2ml/kg、5ml/kg、10ml/kg)对扁穗牛鞭草进行处理,通过感官评定和化学分析研究其对发酵品质的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,添加剂处理组的感官评分均较高;中低浓度(1ml/kg~5ml/kg)下随着各添加剂浓度的增加,青贮料的pH值和酸性洗涤纤维含量降低、粗蛋白质含量增加.其中,‘畜产一号'对降低青贮饲料pH值有明显作用,且在添加量为2ml/kg和5ml/kg时,pH值达到理想值4.2以下;扁穗牛鞭草绿汁发酵液在改善青贮料发酵品质和营养价值方面优于‘畜产一号'和‘青宝二号’,且在中等浓度(5ml/kg)下表现最佳,此时青贮饲料pH值最低,粗蛋白质含量最高.  相似文献   

将啤酒糟和麦芽根按不同比例袋装混贮,分别在30、60、90、120 d开袋取样进行感官评定,pH值、氨态氮、干物质、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维及有机酸含量分析。结果表明:混贮时间和水分含量均对混贮效果有显著影响;混贮饲料在混贮前60 d各指标变化范围较大,60 d后变化范围较小,并逐渐趋于稳定状态;混贮饲料以含水量50%的袋装混贮效果最好,其次是60%、40%,70%最差。  相似文献   

奶牛全混合日粮添加过瘤胃脂肪饲养效果对比试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为了研究日粮中添加过瘤胃脂肪能够有效降低奶牛产后负平衡效果.[方法]本试验选用围产期(产前3~4周)健康的奶牛48头,按照年龄、体重、胎次、体况评分、预产期相同或相近的原则,参考上胎产奶量或母亲产奶量等指标随机分为试验组和对照组,在试验组日粮中添加过瘤胃脂肪300 g/头·日,试验期145 d.[结果]表明:试验组日产奶量提高1.96 kg,产后初次配种间隔缩短8.86 d,差异极显著(P<0.01);对奶牛体况的改善也有一定的作用,特别是对头胎牛的体况改善明显.[结论]在奶牛全混合日粮中添加过瘤胃脂肪可提高奶牛产奶量、繁殖性能,改善体况.  相似文献   

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